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All-Star Celebrity Wrestling 19 -- Queen Latifah vs Giada DeLaurentis

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Since appearing in the 1st ASCW , where she Destroyed Kim Kardashian , Queen Latifah has always wanted to return , but her schedule didn't allow it until now & when voting opened the day after ASCW with the list of ASCW Celebs , her Possible Matchups & Match Outcomes led all others the entire 2 weeks voting was open & when it closed , her Opponent selected was the Cute & Perky , Food Network Italian Chef , Giada DeLaurentis .

As always , based on what the Fans wanted to see , Latifah & Giada went through a match Outline for the 2 weeks until it was PPV time .

The Match was the Opening Contest , the 1st of 4 Ladies Matches they always had on the ASCW Cards & as always , it was the Good Girl , Giada in this Match , who came out 1st playing the Good Girl role to the Tee as she wore a Red One-Piece & White Boots that had a small Italian Flag design on them & she High Fived & Hugged as many Fans as she coulf before entering the Ring & continuing to Pose for the Photographers & Blow Kisses to the Fans & Photogs alike as Queen Latifah was introduced & like her 1st ASCW Match , came out derssed in Villaness Black & half the time as she went to the Ring she ignored the Fans while the other half was spent yelling at some Pro Giada Fans & as soon as she got Ringside , she really began to taunt the Fans as Giada approached her yelling her to get in the ring already until the Ref escorted her away where she held up her Arms & began to clap to get the Fans to clap along & as they did , a smile came about her face as she pointed her fingers at them in a " Way to Go "  acknowledgment when her sweet smile suddenly disappeared as Latifah leveled her from behind with a Clubbing Double Forearm .

Giada was on the Mat holding at her Clubbed Back area as Latifah grabbed a Handful of Giada's Hair & scooped her up & delivered a Big Bodyslam to the Italian Cutie & followed up by walking across Giada's Midsection like it was a Welcome Mat & then turned around & walked across Giada a 2nd time & then rested by yelling at some Fans .

Giada looked Helpless as she lay on the Mat this short time into the Match until Latifah grabbed her by her Hair again & brought her up & walked her to the Ropes & bent her Backwards a bit & put her fingers to her Lips & gave a " Shhh " sound & gesture before rearing back & giving Giada a Powerful Chop that resounded around the Arena as Giada clutched her Sweet Chest until Latifah easily powered her Arms & Hands away & gave her a 2nd Powerful Chop that left a Hand slapping Skin sound resounding out to the Crowd & this time Latifah moves away as Giada fell to the Mat holding her Chest , looking like she was at the Big Girls Mercy at this point .

Latifah took a few secs to taunt the Crowd again before bringing Giada up via a Handful of Hair again as Giada let out small " No - No's " as Latifah said " Yes - Yes " & whipped Giada to the Corner & followed in with a Corner Splash that Crushed poor Giada hard enough to get a collective groan from the Crowd feeling Giada's pain as Latifah kept her weight on Giada for a few extra secs before moving away & watched as Giada slowly dropped onto her Cute Ass , sitting in the corner where Latifah turned her Big Backside towards Giada Cute Face & after slapping her big Butt a few times , she backed up her Junk into Giada's pretty face & shimmied it side to side for a full 15 secs before moving away & allowing Giada to grab a breath as she fell onto her side .

Giada was brought up by her Hair again & draped across the Top Rope where Latifah stood above her & then sat her Big Ass onto Giada's Chest & bounced up & down as many times as she could as the Ref gave her the 5 count to break which she did at 4 1/2 & got down off the Top & Giada , who somehow remained across the Top Rope until Latifah gave her a Jumping Double Forearm Bash to her Mid that knocked Giada free & to the Mat where she lay barely moving as Latifah again taunted the crowd .

After taunting the Crowd , Latifah yet again brought Giada up by her Hair & wraped her Big Arms around Giada's tiny Waist & then jumped & twisted her to the side , executing a textbook  Belly to Belly suplex that left Giada more winded on the mat as Latifah actually went to the Top Rope & after gaining her balance & measuring the prone Italian Sweetheart , The Queen dove down & Crushed poor Giada with a wicked looking Splash that got another collective " Holy Crap " groan from the Crowd as Latifah just arrogantly hooked a Leg & relished in the Boos raining her way as the Ref moved in & 1-2-3 , but Latifah then demanded a 10 count , so the Ref continued 4-5-6-7-8-9-10 & even as the Ref called for the Bell , Latifah looked arrogantly at the Crowd as she kept Giada's Leg Hooked as she talked smack into the camera before finally rudely tossing the hooked Leg of Giada to the ground & after having the Ref raise her Arm in victory , Latifah added insult to injury by stomping away at poor Giada until the Ref threatened to reverse his decision , making her stop & leave as Giada lay on the mat as the Poor Sweet & Innocent Destroyed Victim .

You never grow old until you stop being young