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Boxer vs Wrestler - Mia St. John vs Chyna

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Offline LoveSexyJobbers

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Boxer vs Wrestler - Mia St. John vs Chyna
« on: January 19, 2012, 05:18:50 PM »
A Wealthy Guy who puts on Underground Wrestling Shows for his Rich Cronies , at times with Ladies Matches where Mean Bad Girls Decimate Sexy Good Girls , which his Buddies really like & sometimes they have their Arm Candy get Destroyed for her Sugar Daddy's enjoyment also .

Having his latest show on his Birthday , he wanted to make it special & brught in 2 well known Ladies to go at it for his & his Buddies enjoyment , Mia St. John & Chyna where Mia was only allowed to use her Boxing skills & had to 10 Count KO Chyna for the win while Chyna could use pretty much everything Wrestling outside Foreign Objects & could win by either Pinning Mia or making her Submit also paying the Winner $100,000 while the loser get just $25,000 .

Mia came out first to a nice ovation wearing a Red Sports Bra Top & Short Short Shorts Black with Red trim & short White Boots , along with Candy Red Boxing Gloves & dd some Shadow Boxing in the ring as Chyna came out to the same respectable ovation wearing an all black outfit that spelled out " Badass " & she entered the ring & snarled at the Boxing Princess as the bell rang to start it .

Mia snapped Jabs out to keep the bigger Chyna at bay while she looked for an opening & once she found one , she started to let out One- Two combos as Chyna covered up as she slowly backed to the ropes to force the break .

The 2 circled & looked for an opening , but Chyna still could not see past Mia's Jabs for an opening & decided to use a Charging attack , but Mia nailed an Uppercut that rocked the Amazon & made her stumble Backwards & Mia sensing the opening , charged in herself , but Chyna was not that weak & as Mia swung at her , Chyna was able to get her hands on her & use Mia's momentum to pick her up & spin her down into a Backbreaker & then show her power by bringing her up in 1 motion & then back down into a 2nd Backbreaker before shoving Mia off her Knee & onto the mat .

Mia tried crawling to the ropes while holding her Back , but Chyna got to her a few inches from the ropes & said " Looks like your Back hurts already Huh ? " as she reached down & clamped on a Camel Clutch as Mia's shapely Legs kicked away for escape , but Chyna was too strong & Mia wasn't going anywhere.

Chyna then held Mia with 1 Arm as she used her Free Arm to give Mia Clubbing Forearms to her Chest until the Ref gave her the 5 count to break , which she did at 4 3/4 , rudely pushing Mia down to the mat as she broke .

Chyna quickly dragged Mia to the Middle Rope area & draped her Throat over it & choked away as again the Ref started a 5 count for her to break which the experienced Chyna did expertly at 4 3/4 & held her Arms up as to say " I Broke , See " .

Chyna grabbed Mia's Hair & brought her up to her Feet & then whipped her towards the furthest Corner & followed with a Corner Splash & as Mia fell , Chyna left the ring & was able to grab mia by a Wrist & Ankle & pull her Back right into the Steel Ringpost & hold on as she fell backwards , only Mia's Back being bent on the Post kept Chyna from going down as the Ref quickly made a 5 count , which Chyna of course waited for as long as possible to make the break , leaving Mia's Back a wreck .

Chyna reentered the ring & brought Mia up & pointed to 1 side of the Crowd & gave Mia a mighty Bodyslam in their direction & wasted no time in bringing Mia right back up , pointed to the next side of the Crowd & Bodyslammed Mia again , & did it twice more , for the other 2 sides of the Crowd as well & went for the pin , but pulled Mia up before the 3 count , feeling it was too early yet .

Chyna brought Mia up & quickly clamped her Hand around Mia's Throat & Chokeslammed her to the mat where Mia lay almost out as Chyna was heard saying " Since you aren't using those , let's take them off " & as Mia barely moved , Chyna removed the Boxing Gloves from Mia's Hands & tried them on , not quite fitting into them , but she still said " Let me show you how to use them my Dear " & with that , she brought Mia up by the Hair & bound her Arms in the Top & Middle Rope & began to use the Gloves the best she can to give Mia One-Two whacks into her Chest & Mid , doing it 6 times as the Ref kept giving her the 5 count to break before getting ticked & saying " Take off those Gloves now , 1 more punch with them & you are DQ'd " , so not wanting to forfeit $75,000 , Chyna obeyed & said " I have other ways anyway & just think Ref , now she can use her Bare Fists , I did her a favor " .

Chyna herself was all so gracious in freeing Mia & then carried the limp Beauty to a corner & draped her across the Top Turnbuckle & then Forearm Bashed Mia in her Chest & Mid until the Ref neared another 5 count DQ Count .

Chyna acknowledged the Crowd then carried Mia to another Turnbuckle & laid her out across that one & repeated the Forearm Bash Party until the Ref gave her yet another 5 count , all he could do for Mia at this point , & wound up having to do it twice more as Chyna introduced the other 2 Turnbuckles to Mia's form for a Forearm Bashing Party .

Chyna pulled Mia down after the 4th Bash Party ended & then showed her great power by Bench Pressing Mia up over her Head & cockily tossing her Front first to the mat & then brought her up & gave her a ChokeBomb , leaving Mia out of it .

Chyna planted a Foot on Mia's Chest & told the Ref & everyone , " To honor Mia , give her a 10 count pin , if she kicks out , I will personally stand her up , have her tap me & take a Dive after I prop her up so she will be the Winner " & under those words , the Ref looked at his Boss who nodded in agreement & the Ref began to slaphis Hand to the mat , 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 , Mia never moved & Chyna probably could of gotten a 2nd 10 count or even more , but Chyna happily kept her Victory pose as she had her Arn raised in Victory as Wrestling won this night .

You never grow old until you stop being young


Offline de Trixah

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Re: Boxer vs Wrestler - Mia St. John vs Chyna
« Reply #1 on: January 20, 2012, 12:47:11 AM »
Mia surely didnt expect this fight to be so one-sided and had to pay for it.


Offline Patrick

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Re: Boxer vs Wrestler - Mia St. John vs Chyna
« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2012, 08:35:21 AM »
Very nicely done (again !)

Nice that Mia got some shots in early, probably made her think that she actually had a chance in this one... only to then have her hopes dashed, royally.

Pity the referee made Chyna take off Mia's gloves, would have made a fin irony for Mia to get bashed in for the count, by her own sport, and more so even by her own boxing gloves !

Now, after this fight and one or two previous ones, what needs to happen now is for Chyna to get taken down !