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Championship Foxy Boxing at the Foxy Lady Gentleman's club

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Offline ironkobe

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Championship Foxy Boxing at the Foxy Lady Gentleman's club
« on: January 06, 2014, 06:01:13 PM »
Standing just behind the curtains backstage Debbi peaked through the small opening to watch her opponent in the ring.  Amber was a getting oiled up while Katy Perry’s “Roar” played over the sound system.  The brunette had her chestnut colored hair in long pigtails held in place with pink and white ribbon.  She was just out of college in her mid 20’s and had massive double D’s that Debbi couldn’t wait to sink her fists into.  Gary had let it slip that Amber was getting a bigger topless bonus than Debbi was because she had the bigger set of tits, and Debbi was going to make Amber pay for that.  

You’d think that spending five, no six years as top bitch at the Foxy Lady Gentlemen’s Club (that’s a good one the guys were hardly gentlemen here) would account for more, but it had been clear to Debbi she was no longer as good as her last match, she was only as good as her next one.  
Debbi wasn’t sure when it happened, but it must have been a while ago.  Somehow some way it had happened: Debbi defined herself not just a foxy boxer, but a champion foxy boxer.  No one says to herself, “I want to be a foxy boxing champion when I grow up.”  Debbi had planned on being a veterinarian when she was younger, but life gets in the way, what you say you’ll do a 6 is rarely what you end up doing.  She was a wild child growing up, spending most of her time head banging at heavy metal shows.  She spent two years touring with a boyfriend’s band, but when they broke up she ended up waiting tables at Hooters.  

She still could turn heads at 28, and that is when she found out the real money was in foxy boxing.  Debbi could make as much as she did working a game day shift for 15 minutes of light hit and giggle work in a bikini bottom.  The real money was in the real fights, if two girls were willing to really slug it out, you could make double, even triple a shift of waiting tables.  That might have been the moment, when Debbi decided she’d like the money the club champ makes.  

The Foxy Lady Gentlemen’s Club’s champ was always decided in a real fight.  Two girls slugged it out till one quit.  There were rarely knockouts at the club, as you fought in to Debbi at least seemed to be giant pillows, 16 ounce gloves that made it hard to draw blood.  It still hurt plenty to get hit with them, as Debbi could attest to.  Still she took it as a sources of pride she score 8 of the last 12 knockout the Foxy Lady  had, a fact even more impressive when you consider she only defended her title once a month.  

Debbie decided the moment she must have really become a foxy boxer was after the birth of her daughter.  At 30, Debbi was working as a vet tech five days a week but still fought monthly as her tech work didn’t pay great.  She became pregnant after a one night stand with a client of all people, at the vet’s office not the Foxy Lady, so she vacated her title.  10 months to the day she gave up her title she was back in the ring to challenge for it, turns out the guy she fucked took better care of his dog than his daughter.  Janie was the reigning champion, and she had challenged Debbi several times in the previous two years.  Now the shoe was on the other foot.  It was Debbi challenging Janie.  The two women were good friends outside of the ring, and that made their in ring wars all the more thrilling.  Debbi was 2 inches taller, but Amber was the bigger woman, with a more rounded belly compared to Debbi even though she was the one who had the kid.  They both had curly blonde hair, and the spectators definitely liked the fact the nursing Debbi had more full breasts.  After six rounds of toe to toe slugging Janie was getting tired, her arms were heavy and she was cut off by Debbi in her corner.  Debbi beat on Janie’s face until she dropped from a vicious hook to the temple to win her title back with a definitive KO!  Nursing her daughter that night was hard, but it was easier knowing she had money for rent and maybe something nice for herself with her knockout bonus, plus another set of trunks for her trophy collection.  Club tradition is the champ gave up her colors if she was beat.  That was six years ago, since then girls had come and gone, but Debbi remained top of the food chain.    

Back in Black by AC DC was now playing as Debbi headed out to the ring dressed in her trademark black: gloves, robe and Soffe slick shorts.  Back in Black had been Debbi’s theme for almost 8 years of foxy boxing, she liked to think that it held a special place in the club, and maybe one time it did.  She was a dominate champion, the operative word here was.  Now Debbi was 38, old for any combat sport, but that was especially true for one that involved going topless.  Standing six feet tall and having a solid natural B cup made her intimidating in her twenties, but Amber was almost as tall and much thicker.  It wasn’t the soft roundness of Janie, either, her frame was solid, Debbi knew her opponent did 10k’s to stay in shape.  Gary wanted Amber and her big Double D’s to be the club champ, hell it looked like the crowd did too if Debbi was being honest, but that didn’t matter.  This was a contest between Debbi and Amber to decide who wanted it more.  Both women were now gleaming with a coating of oil and standing tit to tit, Amber must have had 20 pounds on the champ but both ladies were ready to rumble.  They slammed gloves and headed to their corners.  Debbi had her curly blonde hair held back with a black headband, but she knew it wouldn’t stay there long, she held her gloves out high and came to the center of the ring do battle with her younger foe.  Amber was decked out in pink from her pigtails to her shorts and gloves, she had a spring in her step that kept her big tits bouncing.

The first round or two of championship fights the girls tended to take it easy.  They were there to build interest for the fight, and ensure everyone walked away happy from the show.  Even with the 16 ounce gloves Gary was afraid of a quick knockout even though both women had solid chins.  Amber didn’t seem to remember that protocol though.  From the opening bell she had been stinging Debbi with solid jabs to the belly and tits after half a round of getting smacked around Debbi wised up and started hitting back hard at the same slow pace.  Amber just hit her back harder.  When Debbi got to her corner it finally dawned on her, Amber had been holding back, she was just that fucking strong.  It was going to be a long night.  

By the end of round two the contest of tits was a little more even, Debbi’s tits had started to swell from Amber’s beating.  Debbi was used to it, part of being the champ, she’d see how the brunette liked it to her tits this round.  For all her foot work, Amber couldn’t too much to hide from the black gloves of Debbi, her tits were just too large of a target.  Time and again black leather sunk into soft flesh.  Round three was when the fight really started, now both girls would really go at it.  Amber came out of her corner still bouncing on her toes.  Debbi was a vet and was flat footed, they were practically fighting a phone booth, the ring was just 10 by 10, so good luck running.  The champ rushed Amber and started slugging.  Amber had her hands low to protect her tits, and Debbi was out for blood.  For two solid minutes she threw leather into the face of Amber sending her pigtails flying.  At the end of the round Debbi had to be pushed off Amber.  Amber’s nose had been bloodied, her lip too, not surprising as she lost her mouth piece after some crosses paint brushed her face mid round.  Amber was furious at hardly landing a glove that round and stood in the middle or the ring egging on Debbi to fight her some more, that she hadn’t been hurt.  In her corner Debbi was arm weary already, and she knew there was a lot of truth to what Amber was saying.  Better to recover than get up and try and prove a point she wasn’t sure was true.  

When seconds were ordered out of the ring Debbi got out of her stool, and that might have been her salvation.  At the sound of the bell Amber charged the champ’s corner determined to repay Debbi in her own coin.  Debbi didn’t care much for foot work, but she had some ring craft, as Amber barreled in, Debbi slipped from the corner and boxed her in.  Both women planted their feet and started slugging.  Debbi knew that Amber wanted to bloody her nose more than anything in the world right now, and decided to put her faith in her chin to see if she could weaken the big girl in front of her.  The blonde champ banged to the body with short chopping blows, she buried her head into the burnet’s ample chest and smashed into her body.  Amber struck back with animalistic fury, landing rabbit punches and smacks to the back, but couldn’t shake the champ.  
She’d push Debbi off her, land a shot or two to the head and then get smothered with uppercuts to the ribs and chest.

The crowd was roaring, both women had come to fight.  The place erupted as Amber had enough of the Debbi’s swarming her in the corner and tossed her to the ground with a shove.  Amber abandoned all pretense of this being a boxing match when she dove onto of the older woman and started punching.  Things looked bad for Debbi, she had a heavier girl kneeing over her reigning punches, and with the crowd erupting the ref was either unwilling or unable to restore order.  Fear can be a powerful motivator though, and the cougar was able to fight her way to her knees.  There the two women slugged it out in sloppy fashion, Amber regretted her decision to have pigtails as Debbi got a hold of them and used them to give her some thing to hold onto while they slugged it out.   The bell had been sounding for about a minute straight but neither fighter paid any mind, even when bouncers entered the ring to pull the fighters apart it was a losing effort as each woman had that oil on them, and fought free twice to continue their brawl while the crowd chanted “Let them fight!”

There was a longer than average cooling off period as Gary tried to reestablish order in the ring and thus the club.  

“What the hell is wrong with you, Debbi, are you trying to get yourself disqualified?”

“She threw me!”

“And you kept right at it wrestling on the ground.”

“I was defending myself.”

“And when you attacked Amber when she was being held back, what was that?  You’re trying to get this turned into a no contest because you know you can’t beat Amber.”

“The fuck I can’t, I’ll beat that big titted cow into next week”

“You’re afraid you’ll lose your title to someone younger and stronger than you.”

“Just let me at her and I’ll show you who’s stronger.”

“I can’t do that, Debbi, unless you promise to fight by the rules.  You want to be the champ, act like it, fight like the champion you are.”

The blonde lioness heard enough, she pushed Gary aside and stood up in her corner pounding her breasts to show she wasn’t the least bit hurt.  The young brunette with her hair in pigtails stood to answer the challenge.  She made a motion showing were she’d wear her new belt and then raised her gloves to fight.  Gary got out of the ring and gave the nod for the bell to ring.  

Debbi was more cautious now, keeping her black gloves high by her face to protect from the powerful shots of Amber.  The young challenger was still trying to bloody Debbi’s face, and with her longer reach Debbi made it a point to make sure Amber paid every time she moved in to exchange.  Amber was a fat cow and Debbi was a matadora, giving ground as she was circled around the ring, but stinging with each punch.  Debbi’s jab set up the cross which would land to head it if was counter, or the tits if Amber remembered to keep her hands up.  

Amber was getting frustrated and hurt, her punches got longer and loopier, with each glove that sank into her luscious breasts or bleeding nose.  More she got hurt, the harder she swung, the harder she swung the more she got hurt.  The stronger girl was too inexperience to know she was making matters worse.  As the ten second warning was called, Debbi decided to seal the round.  She unloaded a flurry of punches to the woman in the pink and white cheer shorts.  Finally, Amber got her opportunity, she landed a wild hook flush to the champion’s head and down crashed Debbi.  

Debbi lay on the ground for a second, spat out her mouth piece along with a good bit of blood.  She looked up and there stood Amber ready to pounce.  Debbi had drilled her the whole round, pressured her and beat the round before but the strong young woman seemed unfazed.  If anything Amber looked more eager to fight cover in a film of sweat and oil.  The ref was backing Amber to her corner and Debbi’s corner helped her to her own.  They told her to keep moving and she’d wear down the big girl, but Debbi had her doubts.  She was already starting to feel her age, and this girl was made of iron it seemed.  The bell sounded for the next round, Amber was on her feet already and taunted “What’s the matter, bitch, you scared?”

Scared?  Debbi would show her who was scared.  The two woman warriors stood tit to tit and banged it out in the center of the ring.  It was Amber’s kind of the fight, Debbi knew that.  This was the stupid drunken slugging of two rank amateurs and it favored who ever hit harder.  If one thing had been made abundantly clear to Debbi at the end of last round it was the Amber hit hardest.  Still she swung away.  Sure she’d picked up a thing or two from her years of foxy boxing, but at the end of the day it wasn’t ring craft that won championships.  It was heart, guts, and a love of the fight.  Nobody had more heart than Debbi, nobody –BANG- hit harder than that bitch in pink!

One second Debbi was giving as good as she got and the next she was on the her shiny black satin covered ass clutching her nose.  Blood was coming out of her face, and Debbi knew her nose was broken.  That hadn’t happened in years.  The count was already at six too, she scrambled to get to her feet and get her gloves up.  No way she’d got out like that, she got her gloves up and was back to the fight.  A little smarter this time she hoped.  Debbi tried to get on her bicycle, but that wouldn’t be any use, the ring was too small, Amber to big.  

Debbi found herself cut off and trapped in the corner with big pink mitts pounding into her.  Deep impacts landed to the champs gut with regularity, but Debbi just turtled up.  She couldn’t take another shot to the face.  It would be so easy to hit the ground again, but she couldn’t give Amber the satisfaction of that.  The stupid bitch had been grinning ever since Debbi hit the ground.  Even now she was smirking as stepped back to admire her work on her blonde opponent.  A face like that was just asking to get smacked, and Debbi did just that, drilled her in the face with a good twist.  Amber staggered back, but didn’t fall, a second later and the brunette was back to smirking too!  
Debbi had been hated, she’d been feared, loved even, but now this was new.  Now Amber was ignoring her.  Debbi banged to the tits twice more, but in the process took at a trio of punches aimed at the breadbasket.  Unfortunately for Debbi her legs gave out after the second one, and she started to hit the ground getting grazed in the head as she dropped.  

Even with the roar of the crowd, Debbi could hear the ref tell her to just stay down.  But Debbi couldn’t stay down, not with the skank jumping around like her cheer squad just won state.  She had to get up and fight, she couldn’t lose to girl like this.  She had a legacy, so she got up and ate more punches till the bell rang and she plopped in her corner.  

Debbi’s time in the corner might have hurt her worse than the fight with Amber.  

“It’s time to throw in the towel.”  They told her, “You can’t win.”

“Yes I can,” she protested, “I’ve beaten tougher.”

It was true, she had beaten tougher opponents, but every battle costs you something.  A price must be paid for victory, and it was clear to everyone but Debbi that she didn’t have enough to pay that price tonight, and some in the corner that that was true before she got hit at the start of the fight.  Now, well someone had to tell her the truth.  

“You’re going to get hurt, Deb”

“You think I don’t know that?  Let me go out on my terms.” Debbi said as she banged her gloves together to show she still wanted to fight.  Her corner relented, it was clear that they couldn’t talk sense to their champion; they just hoped Amber and her gloves could beat sense into her quickly.

At the start of the round Amber came out to chants of her name, everyone in the crowd knew that she was going to win this fight, and loved seeing the fresh faced girl with big tits put a beating on the long reigning champ.  Her face had been wiped clean, and other than the black eye, she looked great.  Debbi was a mess.  Blood matted some of her blonde hair, while the rest flew every which way in messy curls.  Her nose was bleeding, and both eyes were swelling shut.  Even after a minute on her stool she seemed a little unsteady on her feet.  Still she had her gloves high and her chin tucked as she came out to fight the thick brunette.  

Amber was pawing at Debbi’s defenses with her pink gloves.  Her mouth was a little opened so the champ knew she had to be getting tired.  Amber seemed to be happy to wait for her opponent to get sloppy and drop her guard, but Debbi had other plans.  She struck hard and fast midway through the round with shots to the tummy of the pink clad warrior.  

The right hook to the body landed first, Debbi could feel her knuckles smash into the ribs of her young foe.  She wanted to savor the feeling of her hand smashing and Amber moaning, but the next punch of her combination was already landing.  It was a vicious uppercut to the tit, there was a satisfying smack of her leather missile colliding with tender flesh.  Debbi could feel Amber weakening as her left hook crashed to the brunette’s head.  She was hoping to hit her flush on the temple, but smacking her in the check and watching the blood fly was satisfying in its own right.  Not quite as satisfying as what came next, the right hand to the chin that sent the big girl crashing down.  Debbi knew it was a good shot, she had already started walking off to the neutral corner when she heard Amber hit the mat and the crowd started chanting her name.  

There was nothing like beating another girl to build your ego.  There wasn’t a man in that building that wouldn’t have given his right nut to fuck Debbi in that moment.  She was their warrior queen, their champion, and it felt good, no great.  That’s what got Debbi off the mat all those times.  The feeling of being the better woman was without equal.  Debbi was almost grateful to see Amber pick herself off the mat at six and be standing at eight.  Debbi want to fight still, that was why she was in the ring.  She had told herself she had this job for the money, the extra income was nice.  But really she was here because she liked fighting chicks.  She liked testing herself against another woman, and the fact Amber was a challenge that just made it better.  

Debbi was all over the big brunette, smacking her time and again with her black gloves, “Come on, bitch, fight! I thought you wanted to be champ.”

Amber roared back with a looping power shot that Debbi slipped before administering a corrective counterpunch.  

“Come on box me, girl, I’m just warming up.”

At the bell Amber headed back to her corner demoralized.  Where the hell was this old war horse getting her energy from?  A round ago they were chanting her name, now they were in love with Debbi.  The moment was too much for Amber, she started sobbing as they tried to reduce the swelling on her face and chest.  Debbi saw the tears across the ring and fought her way out of her stool to raise her arms in victory.  The crowd started chant Debbi’s name again, and the ref asked Amber if she was giving up.

It was funny, 10 seconds ago she would have said yes, but seeing Debbi parade around the ring like she was…  That just didn’t sit well with Amber.  She’d fight she said.  So the bell rang and the two women went to battle once more tears still streaming from Amber.  
Amber had spent most of the fight with her chin high and her hands low, but getting your ass kicked will clean you of a lot of dirty habits.  Both women were on edge, there was knew found respect for Debbi’s punching on the brunette’s side, and the champ knew Amber was country strong.  Both women were content to fight at a distance, neither one of the wanted to be infighting at this point.  At range it favored the taller fighter, Debbi, who finally was using her height to walk Amber down.  The oil had been washed off by sweat and repeated toweling to remove blood in the corner, so each punch stuck longer and hurt more.

Still neither woman was gun shy.  This fight could only end if one of them said enough or if they were stopped, and neither woman was shy about trying to end this.  With Debbi’s reach and experience she had little trouble marking up Amber.  Her eye was swollen shut, and every few seconds Amber was getting caught but a right hand to the head or the body.  Amber was backing up, she took a big step back and Debbi over extended herself leaving her wide open for the counter.  A clubbing hook landed on the tall blonde and the champ was down yet again!  This time Debbi landed tits first with her round ass high in the air.    

There was no celebration this time.  Amber was just happy to let her guard down for a moment and rest with her arms over the ropes in the corner.  There was a scowl on Debbi’s face as she looked up to the girl in pink who mouthed “Bring it” as the blonde rose to the fight.  There were only seconds left in the round by the time Debbi got her mouth piece rinsed, but the champ in black was determined to even the score.  They slugged it out till the bell, but both were still standing when the dust settled.

At the start of the next round the fighters locked horns right away, Debbi’s inside slugging was quickly enveloped by Amber who turned the boxing match into a tit fight.  The ref knowing when to let the rules slide stayed back as the 20 year old’s double D’s did battle with the B cup of a woman almost old enough to be her mother.  Amber was heavier than Debbi too, so many questioned the wisdom of this tactic.  Chest to chest it was no contest, Amber’s double D smashed Debbi’s time and again.  Debbi was giving ground now, but half way to her corner launched an uppercut that rocked the big girl’s chin.  While Amber shook her head to get her bearings Debbi broke free and unloaded with a jab to the face, a right cross smashed the brunette’s nose again, a clubbing left hook smashed the big girl’s tits together, and another cross that sent the brunette crashing into the ropes.  

It was a standing eight count for Amber as Debbi paced in the corner eager to follow up her attack.  The ref yelled fight and Debbi and Amber did just that.  Amber wanted payback; Debbi knew the other girl was hurt.  Amber ate two more jabs on her way in, but landed a solid uppercut to Debbi’s soft belly, and the champ was too stunned to do anything but take the pair of hooks Amber threw.  Debbi was still on her feet, and thus still dangerous, she struck home to Amber’s swollen tits but that just pissed her off.  The pink clad boxer muscled her opponent back into the corner and started whaling on her.  Amber had enough of the breast abuse and decided to teach the champ a lesson herself.  Short chopping blows landed on Debbi’s tits as she moaned in pain.  After two or three shots Debbi finally started fighting her way out of the corner.  Amber wouldn’t budge and smacked Debbi in her face again.  There was panic in Debbi as she flailed her punches wildly, but Amber was too much.  Punch after punch reigned down till Debbi’s ass hit the ground.  

Amber stood over her a minute, the gloves low but still ready to fight.  “Stay down, bitch!” she snarled.  

Pride wouldn’t let Debbi do that, she started crawling up the ropes as the ref lead Amber back to her corner.  Debbi was standing, but still shaky on her feet at the count of eight.

“Don’t stop this,” Debbi said with mouthful of blood.  “I earned this.  She’s earned it too.”

Amber was angry with Debbi at this point, but had enough of the fight.  She wouldn’t waste time going to the body, it was head hunting now.  In the last seconds of the round Debbi was stumbling around the ring crashing into ropes with each haymaker Amber threw.  The punches lacked snap; they tossed the champ about more than hurt her, but hurt her they did.  At the bell Debbi couldn’t find her corner, her face was a mess, her brains too, but she insisted on one more round.

Every fighter has a certain amount of punishment they can take before they lose it all, Debbi had reached that point two fights ago.  Experience, pride, and raw guts had won her the last two title defenses she had, but it wouldn’t be enough tonight.  Like a warrior she came out for the next round and landed two shots to Amber, she took 12 in the process.  Debbi sank to the canvas in a flurry of pink.  She was only vaguely aware of being stripped as she lay sunk to the canvas.  Debbi came too to find she was naked save for her gloves, club tradition was for the champ to be stripped of her shorts if defeated.  Amber held her shorts aloft like a title belt.  It turned Debbi’s stomach, she was beaten and naked, and there was Amber, the new queen of the Foxy Lady soaking in the cheers.  

She got to her feet, gave the new champ a hug and a kiss, more sweet then sexy, and headed to the back.  In the showers she washed their combined blood from her hair and licked her wounds.  She’d been stupid to fight this long.  She was too busted in the face to work as a vet tech this week, maybe the next week too, and she won’t even get the championship purse.  She couldn’t afford another fight physically, but she couldn’t afford not to fight financially.  It never occurred to Debbi that she wouldn’t be able to get another fight though; she was still a name after all.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2014, 06:13:09 PM by ironkobe »


Offline ballz_billy

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Re: Championship Foxy Boxing at the Foxy Lady Gentleman's club
« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2014, 04:33:56 PM »
this could be a top notch story, but needs photos of the girls...take a page out of that Russel dude's story's..he has 235 pictures to spare
« Last Edit: January 07, 2014, 04:34:16 PM by ballz_billy »


Offline SonnyB

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Re: Championship Foxy Boxing at the Foxy Lady Gentleman's club
« Reply #2 on: January 08, 2014, 07:54:33 AM »
Aw, felt for the champ there ... great story!  ;D ;)


Offline ironkobe

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Re: Championship Foxy Boxing at the Foxy Lady Gentleman's club
« Reply #3 on: January 09, 2014, 05:19:22 AM »
Yeah, I know what you mean on the champ situation.  I've been thinking about being a fighter, a top level fighter one, and the sudden fall off.  You reach the top, plateau and then one day you drop off a cliff.  Looking at you Wanderlei Silva, or even Anderson Silva now.


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Re: Championship Foxy Boxing at the Foxy Lady Gentleman's club
« Reply #4 on: January 09, 2014, 02:35:05 PM »
Oh My!  This was excellent!

Great attention to detail...the innermost thoughts of both girls...a pace which varied from low-key to fast and, a good mix of grudge and trash talk...and an explosive ending!  What more could the reader want?

Congratulations on your wonderful story; more, when you have the chance!!



Offline GoldenGirl

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Re: Championship Foxy Boxing at the Foxy Lady Gentleman's club
« Reply #5 on: January 11, 2014, 02:23:11 AM »
this could be a top notch story, but needs photos of the girls...take a page out of that Russel dude's story's..he has 235 pictures to spare

ONLY 235?!   lol