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My wife saga - Chapter 3

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My wife saga - Chapter 3
« on: May 09, 2011, 02:13:06 PM »
Suddenly and without a word, confirming my feeling about the better freshness of my wife, Pat rushed to Julie and raised her right leg hardly slamming the foot in the rival’s side.
‘Oughhhhhh’ screamed a totally surprised Julie staggering and bending her body on the left with the hand on the hit side.
Her reaction was to widen the right arm to send a large slap at Pat’s face, but my wife easily avoided the hit and immediately replayed ,taking advantage of her longer legs and agility, with another kick aimed this time right in the Julie’s belly.
I enjoyed seeing the panic in the her eyes while the air was rushing out from her and she was screaming and coughing at the same time staggering more and doubling over with her both hands on the sore tummy.
Immediately my wife followed her staggering and, with Julie still doubled over, she applied an headlock on the rival walking around to force Julie to stagger in the lock.
Julie sunk her nails in my wife’s arms trying to free herself ‘Ouhhhh’ screamed my wife feeling the scratch and releasing the lock ‘fucking bitchh… you will regret this’.
She held the rival bended pushing with one hand on Julie’s back neck and slammed with all her strength the other elbow right in the rival’s mid back shouting out ‘Yeahhhhhh.. get this whore’.
‘Aghhhhhhhhh’ Julie badly screamed for the pain yanking back her head while she was collapsing on the grass flat on her belly with my wife standing and looking down at her triumphant.
‘Go .. sweetie.. go’ I enthusiastically shouted cheering at her seeing how she was dominating the old witch in the one side battle while the other attendees were still silent, but looking more and more excited what was happening.
She looked at me happily smiling probably still not believing how things were going well and so easy exceeding any expectation.
At that time a sore and frustrated Julie was pushing on her arms and shaking her dazed head trying to recover herself and stand up, but Pat was still on her and let herself felt down sitting with all her weight on Julie’s back forcing again the rival flat, face and belly in the grass.
While Julies was pathetically shaking herself under my wife trying to get free and sliding her arms on the grass, my wife laughing at the rival untied her bra and waving it over her head still laughing screamed out: ‘This is my first trophy.. damned whore.. soon I’ll have all of you’.
Then she surrounded the neck of the rival with her own bra and, pulling on it, forced up Julie’s head that was now exposed to the attendees.
‘Ghhhhh.. ghhhhhhh’ she was groaning with more panic and tears in her eyes, it was clear that she was still not fully realizing what was happening to her got in total surprise by the sudden attacks of my wife.
That made me more and more enthusiast and I cheered again: ‘You are so great .. sweetie.. you are so great.. finish her.. finish the pork’.
My wife looked at me beaming and blew a kiss before to joyfully say; ’My darling I will have soon a bigger gift for you.. May be a little broken,.. ahhh.. ahhhhhh.. but anyway a gift’.
Saying that my wife halted the pulling and threw the bra at my feet, I picked it up and blowing a kiss to Pat I said:’Mhhh.. thank you so much.. my love’.
The released Julie’s head felt again down in the grass and she was more weakly shaking herself under the ass and the weight of my wife.
‘Finish her now.. honey.. finish her’ I happily shouted proud of my wife, slowly standing up she maliciously smirked at me and hissed: ’Let me have some more fun with this dirty whore.. my dear… let me enjoy this moment’.
She bent down to grab the glued pigtail and pulled on it to force the stunned Julie up ‘Get up.. whore.. get up.. I have not yet finished with you.. you will never bother me again.. ugly witch.. fuck you.. what hell have you put on those dirty hair.. butter? It’s disgusting’ she laughed still pulling on the greased pigtail until she had the rival barely standing with her arms raised up weakly flying trying to free her scalp form the grip ‘Aghhh.. aghhhhh.. let go.. pleaseee.. let gooo’ Julie almost cried out.
With Julie standing and staggering in the Pat’s grip it was easy to see the naked chest and how poor was it with those small tits and that view still more convinced me about the fact that I was completely wrong when I was so worried about the fight result: my wife was definitively better than that old bitch.
Hearing the beg of the hated rival my wife happily smiled and by the grip on the tail turned the staggering Julie forcing the rival to face her. Looking the fear and the surprise on Julie’s face my wife started to mock her: ’Ohhh.. poor Julie.. are you fine? Poor.. poor Julie.. I’m so.. so sorry for you.. but do not worry.. you can be sure.. together we are going to have a lot of fun’.
I laughed at that words waving the bra on my head and at that point the excitement of the attendees, and more of the men attending, was clearly higher and higher even if still no one have said one only word or cheer… but I think you have already understood form their presentations (in Chapter 2) that they are persons of few words.. lol.
My wife at that point said: ‘Uhmmm.. yeahh.. let finish this now.. I cannot really wait more to have you fully ready and available for me and my loved Joe as we want.. do you remember bitch? You asked for this.. and you are going to beg for this… ahhh… ahhhhhhhh’.
I could not believe my ears, I never could think before how mean could be my wife, but to be honest I think that was due to the deep hate she had accumulate in the previous years for the rival and finally going to be vented out: normally she is really a sweet and nice woman.
Pat grabbed the Julie’s wrists and forced the rival to step toward and suddenly slammed her raised knee right in Julie’s crotch, ‘Ouchhhh.. that hurts’ I laughed.
‘ AGHHHHHHHH’ Julie opened wide her eyes and badly screamed in bad pain grabbing the hurt crotch with both her hands and immediately falling on her knees in front of my triumphant wife.
In a moment my wife was still on her and tried to grab the Julie’s hair on the head sides to take her in place on the knees, but the greasy hair were so stuck and glued on the skull that was impossible.
‘Your hair are really disgusting.. whore’ she badly hissed grabbing then the ears and shaking by them the Julie’s head side to side before to slam this time the knee right in the Julie’s forehead.
‘OUGHHHHH’ feebly screamed Julie already fully groggy and when Pat release the grab on the ears, Julie, almost passed out, felt on the grass feebly groaning and weakly shaking the head side to side, the eyes half closed and full of tears, the arms and the legs limp and spread-eagled on the grass appearing for what she really was: a poor and old piece of shit fully unworthy to be compared with my wife appearing to me in that moment like a goddess.
All the eyes of the attendees were on Julie and I could see the incredulity and the surprise for what happened and to be honest that was a surprise also for me: for sure Julie was older and so probably not so fresh and agile like my younger wife, but with those toned muscles so better respect the muscles of my wife I was anyway expecting a more balanced fight.
Instead I had seen a real on side massacre with my wife without a single drop of sweat, her hair still in perfect style so as her make-up.
My wife looked down at the destroyed rival and standing over the limp and out cold Juile started to play with the small tits of the rival slapping side to side and squeezing them with one foot and mocking ’How can you call yourself woman.. bitchh.. with those ridiculous tits.. I will have to invent something to make them a little more interesting.. ahh.. ahhhhhh’.
I laughed with my wife:’ You are so right.. sweetie.. and we cannot also call this garbage cow with those tits.. ahh ahhhhhh’.
‘Mmhhhh.. yeahh.. my darling.. you are so right.. let call her… let see..uhmm.. doggie.. yeahh. Doggie is the right name for this thing.. I think she will be a good barking doggie. ahhh.. ahhhhh ’.
Pat stomped a last time her foot in Julie’s chest, ‘ghhhhh.. ghhh..’ only a feeble groan came out from the limp Julie, then my wife stepped to me sitting on my on my lap and gave me a long, so long deep kiss sweetly murmuring:’ mhhhhhhh.. honey.. I have done this also for you.. mhhhhhh’.
‘I know my sweet love.. mhhhhh… I’m so proud of you.. mhhhhh’.
Then I heard Carla saying: ’Well.. Mrs. Pat… what are you doing to do now?’
Still sitting on my lap my wife turned to Carla and said: ’What are you meaning Mrs. Carla? Are you asking what should I do now? That is clear.. ahhh.. ahhhhh.. that old shit is mine now and what I’m going to do to her, with all my respect for you, is not your affair’.
I was also looking at Carla and at other attendees, it was clear their excitement and no one was able to stay calm on the chair overall my impression was that specially the men were really dribbling to see what was going to happen now. Who most was surprising me was the sweet Mary still standing behind Carla and his husband: she was biting her lips and sweating like she had fought with an extreme excited expression her face.
The only attendee that seemed completely ignoring what was happened and going to happen was Joanna and, if you have red the Chapter 2, you cannot really be surprised by that.
Was now the turn of Sharon to talk: ’Ohhh.. Mrs. Pat.. honey.. for what I have understood of this deal the agreement was that the winner should have the loser begging her to be enslaved.. and, honey, excuse me, but I do not have honestly heard Miss Julie begging or crying for that’.
At that point my wife stood up and stepped to the sitting attendees standing in front of Carla and her ugly friend and putting her hands on her wrists hissed: ’Mrs. Sharon, again with all my respect, for what I know you are only a guest here. If this deal is not affair of Mrs. Carla still more is not your affair. Am I clear? And after all, are you asking me to kill that bitch?.
Sharon smirked amused to my wife a little mocking her and getting my wife nervous: ’Ohh.. Mrs. Pat why are you so rude. I did not want to say anything bad, I was only saying what I knew about the deal between you and the poor Miss Julie.. ahh.. ahhhh’.
My wife was badly replying back when she was interrupted by Carla that said; ’Well.. I am not a guest here. I was invited to attend this challenge and also to be sure that all the rules are respected. The fact is that you must have Miss Julie begging to be your slave or what you want and I have not heard her do that.’
For a moment was silence and then a more and more nervous Pat badly and coldly hissed:’ Should I obey to you? Who are you for me? NOTHING! I won and the bitch is mine.. that is all’.
Carla was standing up to reply when she was halted by Joanna that with calm, but coldly and incredibly took the word: ‘No need to have so many words. A deal is a deal. So if you want Miss Julie for you, you MUST have her begging for that. After that is your affair if you kill or not her to obtain that, otherwise you will not put your hands on her one time more , that for sure’.
At that point the face of my wife was turned purple and facing Joanna she hissed:’ Well, and who should prevent me from doing that?’.
‘All of us.. honey’ loudly said Carla.

My wife turned her face from Joanna to Carla and then to Sharon and again to Joanna and finally said: ‘Ok.. Fine.. I got the point gentle ladies, then I will….’

(to be continued…. What does will happen now? I need help, if you are interested in the story, put your suggestions)