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Glossary: a guide to the dark world of a Female Fight Club

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Offline Ellis Kent

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Glossary: a guide to the dark world of a Female Fight Club
« on: April 15, 2014, 03:23:16 AM »
Here is a guide to some of the vocabulary and fighting tactics of the Black Scorpion Club as described in the ebook Untamed Rivalry: Scenes from a Female Fight Club. Book Two is currently in the works and Alexis and I had an editorial summit last week...

[/b]Comments and suggestions for forms of combat or fight rituals welcomed!

The Black Scorpion Club Lexicon

A guide for readers of Untamed Rivalry: Scenes from a Female Fight Club

Term                                                  Description

Amazon Display
(Pre-fight Pose)
   Amazon Display is popular with the more aggressive bull members of the Scorpion Club. It entails standing with legs apart, “mons veneris” pushed forward, biceps cocked, displaying herself in a defiant manner to her rival.

Brazen Bitch       (Pre-fight Pose)   Brazen Bitch is frequently used before sexfights. Each fighter displays her “pink iron” in a menacing way to her rival. Trash talk often centers on how the ability to leave her rival limp and drained or likelihood of a rival losing it and squirting her come against her rival’s victorious spike.

Battle Stud   A cxnt-stud is a prominent snub-nosed device the size of a domed bottle top, normally made from hard rubber, or metal held in place on the “mons veneris” by a leather harness.  It is used to gouge an opponent’s pussy and is intended to strike the clitoris. Originating in Japan, this has long been a favorite weapon when women wish to settle sexual rivalries.  In extreme cases, a woman can disable her opponent as a sexual rival for a long period.
Battle Spur   Spurs are battle studs in the shape of cockerel spurs and are only used in extreme rivalries, normally of a sexual nature. (See Untamed Rivalry chapter 5 for a description of a combat witnessed by Alexis in Shanghai.)

BitchCraft   The art of training women in physical and sexual combat. BitchCraft is also an area of the Scorpion Club intranet where members advertise their services: e.g. in breast mauling, use of whips, battle studs and spurs and double dildos.

Bitch Dressage   Bitch Dressage is “deportment” for novices wishing to gain membership of the Scorpion Club. The theory is that becoming a true alpha female is best studied from a submissive position. To quote Beatrice, “You have to break a bitch before she can really unleash her inner bitch.”  The mistress will train her novice (normally, but not exclusively a younger woman) or “bitch” to perform ritual movements such as crawling like a panther in a way that is aesthetically and erotically pleasing. These movements include pleasuring the mistress or her guests, taking part in certain ritual combat against other mistresses’ novices. There is a great deal of competitiveness between mistresses as to how sexually alluring their charges look and behave, how unfettered their sexual appetites are and how aggressively they will compete against another mistress’ bitch.  They are often taught trash talking and stylish insults and slights that breed the rivalry that is the club’s lifeblood. Some wealthy Club members train two bitches at the same time, encouraging them to compete and develop an intense rivalry. Periodically, they will be encouraged to fight or sexfight, the winner enjoying whatever prizes the mistress has offered to induce maximum aggression. (This is normally sexually in nature, such as exclusive rights to share the mistress’ bed for a week, or having the loser act as the winner’s sex slave for a period.) This teaches the novices how to conduct rivalry in a satisfying manner.

BGA   Abbreviation for the Bitch Goddess Alexis - co-author.

Breast Maul   Squeezing and twisting of an opponent’s breast or breasts during a fight. In a breast maul duel both women offer their breasts to an opponent in a mutual squeeze-off, the loser being the first woman to release her grip or to submit.

C2C   Abbreviation for cxnt-to-cxnt or clit-to-clit.

Centerline vb.   An expert move in sexfighting. To “centerline” an opponent, a sexfighter runs the tip of her clitoris from the bottom to the top of her rival’s – excruciatingly pleasurable to both parties. When sustained, even for a short time, this move normally triggers an orgasm.
Cat   Club slang name for a member who is a more experienced fighter than a novice. Most Scorpion Club members are cats.

Cream (Slut or Bitch)   Club slang for pussy fluids or semen. Often used proceeded by the words “slut” or “bitch” during trash talk.  Much of the tension within the Scorpion Club revolves around disputes over sexual partners. A “cream thief” is a member who steals another member’s woman (or man).

Clit cudgels   Slang for clit-to-clit combat where sexfighters’ spikes (see below) slash and stab each other in C2C combat.

cxnting (n) or to cxnt    To land disabling blows on a rival’s pussy. Stud and spur fights are designed explicitly for one woman to attack her opponent’s sex. In a dispute over a lover, “cxnting” an opponent is symbolic of the triumph of one sexual rival over another, the loser being rendered unable to act as a lover.  Jealous rivals often choose spurs for such fights as they inflict greater damage than studs.

Dual Worship    It is sometimes the case that when women fight (duel) in front of their lovers, male or female, that the winner takes loser’s partner. In celebrating a recent victory, Alexis milked her rival’s husband’s cock in her pussy while her companion took her in the tail. In the Scorpion Club, the loser and her partner may have the forfeit of tonguing the winner’s pussy and tail simultaneously. See Beyond the Female Fight Club (Hence the play of the words dual and duel.)

Duel 69   Duel 69 is competitive cunnilingus, often with time limits or target numbers of orgasms, e.g. first to five. The winner is the woman who forces more orgasms from her opponent or forces her rival to the target first.  There are also submission matches where the loser surrenders, unable to compete, exhausted by her orgasms or with her tongue too numb and weary to continue. Duel 69 is one of the most read pages on BitchCraft and many members keenly watch the frequent duel 69 competitions between the instructors.

Finger fuck-fight   A style of combat where the contestants mutually masturbate each other. They normally face each other kneeling or standing or lying side by side, legs apart, each other to her rival’s hand. The winner is normally adjudged to be the first to bring the other to orgasm, or the woman to force the most orgasms over a given period, commonly an hour.  Also commonly known as a “rub-off”.

Feeling the Steel (Pre-fight Ritual)   In the “feeling the steel” ritual, two members who have agreed to fight with battle spurs take it in turn to let her rival push the spur inside her pussy and up into the hood of the clitoris. This is an act of mental strength, the woman receiving the spur tries not to flinch at the touch of the cold metal and her rival has to fight the urge to thrust into her rival. It is compulsory to have a companion to restrain you at the Scorpion club – this is done by holding the back of the spur harness. (See Chapter 9 of Untamed Rivalry.) Some of the tigresses, to show their lack of fear will push against the spur and ask her rival to feel their clit throb. Threats and trash talk are a natural accompaniment to this ritual. The tension generated is greatly prized by the audience, particularly if there is an experienced Mistress of Ceremonies present.

(Pre-fight Ritual)   There are many variations of this ritual. Depending on the nature of the fight different areas of the body may be probed by the combatants’ hands and possibly tongues.  The purposes are twofold. Firstly, for combatants it is an opportunity to test the other woman’s resolve and sexuality. In particular, before sexfights it is common for the women to finger each other’s clits, while looking into each other’s eyes, searching for weakness. Showing off hard muscles and “pink iron” (see entry) to a rival is part of the psychological battle involved in sexfighting and fights. Trash talking sometimes accompanies this phase. Secondly, it is part of the spectacle and builds the erotic tension of the fight. In the Scorpion Club, the ritual often has a Mistress of Ceremonies, such as Beatrice. See entry below. A skilled Mistress of Ceremonies stokes both the desire to fight aggressively and the theatrical element of the fight. For many members the build-up is a highlight of the combat.

Fight Candy   The type of Scorpion Club members who inspire women to fight over them. They often appreciate fighting without practice in much. Occasionally fight candy members become compete for the attention of a powerful, rich bull lesbian such as Natasha or a sexy vicious goddess such as Alexis. Fight candy may be offered as a “prize” or incentive to fighters.

Fight Forfeits   Any forfeit must be agreed to by both parties before the fight. This is not a case of the victor taking the benefit of the victory without having risked the same fate herself. The penalty or penalties paid by the loser after a fight. These are intended to humiliate a loser and give vent to the euphoria felt by a victrix. Forfeits are often sexual in nature, e.g. the loser having to pleasure the winner by licking her tail or surrender her companion to the winner to be fucked in the arena. As Beatrice says, “One woman’s forfeit is another woman’s victory ritual.”
Fight Frenzy   Alexis says that during intense combat, only the fight and the opponent exist, totally occupying her senses. The baying crowd and screams of encouragement feel remote, the pain of being hit do not matter, only landing blows on one’s rival are felt. The naked aggression of “fight frenzy” is the intoxication that members of the Black Scorpion Club seek as spectators and combatants.
Fight Lust   The animal desire to fight and utterly defeat a rival. pre-fight rituals are designed to stoke fight lust. The sensation is a potent combination of aggression and an element of sexual arousal.

Fighting Collar   A (leather or metal) collar used to control combatants in prefight rituals where the temptation to fight may cause combat to start before the mistress of ceremonies is ready. Collars are often used in bitch dressage to show ownership of the novice and a device to signal to the bitch to stop, start etc.

Finger Spur   A metal or hard rubber false nail, most often attached to the middle finger of the right hand in combat. Its purpose is for cxnting, in short, to tear or rip an opponent’s pussy or tail. It is only used in extreme combat between bitter rivals, normally over a disputed member.

Fuckfight    A more direct term for sexfight…

b]Gloveless gauntlet (Pre-fight Ritual)[/b] As a ritual display of aggression and stoicism, contestants in an arena fight sometimes agree to strike each other on the face up to ten times, although three is more normal, before they actually fight. This ritual is intended to fire “fight frenzy”. In a dramatic ritual the contestants show their contempt for their rival by slapping them and show their courage by taking the blows silently. The contestants are normally restrained as the desire to attack and rival can be overpowering. By mastering their rage and the pain with style a fighter gains prestige among the members.

Golden Gauntlet (Pre-fight Ritual)   [/i] This is a ritual which is chosen by bitter rivals, a physical way of expressing their dislike of each other. Often standing on a small dais, the first fighter jets a golden deluge over her rival’s pussy, letting her feel the heat of her will to fight and a very physical expression of their enmity. The first fighter will then receive her opponent’s response. It is always a tense and dramatic moment intended to stoke the tension. In the BGA’s experience, the pairs’ desire to fight viciously is always inflamed by the Golden Gauntlet.

Golden Goddess   A worthy idolater is requested to shower the by her divine majesty who in turn may return the favor to an especially favored idolater, running her precious liquid the length of his rod.

Harness   A series of leather straps that secure a stud or spur over the “mons veneris” of a combatant, leaving the pussy exposed to the stabbing and thrusting of a rival.

Horn (Pink)   Euphemism for clitoris

Probing the Purple During worship by a male idolater, the BGA may wish to inspect the rod, to test it for firmness and the feel the throb of adoration. She does this by gripping and squeezing the shaft and pumping it to release pre-libation fluid. In an aspect of hot rodding called “probing the purple” the BGA may tongue and suck on the idolater’s rod.

Idolater   Extreme fan (male or female) of any senior Club Member. Will fight for the right to pleasure her. The main aim of attending a club event will be to get the chance to see, talk to and possibly be permitted to pleasure the object of their adoration or be used sexually by them. For example, Natasha has many idolaters and encourages rivalry between them.

Inspecting the Iron pre-fight Ritual   Before a sexfight, a Mistress of Ceremonies may test the battle readiness of the combatants by fingering their clitorises to see how erect they are. Where there is no Mistress of Ceremonies present, the combatants may test themselves, or each other – see “feel-out.”

Iron (Pink)   Euphemism for erect battle-ready or worship-ready clitoris.

Juice – vb. tr. to juice also Juicing n.   A verb, noun and verbal noun, referring to one woman’s ability to arouse her rival during a sexfight to the point where her juices are flowing indiscriminately and she loses control.   To juice or give rival a juicing means to defeat her sexually, possibly to the extent that she cannot come anymore, hence the common threat between sexfighters to leave the rival “limp and juiceless.” The limp being a reference to her clitoris.

Kitten    Club slang term for new member.

Lock-up   Normally a reference to a scissor move in which the two combatants in a sexfight position their pussies against each other and push and grind.

Loser Rut
(Victory Ritual)
   A loser rut comprises the winner and her partner, or possibly a group of women taking the loser sexually. (Remember the loser agreed to this on the basis that she would be the winner.)

Marking a Rival (Victory Ritual)   The victrix may wish to celebrate her win by symbolically signifying her mastery and ownership of the loser. Popular actions at the club include writing trash on the loser’s naked body in lipstick. In extreme fights at the Dragon Club the loser may be tattooed with the name or device of the winner or an appropriate image. Madam Wang’s device is of a dragon anally raping a woman.

Mistress of Ceremonies   In the Scorpion Club, a fight normally has a Mistress of Ceremonies, such as Beatrice. A skilled Mistress of Ceremonies stokes both the desire to fight aggressively and the theatrical element of the combat. Often the Mistress of Ceremonies will have both interviewed the fighters and studied their previous fights. Armed with these insights her prefight commentary will be honed to needle the opponents to fight viciously.  As Claudia notes of Beatrice’s ability “When Beatrice is Mistress of Ceremonies there is never a dry seat in the arena and never a contestant who did not want to fight it out to a finish.” The Mistress of Ceremonies is also in charge of administering any fight forfeits – see entry above.

Nectar   Liquid from the Bitch Goddess Alexis and other desirable club members…Also pearl nectar – semen from men – see Victory Shower.

Pre-fight Ritual   A successful ritual stokes fight lust, the animal desire to fight and utterly defeat a rival. It achieves this by ramping up the dramatic tension between the combatants and engaging the audience’s aggressive and erotic sensibilities. It also acts as a showcase for the combatants, each wanting to radiate poise and defiance and win the lusty support of the members.  

Prize   At the Club, women, or very occasionally men, are sometimes offered as an inducement to fight as a “prize” for the victrix. (See Chapter 3 Untamed Rivalry where a French porn star is the prize for the winner.) To quote Claudia after defeating Ellen for Asoka in Chapter 10 of Untamed Rivalry. “This delicious novice is my prize of war!”

Post-fight Rituals   Post-fight rituals fall into two categories: rewards for victory and forfeits for defeat. In the Black Scorpion Club, the rewards and forfeits are suggested by the combatants and agreed before the fight. Both parties have to consent to the proposals, both showing that they are prepared to “take it” as well as “give it.” The rewards and forfeits may also include the partners of the combatants. A number are described here in this glossary but they are many and varied.

Scenting  the Rivals
(pre-fight Ritual)
   [/i]In a fight over a lover, (for example, Claudia and Ellen’s fight over Asoka in Chapter 10 of Untamed Rivalry,) the disputed woman may smear her love juices on the spurs of the combatants. In an erotically provocative gesture, it is also common for the rivals to smear the lover’s juice beneath her nose. The scent of the desired woman serving as an inflammatory reminder of the sexual prize at stake.

Scenting a Loser   The most common way of “scenting a loser” is by a golden shower, in the arena in front of the membership. In a sexfight, a victrix may also choose to express the thrill of victory by fingering herself until she squirts over the loser’s pussy – see Chapter Six of Untamed Rivalry and Alexis’ victory over Agnieska. The most extreme version of scenting a loser is “deep scenting”. In this version, a winner uses a dildo, smeared with her own juices to penetrate, to penetrate the loser. There are many humiliating versions, for example, the winner may penetrate the loser’s lover and have her lick the shaft clean. The loser may have to tongue the winner’s supporters to orgasm. (Remember any such forfeit or victory ritual will have been agreed to by both parties. The club has rules!)

Scissor   Two meanings. Traditional wrestling hold whereby a fighter squeezes the torso of her opponent between her thighs. Sexfighting move whereby two fighters engage their pussies to thrust and grind.

Sexual combat where the winner forces her opponent to orgasm, and tries to dominate her sexually. The rules vary; some contests are over a timed period and others go on until one woman cannot continue, a so-called “fuck to a finish fight.” More directly known as a fuckfight.

Shaman Session
In much the same way as people in the Stone Age rehearsed their hunts some club members to rehearse a victory in the build up to a fight. In a shaman session, a lover or coach will work the fighter’s “pink iron” while talking her through the combat. (Suki often performs this role for Alexis in Untamed Rivalry.) A skillful shaman will weave a convincing description of the battle, drawing on her knowledge of the fighter and her opponent. The combination of aggressive trash talk and sexual stimulation fires the readiness to fight. The shaman will time the description of the victory to coincide with the climax. The shaman session normally takes place at least a day before the combat, particularly if it is a sexfight.  

Slap-off    This is a popular test of a novice’s capacity “to give it and take it”. Each woman takes it in turn to strike the other and the mutual slapping continues until one gives. It is important to impress one’s mistress by not flinching and not being the first to give! The loser will likely have to pay a forfeit. (Often a metronome will be used with 5 second intervals between strikes. If a contestant misses her cue may not strike her opponent.)

Spike (Pink)   Euphemism for clitoris.

Spike-to-spike   Clitoris-to-clitoris – see also clit cudgels.

Slut-spurt   Commonly known as squirting. Slut-spurting occurs during a sexfight when a combatant loses control and comes as a result of her rival’s skills. With two accomplished sexfighters it is common for a juice to be sprayed several times during a fight.

Splashing the mat   Leaking pussy juice or slut-spurting during a fight is also referred to as “splashing the mat”. For example: Beatrice made the novice splash the ma until she was limp and juiceless.  As part of her victory ritual the victrix then forced her to give T2T (see below).

Syrup (Slut or Bitch)   Club slang for pussy fluid. Often used with the words “slut” or “bitch” in front during trash talk.

Taste of Victory (Victory Ritual)   After a sexfight, the victrix may invite her idolaters to taste her defeated rival’s “loser slut syrup” on her “spike”. She may offer the same to the loser who may be expected to pleasure the victrix until she climaxes.

Top jockey   A pussy dueling position where one combatant lies on her back and opens herself to her rival who then squats over her, lowers her sex onto hers and grinds back and forth. The aim is to keep clits in constant contact and to try to “centerline” (see above) each other.

Trash Talk   Trash talk is used to build tension before and during a fight. Good trash talk is prized for its erotic potential. Some novices are trained in it by their mistresses. Some Club members also take part in cyberfights with each other. In a sexfight, trash talk is a real weapon. The BGA can sense a woman on the verge of coming by looking into her eyes and can push a rival over the edge with a deftly chose command…e.g. “Spill it bitch, drench my spike with your syrup, slut! Let me feel it!” Roaring with lust and anger the opponent often obliges.

Tigress   Club slang for an experienced, battle-hardened and ready member. The minimum qualification is to have been victorious in the club arena. Today, to be considered a real tigress you will have had to have fought with studs or spurs.

Trophy Necklace   Originating in the Red Dragon Club and brought to the Scorpion Club by Natasha, this is a ritual accessory worn by a few wealthy women. Whenever they sexfight another woman or sponsor a sexfight, they take mold of each combatants’ clitoris which is then cast in silver. The winner is presented with the mold of the loser’s clitoris and will hang it on a necklace to be worn to Club events. Beatrice has 15 silver pendants and Natasha 14 from her necklace. (Natasha also has two ruby clitorises, carved to commemorate two rivals who lost their clitorises in spur fights with her.)

Taunt Fuck  (Victory Ritual)   A taunt fuck is a common finale to fights at the club. It involves the winner fucking the loser aggressively while trash talking and insulting the loser’s abilities and a fighter and lover.

Victory Shower (Victory Ritual)[/i]   The victory shower may be administered in two ways. Firstly, some of the winners capable of squirting masturbate themselves, to the adulation of the audience, and demonstrate their ownership and dominance of the loser by scenting her with their juices. Secondly, when a man is offered as the prize, he may be milked by the Mistress of Ceremonies or the winner. (See chapter 3 of Untamed Rivalry). In the case of some competitive couples, where male partners are offered as victory “prizes” the winner may empty both men over herself, often while taunting the loser.

T2T (Tongue to Tail)
(Victory Ritual)   Abbreviation for a popular victory ritual of the loser licking the victrix’s tail.

Victrix   Club word for a winner – feminine version of victor.

Vixen   Vicious, bitchy, spiteful club member. They are naturally competitive and may try to steal another woman’s lover, just for the sport of it.  Tend to excel at trash talk and needling rivals. Mentally aggressive and combative, thrilling in the clash of words, wills and female bodies. Some vixens may also be accomplished a fighters but it is their attitude that earns them the name.

War Paint   Lipstick or body paint used to accentuate a fighter’s body, often highlighting erogenous zones. A visual aspect of the competition between two fighters for support from the audience. War paint is an extension into the arena of the way women vie for the attention of potential partners with clothes and make-up.

Whip-fight   An extreme form of combat, even by Scorpion Club standards. Normally involves a riding crop, the loser is the first women to cry for mercy or to drop her whip.
« Last Edit: April 15, 2014, 06:24:47 AM by europa »
Published female fight and sexfight author. Untamed Rivalry: Scenes from a Female Fight Club. (With sexfighter and fighter Alexis - see my profile.) Book in Kindle Store.


Offline Ellis Kent

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Re: Glossary: a guide to the dark world of a Female Fight Club
« Reply #1 on: April 15, 2014, 01:12:41 PM »
Thanks Irene, Alexis sometimes wonders whether she should have just stayed making films...good to get some feedback.
Published female fight and sexfight author. Untamed Rivalry: Scenes from a Female Fight Club. (With sexfighter and fighter Alexis - see my profile.) Book in Kindle Store.


Offline Ellis Kent

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Re: Glossary: a guide to the dark world of a Female Fight Club
« Reply #2 on: April 16, 2014, 03:32:32 AM »
This describes the world of the fight club in our book...possibly a bit challenging for many here.
Published female fight and sexfight author. Untamed Rivalry: Scenes from a Female Fight Club. (With sexfighter and fighter Alexis - see my profile.) Book in Kindle Store.