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Important Notice

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Offline BigDevil

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Re: Important Notice
« Reply #60 on: May 06, 2012, 02:25:50 AM »
It's great to hear your home and on the way to recovery John. I have a friend that had meningitis about 10 years ago and he had a full recovery. I hope all goes well with the procedure for your heart and that it shows you didn't have a heart attack.
Have fun and tussle.


Offline Willie Slick

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Re: Important Notice
« Reply #61 on: May 06, 2012, 03:42:31 AM »
John.....happy to hear you are back home and recovering.  Typically the hospitalization for meningitis is measured in weeks not days so your recovery was truly remarkable.  Please go easy in the coming may feel better but your body was in a hell of a fight and it needs lots of rest and good nutrition to fully well my friend.....


Offline lil sara

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Re: Important Notice
« Reply #62 on: May 06, 2012, 05:53:56 PM »
I am soo happy you're home 'n on the road 'ta recovery John...still take it easy 'n rest but rilly wonderful you are home again...:)
Originator of FCF "Happy Huggle Wednesday"

one half of "Nice 'n Evil" with my Big Sis Megan!

One half of  BRATS "R" US with my awesome Brat Sis Laurie Breeze!!!

"I voted...for Pete's sake"


Offline Boche

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Re: Important Notice
« Reply #63 on: May 06, 2012, 06:24:40 PM »
Bonjour John and welcome back my friend.

Glad you are out of the hospital and please, please, do take it easy for a while.  Take all the time you NEED to rest.


Offline Boundfighter

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Re: Important Notice
« Reply #64 on: May 06, 2012, 08:45:09 PM »
ITS GOOD TO HAVE YOU BACK. Take your tme to rest and thank you very much to your comment on my thread,22574.0.html .

This counts a lot for me that you take your limited time to post there

Best wishes

I have only one rule. Fun for both is the most importent thing :) and THINK POSITIVE :D Carpe Diem


Offline brendastarr77

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Re: Important Notice
« Reply #65 on: May 07, 2012, 12:36:09 AM »
Hi all, I just want to make a very quick post on this at the moment. I returned home late last night and whilst the body is still rather tender as I spent 6 days in an induced coma and a further 4 / 5 days in recovery, I am very pleased to have escaped this life threatening episode with pretty much most of my faculties in place (How many we had at the start of things is of course up for debate though!). A massive thanks to all the emails and well wishers. The long and short of it was I contracted this nasty little bugger - and from a weekend of merryment where I had been at full strength to the Monday (I think?) where I collapsed and then woke up 6 days later, things seem quite sureal.

I am thankful for an amazing wife who spent most of every visiiting hour available with me whilst trying to come to terms with the impact of events, keeping everyone informed and giving me love, strength, courage and commitment to beat the blasted disease.

It is unclear as to wether or not I had a heart attack during the initial phases of the dissease and I am being sent away for tests for the heart muscle next week (just an outpatient procedure that lasts about an hour) but I anticipate being back in the full swing of things by Tues or Weds.

Thanks again everyone.

Lastly, I have in excesss of 500 emails to sort through today so if I haven't got back to you by the close of todays on an important email or question, please do shoot me a reminder on the Monday.


John, glad to hear you're doing well and you can get back to go on and clean up the mess left while you were gone.  If you need me to explain feel free to contact me.


Offline stormbolt7

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Re: Important Notice
« Reply #66 on: May 08, 2012, 06:46:35 AM »
John ...

NICE seeing some good news from somebody for a change !!
Know you have missed a lot.. YET TAKE the time you need to fully recover, and stay healthy...  your body has been though a hell of a battle.. so now you need to rebuild your strength and immunity.

OH and soon as you can.. Take Annabelle out somewhere for a special dinner. The lady is aces, and your lucky to have her.
We appreciate her taking the time to keep us posted, along with everything else she had to deal with.

Best wishes, and regards to you both.
