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The Braggart's Wife: The Rematch

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Offline JayB

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The Braggart's Wife: The Rematch
« on: June 06, 2019, 05:04:53 PM »
The Braggart’s Wife: The Rematch

It hadn’t set well with Marge that my wife, Angela, had bested her in a tit showdown.  Actually, in Marge’s mind, Angela had only won the fight that ensued.  She was convinced that her 38 Ds were still better than the blonde with the 35Cs punctuated with big, thick nipples.  The brunette thought her big tits trumped my wife’s big nipples.

As luck would have it for the big breasted brunette, the two women would wind up at the same dinner party.   About an hour into the party, in which neither woman had acknowledged the other, Marge boldly threw down a challenge to the blonde Angela.  She dared my wife to let the party gathering to judge who had the better rack.  Before Angela could react, Marge unbuttoned her blouse and pulled offer bra.  That sight was meet with some oohs and aahs.  As well as some “damns” and “hell yesses.”  That reaction prompted the brunette to puff out her massive tits as she placed her hands on her hips as if to say to her blonde opponent, beat this.  Someone yelled that Marge was the winner, no need for Angela even to compete with the big breasted brunette.  Others signaled their approval as well.  Marge looked at Angela and just gave a confident smile as she felt vindicated.

Frankly, Angela was not going to take up the challenge, at least not in this setting.  However, with the reaction the men in the room were giving the brunette, my blonde wife wasn’t about to be upstaged.  So, she removed her blouse and slipped out of her bra with her back to the crowd, wisely standing directly in front of the room’s air conditioning unit.  The cool air immediately  blasted her already erect nipples and blew them up.  She then turned towards the onlookers and displayed her smaller, but firmer breasts and her exploding nipples.  Many of the same men who had gone bonkers over Marge, reacted in a similar fashion to Angela. 
As the two women stood side by side, the men looked at their wives and then as these two women and could only fantasize what it would be like to be with either one of the sexy women.  Marge, lost a bit of her confidence at the reaction the big nippled blonde received but still felt she was better equipped.  She didn’t hesitate to ask the men to choose between the two.  She was disappointed in the result.  Of the 14 men in the room, 9 said that Angela won the day.
Angela had grown to really dislike Marge and her big tits that she was always flaunting.   Angela was proud of her body that she worked really hard to keep in shape but she thought the brunette was not very classy.  So, she didn’t mind rubbing it in to her.  This really was a bit out of character for her but she was hoping to put Marge in her place with what she was about to do.  Much as she did in their first encounter she did a little taunting.  She suggested to Marge that her big tits might look better if she could find some nipples to match.  She said to her that she had seen men with better nipples.  She also told her she would help her firm up her less than firm breasts if she went with her to the gym.

At that, Angela turned and walked away, raising her hands in a victory pose.  I wonder if taunting the big breasted brunette was wise and really doubted turning her back and gloating would set well with Marge.  And, it didn’t .    She grabbed my wife by her shoulder, spin her around and planted a left-right combo to her chin.  Before my blonde wife could respond, Marge blasted her with a solid right to the midsection and then a vicious upper cut.  There was no doubt, this brunette was one tough woman and my wife would feel her wrath unleashed.  Angela fell forward, grabbing Marge’s neck to avoid hitting the floor.  Her head came to rest on the brunette’s impressive rack as if the only thing keeping her afloat were those big tits.  Marge then planted another solid blast to Angela’s abs and my blonde wife slid downward, landing on her knees.  Without any hesitation, Marge, whose smaller nipples were actually showing a decent erection, reflecting her arousal at whipping my wife, grabbed a handful of hair and yanked my big nippled wife to her feet.  Another left-right series backed Angela up.  I implored her to fight back as at this point she had not thrown the first volley.  Angela mustered an effort to return a right cross but the telegraphed punch was blocked.  Another abs to upper cut duo sent Angela on her back.  Quickly, the brunette pounced on the blonde thrusting my wife’s arms over her head.  Normally, Angela would likely be able to get out of such a situation because she was the stronger, fitter, of the two women but the pounding she had taken to this point was an equalizer.  Marge was then able to anchor her feet inside of Angela’s and push her legs spread eagle.  She then used her tits to pound away at the blonde’s face.
Angela was in serious trouble and she knew it.  She was all but beaten.  And then, Rachel, my wife’s best friend interceded.  She grabbed Marge’s long brunette locks and pulled her off of the blonde.  Rachel may have saved Angela but she was quite frankly sacrificing herself in the process.  Marge turned her attention to the slightly built brunette.  Poor Rachel was worked over by the bigger brunette.  After four-five punches, Angela’s friend was out cold.

At this point, there was little doubt who the best women in the room was.  She had dominated my strong wife and destroyed her friend.  As Marge turned to refocus her attention on Angela, she was met with a solid right hand from the blonde.  Marge returned the favor but her effort was blocked by Angela who then followed up with a hard blast to the brunette’s softer midsection.  Angela then brought her own upper cut to the fray and stood the brunette up.  Marge panicked and fired a wild, errant right that Angela easily ducked.  My blonde wife then planted a left and right to the brunette’s body that brought noticeable grunt from Marge.  With that Angela then lowered her shoulder and drove it into her brunette opponent’s  stomach.  She drove the big breasted one back into the wall and then planted her on her shoulder and flipped her over.  With her back facing my wife, the blonde then grabbed both of Marge’s arms, pulled them back, and planted her right foot her in back.  Marge was screaming in agony as used all her strength push with her leg and pull with her arms.  As she felt the brunette being drained of her strength and will, she then grabbed Marge by the hair, yanked her up, twirled her around and landed a succession of shots to the head and the body.  Marge crashed to the floor on her big tits, out cold.  Then in her signature move, the blonde used her feet to push on to her back and then planted her right foot on the brunette’s 38s and wiped her hands as if she was finished mopping the floor with the brunette.

Dustin attended to his beaten wife, knowing that she would continue to be frustrated not only by being bested in the best tit competition but also by the fact that she had dominated Angela only to have events work out they way they did.  I was proud of Angela for how she whipped Marge in the second round of the fight but also knew that she would likely have lost if not for Rachel’s actions.  Angela rationalized that she was blindsided and in a fair fight she would prevail just as she eventually did.

The men in the room couldn’t believe how lucky they had been to witness that fight.  They hoped that there would be another encounter and wanted to witness it. 


Offline snw

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Re: The Braggart's Wife: The Rematch
« Reply #1 on: June 06, 2019, 09:23:14 PM »
       Another great story enjoyed it. Reminded me of the stories my ex wife would tell me. I told her of my  fantasies after she had an altercation with an ex of mine. I asked her how she thought it might go if they did fight. She won every fantasy story without any trouble. I secretly wanted to hear her lose so I talked her into this type story. She would lose and take a beating then come back at the end. That's what she called them too. She'd ask me if I wanted to hear a comeback? Finally though after finding a story I had written with her losing she didn't mind telling me about losing a fight every now and then. Nice story can't wait till the rematch of this one.


Offline Peggy Tee

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Re: The Braggart's Wife: The Rematch
« Reply #2 on: June 06, 2019, 10:47:56 PM »
Well I'm glad your wife had the balls to come back, but honestly, this "fight" tells us nothing, as the surprise attack and the intervention of her friend totally screwed up their one on one action.  I'd like to see the two ladies in a boxing ring, topless, with some nice boxing gloves, in a fight to the finish!  nNice rite up though!!


Offline snw

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Re: The Braggart's Wife: The Rematch
« Reply #3 on: June 07, 2019, 05:41:36 AM »
      I'll second that boxing ring just the two of them. I just have a feeling that may turn out to be a much different result. I see the brunette not letting up till she's sure the fight is completely gone from the blonde before showing off and taunting her rival this time. The two fights so far she seemed to be on the way to a dominate win and this time she gets revenge and that win.


Offline ralbright2010

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Re: The Braggart's Wife: The Rematch
« Reply #4 on: June 10, 2019, 11:02:37 PM »
Great story!. You developed a wonderful pair of antagonists  with Dustin and Marge, and fit girl Angela is the perfect foil. I do hope you continue the series. We know Marge is not one to take two ass kickings  lightly. Hope she tries to ambush Angela for revenge....and we know Marge will try to make round 3 as unfair as possible with another surprise attack.


Offline WriteThisWay

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Re: The Braggart's Wife: The Rematch
« Reply #5 on: June 11, 2019, 12:45:54 AM »
Don't ruin it with a ring/gloves. These fights are exactly what they should be.


Offline lifeofriley

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Re: The Braggart's Wife: The Rematch
« Reply #6 on: June 11, 2019, 03:33:14 PM »
great!!! even better than 1st. marge can beat Angela for sure next time! she's tough!!!


Offline lifeofriley

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Re: The Braggart's Wife: The Rematch
« Reply #7 on: June 25, 2019, 03:08:53 AM »
we need more marge & Angela  8) ;D 8)