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The SleepOver

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Offline cffanusa

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The SleepOver
« on: August 28, 2012, 06:50:03 AM »
All Characters are made up and over 18

The Sleepover

Emily glanced at her watch counting down the minutes so she could leave work.  She was anxious to get away today, she had to prepare for her daughters sleepover.  Emily wanted this weekend to go well for her daughter, Kristy.  Kristy had not had a very good time of it since Lanny had died of cancer a month ago.  Emily couldn’t count the number of times she would walk by her daughter’s room and hear her 18 year old crying.  Kristy had not been out of the house or seen any of her friends since the funeral.  Emily also needed this weekend she needed something to snap her out of the depression she had fallen into.  She had hoped that spending a weekend enduring constant chatter, cheesy teen flicks, and high school gossip would be a pleasant change from the unbearable silence that now filled her home. 

Once five o’clock came, Emily rushed to the grocery store where she filled her cart with various junk food, bags of chips, popcorn, candy, and some hamburger fixings for a cookout.  In the check out line, Emily’s spirits were boosted when she caught a bag boy eying her body.  Emily had a helluva body to eye even at 37 the 5’6” blonde had a great figure.  At 36DD-26-37, Emily turned many heads.  While Lanny was alive, she would only notice the creepy gawkers leering at her when she was out in public.  Now that Lanny was gone, Emily took heart that she could still turn heads. 

Seeing the bag boy stare at her brought back horrible memories of one young man that stalked her.  Stone was his name; every time she went out, he would pop up.  At first, she thought it was cute but then it got to be quite weird.  It got so bad that the pervert would follow her to and from work.  He would say strange things like “Can you smell what the Stone is cooking” and he would call ordinary people his “Olympic hero,” one other thing he kept talking about hermaphrodites.  Emily finally had to get a restraining order to keep that lowlife away from her.  The court order worked, she did however see him a few more times, but he was with some trashy looking black woman that had huge tits and was ordering him around like a little puppy.  (Kidding Stone I’m sure Alkia is a fine woman)

After she finished grocery shopping, Emily raced home to find Kristy in the living room with her friends catching up on all the gossip.  Sitting on the lazy-boy recliner was Jennifer.  Jennifer was a 5’11 18 year old with a lean muscular body; she was the schools star female athlete.  While being great in almost every sport, Jennifer was quite attractive.  Jennifer didn’t have a model’s face, her beauty came from youth and the fact that she succeeded in everything she tried.  The tall teen had yet to experience life’s trying times, she felt the world was hers to conquer.  Apart from Jennifer’s athletic body, which was tanned to a golden hue, her dark intensely sexy bedroom eyes captivated people. 

Kristy was sitting on the couch next to her friend Tara.  Tara was a 5’2” gymnast with over developed legs and ass.  The little raven-haired teen was flat chested with a short spiky haircut.  Tara’s legs and ass were sculpted pillars of human flesh.  The gymnast had a turbo charged motor mouth that could spit out the goings on of three people in one breath.  Emily would get exhausted just listening to the young girl talk.

The three girls helped Emily with the groceries and after everything was put away, they decided to go swimming in the pool in the backyard.  Kristy and Tara headed for Kristy’s bedroom to put on their bikinis but stopped when Jennifer boldly suggested that they go skinny dipping right in front of Emily.  Jennifer looked to Emily and asked, “If it’s ok with you?” Emily was taken aback for a moment as she felt all eyes on her.

Emily remembered her youth when she and her friends would meet at a secluded watering hole and swim in the buff.  She had some wonderful times thinking of all the antics they would try.  Emily mulled her choice of whether to be a “cool mom” or “a responsible mom.” she surveyed the girl’s expressions and decided that she would be a cool mom and let the girls do what they wanted.

“Sure it’s fine by me.”  Emily replied.

Jennifer started removing her clothing, Kristy and Tara immediately followed suit.  When Jennifer was naked, she suggested that Emily join them.  Emily eyed Jennifer’s nude body then looked her in the eye.  The teen’s look was more of a challenge than an offering.  For reasons she could not explain Emily went along and agreed to swim with the girls.  Tara and Kristy giggled as they finished undressing at the thought of seeing an adult naked.  The room fell silent as Emily began to disrobe; when she removed her bra the silence was broken with catcalls and whistles.  Emily blushed then to show she was not embarrassed shook her tits at the teens.  They all laughed at Emily lude action then the older woman dropped her panties to her ankles and stepped out of them. 

Emily started to head for the pool when she caught Jennifer looking at her.  Jennifer’s look sent shivers through Emily’s body.  Emily caught an obvious look of lust from Jennifer.  It was the first time she noticed a female checking her out.  Emily’s nipples stiffed under Jennifer’s gaze.  Not wanting to dwell on the teen’s gaze Emily rushed to the pool and was the first in the water.  Jennifer was right on Emily’s ass literally followed by Tara and Kristy. 

Once in the water, the girls splashed each other and had a good time horse playing.  The four took turns dunking each other and Emily could feel Jennifer’s hands probing her voluptuous body.  Emily was turned on by the Jennifer’s roaming hands but was nervous about the teen’s intentions.  Emily didn’t want to cause a scene in front of her daughter so she kept her mouth shut.  After about twenty minutes of playing in the pool, Emily announced she was going in to make dinner.  After taking some ribbing from the teens about being scared she was going to drown, Emily stepped out of the pool as the girls looked on watching Emily’s soft, round, wet ass shake and shimmy as she walked to the house.

Emily had just finished taking out some things for dinner when she heard her daughter screaming for her to come outside.  Emily rushed out of the house in a panic thinking one of the girls had hurt themselves.  The mom breathed a sigh of relief and laughed at the sight saw.  Tara was standing behind Kristy holding the girls arms while Jennifer pinched, twisted, and tickled Kristy’s tits.  Kristy was laughing hysterically and kicking her legs as Jennifer played with Kristy’s boobs.

Kristy was built like her mother.  The teen stood 5’6” 34D-24-36 with blue eyes and short messy blonde hair.  Kristy was quite popular with the boys and envied by the girls.

“Mom help!  Do something!”  Kristy pleaded with her mother.

Emily smiled pretending to think for a moment.  The mom loved that for the first time since her husband’s death Kristy was laughing and acting like her old self again. 

“No.  I bet you got yourself into this mess so I think you should get yourself out of it.”  Emily stated then turned on her heels and headed for the house as Kristy’s friends laughed.

Emily was proud of her self for being cool and laughing about Kristy’s predicament when Jennifer spoke up.

“Your mom couldn’t help you anyway Kristy.”

Emily stopped and turned around to face the three teens. 

“Excuse me.  What was that little remark?” Emily questioned.

“I was just telling Kristy that you couldn’t help her anyway.  I mean you would have to wrestle me away from her, and like, there’s just no way an old lady like you could do that.” Jennifer stated with a laugh then put a hand on her hip and arched one eyebrow as if challenging Emily.

“Old lady, you think I’m an old lady.”  Emily stated. 

“Well yeah, and your boobs are way too big to be wrestling.  Like they would totally get in your way.” Jennifer replied.

“We’ll see about that!”  Emily stated as she advanced on Jennifer. 

Emily and Jennifer laughed and giggled as they circled each other looking for an opening.  Jennifer couldn’t take her eyes off Emily’s boobs as the two moved around each other.  Emily jumped back when Jennifer faked a lunge at her.  The teen really got excited seeing Emily’s soft heavy tits dancing around the older woman’s chest when she would move. 

Emily could hear Tara laugh as Kristy encouraged her mom to get Jennifer.  After taking a deep breath, Emily charged Jennifer.  Jennifer stepped up and met Emily head on the two combatants immediately threw their arms around one another in a mutual bear hug.  Emily was taken aback when she felt the power in Jennifer’s arms as the teen squeezed her.  Emily tightened her grip around her opponents taunt waist but seemed to have little effect on the teen.  Emily struggled to get air.  The older woman was surprised to see the teen smiling as they looked into each other’s eyes.  When Jennifer felt Emily’s grip weaken the tall teen effortlessly lift Emily off her feet.  Emily gasped as she felt the full power of Jennifer.  Jennifer bounced Emily up and down then walked around a bit as Emily hung in Jennifer’s arms.  The teen loved the feel of Emily’s big soft tits engulfing her own.  She relished the how her small hard brown nipples pushed into Emily’s large and long nipples.

Jennifer released her grip on Emily and the older woman landed awkwardly on her feet.  Emily stumbled back a step then fell back on her ass as all the girls laughed.  Emily sat up in a daze marveling at Jennifer’s strength.  Emily realized that her only shot a beating Jennifer and saving some dignity in front of her daughter was too get Jennifer on the ground and get on top of her.  The red-faced mom picked herself up off the grass and faced Jennifer.

Emily charged Jennifer.  It was Emily’s intent to tackle Jennifer to the ground, get on top of her and keep her their until she gave up.  Jennifer readied herself for the on rushing Emily.  When Emily hit Jennifer, she barely budged the teen.  The older woman put a foot behind Jennifer’s leg and tried to trip her.  Jennifer countered by throwing an arm around Emily’s neck, turning sideways and effectively putting Emily in a headlock.  When Jennifer was finished executing her move Emily was bent over at the waist with her neck firmly in Jennifer’s strong arm.  Through her cheek, Emily could feel the soft skin of Emily’s waist but she could tell underneath the soft skin there was rock hard muscle. 

“Wow!  You’re easier than I thought.” Jennifer stated matter of factly.

Emily did not respond to Jennifer’s comment as she tried to pry the teen’s arm from around her neck.

“Noogie!” Jennifer yelled as she rubbed her fist over Emily’s scalp.

“Stop!” cried Emily laughing at her predicament.

“Make me.” Jennifer challenged.

Emily grunted as Jennifer walked the hunched over mom around the pool.  Emily could hear her daughter and Tara laughing at her.  She was red with embarrassment but somewhat turned on by being woman handled by a cute teen. 

Jennifer pressed her advantage by taking Emily to the ground.  Once she had Emily on the ground Jennifer rolled Emily over on her back.  With a smile, she mounted the older woman and sat astride on Emily’s waist.  Emily struggled by thrusting her hips high into the air trying to unseat Jennifer.  Jennifer countered by laying flat out on Emily then hooked her legs on the inside of Emily’s legs then spread them wide.  Emily’s eyes went as wide as her legs did when she felt the gentle breeze blowing on her twat lips.   

“I’ve got to get a better look at this.” Tara stated then drug Kristy with her as she positioned herself where she could have a birds-eye view of Jennifer and Emily’s crotches.

“Oh my God!” Kristy gasped as she gazed into her mom’s pussy. 

Kristy’s body temperature rose as she took in the magnificent sight before her.  Kristy’s breathed hard as she saw her mom’s meaty love lips protruding in between her legs as Jennifer showed off her own twat as the teen rode Emily.  Kristy’s nipples grew hard while watching Jennifer’s shaved pussy force Emily's blonde bush to the ground repeatedly. 

Jennifer laughed every time she would force Emily to the ground.  Emily soon gave up the fight she knew she had been bested.  Emily let her legs go limp and her tense body went slack as a sign of surrender. 

“Okay, you win.”  Emily announced.

Jennifer smirked while picking herself off Emily and taking a seat on the older woman’s stomach. 

“Queen!” Jennifer yelled as she ran her hands through her hair then thrust them into the air as a sign of victory.

When Jennifer finished celebrating her victory, she took Emily’s limp arms and placed them under her knees.  Emily looked confused until she saw what the teen had planned.  Jennifer seized the older woman’s tits with her hands.  Emily pleaded with Jennifer as her tits were lightly pinched and twisted.  The older kicked her legs wildly as the teen tickled her by gently raking her nails along the sides of Jennifer’s tits. 

“Stop!  Please stop, oh shit!”  Emily begged between laughs.

“Such language” commented Jennifer then spanked one of Emily’ tits.  The teen laughed as she watched Emily’s large tits roll from side to side.  Jennifer slapped Emily’s tits a couple more times just so she could watch the woman’s tits flop around.

By now Kristy was totally into watching her mom be dominated by her friend she was fighting the urge to rub her pussy and massage her tits.  Kristy was even more turned on as she felt Tara rubbing herself against her.  Kristy could feel Tara’s tits poking her back and Tara’s sparsely covered snatch rubbing against her ass. 

“Your mom looks so fucking hot.” Tara stated as she reached around to fondle one of Kristy’s tits. 

Kristy let out a sigh as she let her head fall back on Tara’s shoulder and gave up the fight to keep from scratching the itch between her legs.  Kristy moaned aloud as her hand touched her pussy.  Tara used her other hand to masturbate her own twat while lightly kissing Kristy’s neck.

Jennifer scooted up on Emily brushing her ass across the older woman’s boobs as she took a seat on Emily’s neck.  Emily could smell what Jennifer was cooking and closed her eyes trying to not let the teen know how turned on she was.  Once she was firmly planted on, Emily Jennifer reached back and fondled Emily’s tits once again.  Jennifer hesitated a moment before placing her pussy on Emily’s defeated face and claiming her victory prize, she wanted to savor the moment of conquering and deflowering an older woman. 

Emily’s head was spinning, her heart felt like it was about to leap out of her chest and she could actually feel the blood pulsating through her body from the events that had taken place in just a few short moments.  As Emily’s thoughts raced through her mind the thought of Kristy came to her.  “What is she thinking?” Emily wondered to herself.  Emily could only imagine what was going through her daughters mind.  The more she thought about it the more she got turned on by getting her ass kicked in front of Kristy. 

Jennifer lifted herself off of Emily’s neck and hovered her crotch over the older woman’s mouth.  Emily opens her eyes when she felt Jennifer rise.  The big titted woman stared directly into Jennifer’ eyes, Emily’s eyes shot to Jennifer’s pussy after the teen winked at her.  Emily closed her eyes again when she saw Jennifer’s pussy descending on her mouth.  Emily waited for the decisive moment.  When the teens labia touched her lips Emily acting on instinct immediately kissed the teens most intimate part then used her tongue to explore Jennifer’s nether region.  Jennifer thrust her head back feeling the pleasure of Emily’s warm lips and wet tongue.  Jennifer swooned with pleasure as Emily began to lap the teen’s juices from her pussy.  It wasn’t long before Jennifer had an earth shattering orgasm.  After her orgasm, it took Jennifer a moment to collect herself and find the strength to get off Emily. 

Once she was on her feet Jennifer grinned as she saw Kristy sitting on the ground with her head tilted back eating Tara out as the little gymnast stood over her with her legs spread.  Emily noticed Jennifer watching something then made it to her knees to see what it was.  Her eyes bulged out as she watched her daughter hungrily giving Tara head.  Tara and Kristy were oblivious that someone was watching them.  Not wanting to disturb the love making that was going on, Jennifer grabbed Emily by the hair and led the older woman into the house where they made their way to the bedroom. 

Jennifer threw Emily on the bed and dove on top of her.  The teen straddled Emily facing the woman’s feet.  After licking her lips, Jennifer’s tongue went to work on Emily’s blonde snatch.  Emily cooed as Jennifer put out her fire.  Jennifer and Emily stayed in bed quite some time before making it out of the bedroom for something to eat. 

Emily blushed when she made eye contact with her daughter in the living room.  There was an awkward silence before Jennifer broke the tension.

“Man, eating pussy sure makes me hungry.” 

 Emily, Tara, and Kristy immediately broke into laughter at Jennifer’s comment.  Emily fixed some sandwiches for the girls and listened intently as Jennifer regaled them with other experiences she had with other girls. 

After dinner, Jennifer went into the bathroom and came out with a bottle of baby oil.

“I have an idea.  I want to oil wrestle.  We can do it on Emily’s bed.  Who’s up for it?”  Jennifer said.

Tara hopped up and headed for the bedroom followed by Kristy.  Emily sat on her chair grinning at Jennifer.  Jennifer grinned back then reached down snatching Emily by the ear and led her to the bed once again.

The four wrestled late into the night until they were too exhausted to wrestle or fuck.  The next morning Emily struggled out of bed and fixed, breakfast for her daughter and her guests.  After breakfast the three girls decided to go shopping and when they got back, they would go at each other again.  They had decided that Emily and Kristy would take on Tara and Jennifer.  The loser would stay naked the rest of the weekend and do what ever the winners wanted.....

« Last Edit: August 28, 2012, 07:00:09 AM by Sarahcatfights »


Offline Sue_r

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Re: The SleepOver
« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2012, 02:05:52 PM »
Great story. Would love to read more. 

SUE R!!!!!!!


Offline dtrain12575

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Re: The SleepOver
« Reply #2 on: September 01, 2012, 11:22:08 AM »
Great story... Nailed all the fun elements we love on this board. Would love to read about a tag team match.


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Re: The SleepOver
« Reply #3 on: September 02, 2012, 03:55:32 AM »
Amazing story, thanks for posting


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Re: The SleepOver
« Reply #4 on: September 02, 2012, 02:15:45 PM »
I enjoyed that one.  Nicely done.

Is this the beginnings of a catfight club?  Seems like there's some potential there if you want to keep the story going.


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Re: The SleepOver
« Reply #5 on: September 06, 2012, 01:23:57 AM »
thanks for the VERY HOT story! Love if when an older woman gets handled by a younger one :)........What will round two hold?


Offline cffanusa

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Re: The SleepOver
« Reply #6 on: September 06, 2012, 02:23:38 AM »
Sorry To disapoint but i do not have a round 2.  The story I posted is from an old yahoo group.  If someone wants to continue it they are more then welcome too.....


Offline Bailey555

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Re: The SleepOver
« Reply #7 on: October 21, 2013, 05:21:20 AM »
Great story, would you be able to make a sequel with tickling?
Tickle tickle tickle!!!


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Re: The SleepOver
« Reply #8 on: October 21, 2013, 10:44:36 AM »
Very great story.  I love the friendly and erotic atmosphere.  Their wrestling is more an erotic game than a war and it's very appealing
Lady Gaelle


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Re: The SleepOver
« Reply #9 on: October 29, 2013, 02:41:12 PM »
Great story  I would love to read how the rest of the weekend went.