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Night out with Will

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Offline peccavi

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Night out with Will
« on: August 26, 2008, 11:07:50 PM »
Another of my old stories.

The time line so far 1   This one 2  Jenn's revenge 3 Beach Bitch Brawl 4 A bad Night out

It had been a long day and I was looking forward to a night out with Will. Both of us had come home after a long week. Both of us were feeling a bit stressed. I’d had a shower and got dressed again, leather jacket, cream t shirt and skirt and boots. Will wore a leather jacket and jeans. We were going clubbing. I hoped to forget a lot of the worries of the day, the inevitable problems at the cannery, the battle on the roads to get there and back and Will’s worries and of course my worries about Will.

The night had started well. We were having fun , chatting eating and then we got to dancing. I’m not a dancer, as a dancer I’m a good cannery worker, and Will’s dancing skills aren’t much either. Still we were having some fun, giggling at each other’s mistakes and apologizing to people when we lurched into them. I guess most of them just kept away from us after a while.

Of course Will kept on looking at other women. He always did. That was one reason I never quite trusted him. Sure I was no angel, he knew I fucked other guys and I knew he fucked other girls. But I thought that if he hadn’t started I might not have either. Well that was the way it was. I saw him eyeing off other women a few blondes in particular.

There was this blonde who was dancing with some other guy. He was just average but the blonde –though a bit older then me- I’d say early 30s was a stunner, and she knew it. Oh she just knew it. In her cream tight top- yeah the same colour as mine but hers was a blouse much dressier then my t-, navy short skirt and 3 inch heels she knew it alright and dressed to taunt and tease. And taunt and tease she was- she was playing the guy up too brushing her tits on him, kissing him the whole flirtatious nonsense.

And the guy thought he was onto something too. Maybe he was. The girl –no the woman too old to be a girl- let him play around a bit, he groped her, played with her skirt. She didn’t try to stop him at all. I saw Will look again, I knew the bastard was undressing the woman, he probably wanted to be where the guy was. But he knew he couldn’t really do much-not with me here and he knew I was a good fuck. Damn it so was he.

When that song ended the blonde left the guy and began to dance right in front of Will the moment a new song began. I hissed at him "leave her be" because he kept staring at her. She danced right up, almost pushing me out of the way. But I bumped her and sent her stumbling away. "Sorry dearie" I said.

I told Will it was time for another drink. But that turned out to be a bad move because we went to sit down about the same time that the other couple did. and it seemed that Will knew the other guy. He went up and talked to him, and his blonde bitch. The woman patted the seat next to hers, and when Will didn’t get that message, took his hand and pulled him down to sit next to her.

I flushed red. She was so obvious. She nestled up to him so her skirt pressed against his hand.

I noticed when Will started stroking the bitch’s thigh. I made up my mind that he was in for trouble when we got home. And that blonde would be in for trouble if I got my claws on her. I didn’t want to go over and make a scene, though I knew I could squash the bitch easily. That would cause too many problems in the bar. I just wanted to rip the blonde apart and then make her watch as Will fucked me. That would be so good.

The bitch smirked at Will, my eyes bulged and my face flushed even more as I saw her press her thigh against Will. I knew just knew that she was thinking Will has never touched a woman like herself. She was so full of herself, so full of shit, of pride, of confidence. She made me sick. She pressed her tit against his arm.

I was getting more and more angry but I didn’t know what to do. I just had no answers and that made me feel worse still. The guy the blonde had been dancing with before seemed disgusted too. He left the table and I went up and spoke to him and he was furious. And rightly so! But he had no answer either.

I wanted to make a scene, to challenge the bitch to leave my guy alone. But Will would only cheer us on and make us fight. He loved seeing me fight. It didn’t matter if I won- and I usually did - or if l lost he liked seeing fights. I just knew he was gong to see one soon. And yet, that was giving in to him. Damn it he might be playing along with the blonde bitch just to see me fight her.

The slut kept chatting to Will, she knew- she had to know- that he kept looking down the front of her blouse. I didn’t know if Will was playing along to provoke me but I knew she was playing along with Will, she was just so proud of her tits and the effect it has on men. Perhaps – I thought almost hopefully – she was a tease, that she was just playing Will and was going to tell him there was no way she would do anything with him. Maybe she thought he was just so happy that she was talking to him. She was full of arrogance.

I thought of getting the other guy to take me home. I knew that would make Will wake up and I thought it might make the blonde get angry. But the man explained he had only picked her up that night – it was a purely casual thing, he had been happy getting as far he had and didn’t expect to go further. He had just wanted someone to dance with. I felt like I could dance with him and make Will wild. Hell, it wouldn’t do much for me cuz I didn’t really want to make Will angry, jealous maybe but I really wanted to sink my claws in the blonde. I was so angry so impotently furious. I hated her. I wanted to rip her apart. I bit my tongue hoping I would get a chance soon, maybe she would use the bathroom maybe she would walk out. Either way I would be able to smash her up.

The bitch went out of her way to excite Will, she kept brushing her tits against him, she flicked her hair back. She did everything except say ‘fuck me." And there was nothing I could do. I just had to wait. I was so angry. I fumed. I just hated dealing with this anger.

A few moments later she smiled at Will "I have to go now." She kissed him. Will tried to slide his hands round her waist-and I boiled as he did so- but she brushed him aside and walked over to the other guy, kissed him and said good bye. He got a grope in, she didn’t mind that. And I saw that Will fumed at that. Well serve him right too!

The bitch sauntered out knowing lots of eyes followed her. I wanted to know where the bitch was going? I so wanted to do her, to trash her. I rushed out "Not so fast girl where do you think you’re going and what were you doing in there. You can’t just play with my guy."

She spun round. "Oh get lost love, it was just a bit of fun, do you really think I'd go for a creep like him". She walked out her heels clicking on the parquet floor.

I didn’t know what to say . I stood there clenching my fists. The bitch had just said it was all a game she had called Will a creep- well maybe he was but he was my creep.  I stood speechless looking at the bitch. She made me feel small, she made me feel as if I didn’t matter for shit.

She walked to her car, I could see her chest heaving in the lamp lights of the car park. Will came out and he and I and the other guy all worked towards the exit. I don’t know what they wanted to do, I didn’t know what I could do. The bitch had just beaten me verbally, I was so mad knowing she had outsmarted me so badly.

The bitch couldn’t stop herself. She wanted to use her stiletto wit again. She drove right up to us, "hey what a silly big bitch you are, thinking I’d go for a guy like him." She smirked at me and stared contemptuously at Will. "Can you three losers get out of the way?"

If she hadn’t said that then she would have got away scot free and left us-well me anyway - boiling and feeling powerless and humiliated. But it all changed because she wanted to have the last word.

"Will stand there. Block her way. Don’t move." I knew he would do as he was told. I walked round to the bitch’s window. "You bitch How dare you insult us. You could have got out of the car park without coming over here. You are just trying to make trouble. I’ll give you trouble. Get out of your car or" My voice trailed off, I was still furious. I didn’t have anything in mind- no effective threat. I just wanted to tear the bitch apart but hell if I said that she would drive away somehow. I growled at her.

"Or what love?" the bitch smiled.

She almost called my bluff, if she had used her brain she would have known she was safe inside her car. But she was blonde. Duh! She probably thought she would get out of this the way she had got out of things before. She hadn’t realised that though I might not be the smartest bitch around I can fight hard.

"Just get out of your car bitch" I hissed tugging at the door handle.

She pushed the door open, she was angry. She got out and even then she had to straighten her skirt and smooth her blouse. She just couldn’t stop preening herself.

"God you are such a slut. You tease my guy you make fun of me!" I was so angry. "And you think its all harmless, well bitch I’m gonna teach you a lesson." I lent forward slapping her face hard.

She hadn’t expected that. But to give the bitch her due she responded well by slapping my face even harder. My head rocked back, I didn’t think that the bitch would fight. I stepped back as she came for me again. Her slap connected again. I slapped again and clawed her top, my fingers bent like talons.

"Get your hands off me, you bitch" she spat at me as she pushed me backwards. I didn’t let go of her blouse and so carried her with me. I stepped forward, reversing the momentum, she cannoned into me and I pressed hard with a body slam. She fell back still trying to grab my hair. She was handicapped, she shouldn’t have tried to fight in heels.

I slammed her into her car and clawed at her sides. She seized my hair and jerked my hair about. M y head flamed with pain. She pushed forward, I knew that to have any chance in the fight she had to break away from being stuck between me and the car. Here she was trying to do this. I tried to stop her. I pushed hard , pushing her back but she slipped to the side. I still hurt her- I heard her gasp but for now she was free.

We circled each other. She moved in reaching for my hair. She yanked at it. But that showed she didn’t understand fighting properly because in yanking at my hair she opened her self up to my punch at her tits. I got two unanswered punches in before she realised her mistake and stepped back. First blood to me!

She stepped back and dodged my next punches but she still couldn’t move freely, her tight skirt as well as her heels stopped that. I was able to land a punch on her chin. She retaliated; her reach was longer then mine. She hit me on the mouth and then the left cheek just below my eye. That stopped me for a moment, I dropped back in pain.

She moved in on me. That was a mistake because she lost her only advantage- her longer reach. I plugged at her sides again. Both of my fists hit. She squealed. She laid a quick left at my shoulder, it hurt. It wasn’t enough to stop me. She landed a few more punches. I responded though I kept trying to get inside her guard –punching isn’t my strong point, it seemed hers, I wasn’t going to play to her strength. I took a few punches on my face and upper body, I parried some but some got through. Some of mine got through too thought she dodged more then I did . Even with her heels she was good on her feet.

I defended my soft belly – my weakest point. After I got inside her reach I seized her sides, that slowed the flurry of punches. I tried to get her in a bear hug and squeeze the air out of her lungs. I was doing just that when she drove her heel into my foot. Even though my boot absorbed some of the force, her stiletto heel seemed to stab my toes. She wormed an arm out of my hold and followed her stroke with more punches. I let her go dropping back in pain. I knew I’d be favouring that foot for a while.

We stood still for a moment each gasping. But I knew I was winning, she was hurt far more, she was breathless. I closed the gap between us. She stepped back. I saw that if she kept retreating she would end up against her car so I stepped slowly forward., letting her retreat. She sensed what I was trying to do and attacked her arms outstretched ripping at my top. That wasn’t the right move for her. I raised my knee, she didn’t notice it till it hit her belly. She gasped and fell back half winded. I followed my success with some punches, she didn’t answer them as well as earlier.

Again I followed her punching, trying to knee her. Even if they didn’t hit the attacks forced her back. I smirked. She seemed near defeat when again I caught her in a bear hug. This was going to be it! She launched a pile driver punch to my head. It hurt, it rocked my head, it made me see stars. I dropped back almost dazed for a moment . The slut had been playing with me, or at least she had been shaming, pretending to be more hurt then she was so that I would let my guard down.

She tried to follow it up with more punches and body blows but she was tiring, and her heels stopped her moving quickly. I dodged some of her blows and again I got under her guard. I was persistent – if at first you don’t succeed…. And I had tried and now it was working. I had her in a clinch and I slammed my body into her hard. As I did so I clawed at her sides.

She tried to slap me away, she didn’t have the distance she needed to launch good punches except to my sides and she didn’t try that for a few moments. When she did she hurt me but I had her in a clinch and was forcing her back. I wasn’t going to let her punches stop me. I got her against her car. Now I had to let her go. This was risky and I gambled for I wanted to bend her back against the hood of the car. This was when she laid some punches on me. I couldn’t parry them and they hit hard. She forced me back a pace but I came on again slamming her. This time her back hit the car. She groaned. I had hurt her bad! I stepped back a pace and slammed he once more. This time I had my hands on her shoulders and forced them back down. I arched her spine backwards. She squealed and tried to slap at my face. That didn’t work. I stepped back though still keeping my hands on her shoulders, I slammed her a third time. I was more confident now. I used one hand to rip her blouse open. She squealed she whimpered. She raked her nails over my forehead. She had tried to gouge my eyes. I dropped back hurt and more then a little worried at what the dirty bitch would do next. She slapped hard at my face. She got upright, she came forward her hands raised.

I thought I had beaten the bitch, I had been over confident. I wouldn’t make that mistake again. I slammed my knee into her tummy. She gasped , she tried to get her breath back. She was watching for my knee but not for my punch that landed at the same spot. "Suffer slut" I hissed as she doubled over. I yanked at her hair and slammed her face and side into the auto. I let her go.

"Make her suffer’ yelled out some girl. I didn’t pick the voice, I thought it must have been someone who the blonde bitch had tormented.

The bitch almost fell against the car. I pulled her up by the hair and slammed my knee into her tummy "Bitch. Don’t you tease my guy. Don’t you dance with him either. Don’t you make me feel small again. Oh no! Suffer whore." I thumped my knee into her again and let her go. She stumbled, she fell, right into Will’s arms. She was gasping. She had no fight left.

"Get her Peccavi" the same woman cheered me on. I looked; it was Lucy, a girl I vaguely knew- and didn’t much like. Tonight we were on the same side. "Make her suffer " Lucy repeated. It was just her style to cheer for the victor when the victory was clear. She had stayed quiet till then.

Will looked at the defeated blonde. He lifted her up and smiled at me. He gave her a little shove towards me I stepped forward. I ripped her top open from top to bottom. "Bitch you’ll show my guy your tits You’ll do more then that, you’ll show every guy in the club your tits! Oh yeah they will see what a teasing whore you are"

"Ok , ok please stop, just stop" she begged. "Why are you doing this?" She looked pathetic now, her blouse in tatters her silk bra on show. Everyone –and there was a small crowd around- was staring at her.

"Cuz you’re a whore, I snapped and slapped her face hard one more time. I grabbed at her bra ripping it off her, I heard the eyehooks snap. "Bitch! You’re for it now!" I smirked. I was sure she was just like all the other bitches I’d destroyed, weak, can’t fight. I just knew she was really wanting to be shown for the whore she was. She tried to snatch her bra from my hand

"Not so fast!" I chuckled holding it out of her reach. "Beg for it girlie. On your knees!"

"You bitch" the blonde screamed, "just give it back and I'll go."

"Get on your knees girl" I repeated, dangling the bra in front of me. I snaked my free hand round Will’s waist. I was so confident now, I was enjoying myself again!

The defeated blonde sank to her knees slowly, her tight skirt hobbled her.

I kissed Will and threw the bra on the ground some distance from the blonde, hoping she would crawl to it. Will bent and picked it up. "Hey hun, you can’t do that I promised it to her."

He smiled, kissed me and said "I know you did, but I didn’t did I hun? She was rude to me too, she teased me."

"What are you going to do with it?" I asked.

Will put it in his pocket "Jenn this is your trophy, I am going to tie it to the car aerial"

I looked at the blonde. She was still on her knees. "Well girl looks like you’re going topless for a while."
She stood and walked to her car, topless, only wearing skirt and heels.

"And don't get any ideas Will, tonight you're sleeping on the sofa!" I said as we walked away.

bit of a lame title sorry people. Your feedback is welcome
Blondes are cool Brunettes are Hot!!