Battle at the Beach
The three days following her last match, Natacha could barely sit on her still raw and tender ass, and the aching blonde had spent the majority of that time in the shower washing her hair that was still multi hued displaying all of the colors of a rainbow. She spent the prior days time plotting revenge on Erica, Michelle and the Housewives for what they just did to her, but for now the Swede had to get her precious hair fixed and painfully drove to the salon, finally able to reasonably sit on her sore derriere. Natacha was heartbroken when the salon owner told her it would cost almost a thousand dollars to fix the damage that was done to her hair, the blonde’s blood boiled just thinking of the havoc Erica and Michelle created in her life in such a short time. The Swede looked at her reflection in the salon’s mirror and her heart sank as she saw her once golden tresses, now a multitude of colors; red green pink orange and blue all where her beautiful blonde should be. Natacha had little choice but to spend the money and try to get her hair back to normal and she reluctantly paid the cash letting her beautician try to undo the damage, praying that for what she was spending they would be able to fix it.
The former blonde spent the rest of the afternoon getting her hair highlighted, conditioned, and treated with all sorts of chemicals being applied, trying to bring the golden blonde back out from behind the multitudes of color. By the time the beautician was finished Natacha’s sore ass was killing her form sitting in the chair all day. A smile returned to her puffy lips when she looked up in the mirror and saw her hair was almost as good as new, mostly all of the funky colors were gone and her sexy blonde was back. The beautician assured her next weekend he could re-dye it, he just didn’t want to take the chance of permanently damaging her hair. Natacha thanked the man and hurried home, figuring today was the day she was going to visit Jose in hopes of somehow getting out of that wrestling contract that she signed. A few weeks ago her first match was a slaughter against that monster Kong, in her second match she painfully lost to Michelle and then was paraded around the ring like a dog, and only days ago in her third she neither won nor lost, but after the match Erica and the Housewives’ tormented her and her hair was almost ruined. She hurried home tossed on a floral strapless sundress and then made her way down to the arena to confront Jose face to face in hopes of finding a way out of her contract.
Natacha stormed into the mostly empty arena and marched up the stairs leading up to Jose’s office and his private box. Not even bothering to knock, Natacha threw the door open and stormed in startling Jose who sat seated at his desk. The blonde stomped in screaming, “I quit…I don’t care what you say or do but I quit!”
Jose remained calm and shook his head slowly, “Senorita, no es un possible…Ahhh…sorry, it’s not possible. I am sorry but you signed a contract and with the money I am now making, I just can’t foresee letting you off!”
Natacha swallowed hard, “Please…I’ll do anything…I just can’t go on like this!” She grabbed her long hair, “You saw what those sick bitches did to my hair??? It cost me a thousand dollars and hours of my time to fix!!!” She screamed at him
Jose smiled, “Natacha, I assure you your hair looks stunning, but I have no choice… you signed a contract and you must fulfill it!”
Natacha shook her head, “There has to be a way out…give me a chance…even if I have to earn it!”
Jose shook his head, “My dear I can’t do that…I am sorry!”
Natacha didn’t slow, “Anything…I want another piece of that bleached blonde slut Erica! What if I agree to wrestle her and if I win I don’t have to wrestle any more?”
Jose laughed, “Natacha, how would that help anything…you have to compete in 7 more matches, win loose or draw, against Erica, or Michelle, or who ever for that matter…why would I agree to nullify your contract if you beat Erica?”
Natacha knew that didn’t make much sense, “What if….what if I agree to a harder match and if I win then I am done with the contract?”
That got Jose to thinking, thinking of setting her up in a match she couldn’t possibly win, and he sat in silence starring at the blonde for a while before breaking the tension, “I tell you what senorita, if you agree to oil wrestle Ella, and somehow win I will absolve you of your contract!”
Natacha’s heart dropped as she had heard of Ella, who was a gigantic muscle bound black lesbian who took pride and pleasure in hurting other girls, then having her way with them after her matches. The blonde thought for a few seconds, but saw this as her only way out as she couldn’t possibly compete in 7 more matches, “Fine, fine, I’ll do it!”
Jose shook his head, “First there are many things I will tell you before having your decision…and then let’s see if you agree…I don’t want to deceive you in this. Ask some of the girls in the league about the oil matches that Ella competes in…you see most girls don’t walk away. The only type of match she agrees to compete in has two rounds, the first round is 15 minutes and then the second round is another 15 minutes.” Natacha’s stomach churned nervously thinking about what could happen to her in 30 minutes against the black woman, but apparently Jose wasn’t done as he continued talking, “But the worst part for most girls is the second round…for you see during the intermission between the first and second round they bring out a huge wooden block with built in arm restraints that can be used at will during the entire round…so please my dear before you jump into this match…I want you to know the hornets nest that you will be walking into, but my dear with the tickets I would sell from that alone I would allow you to break your contract if you did manage to win that match.”
Natacha couldn’t believe what she was hearing, and her mind spun…could she stand a chance against Ella? She did know full well that she couldn’t compete in 7 more matches, but the thought of being in an oil pit against Ella for two fifteen minute rounds with no way out, and then add in some sick wooden blockade with restraints! Natacha swallowed hard, “I’ll do it if you don’t bring out the wooden thingy…I…I will agree to two rounds.”
Jose frowned and shook his head, “I am sorry senorita, but Ella only competes in those types of matches…if I am agreeing to free you from your contract, you can’t ask for more I am sorry.”
Natacha’s pulse pounded, here was her way out, but at what cost? She sat in silence starring around the room, wildly thinking what would happen if she accepted this and lost…to have to spend two fifteen minute rounds with the tough black woman sounded like a battle most women had no chance in. “Fine…fine…if I win the match I am done…you burn the contract!”
Jose smiled, “Senorita, if you win I surely will…and I wish you the best of luck, I just don’t think you fully realized what you agreed to…but I will give you two weeks off to prepare and heal from your last…encounter”
Natacha shook her head and stormed out of Jose office wondering what the fuck she did in fact just agree to…going against Ella in an oil match, a wooden wall with restraints no less! But for now the blonde had more pressing matters at hand, and planned her revenge on Erica having a full two weeks to worry about Ella. Natacha got home and found JJJ sitting by the pool, the blonde already had the idea for payback she had planned. “Call her…I want you to call the bleached blonde slut right now…set up a date for you to meet her on the beach and I’ll show up…one on one I am going to fucking kill her!”
JJJ was stunned, “What…what are you talking about?”
Natacha screamed, “Set it up! You call Erica and tell her to meet you on the beach! I am going to get some payback on that slut for the humiliation she put me through!”
JJJ’s mind raced, what a dream, watching Natacha fight Erica on the beach, “What if you loose?” he asked.
Natacha had a look of rage on her face. “I fuckin won’t!” she screamed, “You tell the bitch you want to meet at Bay View Beach, there is a deserted strip behind the old hot dog stand…you know where it is. I will be hiding on the side of the building, when the slut shows up she’ll get the ass kicking of a life time!”
JJJ couldn’t believe it, “Ok, but”
Natacha interrupted him mid sentence, “No buts, I am going to rip her fucking hair from her scalp for what she did to me! No matter what happens promise me you wont stop me or get involved…I have to get revenge for what she did!”
JJJ shook his head, “Fine…fine I promise, but!
Natacha again interrupted, “Tomorrow…mid day…get her on the phone, tell her me and you are having problems…what the fuck ever you need to… I want her alone on the beach and I am going to fucking kill the bleached blonde slut!” the Swede finished and stormed in the house leaving JJJ stunned and by the pool.
24 hours later JJJ stood on the deserted Bay View Beach, in the blistering heat, waiting behind the old hot dog stand that hadn’t seen a customer in 3 or 4 years. Natacha was hidden on the backside of the building, wearing a flesh colored triangle thong bikini, her long hair down lightly blowing in the breeze, the blonde’s heart pounding in nervous anticipation.

The sun’s rays were intense and JJJ looked over seeing sweat glistening on his girlfriend’s incredible body, while time seemed to drag along. Secretly JJJ couldn’t wait, each second painfully dragging on and on until finally Erica came walking up form the parking lot. Erica looked beyond sexy, wearing a bright orange triangle thong bikini, outlined with white strings, barely containing her bouncing breasts, which flopped around on her chest. The tiny bottom’s strings went high over her shapely hips, and JJJ’s pulse quickened seeing the sexy bleached blonde hottie, knowing in a few seconds her and Natacha were going to be engaged in one hell of a catfight.

Erica still had no clue of Natacha’s presence, JJJ almost blurting out to warn her, but bit his tongue feeling a huge bulge in his shorts thinking about watching these two hellcats going at it. Erica waved and smiled when she saw JJJ standing there, “Hey cutie! I am soooo glad you called me!”
The Swede heard Erica’s voice, and quickly sprung from the side of the building with a look of rage on her face, “I’m going to fucking kill you!”
Erica was shocked and backpedaled, completely stunned to see Natacha, “What the fuck are you doing here?”
Natacha yelled, “Getting my revenge for what you put me through you cxnt!” and lunged forward, JJJ backing up hoping his girlfriend knew what she was getting herself into as he was going to honor his promise of not interfering in this epic fight…no matter what happened to either girl. Snarling Natacha charged forward with her claws out, her right hand reaching for Erica’s breast while her left was already raised and grabbing for her bleached blonde hair. Erica quickly regained her composure and never missed a beat as she snatched hold of Natacha’s right wrist the instant before it latched onto her mammary. Painfully digging her nails into her attacker’s skin, Erica heaved Natacha’s arm straight up and lifted it over her head. Even though Natacha was able to grab a handful of Erica’s long hair with her left hand, the right side of the Swede’s body was now wide open as Erica held Natacha’s arm high overhead. Erica never slowed as she quickly fired her left fist blasting forward into the sexy Swede’s tight stomach hammering home into her exposed ribs. A thud filled the air, and Natacha gasped doubling over and forced to relinquish her grip of Erica’s hair shocked by the power packed punch.
With her opponent hunched over in front of her, Erica reached down and helped herself to two thick handful of Natacha’s long blonde hair, “I see you got your hair fixed you bitch…this time I am going to rip it all out!” Erica yelled and began yanking Natacha’s head side to side painfully dragging the hunched over hottie around the beach. “You should have never shown up here you cxnt…JJJ is going home with me!” Erica screamed as she continued pulling and tugging, painfully dragging Natacha in along in tow using her long locks like a handle. Natacha barred her claws, clamped down on Erica’s wrists hoping to pry her hands from her hair when suddenly the Erica’s leg shot out tripping the Swede chest into the sand. Natacha was shocked, her body went flying through the air and she landed on the blistering hot sand, gasping for breath. Erica stepped forward and slammed a kick down blasting into the back of Natacha’s head driving the shocked Swede’s face downward. The bleached blonde screamed, “You…you are going to kill me? I don’t fucking think so you clueless piece of shit!” and again slammed her foot down right into the back of Natacha’s head forcing her model like face to bury into the fiery hot and grainy sand.
Erica smiled from ear to ear watching Natacha’s incredible body thrashing below her, struggling to breathe as she held her face mashed down into the beach. After a few more seconds Erica removed her foot and allowed Natacha to lift her sand-covered face out of the sand and the Swede sucked in a few quick, desperate breaths, coughing and spitting sand out of her mouth. “After I get through with you, you won’t know what hit you!” Erica yelled, as she sat astride the Swede’s back, pinning her in place against the hot sand. The bleached blonde’s hands latched onto Natacha’s long hair, and once she secured a grip she began sweeping Natacha's perfect face side-to-side, grinding it down into the course hot sand. Natacha’s mouth, which was wide open in a scream of pain, instantly filled with the hot sand grains as she never had a chance to close it when she was slammed into the beach. Pain filled he Swede’s scalp, and Erica’s knees were painfully digging into Natacha’s lower spine as she continuing to grind the beautiful girls face into the sand.
JJJ sat and watched, Erica seemingly hell bent on scratching Natacha's angelic face, wildly ripping the blonde’s head side to side grinding it into the harsh sand. Natacha finally got her head lifted a few inches upward, and shrieked in pain, the Swede spitting out grains of sand as she managed to turn her head to the side wildly sucking in air. Natacha tried futilely to get her hands planted in the sand, attempting to push upward and lift her face as she was starting to lose oxygen. "Get off me you damn skank!!!" she spit once she could speak.
Erica let go of Natacha’s hair, bent forward and hissed in the Swede’s ear “I remember this was a fun game we played!” Erica quickly reached down and secured a grip on the back of Natacha’s sexy sling shot thong with both hands. Erica’s arms strained as she began ripping upward on the thong, the material slowly began disappearing between Natacha’s fleshly ass cheeks and slowly worked up into her crotch. Natacha flailed on the sand as the thong wedged deeper and deeper, and Erica continued taunting her rival, “Didn’t you get enough of this only a few days ago?” she yelled and jerked upward. Natacha’s crotch was still sore form the abuse it undertook a few days ago, and now her incredible body was painfully hoisted a few inches off of the sand, held up solely by the thin material of her thong. Natacha thrashed her arms and shrieked loudly, wildly trying to knock Erica’s hands from her thong, the bleached blonde continued making fun of the aching beauty, “I bet you haven’t even fucked JJJ since the last time I got to do this to you!” Holding tightly on her two handed grip, Erica began to rock back and forth, each pull painfully lifting Natacha’s lower half up and down off the ground. Natacha wailed as the thong buried deep into her aching woman hood, again the material abusing her sore crotch.
Erica’s arms were growing tired and she quickly brought her foot up and slammed it downward into Natacha’s ass, sending the Swede’s body sliding forward against the sand before coming to a grinding halt. Natacha lay face down on the beach, her incredible ass now almost totally exposed with the thong wedged tightly in her crotch, and the Swede desperately tried to crawl back up to a standing position. Natacha made her way to her knees, the front of her body completely covered in sand, including most of her face, and she began coughing up tiny granules of sand. The Swede couldn’t see and quickly began wiping the sand from her face, but before she could finish Erica’s foot slammed into her ribs. Natacha gasped as wind shot from her lungs, and she found herself on all fours again, already regretting this plan of hers to get Erica on the beach. Natacha’s face pursed in sudden pain as her long hair was pulled from behind, with a two handed grip Erica began ripping the aching beauty up of the sand. Natacha’s shrieked as she was pulled painfully upward, but the Swede quickly spun around and fired her forearm flying up blasting right between Erica’s spread legs.
Erica’s lower body exploded in pain, her mouth hung limp as Natacha’s forearm was still painfully lodged between her sexy thighs. Erica’s eyes rolled backward, and her world seemed to be spinning as she crashed down to her knees. Natacha took some much-needed time to clear her stinging eyes from the sand grains, and then slowly made it back up to her feet. After a few seconds of scraping the sand from the front of her body, she walked over towards Erica who was slumped against the beach massing her aching pussy. “Now you are going to fuckin pay!” Natacha screamed and slammed a kick blasting into Erica’s side, sending the busty beauty rolling onto her back, both hands still holding her throbbing crotch. Natacha quickly slid down, the Swede landing right on Erica’s stomach pinning her arms tightly in place still holding her abused womanhood. “You fucking liked abusing my tits? How does this feel you cxnt?” Natacha began taunting the trapped beauty and her hands snaked forward latching onto Erica’s ample breasts.
Erica shrieked as Natacha’s nails painfully tore into her breasts, the material of her tiny triangle bikini doing little to ease the pain of the Swede’s freshly sharpened fingernails. Natacha tightened her grip, squeezing as hard as she could, her nails tearing into Erica’s large breasts grabbing as much tit flesh as she could possibly hold, “I am gonna pop this silicone filled sack!” Natacha screamed. Erica shrieked in agony as she kicked her legs wildly trying to free her arms, her head rolled from side-to-side, pain filling her perfect breasts. Erica’s wiggling finally paid off as she managed to free her right arm and the aching beauty began throwing wild punches into Natacha’s arms. Due to her position on the beach, pinned against the sand, Erica’s punches had little behind them and didn’t do much to slow the painful breast attack she was forced to endure. After taking five or six punches to the arms, Natacha quickly reposition herself, securing her hips around Erica’s tight stomach. Pain was tearing through her aching orbs, and Erica grew desperate as she dug her feet in the sand and began to thrust her sexy hips upward, trying to buck Natacha off of her.
Natacha finally removed her nails from Erica’s aching breasts, but the Swede never slowed her attack and quickly slammed a right fist slamming square into the side of the bleached blonde’s head. Erica’s head shot out to the side from the jarring punch, the blonde left gasping in pain as her vision seemed to cloud. Natacha latched onto the busty gals bikini top and had little problem sliding it downward in one quick swipe exposing Erica’s ample breasts. JJJ watched in awe as Erica’s perfect breasts showed small red fingernail marks from where Natacha’s talons had torn into the bikini, each orb looking like a mound of perfection with small nickel sized areoles flush in the middle of each mound. Erica was desperate and bucked her body upward just as Natacha finishing removing her bikini top and the topless beauty was finally able to roll onto her side. Surprised by the sudden move, Natacha fell over with Erica who continued to roll to the side taking Natacha along with her. Now the two gorgeous gals began rolling over one another, the sand coating both incredible bodies, each blonde dripping with sweat as they desperately fought for the upper hand. Ripping and tugging, the Goddess’s hands were entwined tightly in the others hair, wildly pulling away as they vied to gain position over one another in what was turning out to be a catfight straight from ECW.
The two incredible bodies continued to roll back and forth over the sand, both girls were almost completely covered in small grains of sand, their hands still locked in each other’s hair. Screams of agony filled the air, neither girl giving an ounce as they attempted to pull clumps of one another’s long locks out as they rolled along the beach. Finally Erica got her sexy vice like thighs around Natacha’s midsection and she was able to pin the Swede in place against the sand. Erica and Natacha’s chests heaved as they sucked in air, but Erica knew she couldn’t slow her attack and desperately tried to pull Natacha’s arms out to the side. Another brief struggle ensued, but Erica finally pulled Natacha’s arms outstretched and then brought her knees up quickly pinning the Swede’s arms down against the blistering hot sand. Waves of panic suddenly filled Natacha, as she couldn’t move her arms, the Swede helplessly pinned tightly against the hot sand with Erica sitting atop of her. Natacha quickly looked to JJJ and begged for help, but he looked on, rock hard and starred open mouthed at the sexy show.
“You fuckin whore he isn’t going to help you!!!” Erica shrieked at the trapped blonde who was panic-stricken. With her arms pinned tightly in place, Natacha’s eyes bulged in utter horror, as she couldn’t move with Erica’s weight pressing down firmly onto her chest. Erica quickly lifted her right arm and sent a huge winding closed fisted punch flying through the air slamming into the side of Natacha’s china-doll face. The sound of Erica’s fist slamming into Natacha’s cheek echoed down the beach as the Swede’s head reeled to the side from the brutal blow. Erica’s fist pumped upwards again, flew downward and painfully landed in the same spot, poor Natacha’s face exploded with pain. Tears filled Natacha’s eyes as her head rebounded and turned back as she stared helplessly up at Erica, who screamed, “Time to rearrange this ugly face of yours slut!” Natacha wailed as Erica’s fist came slamming down for a third time connecting in the same place flush into Natacha’s cheekbone. Now the left side of her face took a grueling punch and her head lolled side to side. Another closed fist thudded home slamming into the blonde’s cheek and JJJ looked on in concern as his girlfriend’s model like face took six straight punches. Spittle flew from her mouth, and Natacha’s eyes were glazed over as Erica’s ass worked its way upwards towards Natacha’s face. Natacha began to frantically kick her legs, her aching face suddenly engulfed by Erica’s incredible ass.
Natacha bucked and trashed as Erica slowly positioned herself perfectly in place, each of her fleshy ass cheeks planted directly over the Swede’s face, her nose centered right in between the bleached blonde’s crotch. Erica began to reach behind her and she smiled like a Cheshire cat when her fingers found what they sought, the bleached blonde’s nails painfully bit down into Natacha’s breasts. Natacha’s muffled scream could faintly be heard, most was lost under Erica’s ass, and the pinned beauties hips were now bucking wildly as Erica’s fingernails were suddenly gouging her sensitive breasts. Natacha was frantic as each passing second meant less and less air for the trapped blonde, her breasts painfully ravaged by Erica’s sharp talons. Natacha’s entire body began to thrust, and after a few unsuccessful attempts to free herself, she began kicking her knees upward. The first few knee lifts missed wildly, but then Natacha finally brought her knees together and she desperately drove her legs upward slamming squarely into Erica’s upper back from behind. “Arrrghh!” Erica groaned as Natacha’s knees barreled into her back, sending the topless beauty shooting forward off of Natacha and landing harshly on her side.
Natacha lay on her back, sucking in much needed air fighting through the pain in her breasts, while both of her cheeks began swelling and turning purple from the viscous punches. Seeing Erica lying on the sand, Natacha new she had to act fast and sprang up to her feet. Grabbing her by her long sweat soaked hair Natacha secured two handfuls and pulled Erica up to her knees. As soon as Erica was upright and hunched over, Natacha wildly began slamming her knee upward flying into Erica’s breasts like a woman possessed. Natacha’s left knee flattened the bleached blonde’s breast against her chest again and again and Erica screamed in pain as her mammary was painfully flattened against her chest bone. Erica desperately grabbed a handful of sand, her tit was mashed again, but the bleached blonde fought through the pain, brought her hand flying upward and threw the sand in Natacha’s face. The Swede coughed and gasped, temporarily blinding the blonde goddess and stopping the painful attack on Erica’s breasts, as the Swede stepped back to clear her vision. Erica took only a second to survey the damage that was done to her beautiful breasts, before she went back on the attack. Erica reached forward, grabbed the Swede’s triangle top and in one hard swipe ripped it right from her. Natacha’s ample breasts popped out and already were showing signs of the fight, claw marks and fingernails covered both of her magnificent mounds.
Erica tossed the bikini top to the side, flung her hands up and began raking her nails across Natacha’s tits causing the Swede to scream. Natacha's face contorted in pain as Erica began twisting her breasts back and forth, the small grains of sand digging into her tender flesh. After a few a seconds of hell, Natacha went back on the attack and grabbed Erica's tits, quickly twisting and crushing as much flesh as she could hold. JJJ watched in awe as the two beauties groaned in unison as their sand coated, sweat laden bodies glistened as they waged a sexy war on each other’s fake tits. Their screams echoed down the beach as both girls fingernails were tearing apart the others breasts, neither girl willing to back down an inch. Natacha finally had enough as her breasts were still sore from the previous fight she was in a few days ago and began to slap Erica’s hands away from her orbs. Erica suddenly lunged forward, lowering her shoulder and knocking Natacha backwards onto the sand, the bleached blonde quickly scrambling over her prone rival. An ear piercing shriek filled the air as the bleached blonde’s mouth hovered over Natacha’s right breast and then Erica’s teeth sunk into her tender flesh painfully biting her aching mammary like a savage.
Natacha’s shriek could have broken glass as Erica began chomping and chewing on her tender breast flesh, the Swede wildly punching and slapping at the bleached blonde’s head. Natacha was shocked as she felt Erica’s teeth tearing apart her tender flesh and the Swede’s eye’s glazed with tears. Finally letting go of the mouthful of breast flesh, Erica brought her head up and quickly straddled the Swede’s waist. Erica went right on the attack and began ripping punch after punch into Natacha's tits, battering them as she howled in agony. Punches flew and Natacha’s sexy groans and moans filled the air, as her breasts took closed fisted shot after shot. Grinning, Erica slammed her fists into the outsides of Natacha's tits, mashing them together in unison, the orbs flattening against one another. Again and again Erica mashed Natacha’s tits together as the petite Swede was now sobbing in agony. Finally Natacha’s arms broke free and the blonde’s hands quickly shielded her aching breasts.

A nasty punch flew through the air and this one slammed into the Swede’s temple stunning her in place against the sand. Erica latched onto her sweat soaked hair and began to pull the beaten blonde up to her feet. “I’m going to fuck him right her on the beach and you can watch!” Erica hissed at the Swede, whose blood boiled hearing the slut talking about fucking her man. Natacha’s balled up fist reared back and the Swede’s hip flew outward bumping Erica’s legs apart, allowing a free path upward for the forthcoming punch. Erica’s mouth suddenly hung open as Natacha’s knuckles slammed into her spread pussy, the bleached blonde suddenly gasping for air that wasn’t coming as her legs turned to jello. Natacha took a few seconds to hold her aching breasts, but knew this was her chance to pay this bitch back once and for all as Erica was frantically pawing at aching crotch. Natacha fought the pain filling her body and reached down grabbing both of Erica's wrists and began prying her arms from between her legs. Erica weakly trying to pull her arms free until Natacha stepped up and sent a kick square into the bleached blonde’s rib cage. Erica groaned and lost her fight to free her arms and soon Natacha had pulled the blonde’s limp arms over her head until they were fully stretched out. Another kick from Natacha slammed into the blonde’s wide-open ribcage, but that was the least of the pain that Erica would be enduring. An ear-piercing shriek echoed down the beach as Natacha started walking backward pulling the bleached blonde on her sunburned chest across the harsh, hot burning beach sand.
"Those fake watermelons haven’t seen anything bitch!” Natacha taunted as Erica frantically tried to pull her wrists from the pissed off Swede’s iron clad hold. The grainy granules of sand began tearing apart Erica's erect nipples and she futilely tried flailing and kicking her legs hoping to end the pain. The blonde’s shrieks filled the air as Natacha was relentlessly dragging Erica up the beach, while the grains of sand were tearing into Erica’s sensitive mammaries as she screamed mindlessly. "Pl…lllease let me go!" Erica begged as tears rolled down her blushing cheeks as Natacha dragged her around the beach painfully abusing her breasts. Erica was suddenly shocked when Natacha heeded her plea and finally released her wrists after minutes of torture. Scrambling to her knees, Erica’s hands instantly cupped her sun and sand burnished boobs, as she tried in vain to massage away some of the searing pain.

Natacha casually readjusted her thong, which had ridden up her ass, then turned her attention back to the sobbing girl. She bent down, grabbed two handfuls of long hair and began ripping upward. Erica’s body glistened in the blistering heat, sweat coating her curvy frame as she was being hair hauled upward to a standing position, her hands still gingerly holding her sand covered and sore mammaries. When Natacha had the aching blonde upright she released her long blonde hair and slammed a forearm flying that caught the side of the stunned beauty’s head. Erica's temple took the blow flush and her eyes rolled back in her head as her face shot to the side. The blonde stumbled awkwardly forward but Natacha caught her by the hair stood behind the aching beauty driving her firm body into Erica’s back while she snaked her arms around the blonde's tiny waist. Erica gasped as Natacha grabbed onto the front of the blonde's tiny thong bikini bottom, and yelled, “Paybacks a bitch!” Erica felt the material slowly tightening in her crotch but was blind to the forthcoming pain until Natacha ripped upward!
Another shriek of agony echoed down the beach as the tiny material literally sliced deep between the bleached blonde’s puffy pussy lips. The tiny slingshot thong bikini was pulled mightily up in the air, and the blonde’s pubic patch was suddenly exposed as Natacha continued ripping upward forcing the sexy material to become thinner and thinner. Erica was onto her tiptoes in hope of easing the searing pain ripping through her lower half as Natacha was pulling and tugging upward on the material, the thong was rapidly becoming a tiny line of dental floss between Erica's beef curtains. “If fuckin hurts doesn’t you bitch!” Natacha screamed, having the same thing done to her only days ago by Erica. The aching blonde was screaming in pain and praying for an end to the hellacious torment but Natacha continued pulling and tugging and soon the blonde’s neatly trimmed bush was widely visible as the thong was just a thin line. Natacha stretched the material to its limits and Erica's screams echoed across the beach, the blonde wildly pawing and tugging at Natacha’s hands desperately trying to free herself. Tears streamed down the blonde's flushed red cheeks leaving black eyeliner trails in their passing, her once perfect face contorted with pain and fear. Left foot, right foot, left foot, Erica hopped about in place sending her exposed breasts bouncing and shaking uncontrollably around her chest looking for a way to end the hellacious torment.
The material was tugged upward and cut deep into the blonde’s aching crotch, Erica’s head snapped back in response to the searing pain, her mouth open in a silent cry of sheer agony. Natacha tugged more and more violently and Erica’s unshaved bush again became visible as her pubic mound bulged out on either side of the rapidly disappearing strand of fabric. If felt so good for Natacha to get some payback and she continued tugging on the material that was literally being pulled inside Erica's pussy; her swollen lips were fully hanging outside of the bikini. Tears were streaming down Erica's face as Natacha pulled the material upward, the bikini bottom being stretched right up to the base of the blonde's breasts. Natacha’s arms were growing tired and she finally let go of the material, and Erica’s body crumpled to the sand where she curled up in a ball frantically pulling her bikini from her pulsing pussy.
"Here, let me help you with that!!!" Natacha said, bending over and grabbing Erica's bikini at the hips. She backed up and gave a quick jerk, whisking the bikini over Erica’s incredible curvy thighs and down her legs. In seconds, the sobbing girl was completely naked, and lying sprawled on the sand with her knees slightly raised. Natacha tossed the bikini to the side and began slamming kicks down onto Erica's aching body. JJJ’s mouth hung open staring at Erica’s curvy body being abused, as his girlfriend seemed hell bent on destroying the bleached blonde. The first kick barreled into Erica's lower back and that caused an immediate response as the aching beauty trashed on the sand. The second and third kick crushed Erica's ribs, the blonde bucking as her hands came up to try and defend herself. With Erica's hands holding her ribs, Natacha changed tactics and drove her heel square into the blonde's temple. Erica's glistening body thrashed, as her head was driven into the sand. The blonde tried to get her hands up and that allowed Natacha to step around the side to her exposed midsection. With Erica's hands on her head her body was wide open and Natacha cocked back her foot and drove a stunning kick into Erica's already abused right breast. Erica's eyes screwed shut as Natacha's foot crushed the blonde's breast against her chest bone. Erica's aching orb was still shaking wildly and before her hands could defend herself Natacha fired another jarring kick forward this one smashing home into that same aching orb. Erica screamed as her hand cupped her pulsating breast, the blonde curling up and sobbing.
Natacha’s foot flew back and slammed into the bleached blonde’s body, not stopping until at least ten kicks had landed on her incredible body. Erica was almost out when Natacha pulled her limp arms behind her back, muttering a soft groan when she felt a material wrapping tightly around her wrists. Natacha laughed as she finished knotting Erica's own bikini top around her wrists, securing her hands with a double knot for good measure. "Get up bitch!!!" Natacha screamed as she gave the weeping blonde a kick in the ass. When Erica barely moved, Natacha got tired of waiting and grabbed a handful of hair to force the beauty up to her feet. Tears streamed down Erica's face and dropped onto her sand burned breasts, and horror filled her when she tired to move her arms and realized they were bound behind her back, like she had done to Natacha only days ago.
Natacha slammed a fist into Erica's exposed breast and the enormous fleshy orb engulfed the tightly clenched fist as the punch slammed into her already sore mammary. Natacha reared back again, this time driving an uppercut under the globe that sent Erica's breast shooting straight up. Erica struggled in her restraints, feeling as if her massive breast was going to explode from the pain. Natacha stepped behind Erica, put her foot in front of the bleached blonde’s legs and slammed her face first down on the sand, breasts first. As she lay moaning, Natacha pushed her foot under Erica’s shoulder and rolled her on her back and straddled her tight waist. With her arms tied behind her, Erica was totally defenseless when Natacha's salon-sharp talons dug deep into the tender flesh of her massive breasts. “You fucking tied me up…I begged and begged, you and that bitch didn’t stop…now your’e gonna feel pain!” Natacha hissed
"OOOOOHHHH My GOOOOOOOODDDDDD....let go, let go, let go!!!!" Erica bellowed as Natacha dug in and then snapped her wrists, raking her nails down the length of Erica's abused breasts to her already sore nipples. Dark red welts instantly popped up on the pale flesh, then Natacha began squeezing as hard as she could. Erica shrieked in agony, her shapely hips frantically bucking up and down under Natacha’s tight ass, desperately hoping to bounce the crazed blonde woman off of her. Natacha released her breast claw only to begin raining down open hand slaps across Erica's breasts, whipping them from left to right as she landed heavy, open-handed cuffing slaps. With every slap, the sand grains stuck on Erica's flesh tore into the soft skin of her wildly bouncing breasts. Erica's once proud mammaries turned beet red with welts, scratches and sand cuts.
Natacha smiled, and JJJ watched the mounds get knocked around the bleached blonde’s chest, his girlfriend destroying the aching beauties chest. “I fucking screamed and pleaded and did you listen?” Natacha yelled as she slashed a backhand across Erica’s tits.
“I’m sorry…soooo sorry…pppllllleassssse…please…Please!!!” Erica begged, but Natacha was far beyond listening. Natacha finally spun of the bleached blonde, grabbed her by her ankles, rolling her over and onto her chest. Erica struggled against her bondage, laying facedown, sobbing uncontrollably as Natacha tightened her grip on her ankles and began slowly dragging her down the beach on her tits for a second time! Again, the hard granules of sand, rocks and shells tortured Erica's tits, as she had to struggle merely to keep her mouth from taking in more hot sand. After a few hundred yards of going back and forth, Natacha finally dropped Erica's ankles and kicked her onto her back again, wanting to have some more fun with the gorgeous blonde. Natacha smiled at the sight of Erica's battered and shredded breasts. A mass of sand burns covered the fleshy mounds and bright red nail marks streaked both sides of the massive heaving breasts.
Natacha was laughing as she bent to pick up a large starfish, "Those fucking melons are going to be useless when I’m done slut!"
Whether or not the comment registered with Erica, she showed no sign of responding until Natacha raked the starfish across her left breast. "EEEEEEIIIIIIHHHHHHHHH!!" Erica shrieked, thinking her nipple had been ripped off. The starfish tore into Erica's tender nipple, gouging the flesh, and a small trail of blood began flowing down her breast. Seeing the blood brought out a wild side of Natacha, and while Erica shrieked and begged for help, Natacha brought the starfish hovering over the blonde’s right breasts. “This is going to hurt slut!” Natacha yelled and again raked the starfish across Erica's right breast, drawing a similar, but louder, response as Erica's head snapped back into the sand as she arched her back. The bleached blonde desperately trying with all her fading strength to free her arms from their bondage as Natacha raked the rough starfish wildly over her right nipple.
Erica was sobbing as her proud puppies were sadistically destroyed, the Swede finally getting up and running over to the hot dog stand returning with a small vile. Erica had no idea what was about to happen, but Natacha quickly filled her in as she straddled Erica’s waist, pinning her to the sand with her arms still bound behind her. “I hope you like starfish cxnt, because they’re going to be crazy glued to your fuckin tits!” Erica begged and thrashed as Natacha uncorked the bottle of crazy glue and poured a glob of it all over the blonde’s big right breast. Natacha smiled from ear to ear, grabbed the starfish and slapped it down on the wad of crazy glue. Erica was bucking in place, but with her arms behind her was helpless as the Swede pushed the starfish downward flattening Erica’s orb, flattening the massive mound and gluing the fish directly over her nipple.
JJJ was speechless as Natacha stood up, grabbed another starfish and quickly slid her heart shaped ass over the Erica’s midsection. Natacha dumped another wad of crazy glue over Erica’s left breast, the blonde screeching for help as the starfish was suddenly placed on her left nipple and then painfully driven into her chest bone as Natacha smashed it downward. Erica was still helpless to defend herself as the sobbing blonde suddenly had two starfish crazy glued to her incredible tits, and Natacha didn’t seem quiet done just yet. Erica was screaming when her cheek was suddenly hammered by a closed fisted punch from the Swede, who had a look of rage on her face as she went to work. Like a woman possessed, Natacha’s arms rose and flew down, the Swede slamming her fists into Erica’s face again and again. Dull thuds filled the air as Erica’s model like face took punch after punch, and Natacha was in all out attack mode; paying Erica back for everything she put her through in her last match. Erica’s face whipped back and forth as each cheek was assaulted by jarring punches, her forehead was slammed repeatedly and she felt herself going out.
Natacha finally stopped hammering the sobbing blonde’s face, her knuckles and fingers aching from the beating she administered. JJJ looked on as Erica’s lovely face was swollen, already turning black and blue, her incredible upper lip and nose leaking blood. Erica had no clue what was happening to her when she was flipped back over onto her face, and Natacha quickly began untying the blonde’s bikini top from her wrists. Erica was still half out on her back when Natacha grabbed her tube of crazy glue and applied a thick wad all over Erica’s left hand. Erica had no idea what was happening to her as the Swede brought the blonde’s hand up and held it in place over the starfish attached to her nipple. It didn’t take long for the glue to take hold, and Erica’s hand was stuck in place on her breast. Natacha emptied the tube into Erica’s right and repeated the process all over again, gluing both of the blonde’s hands to her starfish covered orbs.
Erica screamed and frantically tried pulling her hands from her breasts, but the crazy glue held tight and her fingers were latched onto the starfish held in place over each of her raw nipples. Bending down, Natacha latched onto Erica’s sweaty hair and pulled the beauty up to her knees, the bleached blonde still begging for an end to the torment. Natacha stepped back and her left foot snapped forward smashing into Erica’s wide-open face catching her flush across her puffy lips and sending her back down to the sand in a heap. Erica’s upper lip appeared to be split open as a small trail of blood trickled from her quivering mouth, the blonde sobbing as she lay on her back praying and begging Natacha to leave her alone.
Suddenly JJJ yelled out to get Natacha’s attention as a group of people came walking up the beach, “We have to get out of here!” he yelled, but his topless girlfriend paid no attention. Natacha’s foot came up and slammed into Erica’s right breast, flattening it painfully against her breastbone, the starfish tearing into her sensitive nipple. Again and again the Swede brought her foot up and hammered it down into Erica’s prone body, some catching her breast, others slamming her midsection, and other stomps wildly missing entirely. Natacha was still kicking when JJJ slid his arms under his girlfriends and quickly lifted the Swede into the air. Natacha’s foot was still kicking as JJJ carried her as quickly as he could, “People are coming! We have to go!” He yelled as he set the fuming mad Swede on the ground and grabbed her hand making a run towards his car. Natacha was pulled along, her head whipping around looking bad at Erica who was still on her back crying, naked, and both hands crazy glued to the starfish glued over each nipple!