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Third Match at the Kitten

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Offline jjr9

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Third Match at the Kitten
« on: July 09, 2013, 12:17:48 AM »
   It was a miserable week after Dru annihilated Joy.  I mean, Joy rode in a freaking AMBULANCE to the ER and had to be ADMITTED for a concussion and severe bruising and cuts to her breasts and vagina.  When she came home, of course, Becca was going to be her nurse, no matter what.  Becca was pretty much healed by then from her own beating, but even with Joy telling her to train, Becca was spending very little time getting ready for the first of her five required matches at the strip club.
   On top of that, there was a definite… shift in the way the Uptown Girls Club was feeling.  I should probably fill you in more about their wrestling club.  I told you the club was born when the girls in our group decided to take up wrestling in response to one of the guys in the group raving about how sexy wrestlers are.  There were only six of them in total, and I’ve told you about three of them.  Becca is the champion and she let an online challenge lead her into the Kitten and a terrible beating.  Of course, she made a wager with the owner and now has to go back to the Kitten for five more matches.  The other two that you’ve “seen” are Dru, the betrayer, and Joy, the sacrificial lamb.  The other three are Christi, Rachel, and Gina.  Christi and Rachel are blonde beauties, like Becca and Joy, and Gina is brunette like Dru.
   Of the two brunettes, Gina had “disappeared” after Dru slaughtered Joy, but that was understandable.  Gina was Dru’s BFF in the same way that Joy and Becca were best friends, and if anyone would support Dru and her claim of “justice” for Joy cheating her, it would definitely be Gina.  In fact, Joy and Gina could best be described as “frenemies,” always trying to one-up each other and competing over just about anything.  The two of them were relatively “equal” in terms of looks and skills, and it’s led to some tough matches between the two of them.  Gina has one more victory than Joy (I think), but she usually wins by fighting dirty (or at least as “dirty” as the other girls would allow).  So even if she weren’t Dru’s BFF, Gina would probably be celebrating Joy’s ass-beating.
   Christi and Rachel are about as different as they can be, personality-wise.  The smaller blonde, Christi, liked to consider herself a “technician” in the ring.  That means Christi has realized that she’s fit but not terribly strong, and she tries to make up for that by using joint-locks and submission holds to wear down her opponent.  She’s better than Gina and Joy and could clobber them if she was even a little aggressive, but she just doesn’t have a mean bone in her gorgeous body.  She was practically traumatized by the beating Joy received.  Naturally, she doesn’t fare too well against the other girls.  Rachel is a full-figured gal, easily the biggest and strongest member of the Uptown Girls.   Luckily for the others, she doesn’t care much for practicing holds and relies on brute force most of the time.  She does give Becca and even Dru some trouble, but they both can out-skill her and win.  The other three girls generally got bounced around until Ray decided to pin them.  She was also the most opinionated and very loud about it, and in the last week, she had made it abundantly clear that Dru and Gina were the lowest kind of scum.
   Okay, that gives you the players, and everyone except Dru and Gina were at one of the “ringside” tables waiting for Becca to face someone called “the Black Mamba.”  Our champion had to wait for two “undercard” matches between the club’s girls.  The first had been a handicap match pitting Massive Maxine against two girls that looked like barely-legal high school Goths, thin, pale, and covered in tattoos and dark makeup.  “Twyla” and “Duske” probably weighed less than Maxine together, and she tossed them around like paper dolls.  Maxine actually finished them off by inverting one girl in each arm and hitting the topless stick-figures with a double-piledriver.  Match #2 was another handicap-match, but this one was more like you’d expect.  This match was a team-up of the enormously-buxom Jade and another middle-age stripper called “Helen the Homewrecker” dominating a rather pretty Hispanic dancer in pantyhose called Lolita.  The first time we saw Jade, she was the victim of a physical/sexual assault in the ring, but tonight, she showed her own cruel and vicious side in dishing it out to Lolita.  With Helen’s help, the Asian stripper shredded the crotch of Lolita’s pantyhose and did the same to the poor girl’s pussy until she passed out.
   Now, it was time for the “main event,” and the guy in the DJ booth brought out Becca, once again clad in her tiniest pink bikini.  She walked the short catwalk and slipped between the ropes into the stage/ring, and in front of the howling crowd, she did a couple of quick poses to try to gain some support from the pack of wolves.  She might have gotten some, but she lost them immediately when the DJ called out her opponent.  “Okay, gents, her opponent is making a special appearance tonight!  Instead of her usual monthly visit to humiliate a couple of you men, tonight she’s here to show you all that she’s just as dominating when she faces a woman!  You know her, you love to fear her!  Let’s hear it for BLACK MAMBA!”
   Oh crap, Becca was facing a woman known for beating up GUYS?  For a few seconds, I prayed this was some escapee from a porno that took advantage of drunk customers slipping in their own drool.  Then, she came out and my stomach dropped into my shoes.  Black Mamba was gigantic!  The black woman wasn’t as big as Maxine, but she was one solid muscle!  Seriously!  This woman was obviously a pro bodybuilder, she was several inches taller than Becca, and she was clearly heavier by no less than 60 pounds of pure muscle!  She walked out in black leather boots and this black leather corset-thong-type outfit that left her breasts uncovered and hopped in over the top rope to strike a double-bicep pose for her screaming fans.
   The last time Becca was in that ring, she got suckered into dropping her guard and absolutely destroyed.  Tonight, she saw her (again) much-larger opponent and decided to get the first shot in herself.  While Mamba was still in her pose, Becca shrieked a war-cry and sprinted across the ring to leap into the air and hit the bodybuilder with a flying cross-body-block.  Didn’t budge her.  She didn’t move Mamba an inch.  The black woman caught her like someone had tossed a beachball into her hands.  The crowd freaked, and Becca’s eyes bugged out in total surprise and started kicking her legs wildly in panic.  Black Mamba just held her that way for a few seconds, and then she hit the real first move of the match, a running power-slam that had an impact loud enough to drown out the club’s pounding speaker system for a second.  The bodybuilder bounced right up to her feet without pause; I don’t think the impact penetrated her chest muscles.  Becca was arched in agony on the mat with her eyes squeezed shut and her mouth opening and closing.  I don’t think she could remember how to breathe.  Mamba waited until she started gasping and sucking air in again before her next move.  She snatched up Becca’s ankles and twisted her legs up into a figure-4 leg-lock.  Mamba’s legs were thicker than Becca’s waist, and as soon as she locked in the hold, Becca started shrieking like it was the end of the world.  She kept shrieking until her voice broke about a minute later, and Mamba released the hold an instant later, probably to keep the blonde from passing out.  On her back, Becca looked like she was gasping for breath and crying, unable to move, but with her strength, Black Mamba didn’t need any help from the blonde to move her.  Grabbing Becca’s head with both hands, the black woman easily lifted her upright, bent her over, and then grabbed her around the chest to flip her up into an over-the-shoulder backbreaker.  Not satisfied with mere gravity, the Amazon used one arm to hold the blonde’s upper body in place and reached back with the other to grab one of Becca’s hanging ankles.  Then, she pulled on both and had Becca screaming like Armageddon again.  The screaming died out a little quicker in this hold, and like the figure-4, Mamba chose that as her cue to change moves.  This time, it was to hit the fourth and final move of the match.  She let the blonde’s body slide down her back just enough and then dropped to put Becca into dreamland with a hangman’s neckbreaker.  The impact seemed to snap her neck and jolt her entire body, and she seemed to kneel for an instant before falling flat on her face.  Black Mamba kicked the motionless girl on her back and planted a foot on her tit so the entire club could count the ten-count pin.
   That was it.  Four moves was all it took, and Becca was absolutely annihilated.  I mean, all she was doing was lying there and twitching while Black Mamba strutted around the ring smiling and posing for a few minutes before walking out of the main club.  The girls started to rise to go collect their champion, but the bouncers posted around us made them stay in their seats.  The next thing I saw was the owner, Louie, walking out with Massive Maxine.  Maxine stepped over the top rope and held them open for Louie who walked over near Becca and caught a microphone that the DJ tossed to him.  This had me worried.  Louie pointed and Maxine hauled Becca up by the hair to her feet, more or less, and slapped her until she opened her eyes.  When it seemed like she’d managed to focus on him, Louie gave her a greasy-looking smile and shook his head at her.  “Real sorry, sweet-cheeks, but our agreement says your matches have to last at least ten minutes or they don’t count. (Shit, shit, shit, he’s right.  I’ve seen the agreement he made her sign, and it says that.)  Mamba kicked your ass in under four minutes, so this didn’t count.  But I got a surprise for you.  Look who’s here.”
   He turned and pointed, and Dru walked out with Gina.  Dru had a mike in her hand and said, “Hey, bitches, miss us?  We’re here to announce that we have joined with another girl and formed the Bad-Ass Brunettes, and we’re declaring war on the Uptown Blondes!  Thanks to Louie, (Gina blew the sleaze a kiss) we’re going to fire the first shots next week!  Becca, you’re facing our newest member and leader, Marvelous Marlena, for the Uptown Championship in an anything-goes, pins-only deathmatch!  (Marlena walked out.  We all knew her, a Rubenesque lesbian who was really funny and nice but could splatter any of the original Uptown Girls.)  And if any of your chicken-shit friends have the balls, they can take some matches next week, too!  If they do at least two matches, Louie said it could count for ONE of the matches you owe him!”  At this point, the Bad-Ass Brunettes all started to laugh, along with Louie, and Maxine let go of Becca’s hair.  Becca landed on her ass, which pretty much summed up the whole evening.


Offline jjj11100

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Re: Third Match at the Kitten
« Reply #1 on: July 09, 2013, 09:29:11 PM »
Good to see you writing again!


Offline LoveSexyJobbers

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Re: Third Match at the Kitten
« Reply #2 on: July 10, 2013, 06:16:38 PM »
A quick & easy sexy jobber , just the way I like it  ;D
You never grow old until you stop being young