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WBACCF #6 Fight Announcements

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WBACCF #6 Fight Announcements
« on: March 12, 2013, 09:00:31 PM »
Sigourney Weaver walked in with the big winner of the previous card Kristen Stewart

"Hello colleagues, as you all know Kristen here got a big upset win over Kristen Bell and as her reward she will get to pick out one fight.  To me that last card was our best effort yet and ended with an amazing fight where some of you say Ashley Greene upset Megan Fox.  I think that majority of time Ashley Greene beats Megan Fox.  She is in better condition, her wider shoulders help her in the striking giving her a reach advantage and more power on her strikes.  Strikes which are more precise then Megan's, plus I would say she has seven pounds of muscle on her.  Unless it is a sex fight I think that Megan will always have trouble with Ashley"

Kristen "I'd like to think that it would probably keep Megan away from me if she fears my friend but Megan does not fear her.... Do any of you know what a blondenemy is"

Sigourney stopped the others "When you are a top level fighter be it a blonde or brunette you seem to have a mortal enemy who be it the blondenemy or bitchnette.  Well the two they seem to have this unnatural undefined hatred for the other. The sight of each other is enough to send them off.  Take Megan for example she and Kaley had trouble being on the same set, it was the first time either fought and it was a draw as they were seperated.  Kaley seems to get an advantage as they got older but they are lifelong enemies.  In your case I wouldn't worry about it, it is for women who don't seem to have a backdown.  Elisha Cuthbert and Rachel Bilson seem to win more then they lose by a signifcant percentage and hate each other.  Jennifer Love Hewitt is about 50/50 right now and has no blondenemy not even Sarah Michelle Gellar... Hope that answers your question, if Ashley is looking for who her blondenemy is, its not something you go looking for.  It usually finds you... Lets get to the booking, our Border rep will be busy."

Border "Yes, well last card we had an excellent Victoria Pratt fight and her old enemy has made it known she wants to prove why she is better then Victoria.  We got a response right away when looking for an opponent a woman who is Canadian like Victoria.  Christina Cox, who has appeared on Dexter and was teh star of  Blood ties.

Watcher "I'm very pleased with my addition to this card, its a battle of catfighting legends.  Is everyone prepared well.... Geri Halliwell vs.... Shania Twain."

Sigourney "Wow"

Border "I'm at a loss my fight does not match ... I mean those two have fought women bigger then them and battled hard, to fight each other... wow... Ok so mine is the opposite end, Camilla Luddington the new model for Lara Croft and actress from multiple shows including memorable appearance in Californication.  She will fight Allison Williams from Girls"

Kristen "I heard Camilla thinks she's a woman to beat... uhmn can I go now."

"Border "Yes and I've heard many things about Camilla that she's sweet but can be absolutely vicious to people if she wants.  I understand you want Olivia Wilde in a fight which is exciting."

Kristen "I did but something came up and I was asked to change my mind.... Jennifer Lawrence threatened me and now she's in against someone people say has a similar face to me and i'm a fan of hers well both women really... Teresa Palmer"

Sigourney patted Kristen on the back and congratulated her.

Amazon "Ok so first off this card looks amazing thus far like it could be four wars and I hope to add to that.  Hilary Swank, Oscar winner has challenged Jennifer Garner and Jennifer accepted.  Should be a very good fight and the main event as previously announced but Sigourney

Sigourney "Yes, Kate Beckinsale one of the most beautiful women in the history of hollywood taking on Olga Kurylenko a Bond Girl... That I don't know how it will go, I think it could end quick or it could be two women tearing into each other.  I know Kate has had trouble in the past putting it all together well if she has trouble this time Olga will hurt her.  By the way I have a special treat for after the card, another battle of legends but I dont want to spoil it just yet."

Fight Card
Christina Cox vs. Jennifer O'Dell
Shania Twain vs. Geri Haliwell
Camilla Luddington vs. Allison Williams
Jennifer lawrence vs. Teresa Palmer
Hilary Swank vs. Jennifer Garner
Olga Kurylenko vs. Kate Beckinsale


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Re: WBACCF #6 Fight Announcements
« Reply #1 on: March 14, 2013, 12:33:16 AM »
Geri Halliwell will beat Shania Twain for sure. Geri is far tougher