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True Blood catfight: Kelly Overton vs. Jamie Gray Hyder

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True Blood catfight: Kelly Overton vs. Jamie Gray Hyder
« on: September 10, 2013, 05:44:56 PM »
Jill Wagner had been riding high since she knocked out Serinda Swan.  It was a evenly fought fight some would say Serinda had the fight in hand until a lucky punch landed.  Jill never hid from what happened in the fight, she was so close to being knocked out.  Serinda was younger and stronger than her and if she landed that last punch would have surely knocked Jill out.  She was telling the story again to people in  her gym, every time new people came in she was asked.

“I was weakening, she hit me with some punches and I couldn’t take any more of it and backed away.   I could hear her coming in, she said something I don’t know what but I knew deep down I couldn’t lose.  Deep down inside me what makes me American I had to win,  You can’t take what I took, you can’t as a true American give what I gave and lose.  I found my balance got my feet set and tightened every muscle in my body and…”

“Landed a lucky punch, seriously folks she landed a lucky punch.  She closed her eyes and threw a punch and when it landed she didn’t drop down on Serinda as a sign of victory.  She collapsed on her because she was out cold like the weak little bitch she is.”

It was true blood werewolf Kelly Overton and the two long avoided each other in the gym less having a comparison done.

“I’m sorry Kelly did I do something to offend you”

“Just the way you act about that fight, the two of you set rules fine.  Serinda kicked your ass and you landed a lucky punch but you are acting like it was a equally fought last punch won.  The last punch was a fluke, you closed your barely open eyes and threw a punch that you hoped would land and luckily for you it did, nothing to do with you being American and having to win.  You got your ass kicked and”

“Unless you want your ass kicked right now I’d recommend shutting up.”

Kelly whose body was muscular and lean just like Jill’s neither would ever be confused with a waif.  “Tell you what I got a cast mate from True Blood coming here and you can watch what I do to her and if you want to try and kick my ass then we’ll finally fight and loser leaves the gym.”

“hear that everyone she stepped up tough to me and then backed down.”

“Not backing down, but when I’m done I the ring you will… I guarendamntee that.”

Jill continued to stare at Kelly “Show me what you can do.”

Waiting on the outside of the ring wearing some workout gear was Jamie Gray Hyder her tits barely in her top.  She was a co-star of Kelly’s in True Blood playing part of the were wolf in the same pack as Kelly and in the show Kelly was Alpha.

“What’s this your back up for when I break you.”

“Jamie you are an idiot, get in the ring so I can show Jill how a woman really handles herself in a fight.”

Hyder got in the ring and Kelly stood in front of Jill who showed no fear of Overton and stepped forward so their breasts smushed “Watch and fear me.”

Kelly rolled under the ring and Hyder immediately jumped on her back clubbing her three times.  She stood up and grabbed Kelly by the hair and threw her across the ring.

“I told you on the set I can beat you in real life, so don’t think of me as some kind of message board.”

Kelly started to get up but was kicked in the ribs and it actually lifted her in the air and between the first and second rope.  “Come on you talk a good talk but I’m stronger then you and you should have known that.”

Jaime stepped out of the ring “Come on Kelly or are you already done… you know what I waited all season for a real fight with you.”

She jumped down to the floor and started to pick Kelly up and looked over at Jill Wagner “You should thank me for this, proving she’s a…”

Kelly punched the inside of Jamie’s left leg and she went wobbly kneed but couldn’t fall as Overton stood up and lifted the larger woman up on her shoulders with ease.  She walked towards Jill Wagner and stood face to face with Jill “Ready to quit the gym yet.”

She dropped Jamie from her shoulder face first onto the edge of the mat.  “No… you will be”

Kelly turned quick and absolutely flattened one of Jamie’s large breasts with a sick kick.  Hyder was rolling around holding her injured breast and Overton picked her up and rolled her back into the ring.  She put one leg up on the apron and looked back at Jill “I don’t believe in a rule saying ‘no dirty fighting’ You fight to win”

Kelly got in the ring and Jamie pushed her into the corner but couldn’t’ do much more as Kelly brought three elbow strikes directly on the spine.  Kelly pushed her away and Jamie stood up and Kelly sidestepped her as she came forward and hit a straight to the ear of Jamie Gray Hyder dropping her to the bottom rope just about out of it.

Kelly looked over at Jill who kept watching the woman who obviously wished  it was she in the ring knocked out.  Kelly grabbed Jamie by the back of her tight bottom’s and yanked her back up only to slam a forearm to the lower back.

Kelly then ducked low putting her head between Jamie’s legs and lifted the younger woman up and walked around the ring and infront of Jill Wagner she got her hands under Jamie’s ass lifted her up in the air and dropped her across the top rope.  Since it was actual ropes and not the cables, Hyder didn’t bounce off like a WWE match instead she was draped across the top rope.

Kelly looked down at Jill once again and still Wagner wasn’t showing any signs of fear or trepidation.  “Watch this bitch.”

Kelly hit a kick connecting with a loud thud to Jamies impressive mammaries.

“You know what Kelly you are on a different level then her so end the fight already.”

“I will end this when I damn well see fit, unless you acknowledge you have no shot against me and walk out of here right now and NEVER come back.”

“I don’t think so Kelly.”

Kelly turned and ran and kicked Jamie’s large boob then stood up and started stomping each tit over and over again despite Jamie crying her surrender.  She then started dropping her knee smushing Jamie’s left tit, knee after knee and after the tenth she took off Jamie’s top and both tits were heavily bruised.  She smiled and stood looking at Jill again this time she dropped Jamie’s top.

“Keep that and look at it everyday until we fight and know that when we fight we won’t have some BS rules like you and Serinda did.  Look at that and know I’m going to go beat you in a fight and I’m not going to stop with punches to your face, I’m coming after your tits and your pussy and whatever else I got to go after for you to understand…”

THUD, Jamie had gotten up and lunged with her considerable power and slammed her forearm into Kelly Overton’s back.  Kelly fell forward on the ropes and Jamie like an untrained but highly powerful fighter was swinging her arms hitting forearm smash after forearm smash to Kelly’s back.

“Why couldn’t you let me quit”

“yeah Kelly guess you aren’t as tough as you thought” Jill said laughing and Kelly raised her leg hitting a back heel kick between Jamie’s legs. 

It wasn’t a high impact move but enough to make Jamie step back.  Kelly bounced away and slammed a knee between Jamie’s legs which was absolutely vicious.  Not missing a beat she forcefully put Jamie’s head between her legs and power bombed Jamie Gray Hyder. 

She picked Jamie up and power bombed her again and stomped her face afterwards.  The owner of the gym told her to stop “If she dares come in here I’ll think about it”

But Jill was already rolling in the ring when Kelly was about to stomp Jamie again proving she was indeed the alpha wolf.

“Stop that shit now” 

Kelly ran at Jill who was also running, Kelly jumped up for a flying knee but Jill flew forward with a supergirl punch and knocked out Kelly Overton.

“You want to fight me fine we’ll fight and you’ll be the one out of here.  You played a werewolf and I’ve played a werewolf hunter, lets see who wins”


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Re: True Blood catfight: Kelly Overton vs. Jamie Gray Hyder
« Reply #1 on: September 13, 2013, 05:23:31 AM »