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Laurie Breeze vs. Marie B... III

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Offline Marie B.

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Laurie Breeze vs. Marie B... III
« on: November 05, 2013, 05:36:57 PM »

Laurie Breeze: Shhhhhhhh! Hey….over here!  Come on over. Haven’t seen you in a while, huh?  Come stand by me. How did you find me?

Yes, I know its dark, but that’s how I want it to be. You’ve got to be quiet! I’m just taking a little break here.

What’s that? Yeah, it’s me…..Laurie. Laurie Breeze. Who did you think it was, Taylor Swift?

Hiding? You’re asking if I’m hiding? Hell no, I’m not hiding…………………………..I told you, I’m just resting for a bit.

Why am I standing alone here in the dark? Why would you ask that? What difference does it make?

Okay! Okay! You don’t let up, do you? Fact is, I’m in the middle of a fight with Marie B.

Yeah. Yeah. Marie B. …..Why are you looking at me like that? Huh?

Yeah, I’m bleeding from the lip and eyebrow. So what? Why do you care?

Well, yeah, it’s from Marie. The little bitch did it to me. So now you know…..are you happy ?

What’s that? Yeah, she and I fought twice before and I beat her up both times. I’m proud to say that I’m proud to say it!

Huh? What do you mean ‘what’s different now?’ What makes you think anything’s different? Oh, the blood on my face. Well, yeah. If you want to know the honest truth, Marie’s been kind of getting the better of me this time. Hurts me to say it, darned if it doesn’t.


How can it be so? Why is she winning? Well, okay, as long as I’m resting and you’re here with me, I’ll tell you. Let’s keep our voices down though, okay? I don’t want her to find me ‘til I’m ready to go back and finish the fight. I mean, she lured me to this crappy room by telling me my boyfriend was waiting for me here. I fell for it; yes I did. You think I’d know better than to walk willingly into this dirty, dingy place. When I walked in the room, there she was, in her best dress, ready to take me on. I was in a dress too, figuring I’d be seeing my boyfriend.

From the beginning, the fight was a nightmare for me. Marie’s been getting the best of me. I can’t even believe I’m saying it.

Sure, I know what the problem is. No sense mincing words; I’ll just say it outright: the first two times she and I fought, I beat the living hell out of Marie. We duked it out. Y’know, used our fists. Engaged in a punch-fest.

Stupid Marie. Stupid little undersized runt. She knew better than to fight me that way, but she fell into her old bad habits anyway. A shrimp like her thinking she can duke it out with bigger women. Dumb.

I’m not tall. Far from it. At 5’1, I’ve lost a lot of fights because I kept taking on women bigger’n me. ‘Course, I’ve won a lot of battles, too, including the two against Marie in which I punched her lights out. She’s only 4’11, yet tries to fight as if she’s 6 feet tall. Stupid. She weighs only 90 pounds! I’m slim, yet I’ve still got 25 pounds on Marie. Hell, why shouldn’t I beat her with ease?

Even so, in my initial fight with Marie, she used the first part of the war to outwrestle me something fierce. She used that gymnast’s flexible body to block every move I tried to make, and she was wearing me down. Then, she made the dumb mistake of laughing at me, even as we were struggling like mad. It awakened the Lakota fighting spirit in me. I broke free and punched her into defeat…..that’s what I did, sure’n shootin’. I had her begging and crying for mercy, and never did a better feeling exist in my heart and soul, no sirree!

In our second fight, it was more of the same. She was standing face-to-face with me, throwing punches that I countered with ease. My arms were longer and my boxing skills were better…..and I battered Marie from stem to stern….yes, I purely did. Hurting her was a pleasure. Knocked her the hell out…..yes, I did.

So, what’s different in our third fight? Why have I felt the need to take a break in the action? Seems a might cowardly, you might say?

Well, I might say it too, but the fact is, from the moment we started tangling, woman to woman, I could see she had come to some type of personal realization and was fighting me the way she ought to have done from the first. She finally understood she couldn’t punch it out with me; instead, she was using tactics that had me off-balance and struggling from the very beginning.

She used those damned gymnast legs of hers to carry her away from trouble when I attacked with my fists: backward, sideways, zig-zag and every which way just to keep out of my reach. Worse, when I dropped my fists for even a second, she’d somehow get close to me and aim kicks at my face and body. Everything she did landed…..every darned thing! Her speed was too much for me; I couldn’t  get out of her way. Her feet and knees were thumping against my body and keeping me off-balance. I was trying to punch her, but all I was hittin’ was air. I was wearing myself out just chasing the little bitch.

It was even worse when she dragged the fight to the ground. She’d wrap those damn legs around whatever body part of mine she could grab hold of……and squeeze. My stomach, my head, my legs, my arms; she’d wrap her legs around me, lock her ankles, and keep me at bay until I could finally manage to push and pull my way out. Problem was, each time I had to do this, it wore me out a little more …..leaving less energy with which to launch my own attack. More and more of my arsenal was wearing away as this went on.

Worse still, whenever she had me struggling to get out of her scissors, she kept grinding those bony knees of hers against my body, causing me searing agony. I kept my teeth gritted against the pain, but I couldn’t keep taking it forever. I had to break free, somehow. I had to go on the offensive.

Sure, I tried punching my way out of some of her leg holds. Problem was, she kept her upper body out of reach of my flying fists, and most of the time I couldn’t hit her with any solid blows.

A bunch of times as we struggled on the ground, I figured I was clear of her legs; that I had attained an advantageous position that placed me out of reach of her damned legs. Then, sure enough, she’d bring them around from some impossible angle (impossible for everyone but a gymnast, apparently) and wrap them around whatever part of me she could attach ‘em to, holding me firm until I could wiggle free. If I attacked her lower body, she’d wrap her legs around my head and force me to struggle for my freedom. When I turned to the side, she streaked behind me, climbed on my back and wrapped her legs around my waist while encircling my head with her arms and holding tight…..until I could wrench my way free, which was getting harder and harder to do. I wanted to take the war to a standing position. I wanted to fight her like in a boxing match, as we did the previous two times we fought. Marie wouldn’t allow it, though. It was she who was dictating how this fight would be fought…..and I was so frustrated……so tired……and getting so discouraged.


Marie:  …..and after 45 minutes of keeping the fight the way I wanted it to be, I no longer needed to sense how discouraged Laurie was….I could see it in her eyes, could see it in her movements, the way her body was saying she wished the whole thing were over, even though her mind refused to accept defeat. The last thing Laurie Breeze wanted was to lose to a small girl like me; you could see it in every fiber of her being. The fact she had punched me out in our previous two fights wasn’t helping her now; you could tell that she still had hope she could turn my tactics around and beat me again. But she was almost out of steam…..victory was going to be mine. All I had to do was not make a foolish mistake…..just keep her under the control I had already established, and I could probably use my legs to squeeze her into unconsciousness. No mistakes.

Then, having cautioned myself against making mistakes..... I made one. She was on her back, lying in front of me as I sat behind her on the ground, my legs wrapped around her head. She was panting with effort as she tried any way she could to pry my legs free; her body whipped back and forth as Laurie sought any way possible to loosen my hold and buy her a moment to get loose.

Then, she stopped moving. Between her breathless gasps of air, Laurie said: “Marie…..I…..I…..please…….please.....

My heart leaped with joy. She was surrendering to me! She was trying to get the words of submission out, but my powerful legs were constricting her ability to speak. Knowing she was finished, I loosened my thighs just a bit, easing the pressure on her head so she could tell me the words I wanted to hear. I bent forward, my head above hers so I could hear her, and…..

….fell directly into her trap, I never saw Laurie whip her leg forward, executing a high-kick and cracking her knee against my forehead. The pain was enormous. My scissors hold unraveled as my body dropped backward against the floor. For a moment, I was helpless, my head pounding with sharp pain.


If Laurie had been at full strength, she would have risen and overwhelmed me as I lie on the hard ground……but my previous tactics had gone a long way toward wearing her out. Slowly and with much effort, we both climbed to our feet and, without preamble, burst forward, banging our upper bodies together in an attempt to subdue the other with a frontal assault. Unfortunately for me, Laurie could still punch….and  proceeded to do so, crashing her fists against my forehead and jaw, whipping me around the room. She was tired and hurt; yet she refused to waver. I returned fire, my desperation at her unexpected attack not allowing me to go back to my previous strategy of working her over with my constrictive leglocks. Laurie was relentless; nothing I tried was slowing her. It went on and on; had she not been so worn down from my previous attacks, she surely would have bludgeoned me into defeat. Finally, I couldn’t take her pressure and I went down, falling before her as my body was unable to remain upright against her onslaught.

As she stood above me, her fists still cocked, Laurie’s eyes showed a new glow…..but her posture told me she hoped to heaven I couldn’t get up; that the fight was over.

I tried to rise…..but my legs wouldn’t hold me and I dropped back down. I could see Laurie’s eyes light up at the sight; she figured she had me beaten once again.

But, I wouldn’t have it. This fight was mine. Mine! Looking at Laurie, I could see I’d never have a better chance of beating her than right now, when she was almost exhausted from my attack. Using all my resolve, I tried standing up again. This time, my legs supported me, my body responded and I got to my feet.

Standing a few feet apart, I clenched my fists and stared defiantly at Laurie Breeze. For a full minute, we faced each other down. I could see the light of victory go out of her eyes. I could see she wanted no more of this fight…..and yet…….

Staring at me with a face that showed discouragement and defiance, Laurie pounded her bare foot on the ground in frustration…..then turned and stomped from the room, making a slashing motion with her hand that indicated…….what?

Had she quit? No, I knew she hadn’t. Not Laurie Breeze. I just stood there, not knowing exactly what to make of Laurie walking away from a fight. Was she setting me up for something?

But there’s no “time out” in catfighting and I had no intention of letting Laurie have one. I’ll just give her a couple of seconds to think she’s getting a short rest…..and then I’ll bring her back to reality.


Laurie: I knew I needed a time-out. I was so tired….so bone tired……and when Marie stood up and glared at me, I realized my effort at defeating her hadn’t worked as I hoped it would. Giving her a gesture I figured would tell her I was calling a time out, I walked to the staircase and up the stairs, into the dark corridor where you and I are standing now.

No, I’m not quitting…..are you crazy? I’m just resting until I feel ready to resume the fight. After all, I fought Marie for 45 minutes; more time than any human should have to subject their body to that kind of effort. Still, she had tortured and tormented me with her damn scissors holds and other constricting tactics until I could hardly breathe, much less fight back.  I had made my stand….and it had fallen short. I needed to rest a minute. I mean, Marie needs the break, too. She must be as tired as I am. I’ll rest, and then I’ll go back and beat her to a pulp.

So, what do you think, huh?

What’s that? You think I should have stayed there and finished the fight? Hell, that’s what I was doing! I beat on Marie…..just like I did the first two times! You saw it. Okay, she was doing a bit better this time, but I'm still gonna win! This is just a short time out, that’s all it is. I'm entitled to it, y'know.

Huh? How’s that? What do you mean you see Marie coming? Not possible, my friend. She can’t be ready to fight yet…..any more than I am. She surely can’t find me where I’m hiding right now, don’t you know……….


Marie: You should have seen the shocked look in Laurie’s eyes as I grabbed the collar of her dress and dragged her down the stairs. I couldn’t quite see the person she was standing with in the dark corridor, but Laurie’s attempt to hide from me had failed. She was trying to struggle out of my grasp as I pulled her down the stairs, but her strength was almost gone from all the punishment I had dealt earlier. That she had been able to punch me to the ground was a tribute to her fighting spirit, I could never deny that……but my time had come…… the rest of this fight was going to belong to me.

When you think about it, I could have finished her off in the corridor where I found her hiding a minute ago. But, you know what? It’s less dark on the main floor where we fought before. In the light, she could see my face; see who was defeating her. That’s what I wanted…..and this time, I will have what I want!

Once I hauled Laurie to the landing, she threw a punch that I easily slipped, and I kneed her in the gut, causing her to double over. From there, I grasped the back of her head and pulled her roughly to the floor, face first. She was too stunned to move immediately, so I sat down in front of her, spreading my legs. Raising her head and placing it firmly against my crotch, I proceeded to smother her face with my private regions. Her nose and mouth were crushed against my crotch, not allowing her to breathe. All I could see of her face were her tortured eyes as she struggled helplessly against me…..but my grip of my thighs was too tight. She was as trapped as a victim could ever be.

How do my panties taste, Laurie? Do you like them?” I taunted, my spirits soaring with my inevitable victory……a victory over Laurie Breeze! The smile on my face was so wide I feared I’d never be able to stop smiling!


Laurie tried to wrench her head free, but my thighs held her firmly in place, even as the rest of her body whipped back and forth in hopeless agony, unable to bear the torture created by her breathing passages being blocked. To increase the pressure, I laced my hands around the back of her head, pulling her face in even tighter against my crotch. Her feet beat a helpless rat-a-tat against the floor……she had nowhere to go and no way to escape.

Even as I enjoyed my coming triumph, I had to admire her, I truly did. She didn’t want to give up; her fighting spirit was so strong that it wouldn’t permit her to surrender. But smothering is smothering….and no one can take it forever. Everybody has to breathe, right?

As I saw tears of asphyxiation and defeat trickle from her desperate eyes, she tapped me on the back twice, indicating her submission.

I jumped up, my heart almost bursting with joy. I had won! I stared down at Laurie Breeze, face down against the hard ground, breathing in great gulps of air……now that I was permitting her to! Ha!

”I beat you, Laurie! I beat you as thoroughly as a person can be beaten. From now on, you’ll know that I’m superior…..and I can thrash you any time I want!

Watching Laurie as she sobbed softly, unwilling to raise her head and look me in the eye, I strolled off slowly, without a care in the world. I had won!


Laurie: So, you stuck around, huh? Glad you did, I guess, although I don’t really like having anyone see me after I lose a fight.

What’s that? Yeah, I know I lost to Marie. Just because I don’t like admitting it doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. I was so darn proud of the fact I was undefeated against her. Well, no more.

But, you know what? This isn’t the end. No way, no how. Especially the way the little bitch had to humiliate me at the end. Next time, I’m going to beat her…..and embarrass her worse than she did to me. Next time, she’s the one who’s going to have trouble breathing. You hear me?

How’s that again? Oh, sure. You’re invited to watch me do it. I’ll be right pleased to have an audience. After I finish with her, I don’t know that Marie will ever want to fight again. You just make sure you’re there to see it…….and bring all your friends.



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Re: Laurie Breeze vs. Marie B... III
« Reply #1 on: November 06, 2013, 07:01:53 AM »
a fight of the midgets..perhaps but two giant talents.

Well done Marie
Blondes are cool Brunettes are Hot!!


Offline Laurie Breeze

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Re: Laurie Breeze vs. Marie B... III
« Reply #2 on: November 07, 2013, 09:01:58 AM »
Wow! Just wow!

I honestly don't know what else to say.... I am totally blown away by this awesome story!

Marie, you did it again! You always manage to put yer own special spin on a catfight story 'n make it unique. Looking at it from a different point of view, a fresh new take that moves it away from the regular same old same old.

I loved the concept, the whole documentary-like feel to it, the way you used our thoughts, feelings, emotions 'n strategies made it so real 'n very personal. I don't even mind very much that you made me submit, yer story is that good!

Congrats are in order....not only for a super story but for FINALLY managing to beat me   :o  :D  But guess what? This is far from over, "Shorter Than Me"!

Hugggzzz 'n xoxo

« Last Edit: November 07, 2013, 09:55:59 AM by Laurie Breeze »
We're on a circuit of an Indian dream
We don't get old, we just get younger
When we're flying down the highway
Riding in our Indian Cars


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Re: Laurie Breeze vs. Marie B... III
« Reply #3 on: November 07, 2013, 07:03:12 PM »
I'm actually the tallest of this bunch!  I'm tougher and meaner too!  Too bad I don't have half the talent of the minute Mawee....nor of Lauwee for that matter....


Great story Marie!!!

:D ;D :-*


Bad (Bad) Blood (Blood)
The bitch is in her smile.
The lie is on her lips,
Such an evil child.


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Re: Laurie Breeze vs. Marie B... III
« Reply #4 on: November 10, 2013, 06:50:19 AM »
Hmmm! Delightful & sexy - loved the switching of perspective!  ;D ;)

Naughty - but oh, so NICE! :-)