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Story for Snake90-Wife vs best freinds wife

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Story for Snake90-Wife vs best freinds wife
« on: September 23, 2013, 04:01:42 AM »

Snakes story request and pictures of the two gorgeous wives,34590.0.html


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Re: Story for Snake90-Wife vs best freinds wife
« Reply #1 on: September 23, 2013, 04:02:40 AM »

Story by Johnny the Dueces and Mistress Vicky


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Re: Story for Snake90-Wife vs best freinds wife
« Reply #2 on: September 23, 2013, 04:06:13 AM »

I am Snakes next door neighbor and luckily for me, from my terrace you can see everything going on in snakes loft, and just as lucky you can hear almost everything if anyone is talking any louder than regular talking. My neighbor’s wife Ozge is gorgeous and Snakes best friend Hakan and his wife Ozlem who is also gorgeous is always there. For 2 years I have been watching these two gorgeous woman and having various fantasies, either one, or the other, or both would get into a fight with her husband and come over. I have been embarrassed many times when rising in the lift with either one or both. The bulge in my pants was just too large.

Then last New Years Eve I couldn’t help but hear Ozge and Ozlem screaming at each other. I could see they were drinking quite a bit. My cock swelled so big at one point when much to my surprise the two screaming woman held their fists up like they were two men ready to knock the shit out of each other. The woman were screaming and about to start throwing punches. The two men had to pull them apart. I couldn’t stop watching them all night long, and then later, around midnight I could hear Ogze scream, “OH YAH YOU FAT COW. Any man would want a beautiful, sexy woman like me, not a pathetic flabby cow like you.” Then I saw Ozlem stand up and put her hands on her hips screaming, “You weak, flat chested whore bitch. You have your fuckin nerve talking to me like that when you know I can beat you up. You better watch your fuckin big mouth you stupid bitch, before I knock your teeth out and teach you a little respect. The two husbands leapt to their feet and grabbed the two woman as they exposed their long, sharp fingernails at each other, and lunged at each other grabbing at each others hair. That seems to be the very last night before everything changed. Hakan and Snake are always arguing, sometimes screaming about which woman would win the fight, which woman is better, which woman has a better body, a better face, a better ass, BUT               

The two women fight, argue, insult and threaten each other all the time and I can’t help but watch in excitement and expectation all the time, it has started to become questionable if they would ever fight it out for real. It has been very hot fantasizing about it as over time the two woman taunting and threats had become worse and worse. The worse the threats, the hotter I became. At first they just argued and threatened to beat the other woman up. Then it became sexual, each woman threatening to sexually humiliate the other. They start with sitting on her face, but as time went on the threats became more erotic, one woman threatened to masturbate the other in front of their husbands, the other woman threatened to use a dildo on her.

Two times over the summer the two women went after each other and the husbands had to pull them apart. I have had so many fantasies about these two slugging it out, but in my fantasies once one woman would win, and the next time the other woman would win. Then tonight they finally agreed to let the two women fight it out of real. Right there in the large loft. I could picture the two woman, they’re always dressed so sexy, standing there with their fists raised like two men ready to fist fight. The hard plank wood floor and brick walls. The fight was going to be Sunday afternoon. I was shaking in anticipation from the time they decided.


Things come to a fuckin head, it’s Sunday afternoon. Ozge is all dressed up in her black mini dress, you know the one where the straps hang down. Ozge has a really gorgeous face, and a great body if you like thinner, smaller breasted women. Ozlem has a very beautiful face, and a if you like slightly larger, bigger breasted woman, she would probably be your choice. Personally I would love to make hot, passionate love to either of them, even better to both of them, one at a time or both of them together. The thought of the two of them with their fists raised up and knocking the shit out of each other is even hotter………..

I can hear Snake instructing Ozge to punch Ozlem’s face in and strip off all of her clothes. Then the bell rang and it was Hakan and his wife Ozlem, and Ozlem looks sexy wearing her Silver mini skirt and black blue. You can tell that the two woman were really pissed off and the tension could be cut with knife. Ozge says, “I am going to knock your face in bitch, and I’ll show our husbands just what a real whore you really are.” Ozlem screams, “I’ll punch you bloody you flat chested whore, and then I’ll fuck your husband right in front of you and make you eat his cum right out of my cxnt, and we will see which one of us is the whore.” Ozge loses her temper and she lunges at Ozlem. She grabs her hair with her right hand and she takes her left fist and she starts punching her in her face. First she punches her “bam,” in her right eye, making Ozlem’s eye turn pink and get all puffy. Then she punches her “bang,” right in her nose, and blood starts trickling from her nose. Ozlem is caught totally off guard and she has this shocked and startled look on her face.

Ozge is vicious and she smashes her fist, “bang,” right into Ozlem’s nose again. Ozlem’s head swings back and Ozge loses her grip on Ozlem’s hair, and Ozlem stumbles backwards on her high heels. The look of shock starts turning to a look of anger as Ozlem puts her hand to her nose and seeing the blood she screams, “Look at what you did to me you fuckin little slut, I’m bleeding.” Ozge laughs and says, “and now I’m really going to knock your face in cow.”  She lungs forward and she grabs Ozlem’s black blouse, and she shoves her back hard. Ozlem’s blouse rips right off of her chest and her big sexy bra makes my cock get even harder. Ozlem pulls her left fist back and she goes right after Ozge to knock her face bloody. She sends her fist right at her face, but this time Ozlem is ready for her. Quickly she raises her left hand up in the air and she catches Ozge’s wrist in mid air, and with her own left fist she plows it “boom,” right into Ozge’s stomach. “OOOFFF,” she knocks some air right out of Ozge and she leans forward and she grabs her stomach groaning “AAWWEE.”

Ozlem pulls her right fist back to knock Ogze silly with an uppercut punch, but just as she’s about to throw the punch, Ozge lunges at her knees, tackling her to the ground, and Ozge lands lying right on top of Ozlem on the floor. Ozge starts to sit up on Ozlem’s stomach, but Ozlem quickly manages to raise her hands up and wrap them through Ozge’s hair, and she bucks and kicks, and Ozlem is definitely a little bigger and stronger than Ozge. She manages to get on top of Ozge, and she grabs her wrists and she holds them down to the floor. Then she raises up right over Ozge, pinning her arms with her knees. She renders Ozge totally helpless, and now Ozlem is in charge, and now Ozlem really wants to beat Ozge up. She makes hard tight fists with both of her hands and she takes her right fist and “bam,” she punches Ozge in her left eye, then with her left fist she hits her, “bam,” right in her right eye. Instantly both of Ozge’s eyes start to turn pink and get all puffy.

Ozge is infuriated and she starts to buck and to kick, trying to knock Ozlem off of her, but Ozlem is bigger and stronger and more powerful than Ozge, and Ozge can’t get her off. Ozlem laughs and says, “I got you pinned hun, you’re not going anywhere, and now I’m going to humiliate you. I’m going to make you sorry you ever started fuckin trouble with me, do you understand me.” Ozge is still tring to buck and kick, but Ozlem screams, “I’ll teach you. I’ll teach you, I’m going to blacken both of your eyes.” Ozge manages to free one of her hands, but before she has a chance to think Ozlem starts punching her back and forth around her face. She starts “right fist, “bam,” left eye, left fist, “bam,” right eye, “bam, bam, bam, bam,” back and forth. Ogze manages to reach up with her free right hand and she takes her long, sharp fingernails and she starts grabbing, scratching, trying to rip open Ozlen’s face. Ozlem stops punching Ozge and she grabs her free right hand and she starts struggling hard trying to hold her wrist back down to the ground. Ogze is struggling hard too and she manages to bring her wrist up over her head before Ozlem manages to overpower her and hold her wrist down to the floor, BUT

As she does, Ozge raises her head up off of the floor and she clamps her teeth down right on Ozlem’s large breast. Ozlem’s eye almost bulge right out of her head as she lets out a bloodcurdling scream, “AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH,” as she leaps right up off of Ozge, trying to get to her feet, but she loses her balance and she falls right over onto her ass on the floor. You can see bloody red teeth marks on Ozlem’s bra, and Ozlem grabs her aching breast and screams, “You bit me you whore. You fuckin bit me.” Ozge slowly gets up to her feet, and so does Ozlem. Ozlem is still in pain, and she’s having trouble taking her left hand off of her aching, bloody breast.  Ozge’s left eye is red and puffy, and her right eye is swollen and black and blue. Ozge holds her fists up screaming, “Come on you cow, you wanna fight, you really wanna fight, put your fists up and fight me.”

Ozlem holds her fists up too screaming, “You bit me you whore, I’m going to fuck you right up your ass with my dildo, right in front of your husband, and you’re going to tell your husband just how much you love it.” The two gorgeous woman are just standing there in the middle of the flat, both of them with their fists raised like men ready to fist fight, each woman wants to knock the shit out of the other woman and send her home totally embarrassed, and you can just tell that this is going to be a really good fist fight. Ozge uses her speed and she sends her left fist “bang,” right into Ozlem’s mouth. Ozlen’s lower lips splits open and blood starts rolling from her lips, but this infuriates Ozlem and she sends her right fist plowing full force, “bang,” right into Ozge’s nose. Blood is really rolling from Ozge’s nose, but this seems to only infuriate Ozge even more and she takes right fist and she plows it “boom,” right into the rounded bowl of Ozlem’s stomach. Ozlem’s eyes almost bulge right out of her head and “OOOFFF,” she knocks the air right out of her as Ozlem grabs her aching belly and she doubles over in pain gasping for air.

Ozlem isn’t prepared for how crazy Ozge is, no one is prepared for how crazy Ozge is as Ozge grabs Ozlem by her fuckin hair with both of her hands and she wrenches her head right up. Then quickly she shoves her head back down as she raises her right knee and “bang,” Ozlem’s jaw smashes right into Ozge’s rising knee. You can hear Ozlem’s teeth knock together and chatter in her head, as her head swings straight up in the air, and Ozlem is stood straight up on her feet. Then she starts to teeter backwards on her high heels until her head comes back down, and when it does, Ozlem is knocked silly. Her eyes are swimming around in her fuckin head, and her legs are all wobbly. She has to hold her hands out in front of herself to try and maintain her balance, and then she just starts to stumble, and then to sway, first forward, and then back, and then she gets this silly little smile across her face. She’s got this goofy little grin right across her face she’s so dazed.

Ozge walks right up to Ozlem and she grabs her bra and she screams right in her shocked face. I thought you were so fuckin tough. Look at you cow, you can’t even fight, and Ozlem doesn’t say anything, she’s fuckin startled. Ozge shoves her back hard and she pulls it out, and then she lets it go, and Ozlem’s bloody bra just slides down and is hanging over Ozlem’s stomach. Feebly Ozlem holds her hand up in front of herself crying out, “STOP, PLEASE STOP.” Ozge holds her fists up like a fuckin man screaming, “No, I’m not going to stop. I beat you up Ozlem you cow, and now I’m going to beat up those cow tits of yours.” Ozge starts beating up Ozlem’s tits. Right fist “bam,” left breast, left fist, “bam,” right breast, “bam, bam, bam, bam,” back and forth and back and forth. Ozge is using Ozlem’s big, sexy tits as punching bags. My cock is pulsating as I watch Ozlem’s big, sexy tits bouncing and and getting punched into each other. Ozge just keeps on “bam, bam, bam, bam,” pummeling Ozlem’s sexy breasts, until Ozlem’s breasts swell up and turn all black and blue, and Ozlem is crying out, “STOP ENOUGH YOU WIN, STOP ENOUGH.”

Ozge laughs and she screams, “ALRIGHT OZLEM, YOU WANT ME TO STOP BEATING YOU UP. THEN BEG ME TO FUCK YOU WITH THAT DILDO YOU PLANNED ON USING ON ME.” Ozlem is normally quite dominant, she’s sued to telling other people what to do, not being told what to do, and this.” Feebly she shoves Ozge back as she starts to walk across the loft crying out, ‘NO, NEVER, THAT’S ENOUGH,” BUT Ozge is definitely not finished with Ozlem yet. She runs right after her and  she grabs Ozlem by her shoulder and she spins her right back around to face her again screaming, “Where do you think you’re going cow. I’m not finished with you yet.” Ozge takes her right fist and she smashes it “bang,” right into Ozlem mouth again. Ozlem’s lower lips just busts right open and blood is rolling from her mouth and it’s starting to fill up in her mouth. Ozge screams “GET THIS THROUGH YOUR HEAD COW. I BEAT YOU UP AND YOU’RE GOING TO BEG ME TO FUCK YOU WITH YOUR DILDO, AND THEN YOU’RE GOING TO WATCH ME FUCK MY HUSBAND AND YOUR HUSBAND YOU DIRTY WHORE, AND THEN YOU’LL SUCK ALL THE CUM RIGHT OUT OF MY cxnt.”

Tears are welling in her eyes and Ozlem is spitting blood. She sputtering blood right out of her mouth as desperately she starts crying out, “Hakan, Hakan please help me, I’m begging you help me Hakan,” but Hakan knows the rules and he knows that it would be very humiliating if he had to try and rescue his wife. So Hakan just stands there watching as Ozge bunches up her right fist ad she punches her “bang,” right in her nose again. Blood is gushing from Ozlem’s nose and Ozlem is scared now. Tears start streaming down her cheeks, mixing with her blood and her black eye makeup, you can watch the very last of Ozlem’s fight, the very last of her defiance, the very last of ounce of her dignity drain right out of her as frantically zlem starts crying out, “PLEASE US MY DILDO ON ME Ozge. I’m begging you please use my big, dildo on me. I want to watch you fuck my husband and please, I’m begging you, please let me suck my husband’s cum and your husband’s cum right out of your cxnt.”     

Ozge screams, “ALRIGHT, GET ON YOUR HANDS AND KNEES BITCH. Crawl over there and get that big dildo for me.” Ozlem is scared and she submissive to Ozge now. She gets down on her hands and knees and she crawls right over to her pocketbook and she drags it back over to where Ozge is standing. Ozge screames, “Take it out slut.” Ozlem reaches into the pocketbook and she pulls out this big, hard erect rubber cock, and she hands it to Ozge. Ozge holds it right up in Ozlem’s face screaming, “KISS IT WHORE.” Ozlem takes a hold of that big rubber cock with both of her hands and she holds it right up to her lips and she kisses the dildo. Ozge laughs as she screams, “TAKE OFF THAT SKIRT COW, AND THEN TAKE OFF THOSE PATHETIC PANTIES.” I can see that Snake and Hakan are both totally shocked and surprised by the series of events, but both husbands are now trying to lower their pants, and there big, hard erect cocks are getting in the way as they watch Ozlem, totally scared and submissive to Ozge, open her skirt and take it off and then pull her panties right off of her body.

I am harder than I ever was before as I watch gorgeous Ozlem take off all of her clothing. She’s on her hands and knees totally submissive to Ozge now and Ozge hands Ozlem the big, rubber cock screaming, “now tell everyone that this is your cock you whore, and then stick into your cxnt and make yourself cum with it.” Ozlem doesn’t hesitate, she cries out, “This is my cock.” Then she takes the big rubber penis and she shoves it right into her pussy. She’s plunging that huge, artificial cock in and out of her cxnt right in front of both of the husbands. Right in front of me.

Ozge takes her sexy black dress off and she’s just standing there in her sexy little black bra and little black lace panties. Then she screams, “Snake, get over here and shove your big hard cock into my ass hole. Snake walks right over and obligingly he rams his big, hard erect cock right into his wife’s ass hole. Then she screams, “Hakan get over here and shove your cock in my cxnt.” Hakan is so excited he leaps over to tough, sexy Ozge and he shoves his big, hard erect cock right into Ozge’s soaking wet pussy. Watching this has Ozlem’s big nipples all hard and erect and she’s passionately fucking herself with that dildo. I can hear her moaning “AAHH, AAHH, AAHH,” and I can see the sweat rolling down her face, mixing with her blood and her tears and dripping off of her chin and onto her swollen, black and blue tits. Ozlem starts going off, she’s “OOOOHHHH, OOOOHHHH, OOOOHHHH,” having one explosive orgasm after another right on that big, hard rubber cock. Seeing Ozlem’s huge sexy breasts bouncing up and down on her chest and her big, hard erect sexy nipples makes both husbands starts ‘OOOOOHHHHHH, OOOOOOHHHHHHHH, OOOOOOOOOHHHHHHH,” shooting loads of hit cum into Ozge. Hakan is filling her ass hole with his hot cum, and at the same time snake is “OOOOHHHH, OOOOHHHH, OOOOHHHH,” shooting load after load of his hot cum right into her cxnt. Ozge screams, “You better keep fucking yourself with that cock you whore.”

Then when the two husbands stop exploding into her, Ozge shoves Ozlem over onto her back and she sits her ass down right on her face, facing her feet screaming, “lick my ass hole clean whore.” I can see Ozlem stick her tongue out, and I can see her tongue go right into Ozge’s ass hole, and she starts licking Snakes cum right out of Ozge’s ass hole. She’s licking her ass hole feverishly like a dog licking its master. Ozge is getting very excited from the feel of Ozlem’s tongue making love to her ass hole with her tongue has made Ozge really turned on. She spins around to face Ozlem’s head, and she holds her hot, cum soaked cxnt just inches over Ozlem’s face and Ozge orders the beauty, “LICK YOUR HUSBANDS CUM FROM MY cxnt YOU WHORE.” Ozlem has no other choice, she sticks her tongue put an she plunges it deep into Ozge’s cum soaked pussy and she starts licking an sucking her very own husband’s hot, cum right out of Ozge’s cxnt. Ozge screams, “How does it feel to eat your husband cum out of a real woman’s cxnt you fuckin cow.”

Ozge’s nipples are rock hard and beet red and she’s sweaty and panting and making sexy noises, “AAAAHHHH, AAAAHHHH, AAAAAHHHH.” Ozge see’s that both husbands cocks are rock hard and ready to burst again. She screams, “Get your cocks over here.” The two men stand right there and Ozge grabs each husbands cock with one of her hands at the same time, and Ozlem is panting and making sexy little noises, “AAAHHH, AAAHHH, AAAHHH,” as she’s fucking herself with that big rubber cock. Ozlem is licking away at Ozge’s soaked pussy over and over again, feverishly like a dog licking it’s master and Ozge starts “OOOOOHHHHH, OOOOOHHHHH, OOOOOHHHHH, exploding over and over again. She’s having one explosive orgasm after another right on Ozlem’s tongue, right on her face. Then Ozge leaps up off of Ozlem just as the two men starts “OOOOOHHHHH, OOOOHHHHHH, OOOOOHHHHHHHH,” cumming over and over again all over Ozlem’s face, all over her hair, all over her swollen bloody black and blue tits.

Ozlem is sooooo turned on by this, and she starts “OOOOOHHHHH, OOOOOOOHHHHHHH, OOOOOOHHHHHHHH exploding over and over again right on that big rubber cock again. Ozge gets up and she pulls that cock right out of Ozlem’s soaked pussy and she shoves it right into her mouth. Then she takes Snake’s hand and leads him off to the bedroom……………………………………….


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Re: Story for Snake90-Wife vs best freinds wife
« Reply #3 on: September 23, 2013, 04:25:13 PM »
wow this is wha i was waiting for ty my friend its magnificent


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Re: Story for Snake90-Wife vs best freinds wife
« Reply #4 on: September 24, 2013, 01:01:27 AM »
Guess I was wrong. None of them got hit in the pussy. At least one, just one would have been fine.


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Re: Story for Snake90-Wife vs best freinds wife
« Reply #5 on: October 05, 2013, 09:21:40 PM »

Sorry Nova, I will try to remember in the next story I write.


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Re: Story for Snake90-Wife vs best freinds wife
« Reply #6 on: October 06, 2013, 04:38:08 AM »


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Re: Story for Snake90-Wife vs best freinds wife
« Reply #7 on: October 08, 2013, 03:54:08 AM »
Nothing for which to be sorry. Excellent fight. Looking forward to the rematch.


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Re: Story for Snake90-Wife vs best freinds wife
« Reply #8 on: October 09, 2013, 01:04:16 AM »
Um your correct. But he directed that towards me. I love cheat moves. So, ya ya.



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Re: Story for Snake90-Wife vs best freinds wife
« Reply #9 on: October 13, 2013, 11:14:46 PM »

It was my pleasure Snake. I am glad that you like it.


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Re: Story for Snake90-Wife vs best freinds wife
« Reply #10 on: October 13, 2013, 11:18:26 PM »

Me too