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The Giant Comes to the Rescue Again

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Offline Jaytee71124

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The Giant Comes to the Rescue Again
« on: May 18, 2012, 11:12:08 AM »
This is the 3rd of the Giant series. I hope you like it and please tell me what you think.

The Giant to the Rescue Again

It was the middle of December in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada and the fights were in town. Not just any fights but naked women knock down drag them out brutal beat downs. These were the kind of fights that every red blooded guy likes to watch and as I’ve found out over the years, many girls too.
The crowd in Rexall Place was buzzing with excitement. There were 10 fights on the card tonight but it was the main event that everyone was talking about. It wasn’t so much about the match but more about the Giant. Would she interfere and rescue one of the fighters or would she watch and stay out of the match?
The Giant had rescued a fighter from a brutal beating that had severely injured her and ended her fighting career. The Giant in the process of rescuing the injured fighter had ended the career of her opponent. The Giant had so methodically took care of the injured fighter and the injured referee while also hanging a beating on the other fighter that she looked super human. She looked indestructible as she went about her business bringing an end to an out of control bout.
She was about seven feet tall and weighed in at 375-400 pounds. She was rock hard and in magnificent shape. No one knew who she was or where she came from. She had been seen last night in the bouts held in Calgary just 180 miles south of Edmonton. She didn’t interfere this time instead clapping in appreciation of a well fought fight.
“This is Cindy Lopez with Canadian Heavyweight Champion Alicia Keyes. Alicia how do you feel about your bout tonight with Candy Buckler? She’s been cutting quite the swath through the field since she showed up two years ago”.
“Well Cindy it’s been quite the time the last two years. Candy shows up from California and wins her first bout by submission over the former Champ which I have to admit was pretty amazing. Then she starts shooting off her mouth about how she’s going to end this gal’s career and that gal’s career. I tell you this bitch has no respect for any of the gals in the league. She put, let me see, nine gals in the hospital so far and six of them will never fight again and one of them, Kelly, will never walk again. Someone has to stop this cxnt, and maybe end her career”.
“Wow those are some harsh words for Candy but really do you intend to end Candy’s career? Also do you think the Giant will show tonight? After all this is a no holds barred, no disqualification, only way to win is a 10 count in the middle of the ring cover.”
“Cindy, I don’t know about this Giant that everyone’s been talking about but I can’t concern myself with her, I have to focus 100% on Candy. She’s a viscous dirty fighter with no respect or morals. She would just a soon kill you as look at you.”
“Alicia, I agree with you and best of luck tonight.”
“Thanks Cindy.”
Alicia disappeared as she went into the locker room. Shortly afterwards Candy showed up for her pre-fight interview and she looked angry.
“This is Cindy Lopes with the challenger in the main event tonight, Candy Buckler. Candy, how do you feel about the match tonight?”
“Cindy, Alicia was right when she said I have no respect for any of the fighters in the league. They’re all a bunch of pansies and I’m going to ruin them all. Candy, I hope you’re ready because when I’m done tonight it’ll be 10 in the hospital and seven who will never fight again. Also if the Giant shows up and wants to fight it’ll be 11 and 8. Bring it on.”
The stats on both fighters were similar, they both stood 5ft8 inches tall and Alicia outweighed Candy by ten pounds, 185 to 195. They both had similar records but most of Candy’s opponents left the ring on a stretcher. Candy was by far the most deadly. She would do whatever it took the win no matter how dirty or underhanded it was.

Earlier that day at the university gym at the University of Alberta where most of the cities power lifters worked out, the Giant had shown up to work out. The few guys that were there when she showed up knew right away who she was and cell phones came out everywhere. The Giant took off her hoodie and her sweats and started to do her stretches. Her Physique was that of a Mr. Olympia winner, ripped abs, huge round shoulders, wide thick lats, enormous quads, and out of this world calves. Her arms were huge too, almost 23 inches of defined biceps and triceps. She didn’t look female at all until you stopped and saw that she had nicely formed breasts and a very pretty face.
People began to show up and crowd around in the limited space to watch her. The Giant was amazing flexible for someone as huge as her, most bodybuilders were not very flexible at all. The Giant finished her stretches and began to warm up by one of the squat racks. She did several sets of ten, of one legged squats. Now if you think that’s no big deal, try doing just one. Most people can’t do them, I know I can’t. Now that she was warmed up she put a plate on each side of the bar and got under the bar, got the bar comfortable on her traps and she stepped back and squatted to rock bottom and came back up easily doing ten reps. She racked the bar and stood back and flexed her back, her muscles rippling as she worked a knot out of her back. She out on another red plate loading the bar to 265lbs and again she did a set of ten. This continued to 3 plates on each side, 170kgs or 375lbs for ten reps, then 4 plates for 220kgs or 484lbsfor ten reps, then 5 plates on each side for 270kg for 594lbs for ten reps.
The Giant was slowing down taking a bit longer between sets. She put a sixth plate on each side of the bar and did a set of 6 reps; the crowd in the gym watching was in awe. The giant took a bit of a breather and then put a seventh plate on each side and got settled under the bar. She stood up straight and backed out of the rack and slowly went down and then powered her way back up doing four reps with 370kgs or 814lbs. that was the world record being demolished and she did a set of four. This was completely out of this world. Who was this woman?
The giant rested for a few minutes and then she put on an 8th plate on each side making it 420kgs or 924lbs. She got under the bar, settled the bar in place, stood up straight, backed out of the rack a half step, took a deep breath, tightened up and slowly went down and then powered up for a single rep making it look fairly easy. She could have done another but she didn’t want to push it.
She sat down on a bench and caught her breath. She looked up at the people watching and she asked, “Could I get some spotters if you could be so kind?”
Everyone looked around and five of the biggest guys stepped forward. She looked up at then and said, “Thanks, just let me catch my breath.”
She got up and put a 9th plate on each side making it 470kgs or 1034lbs. she sat back down and wrapped her knees tightly and put on her pink thick leather belt. She got under the bar, settled in, took a deep breath, stood up straight, stepped back, tightened up and slowly sank down with two guys spotting on each side and one spotting behind her. She hit bottom and powered back up keeping her back straight up and down letting her massive legs do the work. Her huge quads flexed and she completed the lift and shakily returned the bar to the rack the four spotters on the sides guiding the bar in for her.
The crowd murmured as she sat down again and undid her knee wraps. Someone had caught the last squat on their cell phone and by that evening it had been you tubed and gone viral. The whole world was talking about the Giant who squatted 1034 lbs.
The Giant stripped the bar down to 5 plates on each side a paltry 594lbs and did three more sets of 8 to warm down. She then stripped the bar down completely and puts the plates away. She put her sweats back on, slipped her hoodie over her head and pulled it down. She grabbed her belt and wraps and stuffed them in her bag, thanked the spotters and left.
Alicia was sitting in front of her locker when Cindy the interviewer came in looking for her.
“Ah there you are.”
“Hi Cindy, what’s up?”
“Alicia, I found something I think you should see.” She pulled out her cell phone and turned it so Alicia could see the video on the screen. It was the Giant doing squats. It showed the Giant doing squats with 814lbs, 924lbs, and 1034lbs. Alicia looked and said, “That looks like a lot of weight, how much is it?”
“I don’t know,” Alicia looked around the locker room. She saw a local gal that she recognized as a power lifter. “Hey Sharon, can you help us out?”
“Sure, what can I do for you?”
“Can you tell us how much is on the bar in this video?”
“Sure let’s see”. She watched it and said “Holy shit is that for real?”
Alicia nodded, “Yeah, it’s real, she was at the university this afternoon working out and someone recorded it. Why?”
Sharon replied, “What you just showed me is a female squatting 814lbs for reps which is higher than the current world record for 1. The other two are at 924lbs and 1034lbs which can’t be for real. It’s impossible, that’s a 100lbs and 200lbs over the world record.”
Alicia looked at Cindy in shock. “She’s here in town too” exclaimed Cindy.
“I have to go show this to Candy, see you later Alicia.”
Alicia looked at Sharon with a trace of fear in her eyes.”
Half an hour later Cindy was able to find Candy in the arena lounge.
Cindy waved and trotted over to Candy panting, out of breath. She had been running all over the arena looking for Candy.
As viscous as Candy was, she was civil to the working people who were non-fighters. She had no beef with them. She was curious, why was the girl looking for her, she already got the interview done.
“Candy, have you seen this video yet?”
“I don’t know girl, what is it?”
“It’s the giant working out at the gym”
“Let me see that,” said Candy as she grabbed the phone.
She watched it for a few minutes and said, “How much is on that bar?”
Cindy checked the notes she had written down, “its 814lbs, 924lbs, and 10034lbs.”
Candy just stared at the screen for a few minutes and then said, “Shit” as she tossed the phone to Cindy. She got up and left the lounge leaving her untouched drink on the table.

Later that evening just half an hour before the main event the two women showed up at opposite sides of the arena. They were separated on purpose so there could be no fighting before ring time and they wouldn’t see each other until they got to the ring.
Candy entered the building with a hockey bag with lord knows what was inside it. She had weapons of some kind. Meanwhile Alicia entered the locker room with her own bag of weapons all be it a much smaller bag. Candy looked eager and excited whereas Alicia looked apprehensive and nervous. Was it because of her opponent Candy or was it the Giant?
The two fighters were going to be fighting in bikinis and wrestling boots. Candy was announced first by the announcer. From Oakland California weighing ………….no one was paying attention to the announcer, everyone was watching Candy come down the ramp with her bag of weapons. She was wearing her customary black thong bikini.
Alicia watched Candy from the shadows of her ramp. The announcer started her introduction and Alicia strode down her ramp putting a brave look on her face even though she was nervous as hell. She was wearing her red and white full bottom bikini.
They both stood in their respective corners waiting for the bell. The announced said, “This is a no holds barred, no disqualification match. The match can only end on a 10 count in the middle of the ring. No count outs on the floor or elsewhere in the arena, it must be in the middle of the ring. There are no tap outs; no I quit, only a 10 count”.
The announcer exited the ring and the referee called for the bell.
The match was on and the combatants locked up in the middle of the ring. Cindy immediately tried to bring her knee up into Alicia’s stomach but Alicia blocked it with her leg. Alicia pushed Candy back and they stared at each other. They locked up again and strained as they tried to push each other into the corner. They were standing breasts to breasts and Alicia could feel Candy’s nipples against her breasts. Candy was excited and it showed by her stiff nipples. Alicia kept that in mind for later.
They broke apart again and Alicia could see Candy’s stiff nipples through her bikini top. They locked up and this time Candy grabbed Alicia’s hair and flipped her over her shoulder slamming Alicia down to the mat on her back. Alicia’s back arched pushing her chest out as she tried to catch her breath and scramble out of the way so she could get up. It was too late; Candy was on her from behind. She had her forearm around Alicia’s throat and the other forearm draped over Alicia’s head in a sleeper hold. Alicia had to get out of this because if Candy put her to sleep she knew she was going to wake up in the hospital in a world of hurt.
Far above the arena in the catwalk above, the Giant watched, coiled and ready if needed. She had a thick rope coiled by her feet as she watched and waited.
Alicia twisted and turned and was able to twist around so she could drive her fist into Candy’s side nailing her kidney. She reared back and drilled her again in the same spot. It took four punches before Candy let go.
Alicia backed up groggily as Candy backed up holding her side. The two looked at each other sizing up the damage. Candy stood straight up and smiled, taunting Alicia. Alicia shook her head and stepped forward with her arms up in a boxer’s stance. Candy countered with her own boxer’s stance.
Suddenly Alicia dropped down and swung her foot out and swept Candy’s feet out from under her sending her on her butt. Alicia was on her just as she hit the mat, grabbing Candy’s foot as she tried to put a figure for leg lock on Candy but as Alicia spun around to lock it up Candy got her foot up and under Alicia and kicked her leg out sending Alicia flying to the corner ramming her back against the bottom rope and turn buckle.
Candy saw her chance and she ran towards the corner looking to kick Alicia in the crotch. Alicia instinctively knew Candy was coming and she slid down and out of the ring avoiding getting pummeled.
Candy backed up to the middle of the ring smiling and nodding to Alicia. Although she said she didn’t respect the other fighters, it wasn’t true. She did respect some of them but she beat them up anyways. She knew if she made too many mistakes she could very well be the one going to the hospital. One or two mistakes you could get away with. You would pay for it with some beating but usually you could recover and still win but too many mistakes and you were beat. That respect is what made Candy so deadly. She wanted to beat you first, badly before you beat her.
Alicia climbed up on the ring apron, Candy ran towards her, Alicia hopped back and down away from the ring. Candy stepped back to the opposite side of the ring waiting. Alicia got back in the ring climbing through the ropes slowly keeping a close eye on Candy. They glared at each other and then locked up again but suddenly Candy grunted. Alicia had rammed her knee in Candy’s stomach.  Candy bent over as the pain thundered through her stomach. As she bent over she leaned to the side avoiding the fist that was coming towards the side of her face. She knew Alicia was right handed so she leaned the other way avoiding the incoming punch.
Alicia fooled her and drove her left fist into the side of Candy’s jaw. Alicia had been training with some boxers working on her left making her left punch stronger and quicker. Candy’s head flew sideways and rang inside. Candy saw stars as she thought, “Since when was that bitch a southpaw?”
Candy backed up against the ropes with her arms up protecting her face. She knew this left her stomach and crotch open but she was waiting. Alicia stepped forward and Candy came off the ropes bringing her leg up catching Alicia in the front of her knee. Alicia went down on her side holding her knee howling in pain. Candy was on her in a flash but Alicia had already slid out of the ring under the bottom rope.
Alicia grabbed Candy’s wrist and pulled her out of the ring just far enough so she could kick her in the chest flattening her breast. Candy slid the rest of the way out of the ring, ignoring the pain in her chest as she stood in front of Alicia and ran towards her clotheslining her into the padded floor outside the ring.
Alicia’s head rang as she hit the floor. She scrambled up as quick as she could but it was too late, he pussy exploded in pain as Candy’s boot flew up crushing Alicia’s pussy and clit. Alicia fell back down curled up her hands between her legs, her eyes closed in agony. Candy’s nipples were hard as she was excited; she had Alicia where she wanted her. Now the fun began.
The Giant stirred and watched high above the mat.
Candy bent over and pulled Alicia up by her hair and rammed her backup against the ring. Alicia’s back arched in response to the pain in her back. Candy drove her fist into Alicia’s stomach bending Alicia forward only to have Candy bring her knee up into Alicia’s face. The crowd groaned as they watched. The blood began to flow from Alicia’s nose.
Candy grabbed Alicia by the hair and turned around and ran towards the ring post. Alicia knew what was planned and just before they got to the ring post Alicia pushed against candy’s back and at the same time she put her foot out and stopped. Candy continued on, the momentum driving her face first into the ring post. There as a loud thud that you could hear as Candy’s head rang off the post. Candy’s head exploded in stars and she slumped to the floor. There was a big goose egg swelling in the middle of her forehead. Candy’s eyes were glazed and she felt her scalp scream as Alicia lifted her off the floor and drove her head into the ring post gain opening up a two inch gap across her forehead. Blood began to pour out of candy’s head, dripping down onto her chest. Alicia drove Candy’s head into the ring post once more spraying blood everywhere.
Candy moaned as her head rang. Alicia turned and rolled Candy back into the ring. Candy got up on all fours and she could see through the red haze Alicia sliding in under the bottom rope. She tried to stand up but she was too slow as Alicia stood up and kicked her in the ribs. Candy screamed as she felt a rib crack.
Alicia pulled Candy up and spun around nailing Candy upside her head with a spinning mule kick that snapped Candy’s head sideways sending her reeling to the mat. Alicia quickly, seeing Candy almost out cold, asked the referee to count. The ref got to 8 and Candy groggily got to her feet. Alicia shook her head slowly and stepped in towards Candy. She jabbed her fist and caught Candy in the chin snapping her head back again.
Candy stepped back a few steps and raised her arms, protecting her face. Alicia went for Candy’s stomach only to be greeted with a knee to her lower gut. She grunted as the air left her and she gasped as she bent over in pain. Candy smiled evilly, her face and torso covered in blood. The crowd gasped as Candy looked around.
Candy ran to the ropes and rebounded off the ropes and jumped up and drove both feet into the side of Alicia’s head with a perfectly executed flying drop kick that sent Alicia into the ropes. She hung from the ropes with both arms draped over the top rope. Candy raced towards the stunned girl and hiked her up and bent her backwards over the top rope while grabbing the second rope hauling it up but before she could hook it over Alicia’s shoulders and trap her she felt her pussy racked with pain as Alicia’s foot drove up between her legs.
The air left her lungs as she slowly slid down Alicia’s body to the ring. Alicia pushed the blood covered body off her and she staggered to the corner holding her face. Neither fighter moved for over a minute as they recovered.
Slowly Alicia bent over the bloody Candy and pulled her up by her shoulder and swung her around and pushed her towards the ropes. Candy rebounded off the ropes and Alicia clotheslined her sending her into the mat. Candy got up slowly and Alicia gave her a spinning heel kick right up side her jaw.  Candy went stiff and fell to the ring out cold. The referee took Candy’s arm and held it up, he let it go and it fell to the matt limply.
He began his count as Alicia rested in the corner.  The count got to 6 and candy stirred, at eight she got up to the second rope and at nine she was standing. Somehow she beat the count. She swept her bloody hair back away from her face and watched Alicia leave her corner coming towards her. Candy took a page from Alicia’s book and she dropped to the matt and slid out under the bottom rope.
Alicia watched as Candy strode slowly around the ring towards her bag of weapons. Alicia reached down and opened her smaller bag watching Candy, waiting. Candy pulled something shiny out of her bag, the crowd in front of her groaned. Candy turned around and Alicia saw the knuckledusters that Candy had on her hand. Ironically that was the same thing Alicia was pulling out of her bag. She slid the knuckledusters on and Candy smiled.
The two fighters locked up in the middle of the ring and strained against each other. Slowly Candy pusher Alicia into the corner as Alicia’s knee was still a bit sore from the kick that Candy had given her earlier. Candy had Alicia pinned up against the ropes in the corner. Alicia knew this was going to be a dangerous break and that she was at a disadvantage. They unlocked and sure enough Candy jabbed her fist into Alicia’s face catching her just under the eye. Alicia screamed as her face was blasted by Candy’s metal enhanced fist. Candy reared back and drove the same fist into Alicia’s lower gut and bent her over in pain.  Alicia tried to slide down and under the rope but Candy grabbed her by the wrists and pulled her back into the ring. She let go with her right hand and drove it into the small of Alicia’s back. Pain rocketed through Alicia’s back and she screamed again. She tried to crawl under the rope again but Candy dragged her back in by her wrists again and once more she drove the metal fist into Alicia’s lower back. It felt like she had broken Alicia’s back, it hurt so badly, as she screamed again.
Up above the ring the giant stirred, watching the ring intently. She knew how deadly Candy could be when she had the advantage.
Candy lifted Alicia up and held her face up with her hand under Alicia’s chin. She reached back and suddenly she felt the pain explode in her crotch. Alicia had cxnted her again. Candy leaned over moaning as she held her hurting pussy. Alicia was leaning against the ropes her back throbbing in pain.
Both fighters were in a world of hurt as they tried to recover. Alicia took a deep breath and ran towards Candy and she jumped and drove both feet into the side of Candy’s face. Candy had seen her coming and she ducked back as Alicia’s feet barely scraped against her face. It hurt but nothing like it could have if she hadn’t leaned back out of the way.
Alicia landed on her back with a grunt. Candy was on her in a flash pounding her knuckle enhanced fist into Alicia’s face opening up her forehead with a nasty gash. She slammed her fist into Alicia’s cheek busting the bone and gashing her cheek open.
Alicia was sobbing and screaming as Candy laid her face open. Candy pulled Alicia up against the ropes and then leaning her bloody opponent over backwards she pulled the middle rope up over Alicia’s shoulders pinning her in the ropes. Alicia was in trouble and she knew it. As long as she was tied up in the ropes she was at Candy’s mercy and she knew there was none. She thrashed and twisted trying to get free but it was too late. Candy swung her fist deep into Alicia’s stomach knocking the wind out of her.
Alicia moaned as she slumped down the ropes hanging by her shoulders. Candy pulled her up and drove her metal fist into Alicia’s side and then again in her kidney. Alicia slumped down the ropes again moaning.
“This is payback you bitch,” said Candy as she drove her knee into Alicia’s pussy flattening Alicia’s clit against her pubic bone and mashing her pussy lips. Candy felt a rush in her loins as Alicia screamed in agony. Alicia was standing on her toes trying to escape the pain. Candy took advantage of this and drilled her fist into Alicia’s left breast flattening it against her chest. She pummeled the hapless tit for a good two minutes until it felt like mush. It no longer felt firm like it did in the beginning. It didn’t even look the same, it appeared much bigger and it drooped much more. It certainly wasn’t proud and perky like its untouched mate.
Alicia was no longer howling in pain, but just moaning barley conscious. Candy reached out and tore Alicia’s top off and the crowd gasped. Alicia’s swollen deformed tit was a deep purple and badly bruised. It was easily twice the size of her right tit. The nipple was almost black it was bruised so badly.
Candy went, “That doesn’t look right, one tit being bigger like that. It’s just not normal. Let’s see what we can do about that”.
Alicia moaned, “NOoooooooo”.
It was too late; Candy flattened the other tit mashing it against Alicia’s chest. She pummeled it solidly for a good two minutes hitting it from the side and dead on mashing the nipple. She was sending it flying in every direction causing Alicia to wail in pain. It was a screeching animal shriek and the crown groaned, many people looking away. Andy stopped and compared the two damaged tits. She measured each one with her hands as Alicia watched helplessly.
Candy said, “Almost even”. Then she drove her fist straight into the right breast once more. She stepped back took her knuckleduster off and tossed it into her corner. She turned around and grabbed both of Alicia’s purple nipples and twisted them getting a howling shriek in response. The crowd began to boo trying to encourage Alicia to do something, to try to get free.
Candy laughed and bent down and pulled Alicia’s bottoms down and off leaving the woman naked and helpless. She then untied both her wrestling boots and retied them in the ropes trapping Alicia’s legs spread apart. She reached between Alicia’s legs and softly rubbed her pussy and caressed her clit. Eventually Alicia succumbed to the caresses and her clit stuck out and her pussy started to become wet.

Alicia leaning her head back as her body betrayed her. She opened her eyes and saw the giant up in the catwalk. She pleaded with her eyes for the giant’s help. The giant looked down in rage with what was happening.
Candy went to her corner and came back with a police baton that she had kept, from when she hung a beating on a young rookie cop months before. She came back and rubbed the baton between Alicia’s legs. Then she slowly turned it and inserted the end into Alicia’s wet pussy. She pulled it back and forth in and out then suddenly gripping the handle she drove it in hard and fast battering the inside of Alicia’s cxnt slamming into her uterus and ovaries causing tremendous pain and Alicia shrieked over and over again. The crowd groaned and several people bent over and puked.
The Giant had seen enough. She tossed the rope over the side and slid down it to the ring below. The rope stopped about ten feet above the mat, low enough that the Giant slowed her descent and dropped to the matt.
Candy felt the ring shudder as the Giant landed, she turned around and smiled as she saw the huge woman. She pulled the wet and bloody baton out of Alicia’s destroyed cxnt and stood in front of the towering Giant.
Candy and the Giant circled each other warily. Inside Candy for the first time feared another fighter. Candy swung the baton at the Giant’s knee but the Giant hopped back quickly. Candy thought to herself, “Shit, not only is she big but she’s freaking fast”.
Candy swung the baton again but this time the Giant caught it in her huge hand and she jerked it away and slapped it up against Candy’s head so fast she didn’t have a chance to react. Candy’s head rang and she swore she saw stars. She had a huge goose egg forming on the top of her head.
The Giant took the baton in both her hands and snapped it in three pieces like you and I would snap a pencil. She tossed the pieces down the ramp. Candy ran at the giant jumping at the last minute trying to spear the huge woman. Candy howled as her sore head and her neck exploded in pain. It felt like she had just run headfirst into a brick wall.
She reached up and felt the giant’s stomach as the giant lifted her over her shoulder. The stomach felt like it was made out of granite. The giant grabbed Candy by the ankles and slammed her over her shoulder and down on the matt like you or I would slam a towel. Candy laid there her back and her head awash in pain. She groaned and rolled onto her side curled up in a fetal position.
The giant motioned for the paramedics to come as she gently pulled the rope off Alicia’s shoulders. She laid her gently on the mat and rolled her onto the bodyboard for the medics. Alicia’s eys opened wide and she tried to warn the giant. Candy had gotten up and she had her knuckledusters on and she was swinging for the giant’s pussy.
The Giant saw what was happening at the last minute and she twisted and absorbed the punch in her muscular backside. Candy stepped back gasping and holding her throbbing hand. It felt like she may have broken her wrist. “Damn that bitch was fast”.
The Giant felt the pain in her butt and she turned and faced Candy. The Giant’s hand shot out and grabbed Candy’s hand. She squeezed as the muscles in her forearms tensed and there was a quiet cracking from inside her hand. She let go and Candy held her hand cradled in her midsection. Her fingers were twisted in all directions bent and broken trapped inside the bent and mutilated knuckledusters.
The giant picked up Candy under the armpits and turned tossing her clean across the ring slamming her against the turnbuckles in the corner. Candy slowly dropped to the ring. Her head was ringing and her back was in pain. Candy slid out under the lower rope and started to flee. The Giant ran towards the ropes and slid out right behind Candy. The Giant ran, caught up to Candy, grabbed her by the back of the neck and steered her back to the ring. As they approached the ring the giant put one hand under Candy’s butt and the other hand on her chest and she tossed Candy clean over the top rope. Candy’s arms and feet were wind milling as she flew into the ring. The crowd erupted in laughter.
Candy landed with a thud and she backed into the corner. The Giant climbed into the ring and she reached down and grabbed Candy by the hair and pulled her up to the ropes. Leaning her over backwards she pulled the middle rope up over Candy’s shoulders. “Does this look familiar”?
“These are some of your old friends her to see you. Do they look familiar”?
It was the nine women she had put in the hospital, one of them in a wheelchair. Eight of them climbed in the ring and they began the beat down. They took all their pent up anger out and left Candy a bloody pulp, battered bruised and stripped. The beat down lasted for almost an hour and when it was over the eight made sure Candy would never wrestle again, oh, and she would never have kids neither.

Alicia watched the DVD that the giant had given her of the beat down and she felt a little better but not much. The doctors said that she would heal and make an almost full recovery, her uterus and ovaries had been too damaged, she would never have kids but she would eventually enjoy sex again. The Giant had stopped in to check on her and apologized for not coming to her rescue sooner. Alicia forgave her and asked, “Will we see you again?”
The Giant replied, “Maybe”.