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The Audition Part 2

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Offline marlowe

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The Audition Part 2
« on: August 08, 2011, 09:51:40 PM »
Well, here's Part 2. I hope people don't mind the drip feed, it's just something I am fitting in here whilst abroad. If people prefer that I hang on to the end if the week and publish the whole lot them please let me know. Anyway, hope you enjoy the next chapter:

Eliot Defoe was typical of the low rent film producers who had made good; full of his new found power with a recognisable degree of sleaziness that went with it. When the two stunning women entered his office he couldn't believe his luck. He had spent a large part of his journeyman years working on low grade skin flicks and seen his fair share of female talent but rarely anything as beautiful as these two. He had a lot to thank his uncle Theo at Paramount for. 'Ladies, do come in,' he smiled with excessive enthusiasm instantly sensing the tension between the redhead and the dark haired woman from the slight stifness in their gait and the noticeable gap between them as they entered. This was just what he was looking for. Two sets of heels clattered in a staccato rhythm as they moved in and took the two chairs placed in front of his over-sized, cluttered desk. Inwardly he delighted as he saw each of them pull the chairs back so they didn't have to sit close to one another, loved the hiss of stocking as they sat and couldn't but notice the flash of garter clips and lacey stockingtops as both girls' black skirts rode up slightly whilst they took their seats.
'So glad you could make it Sophie, Elizabeth..if I can call you that?' a fatuous grin spread across his face.
'Of course,' both girls answered almost at once and he could tell the instant irritation as they spoke over each other, the subtle flicker of irritated eyes and the noticeable twitch in perfectly painted lips- these girls had no love for each other.

'Now, you may be wondering why I have brought both of you in here when there is only one part on offer.'
'I was thinking that,' blurted Elizabeth, a slight twang of the Irish brogue she inherited from her father obvious and a sense of the irritation that he had addressed that bitch Sophie first in her mind. The glance that her dark haired rival shot was not lost on her.
'Well,' Defoe continued,'I have to say your resumes are both exceptional for what I require. You are clearly both up and coming talents, physically clearly very fit and,if I may say so,  exceptionally attractive.' Both women winced inside at the sleaziness but kept their smiles on their perfectly made up faces, unconsciously pushing their chests forwards in unspoken competition. The flash of Sophie's black bralace and an equal glimpse of the red lace just visible under Elizabeth's blouse stirred Eliot all the more, a slight flush coming to his cheeks. 'I have to be honest girls, I can't choose between you.' The smile remained on his face but he let the sentence end uncomfortably as the two women shifted in the silence that followed.
'Oh,' was all Elizabeth could muster.
' do you want me to do?' Sophie interjected.
'Well, it's not a case of you individually honey' smirked the producer,'more the two of you together.'
It was Sophie's turn to say oh as the two of them exchanged glances that clearly indicated an immediate disquiet at this proposition.
'So, what do you mean by that,' Elizabeth leaned forward slightly affording a more thorough view of her swollen cleavage and a little more of that delicious lace.
'Well,' Defoe leant back in his chair steepling his fingers in a practiced way. 'When it comes to acting talent there really is nothing to separate you.' Both women shifted uneasily again, resentful at this comparison to one another but held their tongues to let him go on. 'As you both know the role is a physically demanding one and budget really means that our leading lady has to do the majority of her own stunts. Now as you know there are two chases, a climb, sone rope swinging and of course two fights. We have already cast Amy Jackson as Estelle the woman who our heroine Sarah will be fighting but she is not available until next month so what I am proposing is a little crash course. The two of you will spend a week out of town training with our stunt team and then a week today you'll do a little assault course culminating in a competitive match in the ring and based on that we'll see who's the best for the role.' He paused looking at both women staring rapt at him clearly taking in his words. 'what do you say ladies? it's the only way we could think of.'
The unorthodox nature of this proposal was clear to both and neither were naive enough to think this was all innocent, this fellow clearly had a perverted agenda of his own but they both wanted, needed the job, neither was going to refuse this.
'Well count me in' Elizabeth leaned forward even more.
'Oh, me too, it will be all the better knowing I got the part taking it from dear Lizzie here' Sophie leaned forward herself to offer a view as appealing as that which her rival was presenting.
'Oh dream on Soph darling, this role will be mine and if it means I have a great week here in LA ending up with me showing you that then all the better,' the redhead leaned back, not looking at the dark haired actress, a stance echoed by Sophie,'Yeah, yeah yeah honey in your crazy little fantasy land. When do we start!'
'Yes, when do we start.'
'Ladies ladies, ladies,' the producer interjected, 'I have to admire your enthusiasm', he knew from the off that this would be the result and was overjoyed inside. 'But let's hold back a little. Why don't you get a good night's rest at the Park Hotel where we have rooms for you and I'll send cars for you both in the morning to get on with day one. Agreed?'
'Absolutely!' Elizabeth instantly stood with a hiss of stocking and offered her hand, slender fingers tipped with sharp, manicured red painted nails.
'Yes, agreed,' Sophie was up the second after her own black nails, equally well cared for thrust forward.
'Excellent. I'll have a car waiting for you in the lobby by the time you get down there.' He took both their hands, pulling them together between his forcing their fingers to touch, black and red nails pressing beteen his clasped palms and sensing the electricity between them, their utter loathing of one another. 'I look forward to seeing you tomorrow ladies' and with that he let go and watched as they both drew their hands back, trying to appear demure but failing dismally. They both looked one last time at him and then seeing his eyes peering towards the door turned on their heels and left in tense silence.

The young secretary looked up from her desk at the red and dark haired girls leaving her boss's office. Being something of a cat herself she could easily tell there was even more love lost between these two than when they went in. With practiced poise they moved over to the lift, neither speaking to the other, neither acknowledging each other but, well she knew once they entered that elevator what was in store. The doors hissed open the black blouses redhead moved in to one side of the cabin, the red bloused raven hair to the other, still not looking at each other and then the doors closed. She had to smirk a little.

'Well of all the places to meet a bitch,' Elizabeth rounded instantly on her rival. 
'I might say the same to you bitch.' Sophie sneered back.
'I can't fucking believe it- vying for the same part as you!!!'
'Oh, I might say the same honey. Still at least at the end if it all I get to put you in your place Lizzy darling' that red lipped catty smile spread nastily across her face.
'Oh come on bitch, you mean that bloody fight?! Wake up and smell the coffee I could take you any time!'
'Don't make me laugh you redheaded tart, you wouldn't stand a chance!'
'Oh wouldn't I now.' Elizabeth's Irish twang was more notable now as the floors flew by, hands going to her hips, her ample bosom thrust forward taking two high heeled steps forwards.
' couldn't Sophie's hands mirrored her rival as she took two steps of her own, her voice deliberate, threatening.
'I could take you any day you nasty effing cow.'
'And I say you couldn't you prissy little slut.' Sophie took another two steps forward.
'I'm happy to prove that to you here and now you bitch, if you're woman enough.' Liz pushed her head towards Sophie,Eliot Defoe was typical of the low rent film producers who had made good; full of his new found power with a recognisable degree of sleaziness that went with it. When the two stunning women entered his office he couldn't believe his luck. He had spent a large part of his journeyman years working on low grade skin flicks and seen his fair share of female talent but rarely anything as beautiful as these two. He had a lot to thank his uncle Theo at Paramount for. 'Ladies, do come in,' he smiled with excessive enthusiasm instantly sensing the tension between the redhead and the dark haired woman from the slight stifness in their gait and the noticeable gap between them as they entered. This was just what he was looking for. Two sets of heels clattered in a staccato rhythm as they moved in and took the two chairs placed in front of his over-sized, cluttered desk. Inwardly he delighted as he saw each of them pull the chairs back so they didn't have to sit close to one another, loved the hiss of stocking as they sat and couldn't but notice the flash of garter clips and lacey stockingtops as both girls' black skirts rode up slightly whilst they took their seats.
'So glad you could make it Sophie, Elizabeth..if I can call you that?' a fatuous grin spread across his face.
'Of course,' both girls answered almost at once and he could tell the instant irritation as they spoke over each other, the subtle flicker of irritated eyes and the noticeable twitch in perfectly painted lips- these girls had no love for each other.

'Now, you may be wondering why I have brought both of you in here when there is only one part on offer.'
'I was thinking that,' blurted Elizabeth, a slight twang of the Irish brogue she inherited from her father obvious and a sense of the irritation that he had addressed that bitch Sophie first in her mind. The glance that her dark haired rival shot was not lost on her.
'Well,' Defoe continued,'I have to say your resumes are both exceptional for what I require. You are clearly both up and coming talents, physically clearly very fit and,if I may say so,  exceptionally attractive.' Both women winced inside at the sleaziness but kept their smiles on their perfectly made up faces, unconsciously pushing their chests forwards in unspoken competition. The flash of Sophie's black bralace and an equal glimpse of the red lace just visible under Elizabeth's blouse stirred Eliot all the more, a slight flush coming to his cheeks. 'I have to be honest girls, I can't choose between you.' The smile remained on his face but he let the sentence end uncomfortably as the two women shifted in the silence that followed.
'Oh,' was all Elizabeth could muster.
' do you want me to do?' Sophie interjected.
'Well, it's not a case of you individually honey' smirked the producer,'more the two of you together.'
It was Sophie's turn to say oh as the two of them exchanged glances that clearly indicated an immediate disquiet at this proposition.
'So, what do you mean by that,' Elizabeth leaned forward slightly affording a more thorough view of her swollen cleavage and a little more of that delicious lace.
'Well,' Defoe leant back in his chair steepling his fingers in a practiced way. 'When it comes to acting talent there really is nothing to separate you.' Both women shifted uneasily again, resentful at this comparison to one another but held their tongues to let him go on. 'As you both know the role is a physically demanding one and budget really means that our leading lady has to do the majority of her own stunts. Now as you know there are two chases, a climb, sone rope swinging and of course two fights. We have already cast Amy Jackson as Estelle the woman who our heroine Sarah will be fighting but she is not available until next month so what I am proposing is a little crash course. The two of you will spend a week out of town training with our stunt team and then a week today you'll do a little assault course culminating in a competitive match in the ring and based on that we'll see who's the best for the role.' He paused looking at both women staring rapt at him clearly taking in his words. 'what do you say ladies? it's the only way we could think of.'
The unorthodox nature of this proposal was clear to both and neither were naive enough to think this was all innocent, this fellow clearly had a perverted agenda of his own but they both wanted, needed the job, neither was going to refuse this.
'Well count me in' Elizabeth leaned forward even more.
'Oh, me too, it will be all the better knowing I got the part taking it from dear Lizzie here' Sophie leaned forward herself to offer a view as appealing as that which her rival was presenting.
'Oh dream on Soph darling, this role will be mine and if it means I have a great week here in LA ending up with me showing you that then all the better,' the redhead leaned back, not looking at the dark haired actress, a stance echoed by Sophie,'Yeah, yeah yeah honey in your crazy little fantasy land. When do we start!'
'Yes, when do we start.'
'Ladies ladies, ladies,' the producer interjected, 'I have to admire your enthusiasm', he knew from the off that this would be the result and was overjoyed inside. 'But let's hold back a little. Why don't you get a good night's rest at the Park Hotel where we have rooms for you and I'll send cars for you both in the morning to get on with day one. Agreed?'
'Absolutely!' Elizabeth instantly stood with a hiss of stocking and offered her hand, slender fingers tipped with sharp, manicured red painted nails.
'Yes, agreed,' Sophie was up the second after her own black nails, equally well cared for thrust forward.
'Excellent. I'll have a car waiting for you in the lobby by the time you get down there.' He took both their hands, pulling them together between his forcing their fingers to touch, black and red nails pressing beteen his clasped palms and sensing the electricity between them, their utter loathing of one another. 'I look forward to seeing you tomorrow ladies' and with that he let go and watched as they both drew their hands back, trying to appear demure but failing dismally. They both looked one last time at him and then seeing his eyes peering towards the door turned on their heels and left in tense silence.

The young secretary looked up from her desk at the red and dark haired girls leaving her boss's office. Being something of a cat herself she could easily tell there was even more love lost between these two than when they went in. With practiced poise they moved over to the lift, neither speaking to the other, neither acknowledging each other but, well she knew once they entered that elevator what was in store. The doors hissed open the black blouses redhead moved in to one side of the cabin, the red bloused raven hair to the other, still not looking at each other and then the doors closed. She had to smirk a little.

'Well of all the places to meet a bitch,' Elizabeth rounded instantly on her rival. 
'I might say the same to you bitch.' Sophie sneered back.
'I can't fucking believe it- vying for the same part as you!!!'
'Oh, I might say the same honey. Still at least at the end if it all I get to put you in your place Lizzy darling' that red lipped catty smile spread nastily across her face.
'Oh come on bitch, you mean that bloody fight?! Wake up and smell the coffee I could take you any time!'
'Don't make me laugh you redheaded tart, you wouldn't stand a chance!'
'Oh wouldn't I now.' Elizabeth's Irish twang was more notable now as the floors flew by, hands going to her hips, her ample bosom thrust forward taking two high heeled steps forwards.
' couldn't Sophie's hands mirrored her rival as she took two steps of her own, her voice deliberate, threatening.
'I could take you any day you nasty effing cow.'
'And I say you couldn't you prissy little slut.' Sophie took another two steps forward.
'I'm happy to prove that to you here and now you bitch, if you're woman enough.' Liz pushed her head towards Sophie, her breasts rising and falling, the hate tangible in her own deliberate voice.
'Well, why don't..' Sophie's words were interrupted by the chime announcing the doors about to open. She glared at Elizabeth, the volume of her voice lowering, 'Why don't we continue this in the washroom'
Eyes locked the redhead almost spat back, 'Gladly.' And with that the doors opened, they reluctantly broke gaze and moved into the lobby as though nothing has happened, they were after all good actresses. her breasts rising and falling, the hate tangible in her own deliberate voice.
'Well, why don't..' Sophie's words were interrupted by the chime announcing the doors about to open. She glared at Elizabeth, the volume of her voice lowering, 'Why don't we continue this in the washroom'
Eyes locked the redhead almost spat back, 'Gladly.' And with that the doors opened, they reluctantly broke gaze and moved into the lobby as though nothing has happened, they were after all good actresses.