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Repost: Call of the Wild by Howard Cossell

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Offline Kayla

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Repost: Call of the Wild by Howard Cossell
« on: September 10, 2009, 08:41:03 PM »
Am reposting this stirring story from this site a few years ago that got lost during the crash. Hope you enjoy!  ;)

Will get back shortly to reposting more stories by Tom, JC, Marie, Peccavi, and some BRAND NEW ones by Tom & a newcomer, Roberto.



 Call of the Wild
By Howard Cossell
 The atmosphere for these events is usually pretty high with tension. Tonight, it’s at a fever pitch. Siena is a very good promoter and she‘s done an outstanding job with this card. On the big screen inside the arena, a trailer for the card is shown and the fans go wild. The cage is set up and we prepare for the first match. First out is Liz, the redheaded girl with the fat cheeks is in a white shirt and green shorts with leg guards. She’s walking and smiling as she gets into the cage. She throws a couple of punches at the air as she warms herself up. Next out comes The Pit. The sexy caramel skinned Black girl with her blonde mini-braids is dressed in a red all in one, black grappling gloves and white sneakers. She looks mean and even has a red mouthpiece. The fighters are introduced and the bell rings. Both fighters meet at the center of the cage; the Pit’s fists raised higher and Liz’s hands low. Liz throws a leg kick just as the Pit jumps in and begins to throw punches to the head that quickly back Liz up. They are nothing but straight rights and lefts and Liz’s face quickly turns red as her back touches the cage. The Black girl knees Liz in the stomach, forcing the air out of her lungs and forces her down to the mat. Pit mounts Liz and begins to pound away at her face. Liz’s nose is broken and she’s trying to tap out as Pit is reigning punches down on her. We hear Liz give a piercing scream as Pit begins biting her face while giving her a frontal choke. The ref tries desperately to remove Pit from Liz, but the Black girl’s mouth takes a chunk of Liz’s facial flesh with it. Pit is declared the winner of the match. Liz gets up and angrily says that Pit should be DQ-ed, but to no avail. Pit is still trying to get back at Liz but is finally taken out of the ring. 
 Jessika is shown arriving to the arena carrying a bag. The fans cheer as Jessika seems pretty normal and is ignoring the cameras as she goes into her locker room and closes the door. She seems all business and moves very quickly. Tonya Harding is shown backstage getting her hands taped as the fans boo like crazy. Tonya can hear them and laughs shrugging her shoulders. Then a shot is shown of several rolls of barbed wire backstage. Lastly, there’s shot of Marie standing in an aqua one piece and throwing punches and kicks at the air. The fans begin to cheer as loud as they have all night. “Marie! Marie! Marie!!”
 “Blow Ya Mind” by Eve and Gwen Stefani plays. The 5’9” 145 lb KC Bomber makes her way to the boxing ring as the fans give a mixed reaction. The beautiful curvy Black girl is dressed in leopard print sport bra and matching trunks with black high tops. She looks pretty mean but does wave to the fans who are cheering her. Next out is Cara “The Bitch” Brown who comes out to “The Bitch is Back” by Elton John. The slicked blood redheaded Cara is jumping and screaming and looking all fired up as she approaches the ring. She has on a black sports bra and blood red tiger striped shorts with black boots. The two women meet at ring center for instructions and the stare down is a killer. The bell rings for round one and the two women come right at each other. Cara had to gain ten pounds for this fight, and she does seem a bit slower as KC connects with a hard right hand off Cara’s forehead. Cara fights out of a low crouch, so she throws two trademark hooks to KC’s ribs that make the Black girl take a step back. Cara then snaps KC’s head back with a hard left hook and follows with a straight right to her soft belly. “OOF!” groans KC as some of her wind is knocked out of her and she goes to the ropes. As Cara approaches, KC stuns her with a left hook and right cross. The black girl rushes off the ropes as Cara ducks low; KC slams a left to Cara’s side and pushes her back with a right uppercut to the arms covering her face. KC pushes Cara back and pounds her with a right cross upstairs and staggers her with a left uppercut. “UUNNHH!!” Cara’s eyes roll into the back of her head as she grabs KC around the waist and tries to hold on. KC raises her arms above her head and waits for the ref to break it up, but Cara hurts her with a hard left to her navel “OUGH!” KC pushes Kara back and then comes back with a right uppercut to Cara’s chin and a left to her liver and the redhead takes a knee. KC goes to a neutral corner, but she has her arm across her stomach and she looks tired. Cara gets up at 8, which surprises everyone because we thought she would have gotten up sooner. KC’s punches are really hard and the weight Cara put on for this fight has slowed her down… this isn’t the way Cara wanted to make her professional debut. Cara backs into her own corner as KC wails punch after punch on her. I can see Alexia Paige smiling as the ref stops the fight when Cara turns her back to KC. 
 Q: KC Bomber, how were you able to take her out so easily?
 “She was too small and too dumb. She called herself a bitch and I slapped her ass around like one. She’s a 130 pound fighter and she was stupid enough to make her debut at 140 lbs, that doesn’t make any sense. She was just dumb.”
 Q: What’s next for you?
 “I want to fight for the 140 lb title. Nikky is the champion and I want to beat her and take her belt.”
 Q: Have you ever seen Nikky fight? She’s a bit fast. You didn’t even go a full two minutes and you’re tired already. How--”
 “Look, I had to lose some weight for this fight and that took some out of me. And I didn’t say I wanted to fight Nikky next. I want to keep having fights and keep winning and then I want a shot. You know it’s funny; Kayla and I have both been in the same promotion, but we’ve never faced each other because I’m a boxer and she’s a cat fighter. Well, good luck, Kayla… maybe one day, you and I will meet in the cage.”
 The ring is taken down and the cage is put back up. The first fights are usually designed to simply wet the audiences appetite. Now the arena is starting to get packed for the rest of the card. Coming up next is Marie B vs. Tonya Harding. Glory is shown arriving at the arena. Glory has a smile on her face as she gets out of her gold Mercedes and she’s talking to someone on her cell phone. She has her big title belt draped across her shoulder. The fans are cheering for Glory as she looks at the camera and winks. A referee is shown backstage with Samantha explaining to her the rules of cage fighting. Samantha is listening nervously but intently as she is dressed in a red sports bra and tight red shorts. Her big outie navel is peaking right above the waistband of the shorts as her honey skinned six pack gleams as she pulls her long wavy red hair into a pony tail. The cameraman is shown being kicked out of Jennifer Lopez’s dressing room by one of her bodyguards. I can tell it’s Jennifer’s room, because one of her demands whenever she makes an appearance is that she gets an all white room with white flowers. Marie gets ready to make her entrance but she is approached by Siena.
 “What do you want?” Marie says, “I’m not wearing a catholic schoolgirl outfit, if that’s what you wanted to ask me.”
 “Calm down,” Siena says smiling, “Just wanted to wish you good luck. Drop this bitch.”
 “I don’t need luck. She’s going to need luck, and a doctor, and possibly a mortician,” Marie says
 “Everybody’s behind you, kid,” Siena says, “Tonight is your night, whether you realize it or not. I’ve got big plans for you and if you do your thing the right way, you may walk out of here with something that’ll put you in a place Kayla will never--”
 “Don’t talk about Kayla to me,” Marie says, “What’s done is done. Now, it’s Tonya, then whoever wins the Jessika/Glory fight, then you. I’ve got to go.”
 Siena laughs as “Rag Doll” by Aerosmith plays and out comes Marie, looking back at Siena with spite for giving her that entrance music. Marie’s blonde hair is in a ponytail and she is barefoot as she enters the cage and waits for Tonya. More people have filled into the arena and Marie can see several celebrities and fighters in the audience. Jennifer Lopez’s husband, Mark Anthony, and Carrie Ann Inalba, who is a judge on the American version of Dancing With the Stars, but knows Jennifer Lopez from when they both danced as fly girls on the comedy show In Living Color, are both seated in the audience. Allison Payne, Nikky, and Alexia Paige are out there as well, as is also Kayla’s girlfriend Heather. Marie has a seat out there too, in the front row, and she is relieved to see that no one is sitting in it. “Girls Just Wanna Have Fun” by Cindy Lauper plays and out comes Tonya Harding dressed in a black sports bra and black shorts to match her black shoes. The two women stare at each other, Marie staring at Tonya with a sneer and Tonya at Marie with a bit of “so what?” 
 “Simply Irresistible” by Robert Palmer plays and Kayla comes out wearing tight black jeans and a green camouflage tank top with black shoes. She joins the two announcers calling the match for the television audience. The cage door is shut and locked and the bell beginning the fight rings.
 Marie comes out in her peek a boo crouch stance with her elbows guarding her ribs and her chin tucked behind her fists. Tonya comes out in a boxing stance with her arms low, studying her shorter opponent. Tonya throws a right hand and Marie easily avoids it, landing a kick to Tonya’s right calf. Marie steps in and gives Tonya a straight left and straight right to her pale milky belly which opens the woman’s mouth and backs her up bit. Marie steps back and lands a roundhouse to Tonya’s right calf, making the other blonde bad girl wince. Tonya misses on a left hook but grazes the top of Marie’s head with a right hand. Marie jumps in and slams a right uppercut into Tonya’s solar plexus, and Tonya lets out an “UF!” as her eyes widen and she grabs on to Marie. Marie turns and takes Tonya down with a leg sweep. Marie immediately goes to mount Tonya and end the fight, but the bad girl gets her knees up and nails Marie in the stomach. Marie’s tummy is pretty tough, but her eyes widen and she lets out a little weep and Tonya rolls on top of her and begins to punch her in the face. Marie covers up, but Tonya’s punches are faster and are getting in. Marie grabs Tonya’s right hand and quickly brings her legs around Tonya’s neck and shoulders. Marie manages to get her legs around Tonya’s arm and neck, but the bad blonde screams and backs away before Marie can lock in the triangle hold submission. Marie stays on her back and lifts her legs as Tonya stands up and looks for another opportunity.   
 When Tonya moves in, Marie catches her with another kick to her right calf. A nice sized bruise is developing on that spot as Tonya jumps on top of Marie and angrily tries to fire some more head punches. For all the trash talk before this fight, the only noises that are being made are the sounds of punches and kicks landing and the sounds of these two ladies breathing and groaning.  Tonya has Marie by her wrists and drops her knee across Marie’s stomach and keeps it there. Tonya gets a few shots into Marie’s face using Marie’s own hands and the little blonde Marie is starting to look discouraged. Tonya can be heard saying “C’mon bitch, CRY!!” as she lifts herself up and drops knee after knee on Marie’s stomach. The crowd is chanting Marie’s name, but we’re beginning to wonder if she can muster up the strength to come back from this. Marie lands a right hand to Tonya’s face, and despite being on her back, Marie manages to snap Tonya’s head back. Marie squirms her body from under Tonya’s knee enough  to slide behind her and go for a rear naked choke. Marie is on Tonya’s back now and has the choke locked in as Tonya stands up and tries to get air. The crowd chants “Marie!! Marie!! Marie!!” as Kayla is encouraging them now, but all of them go silent when Tonya, out of desperation, flings her body backwards into the mat and smashes Marie between the mat and Tonya’s 125 lbs. “UUUUNH!!” cries Marie in a high weakened sob as she lets go of the hold and Tonya sits up gasping for air. The fans begin to stomp on the ground and clap their hands to encourage Marie to get up as Tonya is on her hands and knees coughing. Kayla is yelling at Marie and banging her fist on the announce table. Tonya stands as the audience moans and Tonya gives them the middle finger. She also gives one to Kayla. 
 Tonya reaches down and pulls Marie to her feet by her long blonde ponytail, but as Tonya lifts her, Marie lands a shot to Tonya’s belly, bending the blonde bad girl a bit (whole lotta b words there; gotta love that alliteration). Two more shots to Tonya’s belly and the bad girl backs up. Marie follows with a kick that grazes Tonya’s womanhood just as Tonya lands a right cross that snaps Marie’s head back and sends her to the mat. As Marie is falling she slides enough to lock her legs around Tonya’s right leg, and forces the blonde forward on her stomach. Marie knows she’s got Tonya; Tonya is down on her stomach and Marie is behind her sitting up with her legs wrapped around Tonya’s right thigh and Tonya’s damaged right calf in Marie’s arms being twisted in the opposite direction that the rest of her leg is going. This is a move that legendary cage fighter “Lady” Jasmine Raheid used. Funny enough, the 20 year old retired Jasmine, who is a legend because she started fighting at age 9 and had brutal bloody matches and also has the distinction of having NEVER lost by submission, is in the audience. Not too many people would know who she is though, the black haired Angelina Jolie looking beauty wore a mask in her fighting days. Tonya is in pure agony and I don’t think it’s even ten seconds before she taps out and yells “I give!!” Marie jumps to her feet with a HUGE smile on her face as the audience cheers her and Tonya begins to cry while holding her leg. Marie quickly rushes out of the ring and to the showers so that she can get in her seat to see the rest of the card. Tonya has to be helped to the back and continuously says that she thinks her leg is broken, yelling “WHY? WHY? WHY?” Tonya sees Kayla laughing at her, and yells “Fuck you, you fucking cxnt!! You better shut up, before I come bust you in your head!”
 Q: Glory, tonight you and Jessika face each other in a no holds barred anything goes street fight. Why Jessika, and why this type of match?
 “I won this title when I was fifteen years old. I have never lost a fight in my life. I have beaten the cat fighters, the wrestlers, the boxers, all of them. But I have never faced anyone as sadistic, as suicidal, as homicidal, as genocidal, as Jessika. I wanted this match because I want to show these people that Glory is no joke. I take on all comers and I don’t just call someone out and manipulate the rules to my advantage… this match is right up Jessika’s alley. Jessika, I want to beat you at your best. You want a piece of Glory, you got to go through Glory to get it.”
 Q: What about Kayla? She’s out there ringside calling the matches. She said she’s got her gear on under her clothes, so when it’s time for her main event match she can change out there. Are you concerned that Kayla will get involved in your match with Jessika? Are you concerned that her presence may overshadow the match?
 “We’ve gone over this who really should be in the main event thing a million times. No, I am not concerned about Kayla because if Kayla sticks her airhead in this match, there won’t be a main event. And no, nobody is going to overshadow me, because what I plan on doing to Jessika is going to go down in history as the biggest beat down of all time. Jessika loves pain, well she’s gonna be feeling a lot of it.”
 Glory turns away from the interviewer only to come face-to-face with Jessika. The two women stare at each other with menacing looks as the camera gets a close-up of their faces. “Simply Irresistible” plays again as Kayla leaves the announce table and enters the cage. Jessika and Glory both look at each other with the same annoyed expression as they can hear the music and know that Kayla, directly or indirectly, has once again stolen their moment. Glory and Jessika turn and go in opposite directions. 
 Kayla smiles as the fans greet her with chants of “Kayla! Kayla! Kayla!” while some boo her. 
 “Thank you thank you thank you; I‘ll be out here all night,” Kayla says gleefully, “You guys really know hot to make a girl feel so HOT!! Just wanted to let you know, coming up next is the Catfight in a Cage, Samantha Angelica Pritchard vs. Debbi Chan. Mrrow!!”
 NEXT: Debbi Chan vs. Samantha , followed by Glory vs. Jessika and the main event, Kayla vs. Jennifer Lopez!! Just a little foreshadowing, this story has a surprise ending that I don’t think any of you will expect.
Naughty - but oh, so NICE! :-)


Offline Kayla

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Re: Repost: Call of the Wild by Howard Cossell
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2009, 08:42:43 PM »
And now, the shocking CONCLUSION!! 
 "Ambitionz of a Riddah" and Samantha comes out. The 5'9" 142 lb half Black half Honduran bombshell has her red wavy hair flowing as she quickly makes her way into the cage. Usually, Samantha isn't as jumpy or as stiff before a fight as she is tonight. She seems very nervous and that really bothers me. "Sweet Clild O'Mine" by Guns N Roses plays and out comes Debbi Chan. The 5'5" Asian American is dress in a black bikini and has her long dark brown hair flowing as she enters the cage to hundreds of cheers. Debbi plays to the crowd as she stares at her taller opponent and gives her a mean look. Samantha's reaction is a smile. Once the cage door locks, Samantha seems to settle down a bit. The bell rings and the fight begins.
 Debbi comes right at Sam. Debbi tries to tackle Sam, but Sam just circles away. Debbi is staying at center in a low crouch while Samantha is circling around her with her hands held high. Samantha lands a jab to Debbi's cheek, snapping the cute little woman's head back. Samantha jabs her again, and this time follows up with a right hand to Debbi's ribs; Samantha can hear Debbi groan in pain but Debbi manages to get her arms around Sam's waist and tries to take her down. Samantha falls backwards and as Debbi fall on top of her, Sam kicks her off and quickly gets back on her feet. Samantha goes after Debbi with two jabs to the jaw, a left hook to the eye, and a straight right to Debbi's belly and the Asian woman staggers into the cage wall. Samantha follows in quickly, but Debbi drives a surprising knee into Sam's belly, forcing the taller fighter to "OOUUGGHH!!" 
 Sam staggers back and gives a weakened look at Debbi, so Debbi lands a left right that hits Sam on either side of her big navel. Samantha's demeanor quickly changes as she's backpedalling away from the charging Debbi Chan, who lands a right hand right on the outie that doubles Samantha over as she grabs Debbi around her waist. Debbi easily takes Samantha down and mounts her, burying her hands in Sam's red hair. Sam hates it when people pull her hair and she angrily yells profanity at Debbi, but the catfight queen responds by trying to rip Samantha's top off. Samantha's hands instantly go to her red top and Debbi repositions herself across Samantha's body and begins to hammer her stomach with lefts. Samantha's hands go to her weak spot and Debbi pulls off her top and throws it to the crowd. Samantha's beautiful tits with their matching diamond-studded nipple piercings are exposed as she stands with a furious look on her face.
 "You little bitch!" she yells
 Samantha rushes Debbi, but the more experienced catfighter sidesteps Sam, and gives her an open-handed slap right on her navel. "OUGH!" Samantha cries as Debbi slide behind her and presses down on the big outie navel with both hands. Samantha instantly drops to her knees as Debbi seems to simulate a doggy-style dry hump on her and now is going for her shorts. Samantha kicks Debbi in the stomach, forcing the air from her with a "whoosh" and stands. Samantha then removes Debbi's top and reveals to the horny crowd of onlookers Debbi's beautiful breasts. Samantha stands in front of Debbi and mocks her, but the smaller girl doubles poor Samantha over by driving her head into her stomach "OOOOOFF!!" Debbi quickly mounts the fallen Sam and begins to squeeze her tits, forcing the taller black girl to let out of piercing scream. Debbi has Samantha pinned and begins to slap her face and grind herself into the redhead and force her to repeatedly climax and wet herself in her own juices. Samantha knows she's beaten and says "I give." Debbi rises and smiles.
 Q: What happened, Samantha?
 Samantha- "She fucked the fight out of me. Look, I knew it was over once she got me down. She was beating me and I needed to get out of this before she humiliated me even more. She is Debbi Chan; she's a legend and I respect her and respect that she beat me."
 Q: You and Kayla have been pretty nice to each other considering your history. Why did you wish Kayla good luck?
 Samantha- "Kayla may be my rival, but I look at things like this. I want my rival to do well because if I didn't respect Kayla, then I wouldn't consider her my rival. The same thing with Debbi Chan; I wouldn't fight someone I know I could beat, there's no point in that. That's why I don't fight little Marie; she's an overrated joke who just wants to be fucked by a bigger girl. I want to fight the best. Kayla, no matter what people say, is good for the catfighting industry and I respect her. And then, she's said nice about me too. So yeah, we're rivals, but we respect each other."
 Q: Who do you plan on fighting next?
 Samantha: "After the stuff with Kayla gets posted, I keep hearing about this 'big brunette bullying bitch' Jenn or pec-cavity or something like that. I'm not saying I'd fight her, but she's making a lot of noise for a chick who was never fought a credible opponent. I've got toe-to-toe with Kayla and Debbi Chan, she's stuck fighting the Marie's of the world. Because she's a bully, and bullies are cowards."
 Q: So would you fight her?
 Samantha- "She wouldn't want that. Let her play with Marie 'The Bumble' B."
 At that moment, Jenn attacks Samantha from behind and pushes her up against the cage wall. Jenn smiles as she lands knee after knee after knee to Samantha's stomach. Samantha says "Stop, please" and Jenn responds by grabbing her navel and squeezing it like a big grape. Samantha instantly doubles over and Jenn finishes her off with an uppercut. Samantha awakes in the lockerroom with a headache, but vows revenge.
 Q: Siena would you like to react to what just happened involving Jenn/Peccavi, the brunette bullying bitch and Samantha?
 Siena- "I'd rather not. I like Samantha a lot, but when you mess with a bull, you get the horns. Peccavi isn't suppose to be interfering in these matches, she isn't signed. But out of the goodness of my heart, I'll allow her to stay as a spectator and won't have her kicked out. I just hope that the tempers don't flare anymore tonight except with fighters who are supposed to be fighting."
 Q: Siena, you are the promoter of this card, and a great card it is, but there has been a lot of jealousy and bad blood brewing between some of the fighters. Are you concerned that there might be some problems with these matches?
 Siena- "I hope not. I really want these last two matches to go exactly as they should… NO INTERFERENCE. We went out of our way to pay Jennifer all this money, I really could care less what Kayla does to her or doesn’t do. But these girls better stay out of that match."
 Q: Glory was pretty vocal about wanting to be in the main event--
 Siena- "And she should be. Glory is a champion and is undefeated. I’ve been a champion before, I understand where she’s coming from. But this is a business and Glory is getting a pretty big check. So she should try to understand my position. My advice to Glory… take it out on Jessika."
 Q: Thanks Siena.
 "Natural Born Killaz" by Dr. Dre and Ice Cube hits, and out comes 5’11" 165 lb Jessika carrying the same bag she had entering the arena. The big auburn haired woman is wearing red bika shorts and a red sports bra, with black boots and places the bag under the ring. She’s looking about as mean and focused as ever as she enters the ring. Jessie gives Kayla a very hard stare as the fans cheer her and she walks around, examining her surroundings. After giving one more menacing look to Kayla, Jessika turns and bounces up and down awaiting her opponent.
 Kayla- "Jessie’s pissed as usual. You know, I love Jessie, but I’m starting to think she’s gone senile because she can’t tell the difference between her friends and her enemies. I’M YOUR FRIEND, JESSIKA!! You know, I respect Jessika and I want her to win, but I‘m getting tired of being blamed for her setbacks as a fighter."
 "Search and Destroy" by Metallica and 6’2" 170 lb Glory makes her way down to the ring carrying her big gold belt. Glory is wearing a silver one piece with a sort of net like texture, and thigh high black boots that shine like her black Mohawked hair. She takes her sweet time as she approaches the ring, posing and staring at Jessika with her trademark sinister grin accented by blood red lipstick. As Glory enters the ring, she looks over at Kayla and says some words that cannot be heard de to the loudness of the music, but if you read her lips, she’s saying "I am the champion, NOT YOU! I am the warrior, NOT YOU! And I’m gonna get your little ass!"
 Kayla- "Yeah, yeah, yeah, you can tell your story walking, bitch. You know, I thought I was a cocky bitch, I thought I was full of myself, but even I can’t hang with Glory anymore. She breaks all my records when it comes to being a self-centered, egotistical wretch."
 Glory kisses her belt as the ref takes if from her and she and Jessika meet face to face. The two women stare at each other as the flashbulbs continue to pop, Jessika giving Glory the angriest look she can muster, and Glory with an evil toothy smile. Jessika cracks Glory right in the mouth and Glory turns her head and responds with a slap to Jessika’s mouth. The two women go chest to chest and then they each take a step back and proceed to exchange right hand punches to the jaw. Neither woman gives an inch as Glory and Jessika take turns slamming their right fists into each other’s faces. Glory staggers Jessie with a hard right cross that buckles her legs, but Jessie responds by slamming her knee into Glory’s stomach, bending the black/Puerto Rican warrior slightly with an "OHHH!" Jessie then nails Glory with a double axe handle to the back of her neck and Glory almost takes a knee. Instead, Glory throws her head upward, slamming it into Jessika’s chin and stunning the big woman, who also gets a mouth full of Glory’s hair. Jessika leans on the ropes as Glory backs up and then clotheslines Jessie out of the ring. Jessie grabs Glory as both women tumble to the floor outside of the ring and right in front of Kayla and the announce team. 
 Kayla- "That had to hurt. C’mon Jessie!! GET UP!"
 Glory rises first and grabs Jessika up by the hair, but Jessika pushes the Black girl into the announce table. Glory lets out an "UNNH!" as Jessika bends her back over the top of the table and begins to choke her. As Glory looks up, she can see Jessika’s angry face and hear her groans as she squeezes her throat, but she can also see Kayla on the other side looking down at her and shrugging her shoulders with a smile. Jessika looks up at the seated Kayla and says, "I’m gonna take care of this bitch; and you better stay out of it. I’m gonna show you how a real fighter kicks ass!!"
 Glory gets her arms up under Jessika’s armpits and lifts her in the air. Kayla stands and backs up a few paces as Glory turns and slams Jessika’s head and torso into the announce table. Glory smiles as she grabs Jessika by the hair and swings her into the ring post. Jessika cries an "AHH!!" as her head and chest slam into the metal and she goes down. 
 Kayla- "I guess she’s gonna blame that one on me too."
 Glory- "Outta my way, bitch!!"
 Glory reaches around Kayla and takes Kayla’s chair. Glory folds the steel seat and makes a beeline towards Jessika, who is starting to get up. Glory smiles and lifts the chair high about her head, but Jessie’s buckles the champion’s legs with a hard right hand to her mocha colored tummy. Glory seems to shake it off as she lifts the chair again but Jessika nails her again in the gut. The champion backs up a step as Jessie rises. Glory goes back into the ring with the chair as Jessika follows. Glory misses as she swings the chair at Jessie, and Jessie makes her pay for it by shoving the chair into Glory’s stomach. The champion is clearly hurt and goes down on one knee as Jessika yanks the chair from her and connects with a chair shot to the head, "ARGH!!" Glory cries as she goes flat on her back. Glory’s hair is shiny and black, but there seems to be some blood coming from it also. Jessika begins to repeatedly ram the chair into Glory’s stomach, forcing the proud champion to make high-pitched wimpering sounds as her body flails on the mat like a dying fish. Jessika seems to be enjoying this more and more as Glory rolls on her side only to receive chair shots to her ribs and thigh.
 Kayla- "One of Jessie’s trademarks is that she loves to work the body, especially the belly. And right now she’s dissecting Glory. This is vintage Jessika."
 Jessika places the chair over Glory’s face. Then Jessika leaves the ring and gets another chair. Everyone rises to their feet as Jessika pounds the mat with her chair and raises it over her head. Glory saves herself from possible brain damage by kicking Jessika in the crotch. Jessika doubles over and drops the chair as Glory rises with the one that was on her face. She then levels Jessika with a chair shot to the top of the head.
 Kayla- "Jessie gave her waaaay too much time to recover. Glory was obviously playing opossum. And Jessika basically gave her a chair. That’s one of Jessie’s problems; she underestimates her opponents from time to time. She underestimated me once too."
 Glory goes for a pin. 1, 2, Jessika kicks out. Glory pulls Jessika up by her hair and pushes her into a corner. Glory rams the chair into Jessie’s belly, and after hearing the wind rush from her, Glory watches as Jessika drops in a seated position in the corner. Glory fit’s the chair in front of Jessika’s face by trapping it between the second and bottom ropes on either side of the corner. Glory then backs up, and charges, slamming her booted foot into the chair and driving it into Jessika’s face. Glory turns around and plays to the crowd as Jessika is still in the corner. As Glory smiles and looks out into the crowd, her eyes seem to fix on someone in the audience. Glory goes over to Jessika and yanks the now bleeding woman to her feet. She then swings Jessika chest first into the opposing corner. Jessika hits the corner so hard that her body flips over the top and lands on the floor outside of the ring.
 Kayla- "Glory might be the strongest girl I’ve ever seen. I mean, Jessie’s strong, but damn, Glory is stronger than Jessie. I take nothing away from her; she is awesome. I just think she’s a bitch."
 Glory gets out of the ring as Jessika is still down. Glory goes into the crowd and comes out with a little blonde girl… Marie B. Glory throws Marie into the ring and follows. 
 Glory- "You’re not talking so tough now, are you little girl?"
 Glory grabs hold of a chair and positions it under Marie’s chin with one hand while holding Marie behind the head with the other. Glory then shoves the chair into the mat legs first, forcing Marie’s neck down into the chair, and snapping the shorter girl’s head up as she falls to the mat motionless. 
 Kayla- "Like I said, she’s a bitch. What kind of woman would pick on a cute little girl like Marie? And HUMILIATE and DOMINATE her in such a cruel fashion? Of course, I did… but that doesn‘t count, tee hee!"
 Glory exits the ring and gets hold of another chair. Jessika is leaning on the ring apron as Glory rushes in on her. Jessika kicks the chair, which unfortunately for Glory is positioned right in front of her face and the kick sends Glory down. Glory’s face is now a crimson mask of her own blood as Jessika stands over her. Jessie pulls Glory up and whips her into the steel barricade; Glory lets out a pained cry as her back hit’s the hard steel. Jessika throws Glory over the barricade and begins to pummel the black girl with shots to her ribs and belly as the audience gathers around. Jessika even takes a swig of a fan’s beer. But Glory knees Jessie in the belly and grabs a hold of the thick glass beer mug. Glory smashes the mug into Jessika’s face, around her left eye, and sends pieces of glass all over the place. Jessika’s eye instantly begins to swell as Glory yanks her deeper into the crowd of maddened bloodthirsty fans. Glory takes Jessika to a set of tables in the back where the sound guys are. Glory pulls Jessika on top of the table and goes for her finishing move, The Rock Bottom (This is also professional wrestler and actor D’Wayne "The Rock" Johnson’s finishing move. Glory faces her opponent and places her right arm across the opponent’s upper torso, across the shoulders and collarbone. Then she places her left arm on her opponent’s right thigh. She then lifts her opponent up and drives them into the mat on their back. She goes down with them also) Glory goes for this move, but Jessika manages to reverse it and drive Glory’s head into the table. The table actually breaks in half from the weight of the two women dropping on it.
 Both Glory and Jessika lay motionless as the crowd is jumping up and down in excitement. Marie is slowly beginning to regain consciousness as Kayla is in the ring trying to revive her. At first, Marie jumps at the sight of Kayla, but then she relaxes. Kayla sees that the fighting has resumed as Glory and Jessika are headed back towards the ring exchanging punches. Kayla makes her way back to the announce table but Marie stays in the ring to collect herself. Jessika seems to be getting the better of Glory as she continues to work the taller girl’s body with gut-busting punches and knees. Jessie clothelines Glory over the barricade and throws her into the ring. Marie quickly slides out of the ring but stays close by as Jessika brings a ladder into the ring, stands it up. Jessie climbs the ladder and jumps off, slamming her own muscle hard body into Glory as Jessie hears the wind exit the black girl’s body. 1,2, Glory barely gets her shoulder up. 
 Kayla- "Jessie is showing her toughness. There is no fighter tougher than Jessika, period. That’s why Glory’s at a disadvantage in this match. She’s younger, she’s stronger, but she’s NOT tougher."
 Jessika stands and looks down at her opponent. Jessie is tired but she’s not going to stop now… she can pretty much sense that Glory is almost finished. Jessika gets out of the ring and looks under the ring for something and she finds it the form of a roll of barbed wire.
 Kayla- "Glory’s gonna wish she’d never agreed to this match."
 Jessika reenters the ring and wraps three loops of the barbed wired around Glory’s neck. Glory manages to gets her hands between the wire and her throat, but suffers some pretty impressive cuts to them as a result. Jessie throws Glory over the top rope but pulls on the wire, stopping Glory’s feet from touching the floor.
 Kayla- "She’s hanging her. Very innovative for a match so brutal, I must say tee hee!!"
 Marie sees the position Glory is in and grabs hold of one of the steel pipes in Jessie’s bag. Marie slams the pipe across Glory’s belly a few times while screaming at her. Jessika notices what is going on and lets go of the wire. Jessie gets out of the ring and shoves Marie, yelling "This is my match. Stay out of it!!"
 Jessika reaches into her bag of goodies and pulls out a cheese grater. Marie quickly retreats without even wondering why Jessika would have a cheese grater as a weapon. Jessika continues to chase Marie as the little blonde runs around the outside of the ring. Glory removes the barbed wire from her neck and hides around the corner from the announce table. As Marie runs passed Glory, Glory springs forward, leveling Jessika with a clothesline. Jessika lies on her back in front of the announce table as Kayla stands and tries to encourage her fallen friend. Glory walks over to where Jessika is and looks at Kayla with a smile. Glory throws Jessika into the ring. Jessika seems to lie motionless, but pulls some brass knuckles from her shorts and closes her eyes. Jessika is playing opossum. Glory looks at Kayla and steps closer. 
 Glory- "You were gonna interfere in my match, weren’t you, you stupid bitch?"
 Kayla- "Back off. I’m not interfering in anything. I’m just out here to call the matches, bitch. Now, BACK OFF!"
 Glory- "Or else what? Huh? Or else WHAT?!"
 Glory places her hand on Kayla’s face and shoves her into the steel barricade. Glory then enters the ring as Jessika rises. As Jessika swings and misses with the brass knuckles, an Kayla climbs on the ring apron. Glory swings Jessika into Kayla, and the two women’s heads collide. Kayla is sent flying into the announce table. Jessika staggers back towards Glory with her hands covering her face, and Glory hits her with the Rock Bottom. 1,2,3!! Glory has defeated Jessika in a war of a no holds barred match!! Marie is standing behind Glory with a pipe. Glory turns around and Marie drops the pipe and cowers in the corner. Marie gives Glory a kick right between the legs.
 Glory- "EEEEEEEE… YES!!"
 The tall black girl smiles as Marie sneers and gives her an even harder kick between the legs.
 Glory- "AHHHHHHHHH… YES!! C‘mon, bitch!! Is that all you got? C‘MON!!"
 Marie slides out of the ring as Glory continues to smile and taunt her. The referee gives Glory her belt and she climbs the turnbuckles and raises it as Jessika slides out of the ring. Glory makes her way out of the ring and up the ramp as Kayla begins to stir around as Jessika is facing her with her hands on her hips. Jessika turns her back to Kayla, but then spins around and punches her in the face, knocking Kayla to the floor. Jessie then pulls Kayla up and begins to hammer her with rights to the stomach until Kayla collapses. Glory pauses at the top of the ramp and raises her belt for Jessika to see and then goes backstage. Jessika angrily takes her bag of goodies and storms off to the locker room. 
 Kayla gets in the ring and strips to a spinach green bikini. She looks extremely angry as Jennifer Lopez, who’s dressed in a white sports bra and white spandex shorts, is shown on the big screen.
 Q: Ms. Lopez, do you think that your inexperience as a fighter will play a role against Kayla tonight?
 JLO- "That’s a stupid question. I’m from the South Bronx, New York City. I may not know too much about this sort of fighting, but I’m waaay more experienced than she is. She’s been cat-fighting with little nobodies and little ballerinas. She’s the fake and she’s going to know really soon."
 Q: If you win this fight, what will be next for you?
 JLO: "I think this will be my last fight. You know, I want to beat Kayla and after I beat her and prove to everyone that she’s a fake, then I’m going to retire."
 Q: What about the rumor that Madonna has called you out?
 JLO: "That’s just a stupid rumor. Madonna and Siena are friends, Madonna and I have had our problems, but it’s just more stupid tabloid trash. I’m not fighting again after this.
 "I’m Real" by Jennifer Lopez plays and out comes, yup you guessed it, Jennifer Lopez. The Puerto Rican princess makes her way to the ring but Kayla attacks her before she gets there. Kayla slams jlo into the side of the ring and buries her fist deep into Jennifer’s soft belly, right above her cat’s eyes shaped navel "OOOF!!" Jennifer’s eyes widen as Kayla throws her into the ring. And what do we have here joining the announce team at ringside… Jessika. Kayla body slams jlo to the mat and begins to kick her in her stomach. Jennifer covers her face as Kayla mounts her and begins to assault her with punches to her face. Kayla pulls Jennifer up and side kicks her in the belly "OUGH!!" Jennifer is no match for Kayla as she looks up at the tall brunette with tears in her eyes. Jessika remains silent as the other announcers are livid as they describe the beating a pissed off Kayla is giving Jennifer Lopez. Not to mention, this was supposed to be a cage fight, but after what went down with Jessika, Kayla didn’t want to wait for the cage to get set up.   
 Kayla is on top of Jennifer and is beating Jennifer’s poor soft belly with punches when she feels a hand yank her up by her long dark brown hair… Glory. Glory spins Kayla around and gives Kayla the Rock Bottom. Jennifer Lopez rolls a bit out of the way as the big black girl stands over Kayla and stomps on her womanhood. Glory stands to the side and orders Jennifer to pin Kayla. 1,2,3!! Jennifer Lopez has defeated Kayla thanks to Glory’s interference. As Jennifer and Glory slide out of the ring, Jessika enters the ring with a microphone as Kayla slowly is coming around. Jennifer grabs a microphone and stands atop the announce table. 
 Jennifer- "I just want to thank my family, my husband, all the people at my restaurant Madre’s in Los Angeles, all the fans I love you all! I told you I would fight with all my heart and-- URK! UNNNHHH!!"
 Glory got atop the announce table and Rock Bottomed poor Ms. Lopez through it. 
 Jessika- "Don’t run off so soon, Glory. You know that belt belongs to me!!"
 Glory- "I don’t know shit!! I told you I would be the main event!!"
 Kayla rises and pushes Jessika. The two former lovers go nose to nose and Jessika pushes Kayla back, sending the brunette to the mat on her butt. Jessika seems really angry, but then she becomes really unconscious and hits the mat flat on her face. Little Marie is standing there staring at Kayla and holding a pipe from Jessika’s bag. Kayla rises as the two women look at each other cautiously. They turn their attention to Glory, who’s backing up the ramp smiling her trademark sinister grin.
 Kayla- "Oh Gloooooooooooooory! If you’re so fuckin’ tough, why don’t you come your bitch ass down here and I’ll take that belt and shove it up your ass!!"
 Glory- "Let me think about that for just… one… second!"
 Glory rushes back down to the ring as Kayla waits and Marie backs into a corner and holds the pipe.
 "WAIT WAIT WAIT A FUCKIN’ MINUTE!!" Siena has a microphone and is standing at the top of the ramp as Glory turns around, "You bitches… you stupid, stupid bitches. You ruined it… you ruined my beautiful night of action. You fuckin’ cxnts couldn’t keep your noses out of each other’s business, huh? You had to go fuck this up, didn’t you? Well, fine. You bitches wanna fight each other so bad, that can be arranged. I’ve got an idea for a future match. But it’s not going to be Glory vs. Kayla. Or Glory vs. Marie. Or Jessika vs. Kayla. Or Jessika vs. Marie. It’s going to be Glory vs. Kayla vs. Jessika vs. Marie. A Fatal Four-way no holds barred match where the first person to get a pinfall or a submission is the winner! And to make sure that no more of this bullshit happens, I will referee the match myself. And Glory, since you like being champion and making title defenses so much, that belt of yours will be on the line, sweetheart. This match will be held in the near future. And by near future, I mean, oh, let’s say… NOW! Ring the bell!"
 Glory rushes into the ring as she and Kayla grapple with each other. Jessika is still unconscious as Marie is still in the corner with the pipe. Siena enters the ring and looks at Marie as Kayla knees Glory in the stomach and piledrives her into the mat. Kayla mounts Glory, but as she sits, Glory grabs her by the throat and squeezes. Glory lifts Kayla up with one hand and slams her on her back. Marie continues to stay cautiously in the corner as Siena continues to look at her. Siena makes eye contact with Marie, raises her eyebrows, looks down at Jessika’s unconscious body, and then back at Marie. Marie slowly drops the pipe and walks over to Jessika as Glory gives Kayla the Rock Bottom. Siena sees this but positions herself to where her back is to Glory as Glory is pinning Kayla. Marie climbs on top of Jessika, hooks her leg and Siena counts a very fast 1,2,3!! Marie B is the new OPW Champion and has placed herself in the records with all the other champions including Siena, Rachel, Jasmine Raheid, and Glory. Siena grabs Glory’s belt and hands it to Marie as the two blondes make their way up the ramp. Marie is jumping for joy and Siena is smiling her own sinister grin at Glory as Glory cannot believe what has happened. 
 Siena- "You wanted to be in the main event, Glory. Congratulations!"
 If you’re watching on television, the screen fades to black with a shot of Glory standing between the fallen bodies of Kayla and Jessika, and a last shot of Siena smiling widely as Marie celebrates in the background.
Naughty - but oh, so NICE! :-)



  • Guest
Re: Repost: Call of the Wild by Howard Cossell
« Reply #2 on: September 10, 2009, 09:40:04 PM »
Kayla ,  Thank you for re-posting this story.
