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WBACCF #7 Fight #5: Ashley Judd vs. Jamie Pressly

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WBACCF #7 Fight #5: Ashley Judd vs. Jamie Pressly
« on: July 28, 2013, 09:16:10 PM »
Ashley Judd wanted her fight with Jamie Pressly in the outdoor gym area.  Jamie agreed and the two walked out into the sun it was years since they last fought one on one and after so much jostling back and forth the time was finally here to settle there differences.  Ashley always believed Jamie got lucky when they last fought.  Jamie was still pissed off at her part in the three on one beating she took from Ashley, Brittany Daniel and Izabella Scorpuco

They walked up and got face to face and Ashley spoke “It’s to bad that Esposito already beat you… I was looking forward to showing you as the fraud that you are.”

“Bitch I beat you once already and I’m going to do it again here”

“Test of strength first”

“Show me the hands”

They locked up and Jamie immediately made Ashley scream, she was always strong but her strength combined with anger was making her even stronger.  She lifted the arms over their heads and sickeningly kneed Ashley Judd between the legs.

Ashley dropped down gasping for air and Jamie hit another knee this time to Ashley’s face.  “Years ago I think we should have done this, you’ve lost that killer instinct needed to beat me”

Jamie grabbed Ashley by the back of the hair and lifted her up and ran into the steel link fence driving the brunette into the fence.  Ashley was busted open and was wishing she hadn’t signed on for this fight.

Jamie hit two lefts and two rights to Ashley’s Ribs before wrapping her arms around Ashley Judd and hitting a German Suplex that folded Ashley Judd.

The organizers were screaming “You won, walk away she wasn’t ready to fight you.”

Jamie looked back at them “Do you know the beating I took years ago from Brittany, Izabella and this bitch… This bitch has more pain coming to her.”

“We hoped this fight would be more even but were told to be prepared for this kind of scenario”

“Jaime stop”  pressly had recognized the voice, it was a few years older but she could always spot Christina Applegates voice.

She and two other blondes now stood between Ashley Judd getting more of a beating from Jaime Pressly.  Jaime looked at them one was Jennifer Morrison who absolutely destroyed Olivia Munn.  The other was new to Jaime, her name was Mircea Monroe.

“Go away and let me end this the way I dreamed of”

“No, you proved your dominance that’s enough”

“How about I knock the three of you out then”

Jaime started her way towards the three and it was Jennifer Morrison who stepped up as she always wanted to show that she and Jaime were equals.  Christina put her arm up so Mircea could be the one to step up.

“I’d rather not fight you like this but you won’t get past me”

Jamie went to shove Mircea but Mircea grabbed Jamie’s wrist and flipped her down to the ground.  She held onto the arm and sat down locking Jaime into a hammerlock.  She got up and left Jamie there and went back to Christina and Jennifer

Christina Applegate spoke “We can’t let this happen Jamie, we understand why you want it to.  She was the one who orchestrated your most painful day, you want to end her but she isn’t in your league anymore.  She had a three year span where she was but you have been a top level cat fighter that others fear since you took me to a limit no woman ever did before or since.  When you finally beat me, I was actually proud because you are someone who makes all blondes proud but bullying someone doesn’t make us proud.  Jennifer here could have bullied Olivia Munn but she didn’t, she didn’t humiliate her, she just beat her up.  Mircea here has long looked up to you, so please don’t throw it all away”

“I don’t care what you think Christina, never did never will.”

Jamie walked forward, again Mircea tried to stop her but was hit with a knee to the stomach then thrown to the ground.  Jennifer Morrison stepped up and Jamie punched her but quickly got  punched back.  The two blondes looked at each other bleeding from the mouth. 

Jamie and Jennifer locked up in a collar and elbow pushing match up and after a minute just let go and both were breathing heavy.  Jamie shook Jennifer’s hand and walked away, Jennifer Morrison had stood up to Jamie Pressly and equalled what Jamie had to give.

Christina Applegate was in awe of both women showing the restraint not to have a full fight.

Mircea Monroe wanted her first fight out of the way as quick as possible after just being embarrassed.

Jennifer Morrison watched Jamie walk away and wondered if they would one day finish what they just started.

Jamie Pressly wondered where Jennifer Morrison was hiding herself all these years and what would happen if they continued what they just started.  That wonder made her stop “Just let me do one more thing to Ashley”

Jennifer shook her head no and Jamie smiled “One day you and I might have a full fight but let’s just” Jamie took off her shirt showing off her tanned toned body “get us an appetizer”

Jennifer wanted a little more than the taste she just got “Ok then a little more.”  Jennifer took off her shirt, a very strong body and pale skin.  “Give us three minutes.”

“Should have asked for less time I could finish you in three”

“Doubt that but I’ll be pulled off of you in no time.”

Jamie didn’t go for a jab but jumped into a punch that was ducked and Jennifer lifted Jamie up and took her down hard.  Jennifer hit some kicks to Jamie’s stomach and on the fourth kick Pressly trapped the foot and tripped up Jennifer.

They both scurried up to their feet and Jamie was slightly faster and pushed Jennifer into the fence and hit three hard rights to JEnnifers’ side.  She then went for a head punch but it got blocked and Jennifer hit a right to Jamie’s face backing her up.  The two blondes exchanged hard rights and Jamie went for a second which was blocked and countered with a knee to the stomach.

Jamie trapped the leg though and Jennifer up and slammed her to the ground.  All of a sudden Jennifer grabbed Jamie’s ankle and got her free leg over Jamie’s mouth.  She was about to flip Jamie over and into a submission either a knee lock or since Jamie had not let go of her leg she could grab a arm and lock in a cross arm bar submission.

Time was up though and everyone broke them up and Jamie stayed on her knees just looking up in the sky.  Jennifer looked at her and was happy the two had that exchange and wondered how Jamie felt.

Everyone was away from the prison yard except Jamie Pressly who stayed in the same spot.  Christina Applegate came out “You ok”

In disbelief Jamie simply said “She had me”