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BUSTYTIFFANY VS Kim Kardashian Catfight at the wax museum

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Offline stormbolt7

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BUSTYTIFFANY VS Kim Kardashian Catfight at the wax museum
« on: March 16, 2014, 10:41:34 PM »
BustyTiffany VS Kim Kardashian

The weekend was looking great.
Maybe I should say the lady spending part of it with me, was looking great.
Tiffany was simply a beautiful woman.
Face, to captivate you, even with the fact, the platinum blonde, had a figure that filled out anything she wore wonderfully.
Long, shapely legs, and womanly curves in all the right places.
To say the blonde beauty was full figured, was not doing her justice.
Tiffany was full figured, yet all toned, and firm head to toe.
We had managed to meet to spend some time in New york City.
Tiffany was wearing a curve hugging blouse, and hip hugging skirt. Simple yet on her looked as high fashion, as anything else in town.
I had to admit, it was noce knowing I was in town, with one of the best looking ladies, as my friend, and companion for the weekend.
We had gotten our rooms, at the hotel, and went for a small snack, before roaming the town.
Tiffany being very fun, smart, and enjoyable company. Even while she was teasing me, about how close our rooms were. As well as I might catch her sleep walking, if I was lucky. The look in her green eyes, playful, yet also maybe something a little bit more.
As we are heading along the way, her eyes light up, as we see Madame Tussauds wax museum. Tiffany laughing, and talking about Kim Kardashian being the latest to have her statue made.
With Tiffany on my arm, we head over to see about checking things out.
As we soon head through some of the displays, it is hard to believe some of them, will not start to move or talk to you soon.
Tiffany laughing, as she moves close to a dark haired beauty, just outside of some of the ropes. "Look they left the dummy out of the display." Tiffany says, as she pokes the statue with her finger.
"Bitch, stop it!!" It says, and moves to face us.
"Sorry, you looked like one of the dummies, a lot like the newest one Kim Kardashian." Tiffany says, as she smiles at the dark haired, buxom beauty.
"That you blonde bimbo, is because I am Kim Kardashian." She says, her eyes going between me, and Tiffany.
Tiffany slightly ticked, at being called blonde bimbo, yet knowing she had given first insult. "Hey sorry, they look so real, I honestly thought you were part of the display." Tiffany says trying to make peace.
Kim looks at me, and rolls her eyes. "Look I know the Barbie bitch, is the best you can do." "Yet if you want, I could maybe set you up with someone that had some brains and personality, not just tits." Kim says with a smile at us both.
I was ready to defend Tiffany, as the lady was definately great to be with, and I was honored to be spending the weekend with the lovely lady.
Tiffany smiles, and steps up to Kim, very close, face to face. "I think you better run along princess, before I kick your skank ass, and make you lick my pussy." Tiffany tells her calmly. Yet the look in her green eyes, not to be trifled with.
"You sick little bitch, leave me alone, and I won't have to show you what an uptown bitch beating is all about." Kim says, before turning, and snubbing Tiffany. as she turns and leaves.
Tiffany slowly fuming, as she grasps my hand, and squeezes it, rather hard. "If I ever see that uptight whore again, I will kick her ass." Tiffany says, as she let's go of my hand, and stands very close.
"I've had enough of this, let's go back to the hotel, and get some dinner." "Then maybe I will let you massage some of my tension away, from being to close to that skank." She says.
As we are heading out, she ducks into a ladies room, and when she comes back out, her blouse is pulled free, and tied across her upper belly.
Leaving her sleek, and toned belly exposed now. Her large breasts, peaking out of the top, and straining the garment, when she breathes.
I gaze at this vision of beauty, and try not to think of how beautiful her naked body would be, if I was getting to rub massage oil over it.
Tiffany's hand finds mine, as an almost electric charge seems to go between us.
My fingers entwining with hers, as we leave and head for dinner.
As we return to the hotel, part of it has a regular dining facility. While another part was more lounge, night club or bar atmosphere.
As we are talking about which she wants to go to first. Since it is not often you get to spend time, with a woman as stunning as Tiffany. It doesn't hurt, to let her have her way often.
Someone bumps into her from behind, sending Tiffany staggering into me.
I grab her, keeping her from falling, and enjoy the feel of her firm, yet soft, and warm body pressing against mine. Her green eyes smiling, as she hugs me. "Thanks for catching me, we'll have to think of your reward later." She says, then turns to face Kim Kardashian heading to the bar.
Kim is dressed in a shimmery silver dress. It was tied around the back of her neck. Then the front was strapless, her shoulders bare.
Material then dipped down, across and over the tops of her large, firm breasts. Leaving skin showing from the sides.
The lower part was pleats of silver, around her belly, and then seemed to flow, slightly down, covering her ass, and womanhood, while stopping well above her knees.
Her hair was done in a single long ponytail, down her back.
High heeled shoes to match, as the lady was definately out to be seen.
"Damn, is it night of the blonde bitches or what?" Kim says, as Tiffany smiles, and opens the door for her. I was getting a very bad feeling about how calm she was acting, knowing what she had said before.
"Oh I see you know who I am, thanks I wish more people knew their places." Kim says, as she brushes past Tiffany and into the bar.
Tiffany smiles at me, then grabs my arm and we follow.
Most of the staff begin to fall all over themselves, when they realize who she is.
I get drinks for me and Tiffany. She surprises me, by moving close, and pressing against me, as she kisses me. "Hope you enjoy the show." She says. Her green eyes full of mischief, as her lips brush mine, then she turns and begins to head to the table Kim was now sitting at.
Kim looks up, as Tiffany approaches. "It's about time I got some service." "Do you kow I have my own reality show?" Kim begins, as I slip closer, glad Tiffany had not begun a catfight in the wax museum.
"You know, you look a lot like this blonde bitch, I met earlier." "You even dress alike."
"I felt so bad for the guy, stuck with this blonde bimbo." "He probably only keeps her around for a sex toy, not much else she would be good for." Kim says, then starts to laugh.
"I know who you are, her's your drink whore!!!" Tiffany says before throwing the nice sized mixed drink, into Kim's face.
The alcohol splattering, then running down between her heaving breasts, as Kim stares in horror, eyes blinking rapidly.    
Her hand wiping it from her face.
"You fucking bitch!!" Kim yells as she gets up, and moves away from the table.
"You better apologize blondie before I take it out of your fat ass." Kim screeches, as Tiffany stands watching her.
From my point of view, I can gladly say Tiffany's ass was firm, and very nice.
"You stuck up bitch, you owe me an apology, fact more than one." Tiffany says, as they move face to face, while the people in the crowd begin to move closer, to watch what was looking to be a coming catfight.
"Scuse me, I am the one everyone knows, and looks up to." "Hard for street trash like you to understand ...." Was as far as she got, before Kim's head was rocked by Tiffany's hand slapping it.
Kim staggers a few steps in her high heels, then grabs for something to stop her from falling. Her hand grasping and pulling Tiffany's blouse open.
Tiffany's large breasts, heaving in her lace bra.
"You whore!!" Tiffany says, before grabbing Kim's top, and tearing it loose from behind her neck.
Kim Kardashian's large breasts falling free to heave, and quiver, naked and on display. As Tiffany slaps them, the sound of skin on skin, sounding through the club, as Kim cries out in pain.
"Ready to apoligze yet?" Tiffany asks, as Kim stands trying to keep the rest of her dress on, while her breasts, and upper belly glisten from the drink Tiffany had thrown on her.
Her nipples hardening, as she grows excited, and the cool liquid, and air caress her breasts.
Kim lets her dress drop, as it clings to her hips, as she screams in rage, and grabs Tiffanyt.
Jerking, and stripping her blouse.
Tiffany stuggling with the dark haired beauty, as Kim shoves Tiffany's bra up, before slapping, and punching the beautiful, firm breasts that fall free, from Tiffany's bra.
The two ladies begin to press together, slapping, and trying to shove the other one off balance.
Faces close, between slaps, as breasts rub together, and tempers rise.
"Blonde cxnt, get off me!!" Kim yells, as Tiffany manages to grab the silky raven hair, in the ponytail, and begins yanking Kim's head around by it.
"Up tight slut, you fucked with the wrong girl tonight." Tiffany says, then gasps, and doubles up, as Kim drives an elbow, into Tiffany's belly.
I take a step forward, ready to end things, before I would see Tiffany injured badly.
Kim grabs Tiffany's right breast, and begins to twist and squeeze on it.
Tiffany writhing in pain, as she tries to ease the pain, from the hold Kim has on her tit.
Tiffany still trying to catch her breath, as Kim gets the buxom blonde beauty off balance, and sends her sprawling to the floor.
Kim needing only to pounce on her, to maybe finish Tiffany off.
Tiffany I knew could handle herself, yet I was poised to move, if needed.
Kim's chest is heaving, as she moves to a nearby table, and grabs a glass in one hand, and a beer bottle in the other.
Tiffany on her back on the floor, trying to regain her senses, as Kim begins to laugh looking at me.
"Here, this will take care of your cheap date, maybe I can find you someone more pleasing." Kim says, before pouring both containers over Tiffany.
The liquid spills, and spatters over Tiffany, as Kim laughs, and plays to the crowd.
Tiffany's blouse, and bra are now off, as her chest heaves, and her nipples become engorged fully.
Between the contact and fight with Kim, the stripping, and now the wetting of her skin.
Tiffany's firm breasts are now tipped with hard nipples, making me desire to lick, and suck the moisture from them.
Tiffany was always beautiful, and sexy. Yet seeing her like this was adding even more sex appeal, to the gorgeous blonde.
Tiffany rolls, coming to her knees, and as Kim makes another blonde comment. Tiffany spears into her, and takes Kim down to the floor hard.
Kim gasps, as air is driven from her body, while Tiffany begins to strip her fully naked. While slapping and punching her breasts, and belly.
Kim's leg hooking her, and the two begin to roll, on the damp floor, as Tiffany's skirt soon is stripped.
Finally her thong, as they now roll naked together.
Kim is slapping Tiffany hard as she can, but the raven haired beauty is running out of steam, as Tiffany manages to land a fist into Kim's belly, driving the air from her.
Kim falls to the side, and Tiffany rolls her onto her back.
Kim's tits bouncing and jiggling, as Tiffany soon stradles her, and begins slapping her breasts again, and again. Red marks showing from the hand slaps, as Kim begins to cry, and beg for it to stop.
"Enough, please I am sorry !!" "Don't hurt me anymore!!" Kim pleads, as Tiffany slows, and then stares down at the woman, that was so mean and nasty to her for no reason, more than once this night.
Tiffany's chest heaving, her beautiful body, wet and glistening from liquids spilled, and a light sheen of sweat.
"Then take your punishment bitch." Tiffany says, as she moves forward and shoves her pussy, onto Kim Kardashian's face.
"Up town bitch beating?" She asks, as she begins grinding her wet sex, on Kim's face.
"Time for you to lick the winner's pussy slut!!" Tiffany tells her, as Kim sobs, then begins to tongue, and lick Tiffany's pussy.
Tiffany shifting as the reality t.v. star licks and begins to eat her pussy, while the crowd watches and cheers.
Kim now moaning, as she begins to enjoy it.
Tiffany's hands now fondling Kim's breasts.
Tiffany's green eyes turning to me, as she then holds a hand out to me.
I move over, and taking her hand, as I help her up, off from Kim.
The dark haired beauty laying naked, licking her lips, as the crowd applauds Tiffany, and begins to break up.
A few last cell phone photos, of the naked catfighters.
Then I have Tiffany's blouse loosely wrapped around her, naked figure.
"Mmmmm thanks, you are a gentleman." She says, as Kim gets to her feet, totally humiliated, and naked.
"Get over here bitch!!" Tiffany hisses.
Kim meekly moves next to us.
Tiffany whispers her room number to Kim.
Kim nods her head, and soon leaves.
Tiffany then turns to me, and smiles. "I am going to make her my bitch later." She says.
Right now, I want to order room service, and let you massage some of the tensions out." She says softly, her body very close.
Looking into her pretty green eyes, her breasts pressing against my chest, as I hold her one hand in mine. My other hand to the small of her back.
Tiffany was probably the best looking lady in the club at the moment. So who was I to argie with the winner of the catfight??
The weekend with Tiffany was going to be very enjoyable indeed.
The end.  
« Last Edit: March 16, 2014, 10:47:38 PM by stormbolt7 »


Offline fighttime67

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Re: BUSTYTIFFANY VS Kim Kardashian Catfight at the wax museum
« Reply #1 on: March 19, 2014, 11:04:29 PM »
I have to say,,...there is no woman i would rather see get the complete fuck beaten out of her than Kim Kardashian! I would gove anything to watch a big black bitch humiliate her in front of her hubby and rip her clit off. She is useless and a great target for a tough bitch


Offline stormbolt7

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Re: BUSTYTIFFANY VS Kim Kardashian Catfight at the wax museum
« Reply #2 on: March 28, 2014, 05:49:06 PM »
Thanks for the nice feedback ... Just happens to be something about our sexy bustyTiffany.. and that Kardashian gal.

They got into it in pirates 2 .. rumour is... They will go at it again soon in pirates 3 ...  Hows that for some sassy sea fun??
