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Celebrity Catfighters Evaluation Site! (CCE) - BACK IN BUSINESS!

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Offline KSWer

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Hi - Happy to say I'm back to working on this blog. Hopefully people will still visit and support Smiley

I am planning to update it at a slower pace than before and focus more on stats and gathering/sharing information from surveys and polls rather than writing stories and spending too much time on visuals...that really took way too much time and effort from me last year.

So, no more stories of matches from now on (unless someone decides to write some for me), but more surveys and numbers, data, etc. After all - the point of this blog was to collect info on the opinions of catfight fans about celebrity catfights, and that should be the focus.

To start things off - a new Starlet Championship event is underway! Please take the polls on the main page to determine who would be the 25 & under Hollywood champion!

Round 2 of the championship will begin next weekend!


Thanks and enjoy!