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Sorority Wars Part 7 of 10 Sub Part 1 of 3

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Sorority Wars Part 7 of 10 Sub Part 1 of 3
« on: June 22, 2012, 08:06:42 PM »

Sorority Wars Part 7 of 10 Sub Part 1 of 3

This Sorority War battle was originally published on a defunct site in a series named 'War Games'. As the
originator of the series is this writer, it's not plagarism (or copyright stuff) to rewrite the story
with some changes and embellishments!

Part 1 of 'SORORITY WARS' can be found in CF,BX&WRESTLING, dated September 13,2011
Part 2 of 'SORORITY WARS' can be found in CF,BX&WRESTLING, dated October 17,2011
Part 3 of 'SORORITY WARS' can be found in CF,BX&WRESTLING, dated November 20,2011
Part 4 of 'SORORITY WARS' can be found in CF,BX&WRESTLING, dated December 1,2011
Part 5 of 'SORORITY WARS' can be found in CF,BX&WRESTLING, dated March 9,2011
Part 6 of 'SORORITY WARS' can be found in CF,BX&WRESTLING, dated March 13,2012

On with Sorority Wars Part 7 of 10 - SubPart 1 of 3

Venus DeLight, was a very active alumnus of the Beta Lambda Sorority who, by secretly maintaining
her naturally brown hair in its very attractive and brilliant blonde appearance was an important alumnis.
Her coaching in dirty catfighting made her a valuable asset to the Beta Lambda Sorority
Venus had received several crates from the SORORITY WARS sponsors and was relating how they wanted
the next Battle of the Sorority Wars to be held. Smiling, "They have forwarded three sets of "Pussy Pumps"
and we have to make demo videos to show our two sororities how to use them and generate
points for scoring. She waved the typewritten instructions, "These describe the pumps
and how to have the Sorority girls use them on each other," adding, "This ought to be
some battle!"

The blonde then uncovered one of the devices and the other three advisors gathered around to
examine it. Venus held up the expandable prod that was to be inserted in a contestant's pussy,
the attached hose going down to a box with a pressure gauge, a counter display and a pumping
handle. "Each contestant has one of these in her twat and her opponent has to use the pump
handle to blow up the prod inside her pussy!" instructing Tanya Foxx to push up and down on
the handle as she held up the ten inch, prick-shaped, rubber prod for the rest of the administrators
to watch.

Almost immediately the prod started to swell and after ten or fifteen pumpings had blown out
to nearly the size and shape of a softball. "And THIS is inside your opponent's pussy!" Venus
laughed, reaching down to push a small red button to relieve some of the pressure inside the
prod and reduce the swelling a bit. At the same time she did that, a clicking sound and the
display showed that the pressure relief device had been activated once by the 'victim' to
reduce the pressure and the pain inside her stretched vagina!

"The point is that you can pump up your opponent's cxnt, but she can do the same to you and you
can both relieve your pussy pressure with the red button on your pump handle and add to her
score when the prod gets too big inside YOUR tight little pussy!" adding, "And she can do the same thing
to relieve HER cxnt while you're busy pumping hers up!!" Venus' description of this fiendish female
combat device caused some small gulps amongst the other administators after they found the relief
valve operating LIMITATIONS OF TEN!

Tanya Foxx mused, "I wonder how big it'll get and how much pressure it would take to stretch
out some of those blonde bitches' smelly cxnts!" then smiling at Venus, added, "Most blondes have
such big twats anyway that their brunette opponents will have to do a lot of pumping just to
get that thing fill the insides of their smelly pussies!" Then, seeing Venus' face darken,
"I wonder whether those things are made of something that blonde pussy-juice can corrode?"

Venus retorted, "Maybe you'd like some of my pussy-juice squirted in your mouth to wash it out!"
ready for a fight with the tall brunette right then. But Ledawn calmed them down and went on
about this new Sorority War 'weapon'. Tanya was an advisor to the Beta Rho Sorority and was
continually belittling blondes in support of her sorority

Looking at Greta Carlson, LeDawn laughed, "C'mon bitch, let's see how much it takes to make you
scream!" and Greta, having consumed several martinis just before Venus came in, snapped back,
"OK you smelly twat, you use the other one and I'll pump you up and we'll see who's the better
woman!" Ledawn grinned, "You're on, you peroxide whore!" rubbing her shaven pussy eagerly as
if expecting violent orgasms from the torment she would give to the blonde Greta whose normally pretty
face turned ugly at the 'peroxide' comment.

Sitting opposite each other on the carpet, the two blondes stuffed the long prods into their
oozing cxnts, pulled the attached pumping mechanism near so that their own pressure relief control
was available and the pump handle was near their own grips to get some opponent screams, and they began
to pump up each others'excited pussies, now jammed full with the long prods.

It only took a few minutes before they were both pushing at the red pressure relief buttons and
Greta gasped, "Oh my gawd, what a marvelous weapon!" as LeDawn quickly dragged the prod out of
her own cxnt, her brow wet with cold sweat. "Fucking bitch, you pumped mine up too quickly!"
she complained as Greta laughed, "You thought you had a tough pussy, wimp - this thing
felt pretty good and I came really hard, but I didn't really want you to get me off so quickly!"
this establishing how individual some 'victims' might react to such a large thing in them.
Ledawn was still glaring at Greta and Venus continnued with the assignment, "The sponsors
want us to set up demos with a screaming brunette's surrender to show the Beta Lambda girls and a
screaming blonde's surrender to show the Beta Rho girls. Those horny old bastards' idea is
to make it so gross that the fighting will be really wild for this next battle in the Sorority War that
will use several sets of these 'pussy pumps at one time - for a REAL SHOW and lots of shrieking!"

Looking over at Tanya, Venus asked, "Would you get into the demo with Greta and help get the
blondes really pissed when you make Greta surrender to your 'pussy-pumping' skills?" Then as
Tanya smiled her agreement, Venus went on, "And Greta gets to do the same to your pussy too
and LeDawn can be the overvoice as you and Greta are screaming from your bellies being
all swollen up from that other bitch pumping your cxnt really way up!"

Then Greta came up with the idea that a breast-biting catfight with the prods swelling up the
fighter's cxnts and bellies, "It'll look like a couple of pregnant bitches doing each other
in," the blonde gasped, her eyes shining with excitement at the idea. This was also agreed
upon for the demo at least to spur up more excitement amongst the armies. Venus checked the
equipment and found that they could disconnect the hoses to the inflated prods and get the
'pregnant' effect quite easily. Another wild bit of action was now available and maybe
transferable to the Sorority Wars battles!

The camera girls had their own ideas about this demo video and had closeups of their faces for
each version of this demonstration, a blonde and a brunette version of intense dicomfort and
the winner's elation at the other woman's discomfort in her pumped-up and badly overstressed
vagina. The two opponents looked over a script so that appropriate comments about each others'
reaction to the mauling she was getting would be heard in the videos.

The version to be shown to the Beta Rho girls had Tanya winning the contest, the final scene
showed Greta laying on her side, the prod out next to her, her hands clamped over her crotch
with Tanya kneeling just behind her and laughing,

"Oooh, the poor little poochie - did the nasty brunette stretch her tight little cunnnie so much
that now it's all loose and floppy?

Greta is moaning, "Dirty, fucking brunette bitch, you really hurt my cxnt, I'll get you for
that!" as Tanya bent over and sunk her teeth into one of the blonde's big tits. The brunette
was always into her opponent's tits whenever the option presented itself.

The same scene reversed was done for the Beta Lambdas with Tanya screaming as Greta knelt over
her, laughing, and then doing the tit-biting bit. Both editions had them tit-clawing each
other, but tape editing mixed up the two versions, showing both Tanya and Greta defeated and
clasping her mauled pussy as the other girl laughed and bit her tits. This mixed-up scenario
really, REALLY got the two sororities angry enough for the pussy pumping between opposing girls
to be really violent.

In fact, the camera girls and some advisors thought that it might be prudent NOT TO USE sorority
STUDENTS for the main events, being that their less-experienced pussies might be permanently
damaged by the excessive pressures available to an angry opponent. The other advisors agreed
and suggestions for sorority alumni from each group were selected!

With only two of the pumps available, the videos would first video broadcast each blonde-brunette
confrontation to the two sororities. Closeups of shaven cxnts with the swollen bellies would excite
both groups and the screams and gasps of sex from the orgasms induced by the mashed and
stretched vaginas would make this the most exciting sorority battle ever! Ledawn found a way to
detach the hoses when the prods were pumped up so that 'preggie catfights'could be shown when
the pussy-pumping script was finished and dirty catfighting between the two swollen-bellied
'psuedo-preggies' could began, the swollen prods inside their bellies being twisted and yanked
during the exciting catfights with MUCH screaming and shrieking!

The mixed-up video was shown to both the Blonde and the Brunette sororities and was 'well-received'
- screaming challenges delivered to enemies to the point where selections had to be made soon
although the sponsors agreed to send more pumping-setups so that multiple contests could go on
and then new battles initiated between the winners who would be still gasping
from the pseudo-pregnant bellies they still had. The sponsors had indicated to Venus that
catfighting between pregnant women was also in their list of jollies.

Additional equipment created displays that showed the pressure inside of each prod as it was
being pumped up - and a count of relief-button operations that was to be part of the scoring
when a surrender, fainting or pump failure occurred and one 'preggie' was beaten.

Tanya and Greta were quite enthusiastic about their starring roles in this violent demo and were
laying in facing couches with the requisite handles and relief buttons handy. Greta, laughing,
said as she pumped up Tanya's prod, deep inside the wide-eyed brunette's slippery pussy, "Hey
bitch, does this feel good? - I can see your pudenda swelling out already!" Greta's cxnt was
already leaking her jism as she saw Tanya's face begin to grimace and the brunette's gasp of
shock. This was to be the Beta Lambda version of the demo tape, Tanya screaming in some discomfort as
Greta grinned while she pumped faster than the brunette could relieve the pressure building
up and the prod expanding enormously inside her tender vagina.

Tanya did her best to expand Greta's cxnt too, but it was her turn to lose the fight and Greta
made the best of it pumping hard to make the slender brunette's belly swell out massively as
if she was really pregnant. And for the record, Venus had adjusted the relief valve so that Greta
really had the advantage and Tanya's pump was not up to pressure specs - even peroxide blondes
and real blondes stick together against brunettes in dirty catfights.

Greta's win ended when Tanya fell off her couch onto the floor as she tried to pull the
expanded prod out of her swollen vagina. Venus kept up the relief valve operation as Tanya
finally got the 'weapon' out of her stretched cxnt. "You dirty peroxide bitch, you hurt me
deliberately!" the brunette screamed, diving at Greta's big tits and clamping one in her teeth
to retaliate for the cxnt-pain the blonde had put her through.

This fight was almost real as Tanya was angry about her cxnt being mauled so hard. The camera
girls moved to positions to record this tit-mauling fight so that Tanya's no-longer swollen
belly wasn't visible. This was supposed to be a pseudo-preggie fight and no sense in wasting
good caytfighting action when it happened. Tanya's action was quite violent and the cameras got wonderful
shots of Greta's tits in the brunette's mouth and Tanya's angry (and Greta's anquished) faces
at this wild breast-biting retaliation for Tanya's over-stretched pussy!

But now representatives from the opposing sororities had to be selected for this erotic contest
and because of the concern for the student population in the warring sororities, the following
blonde and brunette alumni were chosen to battle it out with each other:

.......Christina Applegate.....Demi Moore
.......Loni Anderson...........Lynda Carter   
.......Suzanne Somers..........Susan Lucci