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[STORY] - "Beach Bully" - Avril Lavigne Vs. Miley Cyrus

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[STORY] - "Beach Bully" - Avril Lavigne Vs. Miley Cyrus
« on: August 06, 2011, 11:32:13 PM »

BEACH BULLY - Avril Lavigne (26 yo, 5'2") Vs. Miley Cyrus (18 yo, 5'5")

It was a sunny afternoon on a crowded Malibu beach.
The gorgeous Avril Lavigne and her two best friends, all clad in sexy silk robes, arrived at the scene, immediately setting camp in the middle of the beach, easily attracting the attention of most men in the area.
Avril enjoyed the attention, but kept the men guessing as she lay down on her blanket keeping her pink robe on, only tiny parts of her petite frame visible through the cracks of her robe.

The sun caressed her pale porcelain skin as she sunbathed while reading a magazine and joking with her friends over this and that.
Not 30 minutes later, Avril sensed something was happening around the beach....she put down her magazine and looked around, finally spotting the reason for the commotion.
It was Miley Cyrus, the teen singer and her 2 girlfriends who has just arrived and decided to set camp only 20 feet away from Avril and her friends.

Avril was furious. Miley stealing her thunder  on her own personal beach ?! The enraged blonde would have none of it. How dare this teeny tramp show up here on her beach and steal all the attention? "Fucking Miley Cyrus..... I'm gonna kick her ass" Avril muttered angrily to her friends. She quickly stood up, tightened her robe and began walking confidently towards the brunette. Avril's surprised friends quickly followed from behind, unsure of Avril's intentions.
Now backed up by her two girlfriends, The blonde approached the younger starlet who was minding her own business enjoying the sunny afternoon with her own friends.

"Helllooo!" Avril surprised Miley from behind, greeting the brunette with an obviously fake smile.

Miley turned around and smiled as she saw Lavigne, happy to see another famous face on the same beach - maybe this way the Paparazzi can lay off of her for a bit and concentrate on someone else for a change.

"Hey Avril!!!" Miley responded.

The stuck up blonde went straight to business, her smile quickly turning into a pissed off frown.
"Hey hey....So....what the hell are you doing here?" Avril continued.

Miley, now a bit confused with Avril's tone, sensing something is not right, placed her hands on her hips and responded.
"What do you mean what am I doing here ? enjoying the beach obviously…" she said, rolling her eyes at Avril.

"Well….**I'M** here now…with my two lovely friends that means you'll have to leave." Avril said, trying to scare the younger brunette, smiling to her amused friends behind her.

"Excuse me?!" a shocked Cyrus responded, not sure if Avril was joking or not.

"You heard me....get the fuck off this beach A-sap! I don't need people seeing us together on the same beach. This place is mine, go find your own beach!" Avril replied arrogantly.

Miley and her two friends burst out laughing, pissing off the blonde even more.

"and who THE FUCK ARE YOU tell me what to do ?!" Miley raised her voice, taking a step forward practically in Avril's face now, staring the smaller singer in the eyes.

The surprised blonde took a step back...she had expected Miley to fold easily, but the teenager was not even remotely impressed by her demands, which completely baffled Avril.
an obviously annoyed Avril took a few moments to come up with her reply.

 "I...I'm Avril Lavigne! and you're just a kid who's gonna get her ass kicked if she doesn't leave this beach right now! You really don't wanna mess with me!" She said, not sounding too convincing.

Miley giggled. "Oh really? what If I DO wanna mess with you? what then ?

It was clear Avril was not prepared for this as she began moving uncomfortably, trying to come up with ways to back up her threats.

"You should have a belly punching contest!" Miley's blonde friend suggested jokingly.

Miley's eyes sparkled upon hearing her friends suggestion. She's been working out extensively the past year and had no doubt she could easily destroy Avril in such a contest.
"Hell yeah!!!" Miley shouted, placing her hands on her hips looking at a confused Avril.

“Pff...A belly punching contest...what does that even mean?!" Avril arrogantly replied, trying not to sound too worried at this point.

"It means we take turns punching each other's bellies until one can't take anymore and surrenders. Doh! Then she has to leave the beach."
Miley replied calmly, smiling at Avril as she sensed the blonde's arrogant confidence disappearing at the sound of the idea.

"Oh...." Avril replied meekly, immediately turning around to look at her friends with an obviously worried look, realizing that she may have gotten herself more than she bargained for.

Several people began gathering around the girls, as the word about Avril and Miley's "dispute" has made it’s way around the beach. A couple of Paparazzi have also found their way to the area, holding their cameras at the ready for some action.

Miley did not move an inch, waiting for Avril's response while giggling with her friends at the sight of the smaller Lavigne who was clearly panicking now, surveying the area around her in dismay as she slowly began to realize she cannot back down from Miley's challenge with all these people and media around.
No. Avril could not let herself be seen as a cowardly wimp who backs off of a fight against a younger rival singer.

"Ok… lets do this cxnt!" Avril suddenly exclaimed, placing her hands on her hips to mimic Miley, giving the younger singer a scornful look.

Mile smiled calmly, turning around to her excited girlfriends and hi-fiving them as the crowd on the bitch roared in anticipation of the coming contest.
Avril's camp however was not so cheerful.
As Avril turned around to face her friends, mutual concerned looks were exchanged between the girls, fearing their petite friend may have bitten off more than she can chew.

A big crowd has gathered in a circle around the two camps by now, and both girls felt the pressure rising to win this one. Losing this means public humiliation around the world.
Avril had a lot more to lose. Her reputation of a bad-ass tough punk princess may be destroyed forever if she ends up losing to a 7 years younger goody two-shoes such as Miley.

Miley stepped forward first, eager to start things off. "Come on already, wimpy Lavigne!" She taunted Avril.

The crowed of mostly men cheered as Avril walked forward,  slowly slipping off her robe and letting it fall behind her, revealing her beautiful petite body, augmented by her soft pale belly, only covered now by a pink bikini. Avril smiled again, enjoying the attention from the crowd for the first time and posing for the paparazzi for a few seconds as the crowd slowly calmed down.

It was then time for Miley to get rid of her tank top. As she lifted her top above her head and threw it to the sand, the men roared even louder than before as Miley was left in her bikini. Avril watched in dismay as Miley's stronger and more fit body was unveiled.
Mileys midsection seemed as hard and as flat as steel. Clad only in her sexy gray bikini, the teen singer danced for the men posing and displaying her fit and toned body for the paparazzi while a concerned Avril backed off, exchanging a few words with her friends behind her.

As the crowd calmed down, Miley signaled for Avril to meet her in the center. Avril, trying to hide her true mental state, walked calmly forward with her hands on her hips, stopping in front of Miley and starring her in the face. This was the tough Avril everyone was expecting to see...but Miley was not impressed.

She took a step forward, now almost touching the smaller girl's forehead with her nose as both girls starred at each other.

"Oh, by the way....I hope you know....the loser also has to kiss the winner's belly button as a sign of complete surrender." Miley muttered, amused.

Avril eyes widened in shock and her mouth formed an "O" as the news sank in. Her protests of "No! no way!" were muffled and ignored by the noise made by the excited crowd upon hearing this plot twist.

Lavigne realized this was Miley's game now, and she could do nothing about it at this point but hope for the best, or embarrass herself to no end and call the contest off.

"So, who goes first?" Miley asked Avril. "Know what.......I think I'll let you.........OUGH!!!"
Avril did not let Miley finish and charged into the brunette with all her might, sending her right fist into Miley's unexpecting midsection.

Avril's fist bounced off of Cyrus' hard abs as Miley grunted softly and was forced a step back, but quickly rubbed the pain off, seemingly unfazed by Lavigne’s weak punch, lifting her gaze to look at the blonde standing in front of her.

Avril quickly realized her punch had barely any effect and the look on her face turned from bad-ass to fear and then to panic in a matter of seconds.

The freightened blonde began quickly backing away from Miley, raising her hands in front of her mumbling "No,no,no,no" pleading Miley not to punch her as the younger singer advanced towards her with fire in her eyes, eager to take her turn.

Avril's back eventually bumped against the crowd, marking the end of her escape route as she shrieked in horror. She had nowhere to go now as Miley charged forward and sent a strong uppercut into Avril's tender belly , connecting square on the Canadian's belly button.

"OOUMMMFFFFFFFFFFF!!!!!" Avril grunted as she doubled over in pain, her eyes widened in shock and her face contorted in agony. The petite singer immediately dropped to her knees, gasping loudly for air and hugging herself covering her midsection.

The men erupted as Miley's fist did serious damage to the older singer. Avril kept moaning on her knees, her head slumped as her friends rushed from behind her to check on her.

Miley smiled. "Nice pooch, wimp!" She mocked Avril for her extremely soft and unfit lower belly before turning around and letting the hurt blonde recover, giggling with her friends meanwhile as Avril's friends tried to help her to her feet.
It took almost 2 long minutes for Avril to finally be able to stand back up.

Avril rubbed her soar belly, whimpering softly, starring at the sand, too humiliated to make eye contact with the younger singer.

She was holding back tears while a cheerful Miley taunted her. "So...had enough? You give up, wimp?”

"Fuck you. Its my turn." Avril responded quietly. She certainly wanted to give up , but she could not afford to do so after only one round. The humiliation would be too great.

Some men in the crowd began cheering. "Avril! Avril! Avril!", trying to encourage the older singer to get some payback on the teen.

Miley smiled, walked over to Avril and raised her hands, locking them behind her head. "Come on, do it" Miley shouted.

Avril starred at Miley's belly muscles, and reluctantly fired an uppercut aimed above Miley's belly button.

This punch was even weaker than the one before as Avril was visibly weakened by Cyrus' previous punch!
Miley barely moved an inch, grunting a bit as the men previously cheering for Avril in the crowd sighed in despair, realizing this is not looking like much of a contest at all.

Miley quickly retaliated, not giving Avril any chance to back away this time.

"My turn bitch!" she declared, ramming her fist even harder this time into Lavigne's tender midsection.
"OUUUUUHHHHHHHHHHFFFFF!!" Poor Avril let out a sickening groan as Miley's fist sank deep into her soft belly. The blonde beauty was lifted into the air for a split second by the force of the uppercut, before landing back on her feet  doubled over Miley's fist which was still buried in her tummy as Miley did not pull out, not allowing Avril to fall down.

Miley kept Avril up on wobbly legs, only her fist buried in Avril's belly pooch keeping the gasping blonde from crumbling to the sand.

Finally, Miley pulled out her fist, allowing the now glassy eyed Lavigne to collapse to the sand on all fours, gasping hysterically for air.

The contest seemed pretty much over by this point. Avril looked helpless, sobbing and moaning on the sand. Everyone including herself knew she was at Miley's mercy now.

Miley towered above her fallen foe and mocked her. "Had enough now, little softy Avril?".

Avril just kept inhaling and gasping on the ground, barely aware of Miley's taunts.

a pissed off Miley leaned over, grabbing Avril hair forcing the whimpering blonde to look at her.
"I SAID - HAD ENOUGH, WIMP?!" She shouted into Avril's freightened face.

The crowd has gone completely silent now, trying to listen to the conversation between the girls, only the sound of cameras audiable now.

With tears in her eyes, the humbled blonde broke down. "Yes!! I've had enough!! Please stop!!! I can't take anymore! I’m gonna throw up!" she begged pathetically to her teen tormentor.

"Good! I'm almost done with you.......but not quite!" Miley laughed, grabbing the terrified beaten blonde from under her armpits, forcing her to stand up as Avril begged in panic.

"Noooo please Miley stopppp pppplease p...please don't......" to no avail as Miley fired one last devastating punch into Avril's belly button, knocking out everything that was left in Avril's weak soft body and shutting her up at once.

The tiny Canadian fell face first into the sand in a heap, now openly crying and whimpering uncontrollably, broken in body and spirit by Miley.

Miley towered over Avril, shaking her head in contempt, smiling, enjoying her work - a once arrogant and confident Avril reduced to a whimpering begging wimpy shell of herself.
She dropped to her knees in front of Avril as the crowd roared in anticipation. It was time for one final act of humiliation for the loser.
As the humiliated Avril watched her tormentor from her position on the ground, moaning and still crying, Miley tapped her unharmed abs 3 times, and then pointed at her belly button.

"Time for you to kiss it." she smiled cruely.

Avril was now openly crying, never before has she experienced such pain and humiliation. She was not going to give this teen the satisfaction of kissing her tummy.
Avril lifted her gaze towards Miley, starring at her hard abs and in a trembling but determined voice, mumbled


"NO?!?" Miley screamed, launching herself forward and grabbing the poor blonde's hair. "We'll see about that!."

Avril tried to scream but Miley quickly shoved the Canadian's face into the hot sand, muffling her pitiful cries as Avril pathetically flailed her limbs in all direction, unable to breath.
Miley kept Avril's face buried in the sand for about 10 seconds before releasing her grip on the blonde's hair and quickly rolling the gasping exhausted singer onto her back.

"Please stooooop Pllleaaase let me g...UUUUUHHFFFF!!!" Avril's mumbls were cut short as Miley rammed her fist from above into Avrils destroyed red belly.

Avril was clearly unable to defend herself any more against Miley's onslaught, as the teenager continued pummeling blonde's unprotected red belly with her fist over and over again.

The helpless blonde could not take any more of this belly devastation and was sobbing her complete surrender to Miley between gasps for air, throwing every remains of dignity she had left out the window.

P...P..LEASE!!! *UGHHH!* SS...SSTOP *UGGHHH* YOU WINNNN!! *UOUGHH* NO MORE PLEASE!!! *OUGHH* STOP PUNCHING *OUGHH* ME PLEEEAAASEE! Lavigne hysterically pleaded between punches.

Miley stopped, her fist still buried deep into Lavigne's soft belly, covering Avril's belly button. "Are you going to kiss it now?" She asked Avril, drilling her fist even deeper into the blondes flesh.   


Pleased with the blonde's response, Miley jumped to her feet turning her back and taking a few steps away, leaving poor Avril behind to curl into a whimpering ball of tears and pain on the sand.
Miley then turned around again and dropped to her knees facing Lavigne.

"Crawl to me and kiss my belly button NOW, wimp." she commanded the defeated blonde.

Avril obeyed immediately. She painfully got up to her hands and knees and began crawling slowly towards Miley, her head hanging low, not daring to lift her eyes off the ground for even a second. The many cameras around began flashing rapidly.
The humiliated shivering blonde finally came to a stop, her face inches away from Miley's impressive abs and waited for permission.

Miley grinned and placed her hands on her hips, pushing her tummy closer to Avril's face. "Kiss it" she commanded.

The broken weeping blonde starred at Miley's stomach for a few seconds before finally planting her extended lips on Miley's belly button, officialy signaling her complete defeat and submission.

The crowd went wild, applauding the teenager for her impressive win as Miley grabbed Avril's hair and pushed Avril's head towards her belly, making sure the poor blonde's lips and face stay buried in her tummy for as long as she wanted.
Avril could only whimper submissively, her muffled cries only audible to the brunette.

After about a minute of Avril's lips buried in her navel, Miley decided to end this. She pulled Avril's head backwards using the blonde's hair, forcing  a teary eyed, gasping Avril to look up at her.. 

"This is my beach now, cxnt. You never EVER come back here, understand?" Miley shouted into Avril's face with a threatening voice.

The freightened blonde wanted nothing to do with Miley anymore and nodded submissively. "Y..yes.."

"Yes WHO?" Miley toyed with the blonde.

"Yes....Miley." Lavigne sobbed immediately, hoping to please the teen and be left alone.

Miley was pleased. Still keeping her grip on Avril's hair with her left hand, she smiled to Avril just before suddenly pulling back her right arm.
Avril's eyes widened in horror as she helplessly watched Miley's hand turn into a fist. She had nothing left in her to defend herself.

“Sweet dreams, punk wimp!” Miley muttered before ramming her fist into Lavigne's right cheek with a sickening sound, sending Avril to dreamland as the blonde's eyes rolled into the back of her head and she collapsed to her side, face first into the sand in heap, lying on her belly, unmoving and completely out cold.

"Well.......Stick a fork in her, shes DONE!" Miley exclaimed in triumph as she stood up, planting her feet on the back of the unconscious Avril's head, making sure the blonde's face was buried deep in the sand as she took her victory stance, flexing her toned arms and  posing to all the paparazzis and bystanders who were busy twitting pics all over the place.

Avril's friends embarassingly rushed towards the knocked out blonde's body, trying to drag their defeated friend away from Miley.
Miley just smiled at them, finally removing her foot from Avril and walking away, letting her friends roll Avril's limp body to her back as they began slapping her softly several times trying to revive her , calling for help from the men around them as the blonde failed to wake up.

Miley returned to her camp , high fiving her friends as the very amused bunch sat and watched from afar how only after 20 long minutes Avril was finally revived and slowly helped to her feet. The humiliated Canadian pop princess gathered her things and left the beach as quickly as humanly possible, never daring to return.

Hope you all enjoyed the story and the "visual aids" I made to go along with it ! ;)


Offline ninetofiver

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Re: [STORY] - "Beach Bully" - Avril Lavigne Vs. Miley Cyrus
« Reply #1 on: August 06, 2011, 11:47:15 PM »
Excellent story! Sure did like the visual aids. hehe
Keep up the good work


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Re: [STORY] - "Beach Bully" - Avril Lavigne Vs. Miley Cyrus
« Reply #2 on: August 07, 2011, 10:00:05 PM »
nice story and pics. hope you do a nother one


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Re: [STORY] - "Beach Bully" - Avril Lavigne Vs. Miley Cyrus
« Reply #3 on: August 07, 2011, 10:40:38 PM »
Good! But in the next story, Avril will revenge, in the wrestling match. And she wins by schoolgirl pin. :D


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Re: [STORY] - "Beach Bully" - Avril Lavigne Vs. Miley Cyrus
« Reply #4 on: August 08, 2011, 08:33:47 AM »
Nice story, please go on!



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Re: [STORY] - "Beach Bully" - Avril Lavigne Vs. Miley Cyrus
« Reply #5 on: August 08, 2011, 11:39:11 PM »
Good! But in the next story, Avril will revenge, in the wrestling match. And she wins by schoolgirl pin. :D

Do you think she even has the will to fight again though?

I mean after what Cyrus did to her I'd think she'd be too afraid to fight her again, in any format.

I mean after all, Cyrus just stole her crown in front of hundreds of people. Not to mention all the media attention the fight attracted.

Before this fight Avril was know as the "bad ass punk bitch". Everyone, was afraid of her, but Miley came along and exposed her. The toughness was only a facade. She's not tough, just merely a poser.
« Last Edit: August 08, 2011, 11:41:49 PM by Ronnie123 »


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Re: [STORY] - "Beach Bully" - Avril Lavigne Vs. Miley Cyrus
« Reply #6 on: August 09, 2011, 04:15:38 PM »
No-no! In one fight, Avril was beaten, but in the next match, she can defeat Miley, and  humiliate her.  ;)


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Re: [STORY] - "Beach Bully" - Avril Lavigne Vs. Miley Cyrus
« Reply #7 on: August 10, 2011, 08:05:22 PM »
Awesome story. loved the visual effects. Please don't make Miley lose to Avril. She beat her so handily I am sure she would win every time they fight. How about u do a fight where Jessica Simpson beats up her sister Ashley? That would be awesome, especially with pics. Have Jessica force Ashley to kiss her feet in the end.


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Re: [STORY] - "Beach Bully" - Avril Lavigne Vs. Miley Cyrus
« Reply #8 on: August 10, 2011, 08:08:33 PM »
they are both weak bitches..who cares anybody could beat them in a 2 on1 fight. please


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Re: [STORY] - "Beach Bully" - Avril Lavigne Vs. Miley Cyrus
« Reply #9 on: September 10, 2011, 07:46:17 PM »
Very nice story and also very nice, how you worked on the pictures to illustrate it.