Noticed something new today. I login to chat just fine, click the text box so I can type a message. As soon as I press a key though, both users and text box end up minimized. This is just as simple as me typing r (for rawr) or h (for hey). I'm not holding a shift key, ctrl, or any of those. just the one letter I'm starting with (to make sure, I went with the old hunting and pecking method of typing). I open the text box back up and try to type again, it closes again (as does users if I open that back up too). I also noticed that the text I tried to type does not show up in the text box upon opening it again and that hitting the enter key minimize the two boxes as well. I tried this with Firefox, Google Chrome, and Internet Explorer. Not sure exactly what is up with it. Anyone else having this issue?
Edit: Fixed my own problem. Evidently there was a no flash update I had missed. Could have sworn I had it up to date, but apparently not.