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Anyone have tips on writing catfight stories?

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Offline Sandman13

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Anyone have tips on writing catfight stories?
« on: April 25, 2013, 02:15:35 AM »
I've written and posted quite a few catfight stories over the years but I am always looking for ways to make my work better. Some things I would ask other writers:
Do you base all your characters on women you know, or know from the media? Long ago I sent my first stories to "Cavalier" and used some women I worked with (first names only but the descriptions were pretty close). Later I wrote a few celebrity matches. Hard to believe in those pre-internet days, but it was pretty exciting to read someone's story of, say, Dolly Parton vs. Diana Ross.
How long should a story be for maximum effect? I like a big buildup before the fight but even more erotic is the finale after one woman has won. Will she humiliate her rival? And how? I think that gets into the S & M neighborhood somewhere around there, not that there's anything wrong with that!
Lastly, do you like to hear feedback about your writing? I miss Kim & Ginny's old Celebrity Catfight board because you almost always got opinions from other fans. (Well, that's not the only reason I miss it! It was my favorite board for our little fetish.)



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Re: Anyone have tips on writing catfight stories?
« Reply #1 on: April 25, 2013, 03:04:24 AM »

Dear Sandman,
I don’t remember being in touch with you before. My name is Johnny the Deuces and I write a lot of fight stories. When you read my stories you will find that they are violent and sometimes the woman seem to be various levels of super woman, and there are various levels of domination, S&M, humiliation in most of my stories. I find you learn a lot about writing when you write stories from various view points. You might be the winner of the fight, the loser of the fight, the person they are fighting over, a spectator.
My favorite stories are about two women that I know. I enjoy when others write stories in the same genres as I enjoy, because that is how you learn. That’s how you find out that something you don’t know, or never thought of turns you on. 
In my sometimes super woman stories I love when two women think that they’re both so tough and insult and threaten each other. They don’t only fight until they lose and give up, in most cases they are forced to do many acts which is against the will, against what they are willing to do. We measure what the winner is crazy and vicious enough to do, and how much the loser has to be beat up, tortured and terrorized before she is willing to do whatever the winner tells her to do. 
The best stories convey and describe the process of the winner draining each and every last drop of the loser’s dignity out of her in front of the loved one, or many important people in their lives.
I have Mistress Vicky who is not around as much as she has been, who writes stories and gives opinions and I bounce ideas off of. Sometimes she writes a summary of some of the things that might happen in a fight, or part, many times she loves to give me idea’s of various humiliations. We also have 4 other people in our group who occasionally writes stories, summary’s, gives opinions. These people are all sexually turned on by similar genre’s and don’t have time or in contractual agreements. All the other writers are females.
Again, I find writing stories with input from other writers, or reading their versions of the stories is the best way to expand your horizons.
We are always looking for others who want to write stories together, role-play, write stories for each other. Send opinions, predictions etc…
I will check your stories on fcf, is this the best place to find them? Let’s work on some projects!!!!
Very truly yours


Offline LoveSexyJobbers

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Re: Anyone have tips on writing catfight stories?
« Reply #2 on: April 25, 2013, 05:28:25 AM »
I don't really do catfight stories myself , I do Pro Wrestling stories , but for me , I watch matches & pick up ideas here & there like for example , my last " Watching My partner Get Destroyed " story that had 1 match that had a Double Submission ending that I saw happen on a Lucha Libre show & I also like to post pics , fake of course of the ladies who I have representing the wrestlers so there is some emotional / visual attachment  to tempt the readers , the " Watching my Partner " series was supposed to be 4 or 5 stories long , but in 1 story I posted a pic of the SWF Ladies Champ , Maritza Martini , meant to be in 1 match , but a reply I had from someone said that they LOVED Maritza & wanted to see her again & WALLA , I'm currently writing / typing story #68 which should be posted in another day or so for that series , but the long & short of it , watch YouTube & the other media outlets like Daily Motion under Catfights & watch & take down notes of things to do in a story
You never grow old until you stop being young


Offline Ginny38

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Re: Kim & Ginny's Sites
« Reply #3 on: April 29, 2013, 01:09:49 AM »
The frequency of up-dating is no longer what it was, but hope springs eternal that it will once again be up and running - if even in a less robust fashion!

Keep up-to-date on the latest developments with a discussion board and four web pages:
 (NEW URL!!!)
FOUR (4) Celebrity Fight Story web sites!
1- Kim & Ginny's NEW Celebrity Fight Site (over 1600 celebrity fight stories):
2- Charlize and Sunny Story Site (including Porn Star Fight Club stories and McKay Family Wrestling):
3- Celebrity Tournament Fight Page:
4- The original Kim & Ginny's Bedtime Stories MOVED to:
(w/Ginny's Stories; Mitzi in Hollywood; Classic Era Fights + Mitzi Gaynor and Marilyn Monroe picture albums.


Offline Mr. Cavalier

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Re: Anyone have tips on writing catfight stories?
« Reply #4 on: April 29, 2013, 06:43:03 AM »
Good to hear from you Sandman.  Did any of your celebrity fights end up in Cavalier's "Dream Fights"?  There were several issues that matched up the sexy ladies on TV and at the movies in the '70's and '80's.  One of my favorite matches was Catharine Bach and Morgan Fairchild. Wordweaver post here sometimes.  I would love to read his Julia Strain vs Anna Nicole Smith catfight story again.

best advice I can give is the best stories have some truth to them.  Even if the women never actually fight in real life ( as is most often the case) there are lots of scenerios where there was enough tension between them they SHOULD have fought.  I agree that the build up can be the sexiest part...


Offline Sandman13

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Re: Anyone have tips on writing catfight stories?
« Reply #5 on: April 30, 2013, 06:24:55 AM »
Mr. Cavalier - Over the years I had quite a few stories published in the "Fight Time" sections. Both celebrity catfights (I remember Samantha Fox vs. Paula Abdul) and like I said, some women I knew back then had some ferocious battles, at least in my fevered imagination. I think seeing a catfight letter in Cavalier was my first clue that other guys loved the same thing I did.


Offline JT Edson

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Re: Kim & Ginny's Sites
« Reply #6 on: May 01, 2013, 11:44:47 AM »
The frequency of up-dating is no longer what it was, but hope springs eternal that it will once again be up and running - if even in a less robust fashion!

Keep up-to-date on the latest developments with a discussion board and four web pages:
 (NEW URL!!!)
FOUR (4) Celebrity Fight Story web sites!
1- Kim & Ginny's NEW Celebrity Fight Site (over 1600 celebrity fight stories):
2- Charlize and Sunny Story Site (including Porn Star Fight Club stories and McKay Family Wrestling):
3- Celebrity Tournament Fight Page:
4- The original Kim & Ginny's Bedtime Stories MOVED to:
(w/Ginny's Stories; Mitzi in Hollywood; Classic Era Fights + Mitzi Gaynor and Marilyn Monroe picture albums.

Ginny38, I used to be an avid fan of your site . It was one of the premier sties of it's kind, back in the day. I didn't know it was on HostBaord till now. Thank you for staying with it.


Offline JT Edson

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Re: Anyone have tips on writing catfight stories?
« Reply #7 on: May 01, 2013, 11:46:06 AM »
Mr. Cavalier - Over the years I had quite a few stories published in the "Fight Time" sections. Both celebrity catfights (I remember Samantha Fox vs. Paula Abdul) and like I said, some women I knew back then had some ferocious battles, at least in my fevered imagination. I think seeing a catfight letter in Cavalier was my first clue that other guys loved the same thing I did.

It would be great if you could post some of your old stories here on this site. Any chances of that happening?