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Flora vs Kayla by Mr Chain

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Offline Kayla

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Flora vs Kayla by Mr Chain
« on: February 23, 2009, 08:09:25 AM »
Thought some of you might enjoy the following story from Mr Chain's Free site on Female Fighting Fiction - lots more sexy, exciting stories at

Any ways, hope you enjoy this one.




New Year’s resolutions were never something Flora gave much credence to, but this year was different. Her often volatile marriage was now seemingly on solid ground, and Flora was satisfied with that aspect of her life. But her fading wrestling career was not nearly as satisfying, and so Flora made a New Year’s resolution to not only resurrect her reputation as a feared and formidable wrestler, but also to regain her status as Women’s Division Champion by the end of the year. The resolution was a challenging one, especially considering Flora’s recent performance in the ring.

After relinquishing her Women’s Division Title to Brit, Flora then faced Peaches in a singles match and suffered a devastating loss, culminating in Peaches smashing her over the head with a steel folding chair and then smothering Flora with her abundant chest as the ref counted her out. After that, the fans voted Flora the least popular wrestler in the Women’s Division, which required her to participate in the Amateur Elimination Tournament. Facing Jade, Flora was manhandled throughout the match, but avoided being pinned within the five minute time limit. As a result, she was then required to participate in the final round, a 3 way match against both Jade and Tatyana. The depleted Flora was once again roughed up, but barely survived elimination when the match was ruled a “double pin”, allowing her to retain her spot on the Women’s Division roster.

So with the start of a new year, Flora now found herself as the oldest wrestler within the Women’s Division and her reputation as one of its’ most feared wrestlers, greatly tarnished. And with a new crop of young and eager women added to the roster, she clearly had her work cut out for her. So as she thought about what she needed to do in order to achieve her New Years’ resolution, she concluded that her wrestling skills and her mental approach to the matches weren’t her issue. An arrogant woman, Flora did not think any of the other wrestlers were more skilled than in the ring than she, nor did she think that their desire to succeed was as strong as hers. But with the her competition getting younger and stronger, she did need to ensure that her own physical conditioning kept pace with that of her competitors, and that is where she placed her focus.

So as of the start of the year, Flora began to hit the gym 6 days per week, taking off only on Sundays to allow her body just enough time to recover. Despite having a full time job, Flora was diligent in her pursuit, showing up every night after work at the wrestling arena’s gym and pushing herself the limit. Night after night she continued, driving her sweaty body to exhaustion and not missing a single, planned day at the gym until finally, her next match was scheduled for the third weekend in February. She would be facing, one of the newest members of the Women’s Division, Kayla.

At 26 years of age, Kayla was exactly the kind of opponent who had driven Flora to push herself so hard. Beautiful, vicious and a world class athlete, Kayla had it all. A native of South Africa, Kayla starting her fighting career as a catfighter, performing in private clubs in order to pay for her college education. Her initial inexperience proved costly as the more experienced women targeted the beautiful young newcomer, often humiliating her before large crowds. But Kayla gradually learned from the experience and honed her fighting skills until eventually she became club champion.

In addition to her considerable fighting skills however, Kayla was also a world class track and field athlete, her strict training regimen starting at an early age and culminating in her earning a spot on her country’s Olympic team. So while Flora needed to dramatically alter her lifestyle to accommodate her work-out regimen, that regimen had been a part of Kayla’s lifestyle from a very early age. And if all of that wasn’t enough, Kayla was also drop dead gorgeous! At 5’9” tall and weighing a fit 120 pounds, Kayla had a great body and gorgeous face. All of these factors combined to make Kayla a fan favorite, earning her a tie for third place in the recent Popularity Poll. But her success was not only in the eyes of the fans, since Kayla had defeated newcomers Esmerelda and Tatyana in the Amateur Tournament, as well as eliminating the 5’10” 200 pound Molly in the final match.

Discovering that she would be facing Flora in her first true Women’s Division match, Kayla was excited, though somewhat nervous about the possibilities. The fact that her upcoming opponent was a former champion and had a reputation for being extremely malicious both scared and motivated Kayla. But the possibility of establishing her own reputation at the expense of Flora was especially intriguing to her.

On Friday evening, one week before their match, the weather was cold and the snow had been falling all day long. With 6 inches of snow already on the ground by early evening, the gym at the wrestling arena was empty, with the exception of Kayla. Arriving at 4:00PM and finding no one else in the gym, Kayla slipped into a sports bra and a pair of skimpy shorts and began her work-out. She ran through her stretches before starting on the weight lifting machines, when Flora arrived at the gym. Wearing a loose fitting, light grey sweatshirt and matching baggy pair of sweat pants, Flora entered the gym and hopped on the treadmill, not immediately realizing that she was not alone. Working at the far end of the gym, Kayla had begun a set of squats, and as she neared the end of the set with a heavy barbell stretched across her shoulders, let out a loud grunt on her last repetition, finally drawing Flora’s attention.

The brunette turned and watched as Kayla set the barbell down on the stand, Flora glaring at her while picking up her pace from a brisk walk to a light jog. Kayla grabbed a towel and wiped the sweat from her face as she walked over to Flora.

“Hello there Flora, nice to see that I’m not alone here tonight! Getting ready for our match?” Kayla asked innocently, or at least so it seemed.

“I’m not here to chat so just mind your own business!” Flora responded in a surly tone before slowing the treadmill to a stop and walking away.

“Suit yourself!” Kayla replied before turning and walking back to her corner of the gym.

Flora’s trip to the gym, at least on this night, actually had two purposes. The first was clearly to train for her upcoming match, but the second was less obvious. This very night was actually her 10 year wedding anniversary, having married the weekend of Valentine’s Day 10 years earlier. As a result, she and her husband were going to have dinner together in a fancy resort outside of town, followed by a passionate weekend away. So since her husband planned to pick her up directly from the gym, in addition to the practical aspects of the training session, Flora also wanted to look her best for him, and took advantage of once last chance to hone her body.

The two women continued their routines separately, though it was clear that each was aware of the other’s presence. They occasionally glanced over at the other, which provided additional motivation for working as hard as they could. The result was a good deal of loud, anguished grunts and lots of sweat as both women pushed their bodies even harder than usual, not wanting to be outdone. After about an hour had passed, Kayla finally took a break, sitting down and wiping her face while catching her breath. She stared at Flora, who hung off of a declined bench while doing sets of sit ups. Kayla then stood up again, got on a treadmill, set the timer for 60 minutes, and began to jog. Though already tired, she nonetheless always ended her workouts with a final, long run, and this night was no different.

Flora continued with her exercises for about another 20 minutes before finally she stopped and took a seat, wiping the considerable sweat from her face. After catching her breath for a few more minutes, she then stepped onto the treadmill next to Kayla, setting the timer for 30 minutes before beginning her jog. With the two women now next to each other, each began to pick up the pace, once again trying to outdo the other before both reached a very brisk cadence. This continued for the next several minutes without either uttering a word, both women now running hard as their breathing grew more heavy.

“Not bad ..... for a woman ..... your age!” Kayla said. “But let’s see ..... how you do ..... if ..... we pick up ..... the pace!”

With that Kayla adjusted the speed of her treadmill to an even more rapid pace so that she was now in a full sprint, Flora following suit so as not to be outdone. Within just a couple of minutes, Flora’s breathing grew very heavy as perspiration began to pour off of her face. But then she seemed to contemplate what she was doing before slowing her treadmill back to a more conventional pace. She was not going to get caught up in a competition with the Kayla, at least not a competition which took place outside of the wrestling ring. But as Flora stabilized her speed, Kayla chuckled while taking the opportunity to chastise her upcoming opponent.

“Ran out of gas already ..... eh Flora? ..... Hope you ..... do a ..... better job ..... keeping up ..... with me ..... in the ring!” Kayla taunted, her own breathing heavy but regulated.

Taking a few moments to catch her breath while still jogging at a more reasonable pace, Flora finally addressed Kayla’s taunts.

“The only ..... competition ….. that matters ..... is whose ….. shoulders ..... are pinned ….. to the mat! ..... And when ….. we fight ..... I assure you ..... they won’t ….. be mine!” Flora exclaimed.

Kayla smirked as Flora then gradually began to slow her treadmill, diminishing slowly to a light jog, and then a brisk walk before finally grounding to a stop. She leaned forward, holding the bar of the treadmill while resting her head on her rams and panting heavily, her once light grey sweatshirt now a much darker color, saturated with her sweat. Kayla was still running at great speed however, but then finally slowed to a jog, remaining at that pace as Flora then stood up and stepped off of the belt, grabbing her towel and wrapping it around her neck before pausing for a moment.

With her clothing drenched, Flora’s heavy sweatshirt clung to her as she struggled to pull to off and over her head, her husband entering the gym just as she did so. Wearing a black sports bra, which was as drenched as her sweatshirt, Flora’s wet body glistened as she turned to discover her husband standing in the entrance. He was dressed in a very stylish suit and tie, a smile stretching across Flora’s face as he walked over to her greet her with a hug. Though she initially backed away, cognizant that she was perspiring quite heavily and not wanting to get too close to him, she quickly rethought her reaction and wrapped her arms around him, giving him a passionate kiss.

“Happy Anniversary hon!” he whispered to her, Flora repeating the sentiment as Kayla watched while continuing her jog.

“Oh ….. that’s sweet ..... You didn’t ..... tell me ..... that it was ..... your anniversary ….. Flora!” Kayla said sarcastically. “Aren’t you ..... going to ..... introduce me to ..... your handsome ….. husband?”

Flora ignored Kayla and instead grabbed her husband’s hand, escorting him into the locker room while holding her wet sweatshirt in the other. As they walked out of the gym together however, Flora’s husband secretly glanced back across his shoulder to sneak a peek at Kayla, who noticed his glance and winked at him, Flora unaware of the exchange.

As the couple walked into the locker room, Flora tossed her heavy sweatshirt into the corner and it landed on the wooden floor with a loud SPLAT, evidence of its’ saturation. She then took a seat on the bench wearing only a waterlogged, black sports bra and equally as wet sweatpants. She then pulled the sweatpants off to reveal a black thong before standing up again, her bare body glistening. Her husband was clearly enjoying the sight as he stared at her body, Flora smiling at his reaction.

“Wow! You look great Flora. Too bad that other girl is here or .....”, he began, though his sentence was interrupted as Kayla walked into the room.

“Or what?” Kayla exclaimed playfully as she unexpectedly entered the room. “Don’t let me little old me get in your way!”
Flora’s husband looked embarrassed, but his wife had a much different reaction.

“Don’t you have somewhere else to go?” Flora shouted angrily.

Giggling, Kayla then walked over to her locker and pretended to ignore them, though clearly she was still listening in on their conversation.

“So I got you a gift.” Flora’s husband announced, walking over to the wall where he had placed a beautiful, skimpy black cocktail dress. “I thought you might like something new to wear to dinner tonight to show off all of the hard work you’ve been doing on that sexy body of yours!”

He held the dress up for her to see, but again Kayla stood up and interrupted.

“Wow! What a nice looking ..... ” she began, though instead of her eyes focusing on the dress, she instead began to stare Flora’s husband up and down, and after a brief pause to finish sizing him up, concluded the sentence. “..... Dress!”

The insincerity of the comment and Kayla’s true intent were not lost on Flora, who reacted in anger.
“Listen you little bitch ..... Get the hell out of here before I kick your ass right now!” Flora barked.

Kayla rolled her eyes in playful sarcasm before walking back out into the gym and leaving the two alone. After she finally left, Flora thanked her husband for the gift and then asked him to go and wait for her in the car while she showered and changed. She then placed the dress back on its hook and grabbed her small suitcase before walking into the shower room. Her husband watched her walk away, staring at her ass which stuck out from beneath her black thong, before smiling and walking out of the locker room. Since he had to go back through the gym to get to the exit however, he came upon Kayla once again, and the flirtatious South African did not miss the opportunity.

“So ... how long are you two married?” she asked in her most tempting tone of voice.

“10 years.” came the response as Kayla again began to stare him up and down, though this time, he did the same to her.

“A shame ..... “ Kayla said playfully, “..... such a hot looking guy married to such a hag!”

Flora’s husband smiled back, but did not respond, instead looking nervous and uncomfortable as he stared at her before finally saying good night.

“Well, gotta go. It was really nice to meet you Kayla. Maybe I’ll see you again some time.” he said in a sly and somewhat suggestive voice.

“Before you go, can you do me a favor?” Kayla asked in her most kittenish voice. “I tossed my gym bag up on the top shelf in the locker room when I arrived, but now I can’t reach it. Do you think you can get it for me?” she purred.

He looked even more nervous now, not wanting his wife to see him talking to Kayla. The young vixen picked up on his hesitation though, and offered to lead the way.

“I’ll tell you what, just so you don’t get in trouble, let me go into the locker room first and make sure that your wife is already in the shower, okay?”

He nodded, and so Kayla skipped playfully into the locker room as he stared at her the entire time. She came out a moment later and whispered, “The coast is clear”, waving her arm at him. He then reluctantly followed, and as she pointed to the bag, he placed his keys down on the bench before walking over to reach up and grab it. As he did however, Kayla pulled her sports bra off and stood there topless as he turned around. Pleasantly surprised by the sight of her half-naked, 26 year old body, his eyes opened wide as he stared at her while dropping her gym bag on the floor.

“WOW!, that bra was soaking wet! It feels so good to take it off!” Kayla exclaimed. “It’s really hot in here, isn’t it?” she asked seductively.

She then walked over to the refrigerator and grabbed a bottle of water before turning to face him once again. Opening the bottle she then surprisingly poured all of it over her head, the water dripping down from her hair and onto her body, her nipples now erect from the water’s coldness. She then raised her arms and scrunched her wet hair back into a ponytail, clearly stretching and posing for his benefit.

Flora’s husband no longer looked nervous as a wanton smile stretched across his face, the sound from the neighboring room of the water running from his wife’s shower doing little to disturb him. But his staring was quickly interrupted by an angry outburst as a naked and dripping wet Flora walked out of the shower and back into the room.

“What the hell are you doing?!?!?” she screamed, though it was not clear if her screams were directed at her husband or Kayla.

“Well ..... I ..... ” Flora’s husband began nervously, though his attempt at defending himself was cut short.

“I mean HER!” Flora yelled. “What the hell are YOU doing Kayla!”

The naked Flora began to move threateningly toward Kayla and her husband stood and watched, unsure of what to do, but delighting in the possibility of what might happen. Kayla did not retreat, and it looked like the two women were about to get into it, when finally Flora’s husband jumped between them, despite his desire to see them go at each other.

“I left my keys on the bench and came back in to get them, not realizing that she was in here.” he said, trying to defuse the situation with a convenient lie.

Kayla smiled at his convenient fib, but then backed up his story, somewhat.

“Yeah, I didn’t know he was there when I took my top off.” Kayla replied halfheartedly making no effort to cover herself and instead placing her hands on her hips.

Flora stared suspiciously back at her, an angry scowl on her face, but then her husband walked over to her and tried to further diffuse the explosive situation.

“Come on hon, it’s our anniversary. Why don’t you go back in the shower and get dressed so that we can get out of here!”
Flora hesitated, but then decided that she was not going to let Kayla ruin her special night.

“Fine, but you stay the hell away from my husband!” Flora barked threateningly at Kayla before turning to her husband. “And you get out of here and wait for me in the car!”

Flora waited for him to walk out, and then gave one final, angry stare at Kayla before again walking back into the shower room. With a reputation for being hot-tempered and impulsive, Flora was typically the intimidator against her opponents, but had apparently ceded that role to Kayla in this situation. Under normal circumstances, she would have already attacked Kayla, but had been surprisingly passive in her response to Kayla’s actions. But this night was too important to the brunette to let Kayla ruin it for her, so as she re-entered the shower still seething, she was nonetheless determined not to let Kayla coerce her.

Kayla meanwhile was enjoying the role of intimidator and stood giggling to herself, satisfied that she had gotten under Flora’s skin. But she wasn’t done yet as she then turned and noticed the dress hanging on the wall, quickly grabbing it. The devious Kayla then slipped the tight dress onto her sweaty body and strut back out into the gym to catch Flora’s husband before he left.

“Hey .... Wait up! ..... I just wanted you to see how great this dress looks when it has the right body in it!” Kayla purred before striking her most sensual pose.

Flora’s husband turned and watched her, stunned by her brazenness. His initial reaction was to be appalled at her spitefulness, but there was another side of him which was wildly attracted to her impetuousness. In fact, in many ways Kayla reminded him of a younger version of his wife! And the fact that she looked so sultry in the dress didn’t hurt either. He could not take his eyes off of her, but then suddenly his face dropped once he thought about the consequences.

“You’re crazy!” he said, amazed at her shamelessness. “With Flora’s temper, you’re going to get both of us killed!”

“Don’t worry!” Kayla replied kittenishly, “Your wife’s not going to catch me. But seriously ... don’t I look great in this dress?”

He paused, soaking in the sight of her while nodding. He seemed hypnotized, but then finally responded.

“Yes ….. yes you do. But please take it off and put it back. As hot as you look, it’s my anniversary for God’s sake, so I can’t do this ….. now!”

His response was intriguing, Kayla thought, especially the last five words of it as he nervously continued.

“I’ve got to go, but thanks for the show! I guess I’ll see you next week.” he concluded before turning and walking out the exit.

Kayla again giggled devilishly, but yelled one final departing comment.

“Try not to think of ME, when you see your wife in the dress!” she teased before giddily running back into the locker room, slipping the dress off and hanging it back on the hook.

Still topless, she then grabbed her towel, wrapped it around her neck and took a seat, waiting for Flora to finish her shower. Kayla looked very pleased with herself as she sat there concocting how to best further torment her upcoming opponent. Flora meanwhile took her time to shower, do her hair, apply her make-up and slip into her lingerie before emerging from the shower room about an hour later.

Kayla’s eyes opened wide as Flora entered the room wearing a very seductive set of undergarments. Adorned in a black, lace bra with matching panties which attached to her black stockings with garter belts, Flora was dressed for a very romantic evening and startled by the sight of Kayla. The younger woman greeted her good-naturedly, staring at Flora was raising her eyebrows.

“Wow, looks like someone is going to get lucky tonight!” Kayla chirped.

“Shut up Kayla!” the brunette responded in a surly tone, walking over to the wall and slipping into her new dress, unaware that she would not be the first woman to wear it.

As she adjusted the dress on her body, Flora fidgeted, noticing that something wasn’t quite right. The material was a bit damp and seemed to have an odd scent, though Flora shrugged it off, assuming that the dampness was due to the humidity from her hot shower and the scent was emanating from the locker room itself. She then slipped on a pair of black leather boots with 4 inch heels and walked in front of the mirror to check herself out. Flora looked stunning with the skimpy dress hugging her slender body and her hair and make-up done meticulously. She twirled around, satisfied with the way she looked as again Kayla intruded.

“You clean up pretty well ..... considering the little you have to work with!” Kayla exclaimed in a backhanded compliment.

“Why don’t you go and clean yourself up, you’re stinking up the whole room!” Flora retorted as she continued to check herself out in the mirror.

Kayla then stood up, facing Flora once again before getting in her final insult.

“Well have fun tonight! Too bad that when your husband is making love to YOU …… he’s going to be thinking about ME!” Kayla said as she cupped her bare breasts in her hands and shook them at Flora, referring back to the earlier incident. She then turned and walked into the shower room, with a dismissive wave of her hand. “Toodles!”

Still staring at herself in the mirror, Flora’s face grew bright red as her brown eyes furrowed in anger. Though she had restrained herself so far, her rage began to intensify, and after a few more moments, she turned and charged into the shower room. Kayla had just pulled her shorts off and started to stand erect as Flora raced up behind her, wrapping her arms around Kayla in bearhug to trap her victim’s arms at her sides. She then reached her hands around the front of Kayla’s body and dug her red fingernails into Kayla’s breasts, gouging them as hard as she could.

Squealing loudly, Kayla thrashed her head backward, but being 4 inches taller than Flora, the attempt at headbutting her smaller rival was unsuccessful. Continuing to mangle Kayla’s chest, Flora then found herself being forced backward, the younger South African driving them both back toward the wall. A second later, Flora’s back smacked against it with tremendous force, prompting her to release her grip. Freed, Kayla quickly turned and snatched two handfuls of Flora’s nicely coiffed black hair, yanking on it violently. Flora’s body thrashed from side to side due to the hostile hair pulling, and after being jostled around the room, was roughly thrown to the floor.

Naughty - but oh, so NICE! :-)


Offline Kayla

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Re: Flora vs Kayla by Mr Chain
« Reply #1 on: February 23, 2009, 08:10:15 AM »

As Kayla rubbed her scratched bosom, Flora pushed herself into a seated position, but not for long as Kayla screamed loudly while charging at her and once again ripping her to her feet by the hair. She then pushed Flora back against the wall, and with the brunette momentarily overwhelmed, grabbed the bottom of her dress and pulled it upward, ripping it from her body and tossing it aside.

Unbeknownst to both women, Flora’s husband had returned to the locker room just before the confrontation started and stood at the entrance to the showers, though he remained out of their sight. Seeing Kayla completely naked and his wife now wearing only her sexy lingerie, he continued to stay silent and watched the fight rather than intervene.

After having her dress ripped from her body, Flora grew enraged and charged recklessly at Kayla, but the naked South African met her with a stiff knee to her gut, which doubled Flora over and drew a loud and anguished groan.


Kayla watched Flora fold over while covering her midsection and used the opportunity to taunt her anguished antagonist.
“You would think that after all of those sit-ups that your belly would be able to take a lot more than that!” Kayla growled at her hunched over enemy.

But the younger woman was now using more than just words to upset Flora, and again grabbed her by the hair with both hands. Flora however bolted forward, wrapping her arms around Kayla’s thighs while digging her claws into her butt.
”IIIEEEYYYYY!” squealed the sexy South African as Flora speared her nails deeply into Kayla’s lusciously rounded butt cheeks.

Consumed in pain, Kayla thrashed her head around for a moment, but then grew angry as she reached down and vigorously yanked on Flora’s hair, heaving her around in a circle before tossing her to the ground. Flora crash landed on her backside and then rolled over once before flopping onto her back. She quickly propped herself up, but not before she was once again hauled onto her feet by the hair. Ripping at her beleaguered foe’s black hair, Kayla’s dislodged a handful of it before she again threw her callously to the ground.

The petite Flora plummeted helplessly, her once nicely styled hair now strewn wildly about her head. The brawl was very much a catfight so far, which suited Kayla perfectly. As a champion catfighter several years ago, this style of fighting was one she had perfected, and was now using to her advantage as the fit and athletic Kayla was clearly overpowering her more diminutive adversary. Having tossed Flora around the room like a ragdoll, Kayla stood and watched as she got to her hands and knees, looking disoriented. She was being overpowered and outdone, but nonetheless continued to get up, kneeling erect before Kayla moved in.

Reaching to grab her by the hair again, Kayla’s arm was hastily seized by the kneeling brunette, who then quickly locked her jaw around Kayla’s wrist and bit down on it as hard as she could. Squealing loudly, Kayla nonetheless yanked her upright by the hair, but once on her feet, Flora unlocked her jaw and then thrust her head forward, driving the top of it into Kayla’s chest. She then began to drive Kayla backward until, just a moment later, Kayla’s back smacked against the tiled wall, her head snapping backward upon impact and striking it ferociously as well.

The blow to her head knocked Kayla into a state of semi-consciousness as she slid down the wall before crumpling to the ground, her body limp as her back came to rest against the wall, her legs spread apart as she sat upright at Flora’s feet. The brunette stood over her, breathing heavily with her once painstakingly styled hair now strewn wildly about her head. With Kayla barely conscious, Flora remained over her for a few more moments, but then slowly walked away, for the first time noticing her husband standing in the doorway.

She placed her hands on her knees, still breathing heavily, and asked him how long he had been there. When told that he had been there the whole time, Flora then glanced over at Kayla before standing upright.

“Can you hand me my dress?” she asked her husband as she ran her fingers through her hair to straighten it.

“Sure, but I prefer it on the floor anyway, and can’t wait until it’s on the floor again later!” he replied before grabbing the dress and handing it to her.

Flora then pulled the dress back on, fixed her hair as best she could and tidied up her make-up before turning to face Kayla once more.

“Happy Valentine’s Day!” Flora exclaimed sarcastically before turning to walk out the door.

Before she left the room however, Kayla replied, her naked body still seated upright against the wall.
“I’ll see you next weekend Flora, and when I do, you won’t be walking away, that I promise!” she threatened.

Flora smirked, grabbing her husband’s hand as the two left the room. Her husband then turned to her, giving her kiss before staring into her eyes.

“You know why I love you so much Flora? It’s because you can go from being a sweaty gym rat, to being an elegantly dressed woman, to turning into a sexy, crazed catfighter ….. all within just a couple of hours!” he began, Flora smiling modestly.

“I really thought she was going to kick your ass, the way she was throwing you around the room. But even though she was bigger, stronger, younger and in better shape than you, she’s the one on the floor and you’re the one walking away!” he concluded.

Appreciating the sentiment, Flora nonetheless took exception to the inference that Kayla was in better shape, told him so. Her husband tried to defend himself, but re-iterated the point even more, which was perhaps not the smartest move.

“It’s obvious that the girl is an athlete, I mean look at her body!” he began, though he quickly realized what he had said and tried to recover. “But your body is the only one that I’m interested in. So let’s get to the hotel so that we can get that dress off and have another look at it!” he concluded, seemingly recovering enough to avoid his wife’s wrath.

The weekend was a satisfyingly romantic one for Flora, despite its’ rocky start, and the remaining week was uneventful as she went about her final preparations for the match. Kayla however was much less content, and as the week went on, her intensity level continued to grow. A typically lighthearted person, Kayla was bent on revenge, and her preparations were evidence of that fact. She was single-minded in her approach as she focused all of her attention on achieving one objective, and one objective only …… defeating Flora soundly in order to solidify her own reputation. Midway through the week however, she received an unexpected text message on her cell phone.

“Hope U R ok. The wife was sore! Look forward to c’ing u Sat. night. Maybe we can get a drink sometime? ;-) ”

The surprising message had come from none other than Flora’s husband, who had taken the opportunity to save Kayla’s phone number in his own cell phone when she wasn’t looking. Kayla smiled, and then typed back a message of her own.
“I M fine! Look forward to c’ing U 2! Maybe drinks to celebrate my victory?”

There were no further exchanges after that as Flora’s husband did not reply. And though Kayla wasn’t truly interested in him, she was deviously intrigued by the discourse and how best to use it to her advantage. So as the night of the match arrived, Kayla arrived a couple of hours early, relaxing in the locker room while listening to music with her headphones on, waiting for Flora to arrive. Another text message arrived as she waited.

“Good luck 2 nite!”

She smiled upon seeing it, but did not respond, and about an hour later, Flora arrived.

“Where’s your husband?” Kayla quipped as Flora entered the room.

“Probably still home fantasizing about me kicking your ass last weekend!” Flora replied arrogantly.

“Or maybe he’s fantasizing about ME kicking YOUR ass TONIGHT, the same way he must have fantasized about ME when he was making love to YOU last weekend!” Kayla replied firmly in a kittenish tone of voice.

But although Kayla looked and sounded confident in her taunts, there was nonetheless still a piece of her which was mildly intimidated by Flora. She knew that she could beat her, but Flora had a certain cockiness about her which was unsettling to the South African. And that fact that Flora was a former Women’s Division Champion also loomed in the back of her head. But she was determined not to reveal those insecurities, and as she slipped into her sheer, white bikini and matching boots, stood up and glared at the brunette with her hands on her hips.

“Think your hubby will this?” Kayla chirped as she twirled around in her bikini.

Wearing an ultra skimpy black bikini and a pair of ankle high boots, Flora stood up as well, the two staring at each other before Flora finally responded.

“What’s the matter, can’t find a man of your own?” Flora replied acerbically.

“Man ..... Woman ..... I can have whomever I want!” Kayla began, “Even you Flora!” she concluded playfully as she gave Flora a wink.

Flora was not amused, but before the exchange could go further, Kayla was called to the entrance.

“See you in the ring!” she chirped as she whisked by Flora, making her way to the door as the announcer introduced her.
Standing in the doorway, Kayla skipped in place, trying to release some of her nervous energy. Though you would not know it from looking at or listening to her, Kayla was in fact nervous, anxious about the fans reaction, anxious about the match itself, anxious about Flora….. The adrenalin began to course through her body as the announcer began.

“Welcome back to another great night of wrestling. Our first match features one of our new wrestlers who is making her official Women’s Division debut tonight after her impressive showing the amateur Elimination Tournament. She is 26 years of age, stands 5’9” tall and weighs 120 pounds. Please welcome the sexy and charismatic ..... KAYLA!”

With that, Kayla burst through the doors and playfully skipped down the aisle, slapping hands with and blowing kisses to her fans, who greeted her with a rousing ovation. Kayla smiled at the reception as she reached ringside, circling the ring to greet each of the male fans individually. She continued with her antics as the announcer then introduced Flora.

“Her opponent tonight is a former Women’s Division Champion who barely survived the Amateur Elimination Tournament. She is 38 years of age, stands 5’5” tall and weighs 115 pounds. Please welcome ..... FLORA!”

Pushing the doors open, Flora marched down the aisle, greeted with a smattering of cheers, though there was an equal amount of boos. Scowling at the fans, both her introduction as well as her reception were decidedly less complimentary than those for her opponent, a fact not lost on Flora.

As she drew closer to ringside however, Kayla, who had still not climbed up into the ring, noticed Flora’s husband seated at ringside and immediately rushed over to him, taking a seat on his lap as she wrapped her arms around his neck. She then leaned in and whispered in his ear as Flora drew closer, finally noticing the ignominy.

“Thanks for the text messages sweetie. Just wanted you to know that I’ve got some delightfully devious surprises in store for your wife tonight. I hope you enjoy them!”

Just as she finished her statement however, Flora rushed over and pushed Kayla, trying to knock her to the floor. But the South African beauty was able to get up in time so that she was forced a few steps back, but remained on her feet. Before anything further could happen, a ringside official stepped between them and directed Kayla across the ring. The two then climbed up into the ring and headed toward their corners, the ref watching closely. Sensing the hostility and deciding to get the match underway quickly, he then called for the bell, and as it rang, both women sprang into action.

Flora moved indirectly toward Kayla, who remained in her corner for a moment longer, but then began to move forward. There seemed to be a slight delay by each, but then finally they both darted toward the other and they locked arms in the center of the ring. Flora struggled to gain an advantage but began to be overpowered by Kayla, whose 4 inch height advantage was now more obvious with them both toe-to-toe. Flora then tried to grab a handful of Kayla’s hair from the back of her head, but just as she clutched onto it, the tall South African lifted her knee into the brunette’s gut, driving it powerfully into Flora’s belly.

“OOOFFFFF!” bellowed Flora as she doubled over and clutched her midsection. Kayla rushed up in front of her, beginning the war of words.

“Still your weak spot, eh Flora?” Kayla chided.

She then lifted her arm and dropped her elbow down into Flora’s back, knocking her to her knees. With the brunette rolled forward, Kayla reached down and snatched her by the hair, Flora’s scalp still soar from last weekend’s hairpulling.
“OW ….. OW ….. OW!” yelped Flora as Kayla yanked her upright though the brunette remained on her knees.

Lifting her arms to try and break the grip on her hair as Kayla yanked it upward, Flora’s midsection was stretched open, and Kayla took advantage. Propping her right leg backward, she then drove it forward, ramming the front sole of her boot into the lower portion of Flora’s bare belly.

“PWWUUUUUUUHHH!” puffed the brunette as her body collapsed forward as the fans cheered loudly.

With her body curled into the fetal position, Flora was then kicked in her back as she collapsed face first to the mat. Kayla then scooted around her, grabbing Flora by the ankles and pulling her legs upward while spreading them apart. Still lying face down, she was then hammered with a kick between her legs, prompting an anguished, high-pitched squeal from the older wrestler.

Kayla then folded her legs inward, crossing one over the other while curling them in toward her back. With Flora’s lower body now rolled together, Kayla dropped down onto her bent, crossed legs, drawing a loud howl from the trapped brunette. Her head lifted upward as her bent legs became trapped beneath Kayla, who was sitting on top of them. Kayla then reached forward and grabbed hold of Flora’s wrists, pulling them back toward her to further roll the petite veteran into a ball. Kayla continued to pull backward, placing Flora’s arms on the top of her own thighs as the reached forward and grabbed her from beneath her chin to curl her even further.

With her spine bent painfully, her legs crossed, twisted and crushed, Flora began to howl in pain. Kayla had wedged Flora’s arms between her own thighs and elbows, locking them in place as she pulled up on her chin. But she then changed her grip, and suddenly grabbed hold of Flora’s breasts, digging her nails into each of them from beneath Flora’s black bikini top.

“RRAAAAAAARRRRRRR!” screamed Flora as Kayla gouged at her bosom, plunging her nails into Flora’s soft skin.
“HMMMM.. small but very nice, kind of like little soft pin cushions!” Kayla exclaimed in Flora’s ear.

Flora’s face was twisted in pain as she screamed violently, the ref unsure of how to react. Pincushion was the perfect analogy as Kayla continued to dig her sharp fingernails into Flora’s soft, round mounds of flesh. The ref wasn’t sure that the unorthodox attack was entirely illegal, but it just seemed wrong and so finally, he decided to intervene.

“Okay Kayla. Let them go!” he barked. “Let what go?” Kayla replied back with mock confusion while still ripping her nails even deeper into Flora’s breasts.

“Her boobs. Let her boobs go!” the ref replied, yelling to be heard over Flora's squeals of pain.

“OH ! ...... Why didn’t you say so in the first place!” Kayla replied snippily before unclenching her fingers from Flora's breasts before pushing herself up, allowing her victim's body to unfurl beneath her.

Rolling onto her back with her hands massaging her aching boobs, Flora's face winced in pain. Kayla then moved alongside her, lifted her leg and then stomped it down into the pit of flora's midsection, jarring the brunette as again she howled in pain as her body convulsed upward.

"It's so ….. squishy!" Kayla exclaimed before again delivering another stomp to Flora's battered belly.

"OOOMMMPPPHHHH!" yelped Flora as she then rolled over again, this time lying face down as her legs curled into her midsection to prop up her lower body.

Strolling over to the top of Flora's head, Kayla then reached down, snatched two handfuls of her hair and began dragging her toward ringside. Forced to crawl awkwardly behind her attacker, Flora was helpless as Kayla shoved her head between the top two ropes, the brunette's upper body falling down toward the ring apron while her aching belly rested against the middle rope. Kayla then turned in toward the ring and stepped across Flora's back so that her legs straddled Flora's backside, which was now protruding in toward the ring. The brunette's skimpy bikini bottom did little to cover her two round butt cheeks, which were now facing upward. Lowering herself down, Kayla sat atop the brunette's lower back so that Flora's rear end was exposed directly beneath her, the crowd aroused by the sight and cheering wildly.

Naughty - but oh, so NICE! :-)


Offline Kayla

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Re: Flora vs Kayla by Mr Chain
« Reply #2 on: February 23, 2009, 08:10:47 AM »

Seated at ringside, Flora's husband shook his head in despair, realizing what Kayla had meant when she whispered to him that she had some delightfully devious surprises in store for his wife. And Kayla delivered on that promise by beginning a wild slapping frenzy onto the trapped brunette's bare behind.

"SLAP ..... SLAP ..... SLAP ..... SLAP ..... SLAP!"

The furious attack continued for several moments as Flora's body squirmed on top of the rope, Kayla feverishly smacking her open hands down onto Flora's bare skin, which began to grow crimson red. Finally Kayla relented, but only to then dig her nails into the red skin on Flora's hind quarters, drawing yet another anguished squeal from her victim.

"Doesn't feel so good, does it?" Kayla turned to bark at Flora, whose head was dipped down toward the floor below the ring.

Again the ref intervened, yelling above Flora's yelps to deliver his order.

“Okay Kayla. Let go!” he barked.

"Let go of what?" Kayla replied snarkily.

"HER ASS! Let go of her ass!" he yelled angrily.

“OH ! ...... Why didn’t you say so in the first place!” Kayla replied snippily, just as before, before unclenching her fingers from Flora's rear end.

But Kayla wasn't finished with Flora's backside yet as she then gouged all five fingernails on each hand into the crease on the very bottom of each of Flora's butt cheeks before scratching them up the entire length of Flora's red, round ass, leaving a total of ten deep, red scratch marks as she concluded with her opponent shrieking in pain the entire time.
"EEYYIIIIIIIEEEEHH!" howled the embattled brunette as her red rear end burned badly.

Kayla then finally pushed herself up off of the brunette's lower back, leaving Flora's body dangling off of the middle rope as she whimpered in pain. Her backside was left mangled, with deep red marks stretching up it and a bright red glow covering her once pale skin. Kayla then grabbed her legs and shoved them through the ropes, causing Flora's body to drop onto the ring apron. The sadistic South African then stood alongside her while still in the ring, once again taunting her suffering rival.

"Okay, out you go!" Kayla cried before forcefully kicking Flora off of the ring apron, sending her crashing to the cold, hard floor below.

With only a few minutes passed in the match, Flora was in serious trouble as she wallowed on the floor outside of the ring as Kayla paraded around inside of it, celebrating her dominance and enjoying the adoration of the fans whom showered her with cheers. Staring broken heartedly at his suffering wife, Flora's husband then glanced up into the ring, not realizing that Kayla was standing directly above him, staring down at him. she then winked and blew him a kiss before continuing her celebratory parade inside of the ring.

Flora meanwhile gradually began to get up, first to her hands and knees, and then grabbing the side of the ring to pull herself onto her feet. Ss she did, Kayla stormed over to her side of the ring and then leaped athletically over the top rope, landing on the ring apron and standing ominously above her shaky victim who had just gotten to her feet. But just as Kayla jumped upward to deliver a plunging bomb onto Flora, the wounded brunette grabbed Kayla's left ankle and pulled it away from the ring, causing the descending South African to topple sideways in midair before landing painfully on her left hip on the ring apron before bouncing off of it and plummeting to the hard floor. Falling alongside Flora, Kayla grimaced in pain as a searing pain from her left hip shot down her leg.

With the fallen Kayla now below her, Flora staggered over toward the fans, snatching a cup of beer from one of them and turning back toward her rival who was struggling to get to her feet. Kayla finally got up as Flora approached, but was unexpectedly greeted with a spray of beer to her face, some of it splashing into her eyes and burning them.

The fans jeered Flora's dirty tactic as Kayla stumbled backward, leaning against the side of the ring as her brunette adversary moved in on her. Still shaky, Flora nonetheless grabbed two handfuls of Kayla's beer soaked hair and dragged toward the corner, veering her head backward before slamming it against the steel ringpost. Kayla's taut body crumpled from the blow and she collapsed onto one knee as Flora then limped away, hobbling over to the other side of the ring before slowly rolling herself onto the ring apron. The ref was watching from his position above Kayla, and as Flora rolled herself beneath the ropes, yelled down at Kayla to get up and back into the ring. The fans booed his orders, sensing a disparity in his treatment of the two wrestlers, but the ref did not begin his count just yet. With Kayla struggling to her feet, he finally began his count, the South African beauty grabbing the bottom rope and using it to roll herself up onto the ring apron. With the count at seven, Kayla then rolled beneath the ropes, halting the count as she successfully re-entered the ring.

Flora had managed to get to her knees, using the ropes to keep her upright as Kayla attempted to do the same. Both women were visibly hurting now, each attempting to continue as the ref stood in the center and watched. With just a few minutes gone by, the match had been a vicious one with Kayla demonstrating her vicious side by already attacking each of Flora's womanly assets and accordingly, developing her reputation as a sadistically sexy fighter. With some of the effects clearly visible; such as the deep gashes on Flora's rear end; and some less obvious such as the scratches to her breasts which were hidden by her bikini top as well as the burning pain in her crotch from the earlier kick, Flora was already battered and bruised. But she too had delivered some punishment by leaving a deep, purple bruise on Kayla's hip and a small bump on her head. As such, the brutality of both women was noticeably on display.

But despite their bruises, both women prepared to battle on with Flora the first to get up, though Kayla was not far behind as she rubbed the small bump appearing on her head at the spot of impact with the ringpost. After a few more moments with both now on their feet, neither was particularly active at first as each paused to regain their composure before resuming the fight. But they gradually began to move towards each other before Flora lunged forward, extending her hands to grab Kayla by the throat. But the sexy South African used her left arm to swat Flora's arms away with a whirling overhand chop before delivering a vicious, roundhouse, open handed slap to Flora's face with her right.

S M A C K!

The blow jarred Flora's head to the side as she raised her hand to her face, Kayla moving in and wedging her thumb into Flora's left armpit while clawing her by the shoulder with her other four fingers. She then seized hold of Flora's bikini bottom, using her grips to hoist the brunette into the air in an impressive display of strength. Lifting Flora effortlessly, Kayla upended the 38 year old, turning to all four sides of the ring before then slamming her to the mat. Flora's back smacked the mat hard as her body curled upward after impact, her mouth opening wide in a contorted expression of pain. Kayla flexed her right arm in a show of her impressive bicep as Flora floundered beneath her. But as Kayla then reached down and snatched two handfuls of the older woman's hair, Flora abruptly lunged upward, wrapping her arms around Kayla's bowed head and pulling down on it until the younger woman was flipped over.

Sprawling onto her back, Kayla's legs spread apart as one ankle fell onto the bottom rope while her other limbs spread apart. Flora meanwhile struggled to her knees, crawling over and jumping down onto her downed attacker. She grabbed either side of Kayla's head, clenching hold of her ears before moving in and biting down on Kayla's nose with an angry bite. Kayla's limbs floundered wildly as the ref barked at Flora to relent, though the brunette was in no rush to do so. Finally however, after a count of two, Flora unclenched her jaw as Kayla rolled onto her side, cupping her face with her hands. Though the bite had not drawn blood, it did however leave a set of teeth marks on each side of Kayla’s cute, little snout, and she could feel the indentations in her skin. Flora meanwhile rolled in the opposite direction, getting to her knees as she paused to catch her breath and assess her rival's damage.

With Kayla still lying on her side and covering her face, Flora again crawled toward her, this time coming up behind her and slamming her knee into Kayla's lower back, jarring the younger woman.

"OOOOOHHHHH!" howled Kayla as she rolled onto her stomach.

Meanwhile, Flora pushed herself onto her feet by pressing down on Kayla's body and using it to propel herself upward. Once on her feet, Flora then walked down to her opponent's feet and grabbed one ankle, using her grip to drag Kayla toward the corner of the ring. She dragged her legs so that they straddled the ringpost, and then Flora crawled quickly out of the ring and jumped down to the floor before again grabbing Kayla's ankles, this time from outside the ring. She secured her grip, and then pulled forward violently, slamming Kayla's crotch against the steel pole.

"IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEYYY!" howled the 26 year old as the sharp pain shot through her loins and down each leg.

The ref quickly began to count, but Flora was unintimidated and continued to hold Kayla's right leg, this time with both hands, before whirling the leg away from the ringpost and then shooting it back toward it to slam the inside of Kayla's knee against the steel pole.

"AAAAHHHHHH!" screeched the trapped South African as she tried to pull her injured leg in toward her body.

By this time the count had reached seven, so Flora dove back onto the ring apron and rolled herself back into the ring before being disqualified. Kayla remained flat on her back, her legs still straddling the ringpost as she tried to grab for her aching knee. Flora then got to her feet and grabbed hold of Kayla's wrists before dragging her body back into the center of the ring by her arms.

With Kayla now in trouble, the majority of the crowd yelled their support for her while jeering Flora. But the brunette was unfazed, and planted the sole of her boot onto Kayla's face, stepping down and mashing it before scraping the bottom of her boot across Kayla's eyes. The attack sent Kayla floundering as she squirmed over and rolled her knees in toward her chest while rubbing at her aching eyes. Flora watched her reeling foe flounder, placing her hands on her hips in a superior pose as she breathed deeply. Kayla remained on her knees with her body huddled together as again Flora stormed over, reaching down and grabbing her by the hair to unfold Kayla's body as she yanked her to her feet.

As Kayla was pulled erect, her legs closed together tightly in evidence of the pain emanating from between them, she nonetheless thrust her two arms skyward and directly between Flora's arms, and then whirled them outward to break Flora's grip on her hair. With Flora backpedalling, Kayla then stepped forward while cocking her right ram before delivering a vicious straight jab which landed square in the center of Flora's right breast. The punch seemed to invert Flora's soft mound of flesh, collapsing it around the South African's fist as Flora's face cringed in pain, her body bowing forward as she stumbled backward. Grabbing her aching chest as she doubled over, Flora then found her bowed head being stuffed between Kayla's legs, trapping it in the bent position. Pausing while she had her rival trapped, Kayla took a deep breath, fighting through her own pain as she then again began to slap at Flora's scratched rear end, pounding her open hands onto the rounded balls of skin.

"SLAP ..... SLAP ..... SLAP ..... SLAP ..... SLAP!"

Trying to wriggle free, Flora was nonetheless helpless as her already red rear end grew even more red from the attack, her soft skin vibrating wildly with each slap. Kayla then relented, but dropped her elbow down into Flora's back, smashing her to the canvas face down. With the crowd invigorated, Kayla lifted her arms and wrung her hair into a ponytail as she stood ominously over her fallen rival. Flora meanwhile wriggled on the canvas, trying to get to her hands and knees as Kayla's legs straddled her back.

After wringing her hair out, Kayla again lowered her arms while still straddling Flora, who had got to her hands and knees. Kayla then reached down to again slap at the now elevated ass of her opponent, but Flora quickly thrust her head upward, driving the back of it directly between Kayla's legs to again slam the South African's tender womanhood.


Kayla howled as the pain from between her legs became unbearable. She stumbled away from Flora and retreated back against the ropes with her legs clamped tightly together as Flora gradually got to her feet and limped toward her. Cautious as she approached, Flora reached for Kayla’s throat, but the South African swatted her hand away while leaning against the cables. But Flora then turned and walked away, retreating to the middle of the ring before jogging forward and leaping, feet first, in Kayla’s direction. Unable to escape, Kayla was drilled with a dropkick to her lower midsection, sinking her deeper into the ropes as Flora fell alongside her.

Another chorus of jeers sprang up from the crowd as Flora grabbed the rope and got to her feet alongside her bowed foe. The older brunette then grabbed a handful of hair from the back of Kayla’s head and used the grip to rip her head upward, delivering a knee to Kayla’s gut just as she did so.

”BAAAWWWW!” groaned the younger woman as she folded over again, though Flora gain yanked her up by the hair and slammed another knee into her tummy.

”BAAAWWWW!” moaned Kayla once more as she dropped to one knee, wrapping her arms around her belly.

“A weak spot for you too, eh Kayla?” Flora chided, responding to her opponent’s earlier taunt after having previously attacked Flora’s midsection.

The revitalized Flora stood over the kneeling Kayla whose back was pressed against the ropes, and then lunged forward, choking her with one hand and forcing Kayla’s upper body to bend back over the middle rope. With the South African’s body spread backward, Flora continued to choke her as the ref moved and angrily warned Flora to break the hold. She did so, but only after the ref’s count reached three, and upon releasing the choke, slammed her elbow down into Kayla’s extended stomach, further attacking her taut tummy.

Falling forward, Kayla landed on her hands and knees as Flora moved alongside her, now clearly in control. She grabbed a handful of Kayla’s hair and snatched her onto her feet, pushing her back against the corner while securing her arm with both hands. She then charged forward a few steps before attempting to sling Kayla across the ring, but the fit and athletic 26 year old reversed the attempt, and sent Flora racing to the opposite corner. Unable to prevent the collision, Flora’s back smacked against the turnbuckles as her head snapped backward upon impact.

With the fans once again cheering for her comeback, Kayla staggered across the ring toward her target. Flora straightened up and attempted to charge at her, but Kayla retaliated by angrily stuffing the palm of her hand in Flora’s face and then forcefully shoving her back into the corner with that grip. Continuing to push back on Flora’s face and thereby arching her back in the process, Kayla cocked her left arm and pounded a stiff uppercut into Flora’s belly.

“PPPWWWWWWWHHHH!” sputtered Flora as her head began to dip forward but was immediately forced backward again by the face. Kayla then pounded another uppercut into her soft tummy.

“PPPFFFFFFFFFFHH!” spew Flora again, and then a third time as Kayla lifted three straight uppercuts into her midsection. This time Flora dropped to one knee as Kayla stood over her before driving her knee into the side of Flora’s face and knocking her body onto the ropes alongside the corner. Decimated by the rigors of the fight and the most recent attack, Flora’s body hung perilously off of the ropes as Kayla grabbed her by the hair and pulled her back in before hoisting her onto her feet by the hair. Kayla’s fans gave her a standing ovation, amazed at the brutality of the match and resiliency of it’s participants as both women had dished out and received a tremendous amount of punishment.

With the upper hand, Kayla then lugged Flora to the center of the ring, ripping away at her hair the entire time. The petite Flora was being manhandled once again, though this time she seemed to have little fight left in her as Kayla jostled her around by the hair. With the objective of not only winning the match, but also establishing her reputation as a merciless fighter at Flora’s expense, Kayla began dragging the smaller woman around the ring by the hair, ripping at it as she paraded Flora to all four sides. The fans cheered her on as Flora’s husband watched in astonishment from his seat at ringside, in awe of Kayla as he feared for his wife.

Completing her tour of the ring, Kayla then abruptly yanked upward on Flora’s hair before forcefully pulling it downward to flip her onto her back, yanking out a handful of the black tresses in the process. Sprawled on her back, Flora frantically grabbed her aching scalp and tried to massage the pain away. Kayla meanwhile began to strut around Flora’s flattened body, strolling down toward her feet before reaching down to grab hold of her ankles. But Flora unexpectedly lunged her legs forward and kicked Kayla in the gut, knocking her back a few steps as she doubled over. The fans immediately began to boo as Flora shuffled toward Kayla while still on the canvas, and again kicked her leg upward, this time striking Kayla in the top of her head and sending her barreling backward and into the corner.

With the fans still booing, Kayla collapsed into the corner as Flora struggled to get up. She got into a seated position on her side, and then gradually got to one knee as Kayla tried to recover, getting erect though she held onto the ropes on either side of her body. As Flora remained on one knee, Kayla hobbled out of the corner toward her, but as she reached to grab Flora’s aching head, the brunette fired a stiff right jab into Kayla’s groin, drawing an agonized yelp.

”IIIIIIYYYYYEEEEEE!” screamed the agonized younger woman as she dropped to one knee and grabbed her aching crotch. The attacks on that sensitive part of her body had taken their toll and Kayla’s legs were now wobbly, unable to hold her up as she fell into a kneeling position. Flora somehow found the strength to get to her feet and stumbled over to Kayla, grabbing her from behind her head before pulling it forward while driving her knee squarely into Kayla’s face. The blow was a ferocious one, and the loud THUNK from the collision drew a frightened gasp from several fans as Kayla shot backward and landed flat on her back.

With her arms spread apart on either side of her body and her legs spread open, Kayla remained flattened as Flora limped over to her, stepping across her chest so that her feet straddled Kayla’s ribcage. She then dropped down, landing her knees onto Kayla’s shoulders to pin them to the canvas. The fans began to scream goading Kayla to break the pin as the ref dove in, checked the position, and then slapped the mat three times to count Kayla out.

The bell began to ring furiously as Flora thrust one arm overhead, too exhausted to raise the other. The fans pelted her with boos, though several applauded the courageous effort of both fighters. Kayla was defeated, but nonetheless had established her reputation for being a malicious fighter, even without earning the victory. Flora meanwhile had demonstrated her incredible resiliency, and after a long period of disappointments, had finally earned a victory.


Naughty - but oh, so NICE! :-)


Offline Phil_65

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Re: Flora vs Kayla by Mr Chain
« Reply #3 on: February 23, 2009, 09:33:23 PM »
What an impressive story (even though you lose in it, Kayla :))! Thanks a lot!


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Re: Flora vs Kayla by Mr Chain
« Reply #4 on: February 26, 2009, 07:39:42 AM »
Glad you enjoyed it, Phil, though I'm still distraught over having lost to that old hag - thought I had her there for a while!  :'( :-\ ::) But I'll be back for revenge - LOL!  :D 8)

Naughty - but oh, so NICE! :-)