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Catfight in Time.. King Arthurs England sign up!!

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Offline stormbolt7

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Catfight in Time.. King Arthurs England sign up!!
« on: September 06, 2012, 07:27:40 PM »
YET another catfight in time ...
HERE Yee Here yee!!  His royal highness has decreed.. a CATFIGHT is added. To the end of summer banquet, and festivities!!

Yes there will be sword fights, and jousting.. YET also CATFIGHTING for a SPECIAL prize!!

The lady of the lake, gave Arthur Excalibur!! YET she also stripped her own THONG.. and tossed it onto the shore. "THIS noble and brave king arthur." Give to the lady most deserving, as a catfighter!!"
"When wearing my thong, into a catfight." "She will prove a wonderful winning champion, for all England!!"

So ladies.. if you wish to take a chance, at winning the magical, catfighting thong. As well as the tournament of catfighting.
Make your challenge, and entry known.
The royal scribes await adding your name. To the catfight combat lists!!

Enter or accept by your post here!!
Sir Storm of freecatfightingtom 


Offline HB

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Re: Catfight in Time.. King Arthurs England sign up!!
« Reply #1 on: September 06, 2012, 08:24:50 PM »


Offline stormbolt7

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Re: Catfight in Time.. King Arthurs England sign up!!
« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2012, 07:40:35 AM »
Here Yee ... Here Yee  !!

Know this... FoxyAnne  has entered the lists!!  The first to enter the contest!!

The trumpets will sound, on the day of catfight contest!! The pennons flying.. the shouts of the crowds!!

THIS BE CATFIGHT combat.. For the Lady of the Lakes.. Very own.. Catfighting Thong!!  Like Excalibur did for Arthur.. The magical thong.. will lead the lady wearing it. To catfighting victories!!

So are there any other ladies, willing to enter? To try their luck, and skills at catfighting??  Maybe tis Anne has frightened the others away??

FoxyAnne entered into the contest!! 
Any other ladies willing ... Make your entry and challenge known.. The scribes wait, to enter YOUR name. Into the catfight combat lists!!

Sir Storm ...
Yeee Gads Sir HB .. just bring NOT. The killer fluffy bunnies to the midieval fair!!


Offline stormbolt7

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Re: Catfight in Time.. King Arthurs England sign up!!
« Reply #3 on: September 09, 2012, 08:43:01 PM »
LET the trumpets announce...

From the wilds of the jungles.... Babs Carlson has entered the event!!  I truly can understand. Why other ladies, now would fear to enter.
Anne stands ready for combat.. NOW Babs entering as well!!

Be there ANYMORE ladies, that think they have what it takes. To fight with these two catfighters, for the win, and the prize??
Has all of England decided to cower before these two ladies??

What of the other nations, have they no champions, to risk battle, for an enchanted catfight thong. As well as bragging rights, of a champion??

Ladies  make your entry, and challenge known here!!
I hear the gathered knights laughing, and mocking the very idea. Of female warriors. As they prepare for the joust.
SHOW these knaves... you NEVER want to take for granted. A catfighting lady, with claws!!

Sir Storm ..
Seeing the jungle girl make her entry ... I am preparing to open. Sir Storm's mud removal, and catfighter cleaning service again!!


Offline stormbolt7

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Re: Catfight in Time.. King Arthurs England sign up!!
« Reply #4 on: September 10, 2012, 07:16:42 PM »
So let it be known to all ...

As FoxyAnne, and Babs Carlson .. stand ready to battle any and all comers!!

"Fluff Crawford, has accepted the challenge!!  "Fluff another lovely, catfighter ready for combat!!

The king is pleased, as at least SOME ladies. Having the spirit, and confidence to battle, in open combat!! The knights still making jest, at women catfighters, being added. To the list of combat, at the fair.
SURE in their manly arrogance, that the ladies. Just do not have the fighting spirit. Needed to compete. YET 3 now have stepped forward to prepare to catfight!!

The ladies holding favors, for the squires that attend them ... while looking. To get their claws, into the opponents sexy figures.
DARE any other ladies join in??  Do you feel your blood grow cold, and yourself feel fear.
At the very names of FoxyAnne, Babs Carlson, and "Fluff Crawford .. as rivals??
If not.. If you feel yourself catfighter enough!! Make your challenge, and entry known here!!



Offline speed

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Re: Catfight in Time.. King Arthurs England sign up!!
« Reply #5 on: September 14, 2012, 02:38:15 AM »
Time you had a real princess in your tournament. Meet Italian Princess Francine:

What have we got here so far?
•   An aging lady who thinks she is foxy. Looks like her best days are behind her.
•   A Jungle Girl who won’t have the slightest idea how to fight with clothes on
•   Another English bitch who even says she is a piece of Fluff. Sure looks like on. Better say in bed honey for that is where you will end u.

Wait until these two English sluts and that jungle trollop run into the fury and toughness of a hot blooded Italian Princess. Oh I am going to have so much fun.

Hmmm, are all the other Ladies of the Court too chickenshit or too proud to join in the competition? Where are they all, hiding in the tower?

You're the only Princess here. LOL SPeed


Offline stormbolt7

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Re: Catfight in Time.. King Arthurs England sign up!!
« Reply #6 on: September 14, 2012, 06:44:44 AM »

My humble apologies, as some of us. Had been fighting alongside King Arthur. As that witch Morgan LE Fay. Had tried to disrupt the festivities!!

Merlin managing, to bring us back, quickly. Through his magical arts, to the fair grounds. The wily old conjuror, also letting me know. More contestants had arrived.

HUZZAhhhhh!!!  HUZZAhhh!!  Arriving from Italy. The battling super bitch, Princess Francine!! Arriving, and letting her presence be known.
Francine, joining FoxyAnne, Babs Carlson, and "Fluf Crawford in the catfight, and tournament!! 

The sound of horses hooves thundering along the hard packed ground. As some jousting, has begun, among the knights.

HUZZahhhh!! HUZZahhh!!  Lady B, has arrived from distant lands. Also entering into the contest.

WE now have 5 ladies, brave enough to fight before Arthur!! The knights of the round table, had scoffed at me, and laughed. When I brought up the idea, of warrior women. Catfighting at the fair, and festival.
Now they begin to show interest. As more ladies come forth, to join in.

Are there any more ladies willing to join this contest?? Does the sight, of the ladies entered. Cause you fear, and unwillingness to compete??
IF not make your challenge and entry known now!!
Sign up here... the contest to begin Saturday!!

Sir Storm of Catfightingham 
Formelry the Earl of OMG look at her, she is HOTT!! 


Offline rebelgirl

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Re: Catfight in Time.. King Arthurs England sign up!!
« Reply #7 on: September 14, 2012, 07:00:21 PM »
sign me up love a chance to be queen


Offline stormbolt7

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Re: Catfight in Time.. King Arthurs England sign up!!
« Reply #8 on: September 15, 2012, 06:52:25 AM »
LET it be known  HERE and now ... REBELGIRL HAS Entered the contest!!

Last chance ladies...
I will begin poll, and contest later saturday!! I WILL check first, for final entrants!!

The weekend and the CONTEST are HERE  HUzzahhhh!!



Offline StarBear

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Re: Catfight in Time.. King Arthurs England sign up!!
« Reply #9 on: September 15, 2012, 07:51:29 PM »
I so love the Renaissance faire too .  LOL.  Sadly I m too busy right now.  Good luck to all the contestants and may the most English woman prevail. :D 

Remember ladies, it is better to lose with honor than win without it. (giggles)
While you practice to get it right, I practice to never get it wrong.


Offline stormbolt7

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Re: Catfight in Time.. King Arthurs England sign up!!
« Reply #10 on: September 15, 2012, 11:48:01 PM »
WELL said.. Lady StarBear!!

The entry thread now is closed!!

Moving on to begin the POLL!!
