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What is Tara's weakness?

Being hit in the crotch
Becoming disorientated mid-fight if her breasts are exposed
Easily dominated once on the ground
She loses confidence against girls with bigger breasts than her
Tara secretly fears redheads
Blocking swift powerful kicks
Becoming disorientated mid-fight if she loses her shiny shorts
Her own medicine - The Breast Smother
Suggest one!

3D fighter - Tara

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Offline freshfight

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3D fighter - Tara
« on: July 31, 2011, 02:18:07 AM »
Hi, those of you who have been trawling these boards for long enough should know my original character - Tara from both 3D art and stories I have written.

I posted this in the polls sections but I don't usually get much feedback there. I've always had more success in the Art section having contributed art in the past.

Basically, what do you think my original character - Tara's weakness should be when fighting other girls?

Here is a picture of her to help you and some stories about her if you want to know more:
The Queen Bitch Part 1 - "Double Trouble"
The Queen Bitch Part 2 - "Desert Storm"
The Queen Bitch Part 3 - "Assertive Assets"
The Queen Bitch Part 4 - "Flashed"
The Queen Bitch Part 5 - "Not So Tough"


Offline freshfight

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Re: 3D fighter - Tara
« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2011, 07:37:53 AM »
Those who voted might like this one.


Offline IRISH

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Re: 3D fighter - Tara
« Reply #2 on: August 02, 2011, 08:54:29 AM »


Offline orbsessed

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Re: 3D fighter - Tara
« Reply #3 on: August 02, 2011, 09:35:31 AM »
Great stuff! I think it would've been even better if the blonde was topless, but it's still great. Thanks!