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The Arena (CCE) - ROUND 2!

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Offline KSWer

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The Arena (CCE) - ROUND 2!
« on: October 22, 2011, 01:11:52 AM »

The Arena - Round 1 is over, check out the results here:

Round 2 is up with 8 new fights! Please check it out and vote here:

a new round with 8 new fights will be posted each weekend so check back next weekend for more fights!

Thanks in advance for your participation!



Offline BloodySam

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Re: The Arena (CCE) - ROUND 2!
« Reply #1 on: October 22, 2011, 04:40:49 PM »
Great work!!

I'd second what Barbosa said. I'd like to see the results for each question asked in the fight surveys.


Offline Ninjadude82

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Re: The Arena (CCE) - ROUND 2!
« Reply #2 on: October 22, 2011, 04:54:37 PM »
Very well done with the first round write up, everything went the way I had hoped, really glad Kristen won her match.
I would also kind of like to see some percentages, even if it was just for the who would win choice, just so I can see what people are thinking.
Thank you from an almost obsessive follower.


Offline KSWer

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Re: The Arena (CCE) - ROUND 2!
« Reply #3 on: October 22, 2011, 05:59:48 PM »

 I like your comments and the elements of fights. I would like to know the results, I mean the votes of winner and loser. Is this the point for the victory or and the other categories, like the total points of performances? What happens if the fighter A takes 20 votes for win and the fighter B 18, but the total points from their performances are for example150 for A and 155 for B? It happens if the voters of B give always higher numbers than A’s. I hope I make you understand with my tragic English…lol.

  Anyway, great job. I hope you keep your enthusiasm and keep going the fights.
  A last question. What you will doing when more than 2 or 3 fighters have the same points, for example I see many fighters with 70 points (including my beloved Charlize)?

  One more time thanks for your time and the efforts…

Thanks for the comments everyone!

Well, good question there Barbosa. I have debated what to do in such situation as you described (because it came up on 2 of the fights). Eventually I went with this:
The scores that came from the people that voted for the eventual WINNER count 100%, while the scores that come from the people who voted for the girl who ended up losing only count 50% as much.

Hope you understood :) If you guys have better ideas for how to calculate it I'm listening.....I am not sure myself if this is the best way to do it. but so far it seems ok.

Regarding the other question about more than 1 fighter with the same overall score - that is exactly why you see that the first arena fights are between fighters with the same overall scores, that way the woman who wins a fight between 2 fighters with 70 will be higher in the rank than the other woman who lost to her.

When I post top 10 and bottom 10 lists as well as the overall ranking of the entire roster, those fights will decide who's above who.


I will start adding the percentages of the votes in the next results. Thanks!


Offline KSWer

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Re: The Arena (CCE) - ROUND 2!
« Reply #4 on: October 29, 2011, 12:17:36 PM »
Working on it....should be updated later today and if not by tomorrow for sure. Got delayed a bit!


Offline Gent

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Re: The Arena (CCE) - ROUND 2!
« Reply #5 on: October 29, 2011, 08:15:57 PM »
Still loving this site dude, if i can imagine the two fighters naked or nearly, barefoot, sweaty and so worn out its amazing they still stand its a perfect fight, my imagination does the rest, thanks dude :)


Offline KSWer

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Re: The Arena (CCE) - ROUND 2!
« Reply #6 on: October 31, 2011, 04:54:38 AM »
I will NEVER understand why people think Alba is such a good fighter (or good looking...)........and yes I think Katy Perry would win too, but this is not about what I think :)


Offline KSWer

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Re: The Arena (CCE) - ROUND 2!
« Reply #7 on: October 31, 2011, 08:40:43 PM »
lol, 0 out of 8...ouch.

At least you agree with me that Alba is overrated as a fighter. :) She should be around the 60 overall score in my opnion and not way.
and yes, Aniston won. I was surprised too....I thought Courtney would win that one....

Milla and Angelina are pretty evenly matched physically with the advantage going to Milla for her current condition and fitness.
I think the only reason you think Angelina would win is the mental image you have of her in your head....her toughness.
But honestly I don't think she has any clear advantage over Milla. Sorry mate :)