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Young Celebrity League: Ellen Page vs Taylor Swift (Story)

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Offline AKMaster

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Young Celebrity League: Ellen Page vs Taylor Swift (Story)
« on: August 31, 2013, 05:45:11 AM »
Okay okay, its been a while and this is not Emma Stone vs Aubrey Plaza but bear with me. This is a story I and Kudos on FCF did together and its an addition to the storyline. Regardless I hope you guys like it and comment it please! Hope to hear from you guys. Enjoy!!!

After Taylor's recent derogatory comments in an interview that brunette's can't be hot and calling for Ellen page to be expelled from Hollywood the Canadian had sent a challenge to the tall blonde. The magazine who published the interview had put a lot of time and effort into arranging a venue for the match. Katy Perry had been contacted to be announcer for the match and she had accepted the offer. The venue had been decided as an arena in downtown LA!

The night arrived and the arena was filled with excited fans and celebs keen to see the two girls battle. A ring had been set up with an armwrestling table in the middle and Katy took to the middle! "Ladies and gentleman please let me introduce TAYLOR SWIFT!!!" Taylor emerged in her gold dress her long curls bouncing as she skipped towards the ring, "Red" blaring from the speakers as she high fived several of her fans before entering the ring and standing next to Katy waiting for her opponent!


Shortly afterwards, Katy took the middle and states "Ladies and gentleman please let me introduce ELLEN PAGE!!!! Ellen emerged out of the ring entrance, with clean cut black dress, that had a slight hole at the top, which gave the whole audience a look of cleavage of her pert breasts. While Ellen absentmindedly high-five her fans to the sound of the Inception theme, she remembered why she was here

After her humiliating defeat towards Emma Watson and Michelle Tractenberg, Ellen had stayed low for some time, nursing her wounded pride. Yet when she heard about how Taylor was calling her out, calling her short, calling her ugly, and telling her that she shouldn't be in Hollywood, she knew she couldn't ignore it. So with determination in her heart, Ellen walked into the ring, with the intent of showing this fugally face bitch what it means to be in Hollywood.


Ellen glared at Taylor as she made her way to the middle of the ring and stood the other side of Katy.

"Right ladies, lets start with some armwrestling! When you are ready please place your arm in the required position”

Before moving over to the table Taylor flexed her right arm, her fans cheering loudly. She encouraged Katy and Ellen to feel her bicep as she forced it into Ellen's face!

"This is what a strong arm looks like Ellen, it is going to slam yours into that table!" the blonde mocked

"Are you sure Taylor?" replied Ellen, "Then I must be superman,"

 At which Ellen flexed her own arm, at which Ellen's fans cheered loudly as well. Taylor's smirk didn’t leave her face, but it did lessen a tiny bit and she replied,
 "We'll see who's superman after this match." And with that, they both placed their arms on the table, and grasped each other hands. Katy held on to both hand, and said

"I want a clean armwrestling, no bs, no cheating. On the count of 3, 1.... 2.... 3..." and Katy let go of their hands

The girls didn't promise anything but just started coldly at each other as Katy signaled the start of the match!. Taylor's pressed her long arm against Ellen's shorter arm with all her strength managing to push her opponent's arm down 1/3 of the way!

"God you are weak! Even weaker than I expected, if that is possible!" Taylor mocked. Ellen pressed back as hard as she could to prevent Taylor from pushing her arm down any further.

"Looks like I was right to say that short girls should not even be in Hollywood. Weaklings like you dont deserve the spotlight." After all theses weeks, the taunts finally caused Ellen to snap, with astounding renewed strength, she pushed back against Taylor. Taylor's eyes widen with surprise as she felt her arms giving slowly, more and more, until Ellen got her arm 2/3rd down the way. It was all Taylor could do to keep it up. With a smile, Ellen simply stated

"Who's the weakling now bitch?" Yet her triumph was short lived, as Taylor's kicked Ellen legs with her long legs. Ellen lost her balance as Taylor's cheap tactics worked a treat and the blonde managed to slam Ellen's arm down into the table. Taylor's fans cheered at her victory but both Katy and Ellen were furious. Taylor got up from the table and struck a double biceps pose in front of her fans! Ellen’s fans booed like crazy as they glared at the blonde

As Taylor stood showing off her long arms in front of her fans (and while Katy was moving the armwrestling table out of the ring) Ellen charged at Taylor. She hit the tall singer over the back of the head before wrestling her to the ground and slapping the blonde repeatedly!

"Take that you cheating bitch!" Ellen shouted. Taylor was only fazed for a minute and with an almighty shove, threw Ellen off. Ellen flew back and quickly got up to face Taylor. Taylor did the same, standing, her face red from Ellen's slaps and said.

 "Hey Shrimp, you lost, deal with it. I am the better one here," Ellen gave a contemptuous laugh and replied.

"The better one? You're nothing but a cheating whore."

"Im still better than you Ellen, I saw your match a few weeks ago! You're nothing but a pathetic weakling, who loses to Emma Watson for christ sake" Ellen winched at the memory of the match, but didnt let it get to her.

"I doubt you would have lasted a minute against Emma bitch. Why dont you put your money where your mouth is and really see who the better woman really is Taylor?" Taylor hesistated, but replied with a confident smile.

Are you suggesting what I think you are suggesting?" Ellen replied,

 "Yea, lets decided this for real, no rules barred, no cheap tricks, just a good old brawl and Sexfight!

Katy licked her lips at the thought of Taylor and Ellen sexfighting in the ring to see who the better woman was for once and for all. Both sets of fans cheered at the prospect of a sexfight

"I will have you cumming on the mat in no time!" Taylor mocked. "You will be begging for me to stop slamming my strong sex into your defeated pussy as my strong long legs are tangled with your pathetic short weak ones!" "Strong legs and strong pussy!" Ellen laughed and replied,

 “We will soon see about that” and with that she charged at the singer bulldozing her onto her back where she tried to tear at Taylor's top to strip the taller girl down

Taylor was able to flip Ellen onto her back, and slammed her head against the mat a few times, yet Ellen was able to flip her onto her back and do the same. They spend a few seconds rolling around, desperately trying to find an advantage. Eventually, with a wild scream, Taylor pounded Ellen's against the floor again and again, until she left Ellen completely dazed. With a smile Taylor slowly got up and pulled Ellen along with it and grabbed onto Ellen's black dress. The pretty garment tore as Taylor pulled on it exposing Ellen's black lace bra.

 "God look at those little bare pecks, can't wait to get those mosquito bites out to play!" Taylor mocked. She slapped Ellen across the face before and the short girl lost her balance causing her to fall to the floor. Taylor quickly dropped to the mat behind Ellen and wrapped her long arm around the brunette's neck applying a sleeperhold. With her free hand she pulled on the remaining garment leaving Ellen in her black bra and thong.

Ellen gave an involuntary gesture to cover herself. It seemed kinda pointless since everyone has seen her naked, but it still felt humiliating. Taylor only added to the hurt by stomping Ellen's stomach a few times, ending one last stomp on Ellen's crotch, which she then twisted and grinded with her foot saying.

"Let's soften up that pussy a little bit, before your inevitable cumming." Ellen groaned a little, but said nothing, at which Taylor lifted her foot and grabbed Ellen by the hair, lifting her up. With a smile, Taylor grabbed at Ellen's crotch area and lifted her up, flipping her over and slamming Ellen down with a body slam. She quickly followed this up by lifting Ellen again, and Irish whipped her into the ropes, followed by a kick by Taylor's long legs into Ellen's face. Ellen could only moan as Taylor ran against the ropes and jumped where Ellen was, and landed on top of Ellen's neck with her legs in a running seton

 Ellen moaned out in pain and humiliation as Taylor executed the move to perfection. Not giving her opponent a second Taylor re-positioned herself so that her long legs were now wrapped Ellen's neck.

"Earlier you said my legs are weak, let’s see if you are still saying that after you have experienced a few minutes of my legendary leg scissors!" Taylor shouted as she applied the scissors locking her sexy legs into position and squeezing as hard as she can! Ellen desperately tried to pry Taylor's long legs from her neck as she could hardly breathe! Ellen's face went red both from humiliation and lack of air as Taylor smiled to herself.

"What's wrong, can't your little weak arms budge my big strong legs!" Taylor mocked as Ellen desperately tried to free herself. When Taylor finally released the hold Ellen rolled onto her side clutching her sore neck trying to relieve the pain! Taylor didn't give her a second. Wanting to continue humiliating the smaller girls, Taylor grabbed Ellen pulling her back by her bra strap which snapped under the pressure! As Ellen's tiny tits were exposed, Taylor saw the little nipples as targets and latched her claws onto her breasts. Ellen screamed in pain as her small breasts were attacked by the blonde. Katy picked the bra off the mat and was about to throw it into the crowd when Taylor requested that she read the bra size out to further humiliation Ellen!

“30A!" Katy shouted as she tossed the bra into the eager crowd!

"God, why even bother wearing a bra - these things clearly don't need any support!" Taylor mocked as she continued torturing Ellen's titties as the actress cried out in pain (and humiliation)

Despite the pain of Taylor's nails, Ellen was able to suck it in for a minute and give a defiant cry, saying, "Your's aren't much better bitch!" Taylor gave a contemptuous laugh and replied.

 "Mine are a proud 34A, and as you can easily tell by that, they are simply better than yours!"

"Size means nothing Taylor!" replied Ellen defiantly.

"Oh is that true?" replied Taylor, "well why dont I show you just how much better they are when they are squashing your to oblivion." With that, Taylor let go of Ellen's breasts, who gave a gasp of relief and massaged her bruised breasts, rolling in pain. While Ellen was doing this, Taylor folded down the top of her dress and unclasped her bra. Twirling it in the air, she threw it into the crowd saying. "34A!!!! BITCHES!!!" Her fans cheered on her confidence, and slowly she kneeled down to Ellen, who had this point mostly recovered, and came to realize what Taylor intended. While memory of her last titfight still held strong, Ellen was determined not to lose this one. In fact, the appearance of Taylor's "saggy" breasts gave Ellen, even at this point, some confidence that her perk breasts would beat Taylor's. Both girls looked at each other in the eyes, and with a mighty cry, both slammed into each other, and clasped her arms around each other, their tits mashing together

Their small breasts were squashed together as they both wrapped their arms around each others frames squeezing as hard as they could. "Oh!" Ellen moaned as Taylor used her longer arms to squeeze her tightly.

"Your pathetic tits are getting crushed by my superior pair!" Taylor managed to say as she maintained the pressure! Determined not be outdone Ellen pressed her perky pair back her sharp nipples wrestling Taylor's out of the way and then digging into the blonde's soft titflesh like daggers causing the blonde to moan in discomfort

Taylor loosened her grip slightly trying to reposition herself but Ellen was having none of it and took the opportunity to inflict more damage on Taylor's titties. She wrapped her arms as hard as she could around the blonde's bigger frame and pushed forwards with all her might. As Ellen's a-cups engulfed taylor's small pair, the blonde was bulldozed onto her back. Ellen ensured the bigger girl was pinned down by hooking her legs around Taylor's. She then started to grind and mash her boobs over Taylor's.

"How does that feel, told you your saggy tiny tits were pathetic!?" Ellen continued the attack and Taylor began to sob!

"Please stop!" the blonde begged. Just as Taylor thought Ellen had let her go the brunette dropped her chest down onto Taylor's sore pair and the blonde tapped on Ellen's back as she also scream her submission! "Your tits are better, I give!

Ellen gave a small smile and replied "Good, now why don’t I give you a closer look on how better they are!" And with a quick reposition of her arms, Ellen encircled Taylor's arms with a hug, grabbed the back of Taylor's head and shove it down onto her breasts. Taylor gave a muffled scream as her trapped arms tried to break free. Ellen, being smaller, caused Taylor to appear to be bowing down to her with the smother, giving Ellen a total appearance of dominance. Ellen smiled and continued to taunt saying "I guess you are regretting what you said about small girls eh white trash?

Taylor's protests were muffled by Ellen's boobs! As her fans cheered wildly Ellen held Taylor's face pressed into her chest for a few more seconds of dominance. As Ellen released her Taylor tried to catch her breath but her opponent had better ideas. She slapped Taylor across the face and quickly positioned herself behind her opponent reaching up and wrapping her small arm around Taylor's neck, applying a sleeperhold. Taylor was forced to her knees (so that she was at a height where Ellen could get a better hold).

 "I didn't get the chance to show you that my arm was strong earlier, cause you cheated but now you will!" Ellen's little bicep bulged as she flexed her arm around Taylor’s neck

Taylor's vision started to dim as a result of the lack of oxygen, yet Ellen saw this and let go. She wanted her opponent to be awake, not asleep after all. Taylor gasped, clutching her neck, glad to be allowed some air. Yet Ellen did not relent, as she slapped Taylor in the face and stripped her down, reveling a pink thong underneath the dress. After slapping Taylor again, Ellen took a few steps back behind Taylor and ran towards her, jumping in the air, enveloping Taylor's head in a headscissor, and twirling around in a reverse Frankensteiner. Taylor was thrown across the ring and landed onto her back, her legs entangling the ropes, completely dazed. Ellen recovered, looked at the ropes entangling the leg and got an idea

As Taylor lay with her legs tangled in the ropes not quite knowing what had hit her, Ellen slid under the bottom rope and out of the ring. She had wanted to hurt Taylor's long legs all match and now seemed like the perfect opportunity. Before Taylor knew what was happening Ellen pulled Taylor's legs through the ropes. She bent her left leg over her right in the shape of a four. Ellen then put her smaller leg on top and pulled down!
"Let's see how strong your legs really are, I am going to destroy them with my short powerful ones!" Ellen shouted as she pulled down. Taylor instantly started to scream as her legs were in agony

All Taylor could do at this point was scream and punch the mat in agony at Ellen's move. If she could tap out, she would have, but that's not how the match really was. Ellen knew this, but decided to keep the hold for a few more seconds, determined to have revenge on the thing that caused her a great deal of pain at the beginning. Eventually, she let go, at which Taylor simply gasped and clutched her pained legs. Ellen's fans were cheering momentously and Ellen couldn’t help but get caught up in the moment, slapping fan's high fives and giving laps of adulation. After a few seconds of this, Ellen turned towards Taylor, perhaps deciding to do a little more damage to Taylor's legs as she grabbed them. Yet Taylor at this point recovered somewhat, and her legs flew into action as both of them kicked Ellen in the face, causing her to recoiled in pain and daze. Taylor quickly rolled out of the ring, winching slightly as she put pressure on her wounded knee, and grabbed Ellen's hair

Taylor slammed Ellen's head into the ringpost the brunette seeing stars as she collided. "Bitch, you may have hurt my leg/knee but it was too strong for you to do any real damage! Now it is payback time!"

Taylor slammed Ellen into the post three more times. As Ellen slumped face first into the post (which was now holding her up) taylor quickly climbed back into the ring and threaded Ellen's arms through the ropes. She pulled with all her might pulling Ellen chest first into the post! She then changed the angle slightly to exert pressure on Ellen's arms.

 "Lets see how strong your arms really are!" Taylor mocked Ellen screamed in pain, and tried to pull away but all that did was cause more pain. Gritting her teeth, Ellen endured the pain, until Taylor finally let go of them. Ellen fell to the floor, her arms deaden by the pain yet got no respite. as Taylor rolled out of the ring and grabbed Ellen's wounded right arms. With a mighty pull, she threw Ellen against the barrier between the fans and the ring. Ellen arch her back in pain, but got no respite as Taylor pulled her head down and under her arms. With a great tug, Taylor lifted Ellen high in the air, her feet dangling comically, and brought her down in a Suplex. Ellen once again arched and whimpered in pain. Taylor did a small lap to pump up the crown but quickly return to the lying Ellen. With a smile, Taylor laid on top of Ellen and wrapped laid on top of Ellen face first, and wrapped her legs around Ellen neck so that all Ellen could see was Taylor's butt. Crawling forward a little bit, Taylor forcibly situated Ellen in a sitting position and all Ellen could do was futilely pull against the constricting bind of Taylor's legs

As Ellen looked at Taylor's tight ass confusedly wondering what the singer had in store for her next Taylor glimpsed quickly over her shoulder and winked at Ellen!

"You ever been to Brazil?"asked Taylor. Ellen sputters in response, Taylor giggled and replied "Of course not, you are too ugly to even show your face at a Brazilian airport. Well, I have, and they have this rather interesting dance move call Surra de Bunda!"

Before Ellen could even think about what that meant, Taylor shot her ass back slamming Ellen in the face. She repeated this move over and over again each time catching Ellen perfectly. The brunette was getting absolutely battered by Taylor's tight butt and was too disorientated to escape from this humiliating position. Taylor continued to slam her ass into Ellen's pretty features several times before putting her ass on Ellen's face one final time and sitting on it!

Ellen gave a muffled scream of humiliation under as Taylor raised her hands in utter triumph.

After a few seconds of wiggling her tight booty on Ellen face, Taylor started to playfully walk her right hand down to Ellen crotch. With a wicked smile, Taylor slowly put her hand under Ellen underwear, hoping to rub a little cum out of it, when Ellen's legs shot up and wrapped around Taylor's head. With a mild scream, Taylor was thrown off Ellen, who immediately gasped for air, her fans hoping for a recovery on her end. Yet the throw only mildly dazed Taylor, who viciously grabbed Ellen by the hair, lifting her up and threw her into the ring, quickly following. Taylor pulled Ellen up and threw her against the turnbuckle, Ellen arched her back in pain, as her breath came out shallow, still recovering from the facesit. Taylor slowly walked up and said with venom,

"You should have stay where you belong SHRIMP!!! Your defiance has gone long enough, now let me show you why Shrimps like you will always be inferior." Taylor placed both her hands on the top rope, and lifted her leg up and placed her foot on Ellen's neck, choking her against the turnbuckle in a corner foot choke. Ellen's legs flailed as her airway was constricted by Taylor's leg, and her eyes were desperate. Taylor gave a contemptuous laugh, and it seemed it was over for the small fighter.

All of a sudden Ellen gave a mighty kick with her leg and managed to slam it into Taylor's crotch! The blonde screamed in agony immediately dropping her leg and grabbing her sore sex! The red faced Ellen wasted no time! She slapped the blonde several times in the face,

"You are going to pay for that you lanky slut!" Ellen shouted. As Taylor moved her hands to protect her face Ellen kneed her in the crotch the tall singer falling to the mat in agony!

Ellen took a minute to recover, the pain slowly subsiding away, as Taylor tried to massage her wounded sex. Afterwards Ellen moved towards Taylor, intending to give some payback when Taylor raised her fist and punched Ellen in the stomach. Ellen gave a small yelp as Taylor got up, but at this point, at this moment respite Ellen was not going to let a small punch her. Ellen immediately punched Taylor exposed stomach. Taylor gave a small yelp of pain, but determined not to give up her advantage punch back saying.

"Stay down you little munchkin!" Ellen punched her back, saying

"You're not going to win today country whore!" And soon an all out belly punching battle was on, each girl punching each other stomachs, each testing each other abs. Yet soon it became apparent who was going to win. After years of cardio and exercise, Ellen's abs were rock solid, while Taylor found herself wanting. Eventually, with a great yell, Ellen punched Taylor's stomach for the last time, and with a great moan, Taylor collapse to the ground, sobbing slightly as she held onto her stomach in pain. Ellen clenched her fists in victory, and after a few seconds to recover, moved forward to deliver some payback.

As Taylor slowly got to her feet Ellen ran the opposite direction, bounced against the ropes to get some momentum before hitting Taylor with a clothesline! Swift hit the mat hard as she gingerly got to her feet. Ellen reached up and wrapped her arm around Taylor's neck. She then took a few steps forward before speeding up and then throwing her legs forward as she slammed Taylor into the mat with a running bulldog!

The crowd went crazy as Swift rolled in agony on the mat her face down on the mat. Ellen placed her foot on Taylor's back in a signal of dominance briefly smiling and flexing to her fans. "Bet you wish you had never mocked me now bitch!" Ellen shouted as she bent over her opponent standing to her side. Ellen then pulled Taylor's arms over her shoulder, carefully distributing her weight as she grabbed her skinny leg and stood up. In a fantastic display of strength Ellen managed to lift Taylor's lanky frame off the mat in a fireman's carry! The crowd cheered as Ellen briefly walked around the ring parading Taylor's body like a championship belt! As she started to struggle to hold Taylor's weight she threw her to the floor not caring how awkwardly the poor blonde landed. Taylor rolled around on the mat in agony as she was in real trouble

Ellen did not let up, as she pulled Taylor up to her feet and Irish whipped her into a turnbuckle. Taylor gave a small oomph, and arched her back in pain, which made her more vulnerable as Ellen head butted Taylor's bruised and redden stomach a few times. Eventually the pain was too much and Taylor slumped to the floor, here head on the bottom turnbuckle. Ellen smiled, as an idea came to her, and she turned and walked to the center of the ring, and turned to face Taylor saying slowly.

"You know, you really are an overrated bitch, nothing more than white trash chipmunk who eats garbage, well now I going to give you a delicacy!"

With sexual slowness, Ellen grasped her black thong and slowly stripped them down, revealing a trimmed but hairy snatch. With a few pumps in the air, and a cowboy twirl, Ellen ran toward the slumped Taylor, jumped through the turnbuckle and gave her a bronco buster, all the while saying!

"Eat it white trash whore!" as Ellen bounced up and down on Taylor's chest, her crotch grinding against Taylor's face. Taylor's screams of humiliation were muffled by Ellen's snatch and she could do nothing but lick her way out. Ellen felt Taylor's tongue lick her clit, and while the pleasure was welcome, she knew that it could lead her to losing the match. To punish Taylor, Ellen adjusted so that Taylor got a full face of her pubic hair, until she finally let go and backed up. Taylor sputtered for hair and had a look of disgust as she spit out pubic hair out of her mouth

Hairy slut!" Taylor muttered under her breath. "What did you call me bitch!?" Ellen immediately responded. "Yes you heard right!" Taylor replied.

 "Just cos you can't grow anything down there! I bet you are pretty much hairless. I have a woman's pussy and its going to own yours but first I have something to show you." Ellen turned her back for a second and seductively wiggled her ass slapping it lightly. Taylor's eyes widened as the crowd cheered and the singer desperately tried to get out of the corner of the ring!

Taylor wasn't quick enough through and Ellen reversed ass first slamming the blonde against the turnbuckle. As the singer slumped in the corner of the ring the crowd went crazy as Ellen lowered her ass onto Taylor's pretty face and stated grinding her ass all over her opponent. The crowd were all chanting "STINKFACE!" as Ellen continued rubbing her ass all over Taylor's face, all the while saying, with an exasperated tone.

“Come on, I taste your disgusting ass with you Brazilian move, now taste mine. And btw, I have been to Brazil, surprised you have my dear!”

The blonde tried to force Ellen away with her arms but she couldn't muster enough strength to stop her opponent's humiliating attack! Ellen danced sexually all over Taylor’s face for a few seconds, enjoying the screams of humiliation be sent out by Taylor. When Ellen finally peeled her sexy butt off Taylor's face the blonde's hair was all over the place and she was the color of a tomato

Taylor mopped her hair out of her face and tried to recover, yet got no respite as Ellen grabbed her by the hair, lifted her up and threw her across the ring by the hair. Taylor hit the floor face first and recoiled in pain and tried to crawl away towards the ring edge.

She no longer wanted this match to continue, she just wanted to get away and recover in some corner of the world. Yet Ellen would have none of it, and she ran up to Taylor, jumped up, with her arm up and gave the crawling blonde an Elbow drop, slamming Taylor to the floor. Still, despite this Taylor still tried to crawl away, and Ellen toyfully let her go, but as Taylor nearly reached the edge, Ellen grabbed her left leg and pulled her back to the center. Taylor screamed as she clawed the floor, desperate not to get pulled back in, but it did little as Ellen pulled her to the middle, lifted Taylor's leg and slammed Taylor's left knee onto the floor. Taylor screamed in pain, but this only caused Ellen to slam it two more times before finally relenting. As Taylor grabbed at her knee in pain, Ellen kneeled right next to her and said to her face.

"That's a bad girl! Trying to crawl away when things aren't finished, well you know what I do to bad girls eh? Especially one's who like to pushed thier lard asses into your face right?" Taylor shook her head, unsure what would happen next, at which Ellen kicked her in the stomach once more before lifting Taylor up onto her knee, face down. With a savage pull, Ellen pulled down Taylor's pink thong, and with a smile, she lifted her hand in the air above Taylor's butt and said

"You have been a naughty girl trying to crawl away! You know what I do to naughty, lanky, weak blondes who try and escape when I am not finished!?" Ellen asked.

"No, I'm sorry! Please stop!" Taylor begged.

"Well if you had not been such a cocky bitch before the match I might have let you go!" Ellen replied before slapping Taylor's ass!

"Naughty weakly!" Ellen shouted as she spanked Taylor again, this time harder. She grabbed Taylor's blonde locks with her free hand to stop her opponent from trying to escape as she repeatedly spanked her opponent with her other hand! Taylor started to sob as the spanking continued and in no time Taylor's ass was as red as her face.

"Please, you have proven that you have beaten me physically, lets go woman to woman to end this" Taylor cried, hoping this would get her out of the humiliating predicament she was in.

"Fine!" Ellen replied as she spanked Taylor's ass a few more times before rolling her onto her front to examine her exposed sex!

Taylor rubbed her ass as it burned with pain, tears still coming out of her eyes. Humiliation and rage swelled inside her. How could a shrimp like Ellen have beaten her so utterly? Everything she ever said about short girls now seems like she was talking out of her ass. This rage gave a hint of hope, a hope to at least beat Ellen in this one thing, though their sex. Meanwhile Ellen was high on her domination and satisfaction. She was happy that she had proven herself after that humiliating defeat from weeks before, now she was going to truly show that she could take the big leagues, she was worth something.

As Taylor threw off her pink thong, Ellen massaged her sex a little, anticipating the battle to come with enthusiasm. At this point Taylor was filled with determination, determined not to be beaten in this regard. Ellen sat down next to Taylor after a few seconds of waiting, her legs open. Taylor also mimic this, she was as ready as she was ever going to be and after a few seconds of staring, they both collided, pussy to pussy

I am going to make you cum so easily!" Ellen mocked, "Look at my hairy snatch colliding with your pathetic hairless one!" she continued. Not wanting to be outdone again Taylor slammed her pussy back against Ellen's.

"You may have beaten me physically but I am going to places you have never been to!" Taylor responded and she leaned forward and started kissing Ellen

As their pussies continued to slam together Ellen started to feel some moisture coming from Taylor's pussy. She continued to kiss her opponent passionately and she began to fondle her little boobs, paying very close attention to the blonde's nipples. Taylor let out a moan of excitement as they continued to kiss. Encouraged Ellen increased the pace of the grinding and Taylor broke off the kiss as she started to panic, knowing that her pussy was being outdone.

"No!" Taylor whispered in Ellen's ear as she tried to fight the orgasm that was building.

 "Cum for me weakling!" Ellen demanded and she continued to slam her pussy into Taylor's exposed one. Ellen flexed her right arm in Taylor's face encouraging her to kiss her arm and bicep and as Taylor's tongue rubbed against her bicep the singer exploded. Her juices sprayed from her pussy as she collapsed onto her back, her cum soaking Ellen and herself. Ellen looked down at her own pussy and noticed her pubes hand been matted down with Taylor's cum. "

You have made such a mess weakling!" Ellen mocked and she wiped the juices from her snatch onto Taylor's face. She then grabbed the blonde by the hair and started using her as a mop to wipe up the cum off the mat.

Ellen then lifted her up and brought her to her crotch and said.

“Now give me pleasure white trash, I deserve it.” And with that, Ellen forced Taylor to lick her pussy. As the pleasure started to build from Taylor’s magical tongue, Ellen moaned with bliss. No wonder Emma forced Michelle to do this, this was great. Eventually, after a few seconds pass, Ellen felt it come saying

“Oh… Oh.. Oh… Ah!!!!” and with that cum splattered all over Taylor’s face. All Taylor could do was take it at which Ellen threw her to the ground and looked down, saying.

"You are pathetic! You lanky slut. You are a complete weakling and are a joke  in the ring!" Ellen mocked, "how dare you have the cheek to mock short girls, especially brunettes, when they are much more feisty and tougher than you!" she taunted before reaching down and slowly picked the sobbing Taylor up and walked her to the turnbuckle.

She then forced Taylor to walk to the middle turnbuckle before pulling her back. With an astounding show of strength, Ellen placed Taylor on her back, with one arm on Taylor's neck and one on her wet snatch, placing Taylor on a Torture Rack. Ellen smiled as Taylor got the pain and humiliation of such a dominant move, and after a few seconds of Taylor moaning and Ellen parading her around. Ellen let go of her and Taylor crashed to the floor.

Ellen placed a foot on Taylor's face and strike a double bicep pose before knelling down again and saying.

"What ever you do in from now on, you will always know that I've beaten you."

 With a final slap of the face with her foot, Ellen turned and got out of the ring, leaving Taylor sobbing in humiliation, ecstasy and pain. Ellen felt good, maybe she had a shot in this league after all.

                                                                          Winner: Ellen Page
« Last Edit: August 31, 2013, 06:14:36 AM by AKMaster »


Offline Vassago

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Re: Young Celebrity League: Ellen Page vs Taylor Swift (Story)
« Reply #1 on: August 31, 2013, 09:25:58 AM »
Can't believe Ellen wins this, even against someone like Taylor Swift  :D

Thx for the story!
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Re: Young Celebrity League: Ellen Page vs Taylor Swift (Story)
« Reply #2 on: September 01, 2013, 04:23:03 AM »
great story, i loved that ellen made taylor cum then made her lick ellen to orgasm - any match that ends with taylor on her back face full of pussy is a great ending.


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Re: Young Celebrity League: Ellen Page vs Taylor Swift (Story)
« Reply #3 on: September 02, 2013, 01:27:05 PM »
Great story!


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Re: Young Celebrity League: Ellen Page vs Taylor Swift (Story)
« Reply #4 on: September 04, 2013, 05:47:37 PM »
If anyone is interested in more, go to
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