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Emma Watson vs Miley Cyrus, Bikini Stinkface Match STORY!!!!

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Hello everyone, sorry for the delay, yet here's the story to follow a post I set up a month ago. It is a match between Miley and Emma in their bikinis" ;D This my first story, I hope you like it.

Pictures of what they are wearing
« Last Edit: June 25, 2011, 06:14:50 PM by Halomercenary91 »


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Re: Emma Watson vs Miley Cyrus, Bikini Stickface Match STORY!!!!
« Reply #1 on: May 30, 2011, 09:04:37 AM »
Here's the story:

         Emma looked at herself in mirror. She had to admit to herself, she looked stunning in her black bikini, small wonder many men near her age would find her attractive. She turned around, and examined her ass, her butt was curved and well shaped, a great asset to her image. And it will be put to great use tonight she thought to herself. She turned around and continued to adjust her bikini, thinking about the match that will be occurring tonight. It all started with a photo shoot she did with her opponent, Miley Cyrus. The photographer ask them to do an ass shot, which they did, and ever since a debate on the internet over who’s was better. Nothing would have come of it, had it not been Miley’s “bragging” as Emma would call it. Emma’s blood still boiled when she thought about the past weeks. Miley bragged how her ass was so much better, how her breasts were bigger, and how she was sexier in every way. Naturally Emma fought back and eventually so much bad blood grew between them that they eventually agreed to a wrestling match. But this was no ordinary match. A great deal of the arguments had centered around who’s butt was better, so they had both demanded a special match, a bikini stickface match, to finally determine once and for all, who had the best ass of all. Emma turned and looked at her ass again. There was no way that her ass was lesser to Miley’s, and she knew that nothing would stop her from making sure that Miley tasted it before the night was over. Satisfied, she did some last minute adjustments to her bikini, and put on her white robe and started walking to the ring.

            Miley Cyrus was brushing her hair, after all, she needed to look her best tonight. That would not difficult of course, in her black and pink bikini, and she would have no trouble outshining Emma Watson. She already thought about the events leading up, all they did was let her continue savoring the thought of wiping the smug clean off her Emma Watson’s, with her ass of course. She put down her brush, and examined her ass through the mirror. Curved and excellently shaped, no doubt superior to Emma’s she thought to herself. Satisfied, grabbed her pink robe and started walking to the ring.

           Emma walked into the stadium and was greeted with momentous cheers from her fans that were gathered there, all the while “Snorus Love” played. She also heard a few boos from fans of Cyrus, but that didn’t matter. Invigorated by the sound, she decided to go against protocol and disrobe before getting into the ring. Naturally, her fans cheered even louder at this, flattering her with their wolfs sounds. She walked towards the ring, waving as she went and she started to climb into the ring. Wanting to prove a point, she decided to bend through the ropes slowly, showing her ass to crowd. She did this several times, exciting her fans even more. She walked around the ring and blew kisses to the crowd and stood there, waiting for Cyrus .

              The music changed to “Party in the USA” and that was soon followed by Miley Cyrus walking out of the entrance. Unlike Emma, she did not disrobe immediately, but instead walked towards the ring, waving as she went. When she slipped into the ring, she slowly undid her robe in a sultry fashion which was greeted, to Emma’s dissatisfaction, the same amount of wolf sounds from the crowd. Miley started to dance to the tune of the song, moving her hips greatly as the crowd continued to cheer. Emma stood there, watching her impatiently and finally Miley noticed her and turned to her. The referee made a motion for the two girls to come closer and the girls walked up just inches of each other.

   “Im surprised you showed up Miley” sneered Emma. “thought you would chicken out.” Miley simply laughed at this and replied.

   “Well, I’m surprised with that body of yours that you were willing to come out in a bikini at all. It’s unfortunate that you are completely outclassed by me. I guess I’m just too hot for my own good”

   “Ha Ha Miley, that was such a funny joke, we all know that my body is way better than yours, my ass especially.”

   “Oh Emma, I guess the only way for you to accept my superiority to you is to give you an up close and personal look. I hope you’re ready to taste my ass.”

   “Well Miley, I was going to ask you the same question. I’ll make sure you’ll be tasting me for weeks.”

   “Ha Ha, we’ll see.” They moved to opposite turnbuckles and soon after the bell rang. The two girls circled the ring cautiously for a few seconds when Miley said.

   “Test of Strength?”

   “Of Course,” and with that, the two girls grabbed each other’s hands and tried to force the each other done. Several seconds past without any result, yet slowly, Emma started to gain advantage over Miley, eventually forcing her to her knees. Yet Miley suddenly laid on her back, pulling Emma towards her and with her legs threw Emma against the turnbuckle.

   Emma recoiled in pain, stunned by the sudden move. Miley quickly got back up and grabbed the screaming Emma by the hair and flipped her over onto the mat. Continuing her hold on Emma’s hair, Miley lifted her to her feet and threw her by the hair across the ring. Emma’s face hit the floor face first, and she quickly tried to crawl away to the turnbuckle to gain composure.

   Yet Miley, skipping over to the crawling Emma, sat on her back, grabbing her hair with one hand, and spanking her ass with other, riding the pony as one would call it. Emma screamed in humiliation and tried to break free, yet Miley simply lifted her by the hair and slammed her back onto the ground. Want to address her superiority over Emma, Miley lifted up and laid her on her knee, and continued to spank her, smiling and saying things with every spank like.

   “Yea, yea, you like that bitch, this is what you get.” After a few seconds, Miley dropped on the floor, with Emma clutching her bottom in pain.  Miley stood up and pranced about the ring, adoring the cheering crowd. Finally turning towards Emma, who still moaning face down on the ground, she forced Emma to lay on her back and stood over her. Waving her arms up and down, she grabber panties and forced a wedgie. She landed on her knees, sat on Emma stomach, relishing on the moment and was about to place her ass on Emma’s face, when Emma suddenly lifted her legs and grabbed Miley’s head and flipped her off her.

   Miley landed hard on her back, dazed, she thought she had the match in the bag. Emma got up, thankful for the reversal and slammed her elbow on the laying Miley’s stomach. Miley recoiled in pain, as Emma’s fans cheered for the sudden change. Emma grabbed Miley by the hair and lifted her to her feet. With her superior strength, she grabbed Miley, lifted her up and body slammed her onto the floor. Emma then grabbed her by the arm and lifted her to her feet, pulling her arm and throwing her into one of the turnbuckles. She quickly followed up by running towards Miley and slamming her body against her.

   Miley hanged dumbly on the turnbuckle and Emma placed an arm on her shoulder and lifted a hand up, showing it to the crowd, and then slapped her breasts. Miley recoiled in pain, yet Emma lifted her hand up again and slapped Miley’s breasts again. She lifted her hand up again, and slapped Miley’s breasts again. Emma stepped back and laid her hands on her hips, saying, with a smile on her face.

   “You know, they’re quite small to tell you the truth, they are a rather small target. Unfortunate you have such small symbols of women hoods.” She turned her back to Miley and walked around the ring, lifting her arms out, shaking her breasts, as the crowd cheered in anticipation. Emma then turned to Miley and grabbed her head, saying.

   “Here what true breasts are like,” and with that, she forced Miley’s face against her cleavage, rubbing them back in and forth. Miley gave out a muffled scream and wave her arms futilely, as Emma gave a satisfied smile. Emma finally released her, and threw her against the turnbuckle again. Emma bended down and head butted Miley’s stomach several times until Miley couldn’t take anymore and land on her ass, back laying on the turnbuckle.

   Sensing victory, Emma placed her hands on her panties and forced a wedgie and turned around and started towards Miley. She was about to stickface Miley, when Miley suddenly laid down and rolled out of the ring. Frustrated, Emma quickly got out of the ring, yet Miley ran away while Emma gave chase. After a few laps around the ring, Miley then got back into the ring, and just when Emma was about to enter, Miley kicked Emma in the face.

   Emma staggered back, and Miley got out of the ring again, grabbing Emma by the head, and slammed her head against the ring several times. Satisfied, she threw Emma into the ring, who slowly crawled away. Miley got into the ring, and stood over Emma and started to kick her down and after a few kicks, she sat on Emma’s back, grabbed Emma’s head and applied a Boston Crab on her. Emma groaned in pain as Miley continued to pull her at her, which Miley did with a wicked smile on her face.

   “You know,” Miley said, “some guys have said that you’re prettier than me, well that wont do, so lets change that.” With that, Miley lifted her fingers over Emma’s eyes and dug her nails into Emma’s face as Emma screamed in renew pain. After a few seconds, Miley gave up the hold and slammed Emma’s face against the floor.

    She grabbed Emma by her hair again, lifting her up and walked her up to the turnbuckle and slammed her against it. She then force Emma’s face against the top rope and dragged her across the rope into the next turnbuckle. She changed direction and walked back to the original turnbuckle, burning Emma’s face on the top rope. She laid Emma against the turnbuckle and slapped her across the face. Like Emma, Miley place her hands on her hips and contemplated what to do, saying.

   “Now that that little problem is taken care, let see about your so called “superior” breasts. Hmm… I know, let’s make them a little smaller.” With that, she suddenly grabbed Emma’s breasts and twisted them, giving Emma a purple nurple. Emma screamed in pain, and tried to pry Miley’s hands off her breasts, as Miley continued to squeeze them, laughing as she did it. Finally, she let go and slapped Emma so hard that she fell down on her ass against the turnbuckle.

   “Let’s finish this,” smiled Miley, and with that she turned her back against Emma, lifted up her panties and moved backed towards Emma’s face. Miley’s ass was just inches away from Emma’s face, when Emma lifted up her hands and grabbed Miley’s ass, stopping them from touching her face. Miley tried push through Emma’s hands, yet she was too strong as Emma pushed Miley away, who stumbled uncertainly.

   Emma quickly got up and running towards Miley, she grabbed her head and performed the Beautiful Bulldog on her, slamming Miley against the floor of the ring. Emma got back up and grabbed Miley’s hair and lifted up to her feet, setting Miley’s head under arm. With a smile, she lifted Miley up way high, and performed a suplex on her. Leaving Miley on the floor, Emma walked towards the turnbuckle and started climbing it and faced Miley. By this point, Miley had staggered back up and stumbled toward Emma, only to be caught by Emma’s Diving Hurricana.

   Not giving Miley time to rest, Emma once again lifted up Miley and threw against the turnbuckle, of which Miley immediately fell down immediately, completely dazed. Emma stood in the middle of the ring with a grin. Holding her hands out and hopping in a circle, she ran towards Miley and gave her a Bronco Buster, slamming her ass against Miley’s chest again and again. Emma eventually stopped and walked to the middle of the ring again. She raised her hands in the air, savoring the cheers of the crowd, and with that, she grabbed her panties and forced another wedgie, turned around and started backing towards Miley.

   Emma gave an incredibly satisfied grin, as Miley’s face was suddenly engulfed by Emma’s ass. Miley gave a muffled moan as Emma shook her ass back and forth, forcing her against the turnbuckle and tasting the ass in full. Finally Emma walked away, Miley slipped off the turnbuckle and laid on the floor the ring with her eyes closed, the wind knocked out of her. Emma gave a victory lap around the ring, enjoying the cheers of her fans and turned toward Miley, who was still on the floor, moaning in pain.

   “I think we finally determined,” said Emma towards Miley, with a giant smirk on her face, “who has the better ass. Not to mention the better face, the better breasts, the better legs and overall the better body. And I’ll make sure you remember that.”

With that, she grabbed Miley’s legs, who tried futilely to grab onto the ropes, and dragged her to the center of the ring. Facing Miley up, Emma turned her back to Miley’s face, sat on her stomach, and applied a massive facesit on Miley, who gave new muffled screams as Emma’s ass engulfed her face. Emma raised her hands in triumphed as she wiggled her ass on Miley’s face, making sure Miley’s nose was stuck up in the crack of her ass.

   “Now, for all those times you spanked me at the start of the match,” said Emma, “time for a little payback.” And she grabbed Miley’s legs, lifted Miley’s ass in front of her, gave Miley a wedgie and started to spank Miley mercilessly. Miley gave renewed cries of pain, and tried in vain to pull her legs down, yet Emma was simply too strong. This torture continued for a few seconds until Emma finally let Miley’s legs go. Emma stood up briefly, turned around, and placed herself facing Miley, Miley’s face surrounded by Emma’s smooth legs.

   “Now lets go over this again, who has the better ass.” Miley, with tears in her eyes, croaked out.

   “You do.”

   “And who has the prettier face?”

   “You do.”

   “And who has the bigger breasts and sexier legs?”

   “You do.”

   “And who has the better acting and career?”

   “You do.”

   “And finally, who has the better and sexier body overall?”

   “You do,” cried Miley, “now can you please let me go? Please, I’m sorry for trying to compare myself to you. Please let me go!”

   “Oh Miley,” slowly said Emma, “your begging is most satisfying, but I’ll have to say no.” With that, she plopped her ass on Miley’s face as Miley cried muffled moans again. Emma flexed her arms for the cameras and crowd and gave a victory pose. After a few flashes, she addressed the cameras.

   “To all you teen stars out there,” said Emma, “if any of you think your ass is better than mine, then by all means challenge me, and I will prove the same thing I proved to Miley tonight. Anyone who wants to challenge me, say it now!”

   “Your ass is nothing compared to mine!” said a voice in the crowd. Emma turned towards it and to her shock; she saw it was her rival, Kristen Stewart. “I challenge you to a bikini stickface match.” Throwing off her shock, Emma gave a smile and replied.

   “All right dear, you can have what you want. Next time, we’ll have our match. After all, I always thought you should enjoy the taste Miley is enjoying now.” As Miley continued to give muffled moans.

   “Funny,” said Kristen, “I thought the same for you. Look forward to taste my ass Emma. Out of all the girls I know, you deserve it the most.”

        And with that, Kristen faded into the crowd, as it suddenly buzzed with this new revelation. Meanwhile, Emma thought about this new prospective match, left for another time and continued to enjoy dominating Miley for the rest of the night.


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Re: Emma Watson vs Miley Cyrus, Bikini Stickface Match STORY!!!!
« Reply #2 on: May 30, 2011, 11:01:39 AM »
Fantastic story! Thanks for taking the time and effort to write this. I look forward to Emma's next match against Kristen and any other stories you may write in the future.


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Re: Emma Watson vs Miley Cyrus, Bikini Stickface Match STORY!!!!
« Reply #3 on: May 30, 2011, 02:49:13 PM »
Great story!!!

Looking forward to reading about Emma face-sitting Kristen to oblivion!