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All-Star Celebrity Wrestling 16 --- Big Sonia vs Ashley Tisdale & Miley Cyrus

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Offline LoveSexyJobbers

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After easily disposing of Jealous Rival , Kendra Wilkinson , in ASCW15 , Sonia wanted her next Match to be a 2 on 1 Handicap Match where both Opponents were alllowed to stay in the ring the entire time , thinking it might give her a Challenge & when voting opened Mon Morning , for the next 2 weeks , 2 names were being voted on alot to be her Opponents & so was the Match outcome & at the end of the voting , from Day 1 , Sonia's next Opponents would be Ashley Tisdale & Miley Cyrus , who actually wanted to be a team since they found out each other signed on for ASCW 16 .
At Match time , Ashley & Miley came out 1st , wearing matching Stars & Stripes outfits as they dubbed themselves " The All-American Young Divas " & greeted as many ringside fans as they could before entering the ring to await their Popular Heel Opponent .

Sonia as always came out dressed like White Trailer Trash & proud of it & ignored her many fans & concentrated on the ones who still were on Team Ashley / Miley & taunted them before heading into the ring .

sonia climbed in & turned her back to taunt Pro Ashley / Miley fans 1 last time & the youngsters took advantage & attacked her from behind with Forearms to her Shoulder Blades , making sonia do some weird marching thing as she turned herself around & when around , Ashley & Miley set themselves up on oppsite sides of Sonia & began to use knees to the big Girls Gut to try to wear her down .

Sonia continued to do her little Marching thing until Ashley & Miley wanted to whip her off the ropes & as they tried , the Rope Dope playing Sonia didn't budge & used her Opponents Momentum to pull them to her where she put a hand each around their throats & wanted to give them a Double Chokeslam , but as she tried to lift them , Ashley & Miley escaped by stomping on Sonia's Bare Feet & tried to take advantage by beginning a Forearm assault on Sonia's Chest & it didn't take long for Sonia to recover from her aching Feet as both Ashley & Miley's Forearm Shots were doing nothing , but she played along & sold that the Foot Stomp did something & allowed herself to this time be Rope Whipped & on her return , she saw Ashley & Miley want to give her a Double Dropkick & she waited for them to jump & as they did , she stopped & backed away & watch the 2 Cuties Crash & Burn .

Sonia brought up a winded Ashley & gave her a Tossing Bodyslam & then moved over to Miley & brought her up & also gave her a Tossing Bodyslam .

Sonia moved to Ashley & brought her up & gave her another Tossing Bodyslam & then did the same to Miley & as Miley fluttered in pain , Sonia brought Ashley back up & rested for a few secs before Slamming Ashley right ontop of Miley , the force causing Ashley to slide off & flutter around on her Back as well & as she did , an aching Miley was brought up & Body Slammed right onto Ashley & then slid off .

Miley lay kind of out of it as Sonia Body Slammed Ashley again who lay out of it as Sonia brought Miley up for another Body Slam for her .

Sonia pulled the 2 Cuties together , placing them Shoulder to Shoulder & was able to stand over them & then after a bried rest , Bonsai Dropped them both together , crushing their Cute Chests but quickly got up & did the Bonsai Drop onto both again  , then stood up & gave them a 3rd Bonsai Drop , but this time she stay parked on their Chests as they made a rather comfortable seat & the Ref looked at Sonia & she said " Count to 20 you Idiot " the Ref got to the mat & began to count , 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-910-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19-20 , actually doing it slow as he made sure neither Ashley or Miley had a Shoulder up before the next slap of his hand onto the mat , the only movement was the AAYD's beneath the Big Girl only lightly writhing but not coming anywhere close to kicking out .

Sonia was so comfortable that she stayed on her Chesty Chair as a Victory Pose when an Annoying Laugh was heard & out came Kendra Wilkinson claiming that Sonia's Win over her on ASCW 15 was a fluke & she wasn't feeling good that day & said " Big Deal - You beat Kim Kardashian , everybody does , as a matter of fact , I'll Challenge Kim for ASCW 17 so I can show you how it's done " & with that , Kendra left.

Sonia was laughing at Kendra's little oath as the Ref kept trying to get Sonia to get up to let Ashley & Miley breath , but she cryed out " Kendra " & demanded the Ref make an additional 10 count which he did as a crushed AShley & Miley still could do nothing & when Sonia finally got up , AShley & Miley both turned on their sides fighting for air as Sonia had claimed 2 more Victims .

You never grow old until you stop being young