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Offline Tiger99

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« on: August 31, 2011, 10:23:02 AM »
Hi Guys, how are you? After the first story (The Italian Teacher), now Im gonna give you the possibility to continues the story writing the second part. This is the plot:


The beautiful and arrogance teacher Elena was beated and humiliated by Marco's Mom Gaia. After the beated, Elena come home to me, her son, and I was employed to medicate her hurt spanked ass. She stay two days in bed, crying for the heavy humiliation, but one morning She's stand up, furious and full of revenge spirit.


Elena: Vain and beautiful teacher, with dark hair and black eyes. She looks like Maria Grazia Cucinotta.

Now is your turn! Gimme a good story!!!


Offline goliadmike

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« Reply #1 on: September 03, 2011, 02:27:13 PM »
How is this for a sequel?

Tiger cringed as he listened to his mom hurl obscenities at no one from her room.  He almost wished she were still in bed crying her eyes out over the humiliation she had suffered at the hands of Gaia.  Now, she was furious and with no one in the house to feel her wrath, tiger had been the recipient. 

“I will blister that bitch’s ass!”  Elena yelled.

A few moments later Tiger heard his mother stomping down the steps. 

“I’m going out!”  Elena announced angrily.

Tiger had an idea where she was heading, but he had to ask.

“Um, where are you going?”  He timidly asked.

“I said out!”  Elena snapped.

“Mom, please don’t do anything rash… or stupid.”  Tiger pleaded.

Elena sighed planting her fists on her denim-clad hips as she thrust out her chest.  The black V-neck T-shirt Elena wore showed plenty of cleavage. 

“I’m not STUPID!”  Elena yelled.

“I, I…know mom…just sometimes your temper clouds your judgment.”  Tiger replied.

“My judgment and thinking is clear.  That bitch Gaia has to pay.”  Elena seethed.  “No one, NO ONE, humiliates me like that…and to spank me in front of my students…NO, SHE HAS TO PAY!”

Tiger watched his mom’s ass undulate contained in the tight, seemingly sprayed on denim, of her jeans as she headed for the door.  He hoped his mom wouldn’t come back in the same shape as the last time she tangled with Gaia.  Tiger shuddered as the slamming door seemed to shake the house.  For a moment tiger thought about following his mother, but decided against it thinking only bad things were about to happen. 

“Anger clouding my judgment…bah, I’ve never been more clear about anything.”  Elena thought to herself as she fired up her little red sports car,
of course she had to check her make up in the mirror before she pealed out of her driveway.

On her way to Gaia’s house, Elena received a ticket for speeding, which darkened her mood even more. 

“By the time I’m done with her, I’ll make her pay for my ticket.”  Elena fumed as the annoyed officer walked back to his squad car.

Elena brought her car to a screeching halt in front of Gaia’s house.  The fiery brunette slammed the car door shut before storming to the front door.  Not bothering with the doorbell, Elena banged on the door with her fists all the while yelling for Gaia to show her face.
As soon as Gaia opened the door to tell Elena to keep her voice down, Elena hauled off and slapped the annoyed blonde’s face.

“Humiliate me in front of my class, you bitch, take this!”  Elena yelled.

Elena backhanded Gaia, before she could recover, however, after the backhand straightened quickly to defend herself.  As Elena’s hand raced toward its target, Gaia grabbed Elena’s wrist stopping the woman from lowering another blow.  Elena tried to slap the blonde with her other hand only to have the blonde seize it.  Gaia pushed the furious brunette against a wall in the foyer.

“How dare you come to my house looking for a fight!”  Gaia yelled.

“I came for revenge and I’ll take it out of your ass!”  Elena replied then tried to shake free of Gaia’s grip.

“You really are a stupid cxnt!  I’ll give you a chance for revenge, but not here.  We’ll do this out back.  I’m not going to let you trash my house.”  Gaia offered.

Elena tried to shake loose again, but was stopped as Gaia kneed Elena’s crotch.

“Listen you stupid cow, if you cause any trouble in here I’ll have one of my friends call the police.”  Gaia threatened.

For the first time, Elena looked around and saw three women standing in Gaia’s living room.  She recognized two of them they had kids in the same class as Marco.  Judging by their reactions, they knew about Gaia and Elena’s fight.

“Fine.”  Elena said.

“Follow me…oh, and if you think you can jump me from behind, my friends will take care of you.  Do you understand?”  Gaia asked.

Elena nodded, now wondering if they might jump her during the fight or if she won would she have to take them all on.  The thought made Elena a little hesitant, about the fight.  Elena turned her attention back to Gaia as she felt the blonde release her grip on Elena’s wrists.  The two women glared at each other for a minute.  Elena’s fury returned as she watched Gaia’s glare turn to a cruel smile.  She followed Gaia closely as they made their way through the living room to the back yard.  Gaia’s friends closely followed.

“Let’s get this over with.”  Gaia stated as she wheeled around to face Elena.

“Yeah, lets.”  Elena replied.

The two women rushed each other simultaneously grabbing handfuls of hair.  With fascination, the three women watched the Elena and Gaia awkwardly dance around the yard.  Yelps and screams filled the air as hair was tugged, pulled, and ripped out.  Obscenities soon followed the cries of anger and pain.

The taller blonde with her long legs seemed to be stronger and eventually began to whip Elena around in a circle.  Elena lost her balance falling on her side as the three women cheered watching Gaia take control of the fight by kicking the downed brunette. 

“You think that spanking in front of the kids was bad…just wait till I’m through with you this time!”  Gaia bellowed.

Tears were already flowing from Elena’s eyes when she heard the threat.  Desperately, she grabbed the blonde’s legs causing Gaia to fall, unfortunately for Elena, the blonde fell on top of her.  There was a mad scramble to establish the top position as more hair was grabbed along with furious slapping and scratching.  For the first time in her life, Elena regretted possessing large boobs as one of Gaia’s hands latched onto her left boob. 

“Noooo!!!”  Screamed Elena as Gaia’s fingernails sank into her boobs through her bra.

Gaia used the opportunity to roll Elena onto her back.  After Gaia grabbed one of Elena’s wrists pinning it to the ground, Elena stopped trying to pry Gaia’s hand from her boob with little success.  As soon as she had the brunette’s arms pinned to the ground, Gaia scooted up placing her knees on the brunette’s elbows.  Gaia laughed giving Elena hard slap across the face.

“Get off me!”  Elena screamed in desperation.

“Fuck you, you arrogant cow!”  Elena replied grabbing a hold of the brunette’s hair.

Elena screamed as Gaia pulled her head off the ground only to slam it back down on the grass-covered ground.  As Gaia pounded her head into the ground, Elena bucked and kicked to unseat the dominant blonde.  Gaia continued bounced Elena’s head on the ground until she felt the teacher stop struggling.  When Gaia stopped, she heard Elena weakly sobbing which brought a smile to her face. 

“Get up, bitch!”  Gaia yelled and then gave Elena a hard slap across the cheek.

When Elena made no move to rise, Gaia pulled the bawling brunette to her knees by her hair. 

“You’re pathetic!”  Gaia taunted and then reached down with her free hand and then grabbed the bottom of Elena’s shirt.

To the cheers of her friends, Gaia pulled the shirt up, over Elena’s shoulders, and off her arms.  As she ripped the shirt away from the kneeling brunette, Gaia let go of Elena’s hair.  Without the support of Gaia, Elena toppled over on her back.  After a devastating kick, the rolled the downed brunette on her back, Gaia kneeled down straddling Elena’s back.  With a wink to her friends, Gaia unhooked Elena’s bra.

“I’m going to punish you the proper way this time, slut.”  Gaia hissed.

The statement brought some urgency to the groggy brunette as she struggled to rise to her knees with the blonde still planted firmly on her back.  Gaia decided to help Elena to her knees grabbing a handful of hair.  With her, other hand, Gaia latched onto Elena’s bra.  Elena was to slow to grasp the rapidly departing straps of the bra as Gaia whipped it off the brunette’s body.

“N,n, no.”  Elena whined.

As Gaia stood whirling the captured garment above her head, she noticed one of her friends filming the event.  She laughed and had an idea.

“Cynthia, my camera is in the closet in the hallway upstairs.  Would you mind recording this?”  Gaia asked.

Cynthia readily agreed then took off in search of the camera. 

Hearing the threat of having her humiliation on film, Elena tried to rise to run away.  Gaia kept her laughter up as she watched Elena clumsily climb to her feet only to wobble on weak legs then fall back to the ground.

“You’re not going anywhere till I am finished with you.  After today, I won’t be having any more trouble out of you; maybe we won’t even have to see you anymore.”  Gaia taunted.

The leggy blonde pushed Elena over on her back, taking a seat a top the brunette’s stomach facing her feet.  Elena kicked and bucked as Gaia fumbled with Elena’s belt, button, and zipper of the brunette’s jeans.  The shorthaired blonde wondered how Elena was able to fit her shapely ass into the tight jeans as she struggled to pull them off Elena’s hips.  Elena hung onto the belt loops of her jeans hoping to keep some manner of dignity. 

“Let go!”  Gaia demanded as she stood and turned around to face Elena.

“Stop!”  Elena pleaded.

“You come to my house, start a fight and then beg for mercy, fuck you!”  Gaia shouted as she reached for the brunette’s breasts.

Gaia snatched the brunette’s nipples with her fingers as she gave them a vicious twist.  As she tortured Elena’s nipples, she enjoyed hearing the brunette cry out.  “No wonder she is so arrogant” Gaia thought glaring at Elena’s perfect boobs.  The thought made her torture Elena’s boobs even more as she pulled those nipples as far as they could stretch. 

Elena clutched her wounded tits as Gaia wheeled around to finish the task of removing the brunette’s clothing.  With a few mighty tugs, Gaia had Elena’s jeans down to her ankles with the brunette’s dainty white panties resting at mid thigh.  Gaia smiled as she saw Cynthia filming the event.  As she removed Elena’s shoes she mugged for the camera throwing the shoes across the yard.  Gaia did a magician’s pose as she held Elena’s jeans above her head before dropping them to the ground.  Elena wailed louder as Gaia removed the last item clinging to the brunette’s beaten body.

The brunette curled into a ball and used her hands to cover her nudity as Gaia pulled the brunette’s belt out of the loops of her discarded jeans. 

“On your hands and knees…like the dog that you are, bitch!”  Gaia ordered.

Elena refused to move as she continued to sob. 

“I said on your knees, slut!”  Gaia ordered grabbing Elena’s hair with one hand.

The blonde forced the humiliated brunette up onto her hands and knees, before she used the belt as a chocker leash running the end thru the buckle. 

“Follow!”  Gaia commanded as she gave a tug on the belt.

Elena had no choice but to follow as the leather tightened around her neck cutting off her air.  The brunette coughed and gagged as she was forced to crawl across the lawn as Gaia led her to the patio.  If Elena looked up through her tear-filled eyes, she would have seen Cynthia filming her from the side making sure to get a good view of the brunette’s swinging breasts.  Elena was also spared the humiliation of knowing one of Gaia’s other friends behind her capturing photos on her camera phone of Elena’s bare ass and lower lips peeking out from between the brunette’s rounded globes.

“Get your fat ass over my knees!”  Gaia ordered after taking a seat.

Elena refused until a might tug on her leash sent the brunette tumbling over Gaia’s legs.  The shapely beaten brunette found herself head down ass up over the blondes lap.  Elena yelped as she felt one of her nipples being pinched as Gaia had reached over Elena’s back, under her arm and seized one of the brunette’s dangling nipples.

“Hold still or I’ll twist this pitiful little thing off your tit.”  Gaia warned giving the brunette’s captured nipple a cautionary pinch.

Elena braced for the blows as she resign herself to her punishment.  Gaia’s friends had lined themselves up for a good view of Elena’s soon to be red buttocks.  Cynthia was still filming and her friend was still snapping pictures with the phone cam.     

“Ready?”  Gaia asked.

There was a loud fleshy smacking sound, followed by a howl of pain from Elena, followed by a titter of laughter from the female audience.  The process repeated.  Elena’s crying turned to begging as the blows rained down on her vulnerable ass.  Cynthia continued to film the quaking brunette’s buns.  Gaia had to give Elena’s captured nipple a few twists to stop the brunette from stomping and kicking.  By the time Gaia was done punishing Elena, the beaten woman’s ass was a dark shade of red.  To the further giggles as laughter of the women Elena danced around rubbing her burning butt to relieve the pain.

“Now, face my friends and tell them you are sorry for interrupting our afternoon.”  Gaia demanded.

“I, I, I’m sorry, for…ruining your afternoon.”  Elena pleaded.

“Tell them you are sorry for being a stupid arrogant bitch.”  Gaia ordered to more titters of laughter.

 Elena tearfully repeated the phrase and apologized.

“Now get out of here!”  Gaia ordered.

Elena began to head for her clothes.

“Leave them.”  Gaia commanded.

“Please.”  Elena begged.

“I said leave them!”  Gaia said and then slapped the defeated brunette.

With Cynthia still filming, Elena bolted for the patio door.  She made sure to capture the bouncing, jiggling, red cheeks of Elena as she ran away in fear.

“Girls, make sure you send those pictures to all of our friends.”  Gaia laughed.

“I don’t think she’ll be so arrogant after today.”  Gaia continued as her friends had a final laugh.

Her friends agreed as they headed inside to edit the recording of Elena’s humiliation and gabbing about what they could do with clips of the spanking.
Fuck tumblr!!!Check out my bdsmlr page. There are some catfight pics along with a few other kinks and things to look at.


Offline Tiger99

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« Reply #2 on: September 06, 2011, 07:22:39 PM »
WOW!!!!! Very good story!!! Congratulation, Im very impressive!!! Good job, friend!!!


Offline bigmack

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« Reply #3 on: September 07, 2011, 01:07:16 PM »
What a great story.


Offline de Trixah

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« Reply #4 on: September 10, 2011, 09:25:33 PM »
Very good story.