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Sorority Wars Part 0 of ??

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Sorority Wars Part 0 of ??
« on: September 13, 2011, 08:05:21 PM »
Sorority Wars Prologue

Later versions of these battles (if and when) are to be future listed in the by Freecatfight dates, for the convenience of newer readers.

This hopes to be a series of catfighting, mauling,etc. stories about two warring womens' college sororities called Beta Lambda (for the blondes only) and Beta Rho (for the brunettes only),
this membership restriction adding to the excitement over their constant dirty catfighting. New members find they are to be submissives to blonde and brunette dommes whose sorority titles
are 'Dirty Catfight Trainers'. Watching the many wild catfights are part of each new member's training, but almost always within their sorority. Eventually the 'catfighting students'
will fight girls from the other sorority in the continual sex war between the two sororities !

The dirty catfighting is not limited to the sorority girls; townies, prostitutes, and veteran actresses are also involved in these erotic happenings as well as the 19y/o students in the
college ! Some of whore fights are involved in their business dealings and many of the clever ladies use this form of recruitment for new girls whose sometimes-overloaded bosoms haven't
begun to cascade down over their bellies and crotches!

To add to the excitement of these fights, some of the contestants try to look like the well-know female actresses and important women they watch and their rough catfighting is
sometimes observed by the actress whose name is being used - and maybe with her participation in the catfight if her 'protege' is being badly beaten! Other exciting
happenings occur during dirty sex fights between two pairs from both sororities - when one catfighter knocks out her opponent, immediately helps her 'sister' subdue
the other single opponent and then both of them awaken the first loser and force her to breast-maul her partner awake, then violently fist her pussy until she faints again
and again from what her sorority sister is doing to her ! When this happens to one of their own teams, they know there will be some 'fun' that night in the dormitory !

Naturally, the girl mauling her sister is trying to hold back her efforts, but the winners are onto that and she can only save herself from their tortures by 'entertaining;
them, getting her sorority sister to shriek and scream from her forced brutality ! Later, back in their dormitory the victim retaliates with the help from other students when she
explains what her opponent did to her during their enemy-forced combat! "Fucking bitch really liked hurting my pussy" was a good reason for a six-on-one torturing punishment!
This sort of mayhem goes on for hours and the many brutal torturers pass out from their violent orgasms and the two victims now can retaliate back and forth on each other
for even longer!

But this particular session features a 14 girl tug-of-war between the sororities, varying in that all 14 girls are handcuffed to the tugging-rope and the winners are released and
given keys to find their victims on the losing team for violent mauling while still handcuffed to the rope. Lots of  victim-switching happens when a winner fucks her loser
into unconsciousness and still needs more orgiastic pleasures from another loser, but has to fight one of her sister-winners for this new submissive !