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UNTAMED RIVALRY: Scenes from a Female Fight Club Chapter 6 Extract 01

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Offline Ellis Kent

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    • Untamed Rivalry ebook

Alexis is now a member of an exclusive women-only fight club...this part one of Chapter Six of Untamed Rivalry: Scenes from A Female Fight Club see my profile for details of Alexis Diletti & Ellis Kent the author

Alexis and I will post the next two sections over the coming month. We would very much appreciate feedback...



Alexis knew Manhattan well from filming both fights and modeling, but mainly from her work. She was relieved not to have to be spending a lot of time with Midtown lawyers during this trip, and was also looking forward to seeing Suki again. They had emailed and talked a lot on the phone and had long video chats into the night. On a recent business trip, Suki had even spent her birthday evening talking to Alexis rather than joining Birgit and colleagues for dinner out. They were making the best of a long distance relationship.

Of course, learning more about The Club and the likelihood of some spectacular erotic encounters was also high on Alexis’ agenda. There was something else gnawing at her. Would she see Karen?  How close would they be?  How intense would the desire to meet with her and to take their duel to the next level be?  The end of the year seemed an eternity to have to wait before consummating their enmity. Still she would abide by The Club rules.

Having collected her luggage at Terminal 5 at JFK, she made her way towards the exit. She was expecting to join the line for the cabs to take her to the funky, trendy Midtown hotel where Birgit and Suki were staying. Near the exit, she saw a familiar figure, head slightly inclined and wearing dark glasses although it was 11pm. Like a limo driver, she held a sign with the legend “B.G. Alexis”. As Alexis got closer, she could see that Suki was smiling, amused at the surprise she was springing. The smile broadened as Alexis reached her and they kissed deeply.

Alexis whispered warmly, “What a lovely surprise. The Bitch-Goddess is pleased to see you.”
Smiling, Suki responded, “Oh! B.G. is for birthday girl. You told me the date when we spoke on my birthday. It’s the day after tomorrow, and I promise we’ll go somewhere special.”
Alexis kissed her again as a reward for her playful jeu d’esprit. Suki was such a beguiling combination of style and wit. Taking one of her bags, Suki led her to a waiting stretch limo. She apologized for the vulgarity of the vehicle but explained it was the only way to enjoy some privacy on the ride to into the city.

Obedient to her Command

In order to avoid the crowds, the next day Alexis and Suki visited MOMA and the Neue Gallerie opposite the Metropolitan. Then they cruised amongst the bustling Saturday boutiques on Madison. Suki noted that nowhere on earth, except for the City of London, did religion and Mammon co-exist so closely as at the north end of Fifth Avenue with its cluster of gothic style churches dotted amongst the luxury brand stores.
Returning to the hotel via lunch in the Oyster Bar in Grand Central Station the couple started to prepare for the evening’s entertainment. Suki went to her tablet and logged into The Club site, as did Alexis lying next to her on the bed.

“Received any interesting messages recently?” Suki enquired, half expecting the response. She hoped that she had not. Although Suki was a high-ranking member, admittedly largely due to her relationship to Birgit and Beatrice, her fame continued to recede the longer she failed to fight in the arena. Ironically, the technology she had introduced gave greater notoriety to women who had fought recently and whose prowess was on video. There was no video record of her many classic fights from the pre-recording era of The Club.

Alexis assumed a satisfied expression: “Well, there seem to be several members keen to meet me while I am here. Do you want to take a look?”
She handed her tablet across to Suki who scanned through the various compliments and propositions. Suki clicked on the message thread from a member called Katsumi.

I loved watching you against Karen. I was a fan before you joined our club and now even more so. I have all your films. Will you be in Manhattan for this weekend’s event?  I would very much like to meet you and perhaps you would like to meet me.
I think we could compete well together in a private bout, or perhaps just enjoy each other’s company. Check out my profile, it think you will find it stimulating.


Without waiting to see the reply, Suki clicked on the hyperlink to Katsumi’s homepage. She studied the images of the attractive Japanese-American in silence. The bio somewhat mirrored her own. She was an Ivy League graduate, probably in her late twenties or early thirties who had already sold a tech start-up and was clearly free to indulge in whatever interested her. There were photos of her engaged in Japanese martial arts together with pictures of her locked up against a variety of women in pussy-to-pussy combat. One image of Katsumi enjoying a victory ride on a highly toned black woman caught her attention.

Trying to sound neutral, Suki turned to Alexis and said, “Sexy isn’t she?”  She successfully suppressed sounding jealous. She wasn’t just jealous of Alexis’ interest in Katsumi, she was jealous that Alexis was receiving fan mail. Suki had been a leading Club member for years but Alexis’ commercially available catfights and sexfights meant she was better known. Suki wanted at least equal respect from the members! She needed to fight in the arena again. She made a mental note to get an arena fight as soon as she could find the right opponent. She would love to take Karen, but Alexis had already claimed her!

Wanting to make it clear that any fight would be at Suki’s choice, Alexis took the tablet and opened the response she had sent to Katsumi and gave it to Suki to read.


I am very flattered by your offer to meet during the event this weekend. However, my companion Suki must have a say as she invited me to spend time with her. I will pass on your message.

Thank you for your kind comments. I hope we meet sometime soon, whatever Suki decides!

Alexis x

Alexis had sent Katsumi a link to Suki’s homepage. By sheer coincidence, there was the ping of an incoming email on Suki’s tablet. She picked it up and opened the message.

Dearest Suki

Have you decided to cede Alexis to me this weekend? If she likes someone half-Asian I am sure she will love the real deal.
I have decided not to take “no” for an answer.

You look hot from your club bio and I heard you used to be a great sexfighter. Therefore, even though I am younger and sexier than you are, I accept your challenge. I also understand from my friend Akira that you speak Japanese well. Therefore, you’ll know my name, Katsumi, is a prediction for what will happen if we have to decide this physically.

Lots of love


Suki was visibly tensing with anger. She handed the tablet to Alexis who read the message and then asked, “OK, so what does Katsumi mean, Miss Asian linguist?” There was a slight pique in her voice, betraying her irritation at Katsumi’s compliment to Suki.

Mechanically, Suki turned to Alexis, her thoughts already on the response to Katsumi, “It means victorious beauty.” Pausing she added, “She is beautiful. I think she would make a beautiful offering to the Bitch-Goddess.”  She was referring to Alexis’ command to “slaughter a slut before her in hot-blooded combat.”  Clearly excited at the prospect, Suki embraced Alexis, saying hurriedly, “I want this so much.” 

The excitement of the prospect of an imminent fight replaced her previous feeling of jealousy. She wasn’t just doing this for Alexis but because she wanted the thrill of combat and a victory.

Suki’s feelings of rivalry melted as Alexis kissed her, and adopting her deity-like air of superiority added, “Befitting my role as goddess, I will be utterly neutral. You know I will reward only the most devout and ardent worshipper, that is the one who wants me enough to win.”  Then slipping out of character, and her state of neutrality, Alexis whispered excitedly, “Beat her for me and we’ll do her together.”

On hearing this, Suki’s morale soared. She started to type a response. Resting her head on Suki’s shoulder, Alexis watched the words flow onto the screen. It was an invitation to fight, and to fight for the right to access. She was going to enjoy what her rival Karen had claimed to be enjoying for some time. The last time that this had happened to Alexis was at college. The words from Karen’s club bio stuck like pins in her. “There is nothing more exciting than taking a woman who has just fought to win you.”  She was about draw even with her rival Karen with two club members fighting over her.

Alexis felt her moistness and started to throb. She decided to ride her desire for immediate relief and save her sexual energy for tonight’s excitement.

Dear Katsumi

“No” is my answer. If you want to dispute this, I suggest you meet me after the event tonight. I will ensure we have our own fighting chamber. This will be a private audience with Alexis alone. She will decide what rewards the victor merits.
Be warned bitch, I will put the meaning of your name to the test. I am going to keep you “beautiful” because I don’t enjoy taking spoiled meat. I promise you that the “victor” part of your name will not apply when I am finished with you.
Stay away from us until after the main event. We don’t want any premature detonations.

PS: On second thoughts, I might spoil you anyway and take you from behind!


Immediately after sending the message, Suki emailed Jayne White’s executive assistant, Jacqui, asking to reserve the small fighting chamber on the fifth floor of her apartment. The response came almost instantaneously. Jacqui would reserve a room for Suki – in return for filming rights for club distribution only. The room was set up to film with cameras that were heat-sensitive and state-of-the art audio. Suki was glad that they hadn’t asked for live audience rights. She wanted this to be an intimate session, just two rival suitors fighting in front of the object of their desire. This was to be her special birthday present to Alexis. However, Suki was pleased they would consider posting it for the members. Suki wanted a leading role and to get some footage on The Club intranet.

Brownstone Combat

By eight o’clock, Alexis and Suki were dressed and ready, looking every inch the Manhattan socialites. Alexis, was dressed in an off the shoulder, little black dress with some diamante trim, and Suki wore a slashed to the thigh evening dress and a black choker. They walked the four blocks from their hotel on Madison to the six-story brownstone between Park and Lexington that was Jayne White’s townhouse. The sweltering heat of the day had diminished greatly but there was no escape from the humidity. Suki realized she was likely to get a lot stickier later that evening.

Arriving at the house, Suki asked Jayne’s EA, Jacqui, whom she seemed to know well, to take her to the room for their private engagement. Emerging from the small elevator on the fifth floor Jacqui showed them into the room. Inside there was a ramp that rose around four feet and led into a circular fighting area about fifteen feet in diameter with sloping padded walls. At the back was a raised area on which there was a large throne like red leather padded chair, normally occupied by Jayne. This was to be the Bitch-Goddess’s throne for the evening.

On one side of the chair, there was a frame with various handcuffs and bindings from which to suspend a loser or an S&M inclined winner. On the other side, there was a matching red Mies van der Rohe daybed. All three women were excited at the thought of what was to happen here later. Jayne would be editing the fight for private consumption by the senior sponsors who saw everything, prior to wider release, to The Club members. They ascended to the sixth floor and made their way onto the north terrace with its view of the Chrysler Building.
Many of the twenty or so members attending had already gathered and were drinking cocktails served by well-attired professional waitresses who probably had no idea of what was to take place in the basement later. Even Natasha was for once moderately dressed, a dark blue off-the-shoulder number with matching nude peep-toe, sling-back shoes, showing her off-peak season Riviera tan. A few were wearing masks, as had been the case in Paris.

Several members came to talk to Alexis, and all had found her confrontation with Karen stimulating in different ways. The most common point of reference was how soon she and Karen had both known that they wanted to face each other in the “ultimate challenge.”  There had never been a stud-fight at The Club, some members had heard of them but the novelty caused a real stir. Many found excuses to touch her, drawing sustenance from proximity to her, though Suki remained close and often draped an arm around her in an attempt to signal that she was closer than they were. Alexis occasionally looked around beyond her newfound fans. Suki knew Alexis was looking for Karen. Suki was looking for Katsumi. Ten minutes before the start, a small bell sounded to summon the members below for the main event.

On the way in, they passed a poster of each of the combatants. Mirka and Jana were both stunning looking. While they had spent a lot of time in the gym, they were feminine as befitted Central European beauties who earned a living by modeling and adult films. Their high Slavic cheekbones and clear bright eyes were redolent of Alexis' own Hungarian origins.

Suki explained that both were glamour models and both had done some sex- and catfighting. Mirka had done a couple for Jayne White’s studios in New York while Jana was a west coaster. Both had also appeared in upscale adult movies, the sort with obviously high production values and plots. Jana, the blonde, sported a bob that curled forward while Mirka’s brown hair was done in ringlets. Jana did look a little like Alexis, same body shape and size, though blonder and with blue rather than green eyes.

In addition to their rivalry over Natasha, the girls had been rivals for work since they had arrived from Hungary and the Czech Republic respectively. The girl at the welcome desk indicated a ribbon color and invited them to choose, blue for Jana and green for Mirka. Alexis immediately picked up the blue ribbon for Jana.

When Suki asked why, Alexis explained, "I expect Karen will be backing JW’s bitch.”

Suki too picked up Jana’s blue ribbon. 

The basement room had been painted black. Two semi-circles of three-tiered seating, each comprising fifteen seats, stood on either side of a cream-colored stepped dais about six feet square at whose center there was a rectangular box about three feet high and a foot across. They took seats on the second tier so they could look down on the action. Suki leaned across to and whispered to Alexis that this was likely to be an endurance combat. There was a steel ring attached to each side of the rectangle. Four screens hung from the ceiling, one behind each bank of seating and two to the side, so that every angle was covered.

Alexis was scanning the audience. With only around twenty-five attendees, it did not take long to realize that Karen was not there.
Suki took Alexis’ hand knowingly and said, “You are disappointed, aren’t you.” The silence confirmed her insight. “Still, now you will be able to enjoy this fight with no distractions,” added Suki brightly.
“It’s more complicated than that,” answered Alexis after a pause.

At that moment, Jayne White entered the room. She was wearing a dark green evening dress.

“Ladies we have a special contest this evening. It is an endurance match for rights of access to Natasha.”  At the mention of Natasha, there was a ripple of applause from the audience. “Mirka and Jana are two of the most robust and sexually driven members of this club.” Again, there was applause for the two contestants.  As Alexis had predicted, there were a number of calls of Mirka’s name from Jayne White’s contingent.

Jayne continued, “The contest will consist of three ten minute rounds, and at the end if there has been no submission Natasha will choose a winner. The contestants have elected two styles of combat. Slapping and breast maul.”  There was a brief silence, then murmurs of excitement followed further gentle applause. “The fighters will be linked together in a way that encourages continual contact and optimizes the distance for striking each other. Should a fighter drop the connection, her opponent will be given a free strike to the face.”  Jayne’s hand raised for silence stilled the excited murmurs.

“The last element of the fight is at the specific request of the fighters; throughout their face-to-face confrontation they want to be taken from behind. This is intended both to prolong their excitement and aggression, and to prove to you all that they can really fuck and fight.” There was an audible gasp and then the warmest applause so far.

Again holding her hand for silence Jayne continued, “Natasha and I have selected two sexual pacemakers, members with enough understanding of sex and combat to keep them on the boil without pushing them over the edge.”  Gesturing to the doors at either end of the room Jayne called in a calm, firm voice, “Bring in the contestants!” 

The doors swung open and in strode Mirka and Jana, accompanied by Nadine and Jacqui, JW’s assistant. They wore short white robes that reminded Alexis of her favored attire for catfights a few years previously. The sight of those garments reminded her of an exciting fight she had had with a girl her own age and build in Chicago a few years back. It was the most requested film from that studio, now defunct. These women looked fantastic with their shapely legs, pert full breasts, unenhanced. Their faces showed a willingness to fight and they looked disdainfully at each other as they approached Jayne.

They stopped in front of her. “Ladies, show each other what you bring to the fight.” The two women, eyes fixed on each other, shrugged off their short gowns and handed them to Nadine and the JW girl. Around their middles hung a red strap with a ring that dangled above their pudenda.
Jayne continued, “You know why you are here and you are both ready to fight.” 

There were silent nods. The reason for the combat then entered.  Tanned and wearing only a black bikini top, Natasha strode up to the two women and kissed first Jana and then Mirka. Then reaching down she ran her middle finger through their pussies and smeared the head of her strap-on with their juices. She then retreated to the right side of the step-dais.

Jayne turned to the companions. "Please secure the contestants."  Nadine and Jacqui led the two women to opposite sides of the step-dais. Each mounted the dais, and kneeling on it, their helpers latched red straps to the steel rings. Nadine then brought out a platted white leather strap with mouthpieces to bite down on. Mirka and Jana bared their teeth at each other as Nadine inserted the strap’s mouthpiece into their mouth. Any cry of pain or pleasure could cause the women to drop the strap and suffer a penalty blow.

Jayne clapped her hands, the doors opened and the pacemakers entered. Naked except for their strap-ons were Galadriel X, the adult movie star, and Karen!  Jayne gestured for each to take up position behind a fighter. Karen was to take Jana, and in anticipation gathered her blond bob into her right hand. She looked across to Galadriel who was assuming the same position with Mirka. Jayne made a request to the audience: “Ladies, a round of applause for an established star of all our screens who needs no introduction and a new favorite of our club, Karen.”

Alexis had stiffened in her chair at the sight of her foe. The praise galled her, as did the strutting arrogance of the redhead. At that moment, Karen was pushing deep into Jana and sharing knowing looks with Galadriel X. (Galadriel was also a favorite of her friend R. Having watched her in action in a winner-fucks-loser contest with him, Alexis had confessed that she too found her very “hot”. In the flesh, she was even more so.) Mirka raised her head up and back. She moaned as Galadriel sank to the hilt. The star leaned forward and gently bit Mirka's shoulder.

Taking her cue from Galadriel, Karen pushed fully home and drew a gasp from Jana. She stylishly ran her tongue along the side of the blonde’s neck. The leather thong drew tight each time one of them responded to the stimulus from behind, pulling the opponent towards the recipient of the thrust. With both women fully impaled, it was time for the fight to begin.

Jayne raised a hand and spoke. “Ladies, you know the terms because you set them. There will be three segments of ten minutes. The fighting styles are confined to slapping and breast mauling in segments one and two respectively. Each time you drop the thong there will be a forfeit of a slap to the face or breast. You will not use the thong in the final round. The winner will be by submission or, failing that, selection by Natasha.”
Suki looked at Alexis. She was transfixed at the sight of Karen. The confident arrogance with which Karen was using Jana and her clear rapport with Galadriel brought out her competitive streak. Alexis imagined swapping places with Galadriel and facing Karen over that step-dais and in a different competition altogether. It would be a competitive fuck-to-exhaustion contest.

Her mind raced. Each would have three women to exhaust. Alexis imagined how, eyes locked with each other, they would move down the line, bringing each woman to orgasm as quickly and powerfully as possible. As the kneeling women slumped to the floor in exhaustion, Alexis pictured herself and Karen each rutting their last woman. In her fantasy, she savored the intensity of the competition to be the first to finish all three women. All the while, they would be looking intently into each other's eyes. She could feel the exhilaration as she brought her last woman to drop. 
In her fantasy, Alexis saw herself withdraw her glistening shaft, triumphant and erect as Karen, a few seconds after, finished her last woman. She and Karen now faced-off. Their sweat-sheened, nipples stood erect, they were panting, wet shafts standing proud. She knew they would still find the energy to take each other, in a fight or sexfight. The immediate sound of a bitch-slap broke her reverie, though not the intensity with which she gazed at Karen.

Down at the dais the fight had now commenced. Jana and Mirka were slapping each other's face in an orchestrated way, taking care not to drop the leather thong, which each blow to the head threatened to pull from their mouths. The need to bite down hard on the leather lent a particularly feral nature to the women’s appearance. Galadriel and Karen were holding their positions deep in the women, and the primal nature of the face slapping twisted their mouths too as they became ever more part of the struggle of their mounts.

It was then the contact happened. Karen glanced up into the audience and caught Alexis’ gaze. The only acknowledgment was a slight curl of her upper lip, a slight toss of her auburn curls and a haughty lifting of her head. However, as a direct result of her rival’s presence she could not stop herself from increasing the tempo with which she was moving in and out of Jana. Galadriel indicated to Karen to slow down with a downward move of her hand.

Alexis’ hands clenched. She felt Suki’s hand on her knee and her friend whispered, “Not now, but soon…” The end of the year would not come soon enough for Alexis. Karen now concentrated on her role, avoiding direct eye contact but occasionally glancing in Alexis’ direction.
After eight minutes, Jana and Mirka slowed the pace. So far, neither had dropped the cord. The grunting caused by both the effort of hitting and taking blows, had become a dull staccato punctuation to the encounter. Their numbness lessened the pain, as did the deliberately engineered lust from the probing shafts. Galadriel and Karen picked up the pace and the slaps fell faster and harder until JW signaled the end of the segment by bringing down her riding crop hard on the leather.

Jana and Mirka dropped the cord and, Karen and Galadriel, led them round to the opposite side of the dais for the benefit of the audience. Again, Karen glanced up at Alexis and locked eyes, while she grabbed her black cock and squeezed hard, making her aggressive sexual intentions clear to the blond spectator. In the opposite tier of seats, Alexis noticed that Birgit and Beatrice had registered Karen’s semi-challenge. Mirka and Jana repositioned themselves and Nadine reinserted the white leather thong into their mouths. Galadriel and Karen eased themselves back into position. Karen looked over her shoulder at Alexis as she drove her shaft home, again the meaning clear. No equivalent response was available to Alexis and she felt disadvantaged in this war of threatening gestures.

Two pairs of full and firm breasts jutted across the divide. Mirka and Jana raised their hands like claws, ready to seize the other as soon as JW’s riding crop hit the cream leather. It did so seconds later and the hands found purchase on breasts, each woman boldly proffering her own to the delight of the audience. Each wanted to show her rival that she was not afraid. After a few minutes, strangled cries of pain and effort, similar to the noise of aggressive lovemaking, issued from the combatants. Sweat stood out on their muscled bodies. Jana broke her grip in order to focus on Mirka’s erect nipples, squeezing hard between forefinger and thumb. Mirka reared back in pain and sought the same hold on her opponent. From crushing nipples, the pair reverted to a crushing breast hold. Neither cried out or dropped the leather thong. At last, the sound of the crack of the whip on leather mercifully ended the round. Loud applause swiftly acknowledged the endurance of the fighters.

The fighters again changed sides of the dais. The thong left aside, the women now faced each other able to speak.

Jana rubbed her slightly fuller breasts and larger nipples and said to Mirka, “Thanks for getting me toned up, bitch. I am getting horny thinking about tonight with Natasha.” 

Mirka retorted that she was right to be horny, as she was going to let her watch as she and Natasha made love for a whole week. The riding crop descended and the free-form fight started with both combatants slapping and trash-talking, giving their breasts time to recover from the mauling. It seemed as though there would be no clear winner, as each gave as well as she took.
To confirm that there would be no outright winner, Natasha walked up to join JW near the action. Her presence had an electrifying effect on the fight. Slaps rained on faces, and as she neared the dais, both women returned to the breast maul. Their looks of determination made clear they were in a frenzy to win Natasha’s favors. When Natasha shouted at them to show her who wanted it more, they both reared up and leaned into each other. Random cries of “She’s mine, I want Natasha more, she needs a real woman,” interspersed with insults, rent the air. Natasha stroked her cock, obviously charged by the ferocity of what she was watching. Karen and Galadriel were working at a fast pace while careful not to impede the combat. At the crack of the whip on the leather, neither woman would release the other.
Sharp blows from JW’s whip made them let go of each other. As they did so, Jana fetched Mirka a resounding slap across the face. It would now be Natasha’s decision. It is possible that Jana’s spiteful bitch-slap had proved to Natasha that she really did want it more. Natasha brought her shaft round to point at Jana. Throwing her head back, she gripped her strap-on with both hands as the sensors detected her orgasm and sent a shower of artificial semen over Jana’s face and breasts, followed by several further generous spurts. A few gouts caught Karen’s right breast, which she duly massaged, engorging the nipple as she rubbed the juice in.
Karen and Alexis had resumed eye contact. Karen was half-focused on Alexis while pounding Jana, obeying Natasha’s growled command to “give it to her.” As she rode the jubilant Jana, Karen noticed that Alexis had exposed her pussy to her, signaling her acknowledgement of the challenges offered. It was this, as much as the intensely sexual combat and climaxes of Jana and Natasha, which finally sent Karen over the edge. She withdrew as she came, coating Jana’s pert bottom with white semen-substitute. Karen then pointed her strap-on towards her rival and spurted in Alexis’ direction, rather than coming over Jana, as she should have done. Beatrice and Birgit noted this and exchanged knowing looks.
Across the dais, Mirka looked disconsolate, although Galadriel was whispering in her ear that Natasha had asked her to provide consolation to the runner-up. Mirka whispered back that she would have fought as hard for a night with her and the two kissed, Galadriel still deeply embedded in her from behind. Alexis leaned across to Suki and whispered how much she would like one of the sensor strap-ons. She added playfully how much she hoped she would be able to soak a winner in the near future. Suki smiled and said knowingly that birthdays were for gifts, or rather for offerings to placate the Bitch-Goddess.
Scanning the audience Suki mused aloud to Alexis, “I am wondering where Katsumi is, although I did ask her to keep her distance, so perhaps she is outside – or has she chickened out?”  Perhaps Katsumi was one of the masked women opposite. It was difficult to tell. Suki, aroused by the confrontation in front of her, Suki could not help but think about her own need for release in a fight. Alexis added, “I hope she is here. I will feel both insulted by her and deprived of some more excitement. I don’t want Karen to be the only one to have fucked a winner today!”
Suddenly, Alexis felt soft lips and warm breath on her neck, and a low, whispering voice said, “You are so beautiful and your winner is here. I want to win my soaking.” 
Katsumi had been sitting behind them throughout the combat, having silently entered through a rear door. Katsumi was part of JW’s entourage and a regular visitor to the house and knew the layout well. “I hope it won’t be too upsetting for Suki to lose to a better woman.”
Suki stood up and turned, ready to strike. Katsumi anticipated the blow and caught her hand.

Having watched the contest, everyone in the room seemed highly charged. Alexis put her hand between the two women, who were still testing their strength. “Save this for upstairs.” She was gratified when she looked down at the arena to see Karen looking up. JW was at her side explaining, no doubt, that two members were going to fight over Alexis in an upstairs room.

Karen had enjoyed her role today but she knew she envied Alexis the privilege of watching two such sexy-looking women fight over her. She admitted to herself that Alexis was keeping pace with her in The Club. The comments in the intranet regarding their initiation fight, divided evenly between them, with many members neutral, just enjoying the rivalry. She turned and followed Natasha and her entourage out of the room.
Suki hissed at Katsumi, “Let’s take this to the fighting chamber now, slut.”  Katsumi’s bobbed hair now had a blond streak in it. The blond flash had not been in her Club site profile. Alexis recognized the hair color as her own. She was flattered. This was what it must be like to be a goddess or at least a Club star.

She liked it.
Published female fight and sexfight author. Untamed Rivalry: Scenes from a Female Fight Club. (With sexfighter and fighter Alexis - see my profile.) Book in Kindle Store.


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Re: UNTAMED RIVALRY: Scenes from a Female Fight Club Chapter 6 Extract 01
« Reply #1 on: January 16, 2014, 04:16:38 AM »
great story, you do have the touch of a pro-level writer. :)


Offline SunnyB

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Re: UNTAMED RIVALRY: Scenes from a Female Fight Club Chapter 6 Extract 01
« Reply #2 on: January 16, 2014, 06:45:24 AM »
A mouth-watering start ... more, more!  :P ;D ;)
Proudly butch and living as a 'man'. In this catfight fantasy there are no losers, and in the end all should be winners!


Offline Ellis Kent

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Re: UNTAMED RIVALRY: Chapter 6 Extract 02
« Reply #3 on: January 20, 2014, 03:57:53 AM »
Katsumi and Suki fight over Alexis in front of her!

Offering to the Goddess

Suki and Katsumi released each other’s arms, but gripped each other in their gaze. The trio moved towards the far exit and the elevator bank that would take them to the chamber above. Alexis cast a last glance at Karen, who was still naked and, a hand to her strap-on, thrust it threateningly at Alexis, who in return tossed her head and turned her back, and followed the rival suitors into the elevator.

As the doors closed, the tension of the confined space combined with the desire of the two opponents to come to grips with each other threatened to spill over into outright aggression. Alexis decided to refocus their attention and stoke the atmosphere by slipping deftly out of her evening dress. Naked, except for shoes and a thong, she shed her evening dress in a corner. She was quietly pleased to see Katsumi’s entranced reaction, as her nostrils flared and eyes widened. With her left hand, Alexis twisted a breast and she dropped her right hand to her pussy.

Alexis thought what a good match Katsumi was for Suki. She knew Suki wanted a chance to prove herself. Never having seen Suki in action, Alexis was curious to see if she deserved her reputation for creativity and cruelty. As if in answer to Alexis’ silent speculation, Suki showed the backs of her hands to Katsumi. “Did you do as we agreed?”

Katsumi showed her hands in response. They had cut their nails back to the quick.

Suki, by way of partial explanation, said to Alexis, “We are going to go “tiger-bitch,” it’s an Asian thing. You’ll understand when you see it.”

Katsumi was already flexing her fingers in preparation.

The elevator reached the fifth floor. Alexis gestured to Katsumi to pick up her dress and swept off leaving the two rivals to follow her through the double doors of the chamber. It was a windowless room.  The lighting was subdued and the heating was clearly on. Jayne had asked Jacqui to make sure there was a good sheen on the fighters. Jayne felt strongly that real combat should make women sweat.

The layout was unaltered from earlier. Next to the bed, there was a rack from which hung, leather straps, whips, masks and cufflinks. The throne stood in a faint spotlight. Next to the throne was the day bed. On it were two identical gift-wrapped boxes. One labeled “Bitch-Goddess” and the other “Winner.”

Alexis stood before her throne. Her nipples were visibly erect and she confirmed the moisture she felt by slipping her hand into her thong and licking the sweet, clear liquid from her fingers. She indicated to Katsumi and Suki to stand in front of each other. A coldness entered Alexis’ voice, underpinned by a tremor of lust.

“Suki, show Katsumi what you’ve got.”  Facing Katsumi, Suki calmly and imperiously removed her dress and stepped out of her panties, and after kicking off her shoes, with hands on hips she thrust her pubis towards her rival.  Alexis nodded at Katsumi to follow suit. With a faint snarl on her lips, Katsumi seemed to be desperate to be out her clothes while controlling the rage that was clearly welling within her. Once naked, she too angled her pussy at Suki and rubbed herself until her clitoris was stiff and moist.

Excited as she was by the latent sex and violence, Alexis moved in a stately fashion between the two women. Simultaneously her hands reached for each pussy. Katsumi’s first touch from Alexis was directly to her engorged clit. Her head rolled back and she let out a stifled groan. Alexis withdrew both hands and raised the sticky index fingers to her mouth. Then dropping to her own pussy, she moistened her fingers in her own juices. Crossing hands she then fed each woman a heady combination of her own juices, mixed with that of her rival.

She then backed up to the daybed. She looked at Katsumi and gracefully beckoned her forward. Looking pointedly at Suki she said, “I know you, I want to know her.”  So saying she kissed Katsumi, her hands caressing then grasping her buttocks as she pulled her close. As she felt Katsumi respond she pushed her back firmly, and then Alexis lowered herself onto the daybed, she parted her legs inviting the Japanese to kneel. Kneeling, Katsumi slowly leaned forward and, breaking eye contact, she focused on Alexis’ pussy. With a sigh, she brought her tongue into play, running it along the length of Alexis’ clitoris, causing the object of her worship a slight intake of breath.

Looking at Suki, Alexis said, “I want her to know what she might win or lose.”  The pace of Katsumi’s licking and her sounds of pleasure audibly increased. Alexis tilted her head back slightly and exhaled sharply. She allowed her to continue for a minute, looking at Suki, letting her know that her rival was serious competition as a lover. Teetering on the edge of orgasm, she regained her composure and then pushed Katsumi’s head back from between her legs and waved her back to the fighting area.

Katsumi, clearly thrilled by her contact and bursting with confident aggression, walked up to Suki, who was now boiling with jealous fury. Katsumi, angling her head to one side, said in a stage whisper, “Taste her on me, it may be your last time.”  

Suki aggressively complied, running her tongue around Katsumi’s mouth, the scent of Alexis mixing with Katsumi’s light jasmine-based perfume. Suddenly, Katsumi let out a sharp cry. Suki’s right hand had found her clit and was working it feverishly.  

Before Katsumi could respond, Alexis clapped her hands loudly. “I wish you to agree on the rules and the prize and forfeits before you start!”  
The two women took a step apart and faced her. Suki spoke first. “I suggest that the winner takes the loser here in this room.”  
Katsumi responded, “I agree! I also propose that the winner continues until she is utterly satisfied.” Pausing for effect, Katsumi added, “Even if it takes the rest of the weekend!”

Suki interjected bitchily, “I’ll tire of fucking a limp, juiceless slut like you in a couple of hours.”

Katsumi barely just managed to control her urge to throw herself at Suki.
Alexis smiled thinly. The tension simmered. Enjoying her control over these magnificent naked rivals, she spoke after a sustained silence. “I propose that the winner invites me to join her when she feels the time is ready. I will then pleasure myself with winner and loser as I see fit. I may listen to the requests of the winner if they please me. As for the loser, a woman who does not honor the Bitch-Goddess with a victory deserves only to be treated as a fuck-toy.”
Moving to the daybed, she picked up the box with her name on it. Inside was a strap-on of the same design as worn by Natasha and her followers. Its built-in sensors noted the arousal and responded to orgasm with jets of artificial sperm in proportion to the intensity. A small card simply read, “Happy Birthday.” Suki, Birgit and Beatrice had signed it.

She removed the device and, holding the lengthy black shaft by it straps, she raised it above her head.  Picking up the second gift box marked “winner” that clearly contained a second shaft, her voice cracking slightly with the thought of the forthcoming fight, she stated coldly, “I need to see which of you wants to wear this the most. In the absence of a submission, my decision on the winner will be final. Say now if either of you is not woman enough to fight and fuck the other to a standstill!” So saying Alexis took her seat on the throne. The remote-controlled cameras were silently lowered into the fighting area and lights dimmed elsewhere in the room.

There was silence as Suki, half-crouching, moved sideways down into the shallow depression that was the fighting area. Crooking her arms, she beckoned with both hands for Katsumi to join her. In the soft spotlight, the two women circled. Alexis could hear Katsumi speaking softly in Japanese, taunts or threats, she could not tell. She knew from her own experience that Suki and Katsumi would now focus totally on the fight. They were about to be as intimate as lovers, it would be the most intense, physical and mental experience. Their sinews tensed for the inevitable, coming clash. Alexis felt herself breathe deeply and she instinctively flexed her fingers, her own automatic identification with women about to fight fiercely.
Slowly Suki and Katsumi closed. Katsumi stretched out an arm, signaling to Suki to come to grips in a hold. Suki moved quickly, and tried to throw Katsumi off balance. An angry snarling emerged from the two women as they toppled to the floor rolling over, breaking and rising to circle again. A second time they closed. Each grabbed her opponent with one arm around the small of her back with the left hand, right hands balled into fists, each punching her opponent hard as they held each other close. Grunts of pain and satisfaction rose from the struggling forms. Alexis knew that the taste of her pussy in both their mouths would add an extra edge to their fight.

Alexis felt the slickness of her pussy as the first moisture beaded in the pink folds. Part of her wanted to replace Suki, to take the Japanese girl, hear her moan, feel her spend, watch her pupils dilate as she came. The other part of her loved the idea that this exciting, visceral struggle was over her. She was pleased to have the opportunity to see Suki prove herself. She understood how badly Suki had wanted to show what she could do. She also wondered what going “tiger-bitch” meant and how long she would have to wait to find out.

As the two women shoved and jostled, locked in an increasingly violent clinch, it became difficult to stay on their feet. With arms wrapped around waists, they toppled to the black padded floor. Briefly stunned, Katsumi reacted first. On her back, her head at Suki's feet, Katsumi grasped Suki's hair and pulled her face forward between her legs. With only a moment to respond, Suki wrapped her left leg around Katsumi's neck. Katsumi, in return, eased the grip on her head just long enough to pull it more fully between her thighs. Then grabbing Suki’s luxuriant hair she pulled her head towards her cxnt, then tightened and squeezed hard with her thighs.

Suki found breathing difficult wedged against Katsumi’s sex, and she was vaguely aware of the scent of it, as she fought to free herself. Suki frantically used her other leg as a lever to force her back by arching her back. She repeated the arch move and, feeling the first signs of the hold loosening, Suki renewed her attack. Suki’s filed-down fingers raked and gouged the firm, smooth skin of Katsumi’s thighs. Then, as her thighs opened further and her cxnt became more exposed, she savagely raked down the slit, catching Katsumi’s prominent clitoris.

With a short yelp, Katsumi released her and the two rolled away from each other. Catching Katsumi in her womanhood gave Suki a hot, delicious, sexual rush now visible from both her engorged nipples and her own rapidly stiffening clit. Katsumi knelt and felt for her own clit. Using two fingers, she parted her labia. Above them cameras zoomed in to capture the stiff pink bud. She looked haughtily and defiantly at Suki. “Are you woman enough to go tiger-bitch with me now, slut?”

In response, Suki knelt on one knee and opened herself, her own clit jutting defiantly toward its rival. “Yes, I think it’s time.  Try to hurt me as hard as I am going to hurt you. You’ll be too bruised to enjoy fucking or grinding for weeks when I’ve finished with you.”  All the time during this exchange of threats, both women were flexing their fingers. Alexis was intrigued. Standing up she walked to the edge of the fighting area to get a better view.
Katsumi offered, “Why don’t we get to know each other before we get serious?”

Suki smirked, “Proposal accepted, I like to search before I destroy.”  

They closed, each kneeling on one leg, left hand on the back of the other’s neck, their right seeking the other’s pussy. Katsumi tentatively kissed Suki who responded aggressively, their tongues fighting an energetic skirmish. Meanwhile their hands were probing. Suki was teasing her middle finger along the length of the Katsumi’s clitoris. At the same time, her rival was seeking the root of Suki’s, hooking her fingers to get the right purchase. They were looking at each other for signs of reaction or weakness. They only encountered a mirror image of their own determination and highly charged sexuality. Fingers probed feverishly, each seeking the center of her rival’s sex.

In other circumstances, this could be the prelude to lovemaking rather than warfare. By mutual agreement, they both rose to their feet. Each woman rested her head on her rival’s shoulder, and leaned into each other. Suki, showing her confidence and lack of fear whispered to Katsumi in Japanese to tell her when she was ready to start. Katsumi waited for a few seconds as she got her fingers ready to grip. Eye to eye, they probed for the best position.

Katsumi then issued a short “Hai!” and they both started to pull and twist. Their footing shifted erratically as they staggered this way and that, in a slow, sensuous dance of pain and endurance. Growling, snarling sounds issued from the two women as their bodies lifted as they pulled and tugged each other’s sex.  

It was the noise as well as the ferocity of the tiger that had given rise to the name “tiger-bitch” for this type of fighting. It is almost impossible to suppress the vocalization of primal rage and pain involved in such fights. Originating in China, tiger-bitch was a traditional way that female rivals determined disputes over lovers. The fact that it left no outward mark had recommended it as a dispute resolution mechanism in a culture where women were not supposed to be aggressive. In this way, fights could be vicious and kept secret.

Alexis found the vicious spectacle utterly arousing. She fantasized about being in Suki’s place, envying her the exhilaration of such a primal and feminine combat. She imagined the pain and sensitivity of her own swollen clitoris. She thrilled at the idea that her rival would be feeling the same. The intense competition excited her natural aggressiveness. In a fight over a sexual partner, it seemed natural to attack your rival’s womanhood, in order to diminish her as a lover.  As the two females sought to crush and bruise each other’s clitoris, Alexis’ busy fingers probed her own leaking pussy.

The growling noise stopped for a moment, though neither woman released her grip. Standing on tiptoe, each woman had snaked an arm around the other’s back. It was an armed truce. Each woman was panting. Katsumi said something in Japanese to which Suki replied, “I’ll rip yours out first.”  
Clearly, the aggression was reaching a new level.

In a stage whisper Suki hissed, “You only want to rip my clit out because you are not woman enough to go clit-to-clit with me. You know I have the best clit and pussy. You fear me, don’t you?”  

Katsumi hissed and pushed Suki back. Moving to the edge of the fighting area, she then stood with one leg on the rim. As the pale spotlight followed her it picked out her puffy labia and swollen bud, hard and fully aroused by the stimulation and the excitement of the fight.  It was a clear challenge that Suki quickly accepted, lowering herself to the ground. Katsumi and Suki menacingly opened themselves to each other.

Pulling apart their labia their pink horns stood defiantly menacing each other, only inches apart.  Suki closed hers to within an inch of Katsumi’s, in response, Katsumi edged hers to almost touching. She smiled thinly at the Japanese fighter. Suki then showed both Alexis and Katsumi a technique neither had seen before. With her index finger and middle on either side of her pussy, she alternated pressure on first one side then the other. Her clitoris started to move from side to side, faster and faster as she moved her fingers.

A jolt of adrenalin shot through both women as Suki brought her spike into contact with Katsumi’s who moaned loudly. Being an experienced sexfighter Katsumi quickly copied the motion. Soon the clitorises were in permanent, rapid friction against one another. The motion was remorselessly pleasurable and each knew it was now a race to bring the other off first.

Instead of looking Suki in the eye, the sight of the jousting clits mesmerized Katsumi. The pain of the mauling had transferred itself into a sensitivity that intensified her pleasure that was pushing her to the brink. The rapid flicking of the two centers of female sexuality now released a steady flow of juice and the twitches of impending orgasm.

Suki sensed the weakness: “Katsumi, show the Bitch-Goddess how you spill your juice…”

Katsumi raised her eyes and caught Suki’s gaze who, twisting the knife, added, “Spill it for her, bitch!”

At that second, Alexis moved forward to get a better view. Katsumi caught a glimpse of Alexis’ shapely, taut torso and her index finger idling on her clitoris. The sight was too much. The tremors of orgasm broke in a convulsive wave, and Katsumi howled. She released a slick of juice over Suki’s pussy, withdrawing her fingers from her pussy while Suki’s clit continued to drum insistently against hers.

Rolling backwards and still moaning, within a second Suki was on top of her at right angles over her crotch. She swiftly lowered herself and ground hard and fast, re-establishing the contact that had just been broken. Katsumi went into spasm again but started to counter-thrust, her teeth bared in a gesture of defiance. The aggression redoubled as Suki grabbed Katsumi’s hair and pulled her face towards her own. A second groan and slew of juice betrayed Katsumi to be in the grip of a multiple orgasm.

Suki ground even harder and faster and, looking up she too saw Alexis transfixed by her ardently competing suitors. She wondered how close she was to coming. The moaning beneath Suki continued and all of a sudden, she sensed a jet of warm liquid jetting flooding her pussy. Katsumi had come so hard she had utterly lost control. In The Club rulebook, a woman who could not rule her bladder had lost the right to continue. The moan of lust turned to a wail of defeat!  

Alexis was not a natural spectator and immediately took the opportunity to declare Suki the winner and interpose herself in the action. Katsumi was unlikely to have recovered sufficiently to defeat her more experienced opponent. Her aggression, confidence and skill had proved to be no match for Suki, who now stood and, grasping Katsumi by the hair, pulled her behind her to the edge of the fighting area. Pulling upwards on the black bobbed hair with its single blond lock, she forced Katsumi’s face to her pussy.

Any reluctance on Katsumi’s part quickly dissipated, and soon her tongue was working busily on the victor’s pussy. Suki threw back her head reveling in Katsumi’s skillful attention and the undeniable fact she had complied with the Bitch-Goddess’ request to “defeat a slut in hot-blooded combat”. Suki released her grasp as she felt hands on her buttocks, as Katsumi pulled her towards her, now eating hungrily. The fact that the slut was hot-bodied was also playing through Suki’s mind. She was going to enjoy her, and doubly so if Alexis was to keep the promise “to do her together”.

A moment later Suki felt first lips on her throat, followed by the edge of teeth. Alexis was behind her whispering in her ear. “The Bitch-Goddess wishes you to pleasure yourself with your pretty fuck-toy. The Goddess wants to take part in the offering. Offer her to me when you are ready.”  Suki felt a collection of straps brush against her front and dangle down to touch the head of the hungrily licking Katsumi. She grasped them. They were the strap-on for the winner and a black leather collar with a leash.

Alexis stepped back and returned to seat herself in the chair throne now facing the low leather-upholstered daybed. Suki put the collar round Katsumi's neck and led her on all fours up onto the dais. In a few more seconds, she had stepped into the strap-on harness. She could tell the reservoir was full because of the weight. She was glad as she meant to flood this slut-bitch’s pussy. In Japanese, she told her that she was going to get a “bukkake” drenching. Katsumi whimpered, mainly from lust, but also because she knew she had lost control of what was likely to be an extreme experience. She so wanted to be sharing Suki with Alexis or to be taken by Alexis in front of Suki, not to be at their pleasure – a fuck-toy, though she knew how intense and pleasurable the experience could be.

Once Suki had attached the shaft, she pulled Katsumi level with it and pushed the tip into her mouth, rocking her pelvis and enjoying watching the black bobbed head working lustily. She meant to save face by a bravura performance. The length with the sensors registered Suki’s pleasure and the fake cock jerked and throbbed in her defeated rival’s mouth, without shooting. Suki was saving her pleasure for later.

Suki moved to the low daybed. Legs spread, she gestured to Katsumi to turn her face away. In Japanese, she ordered Katsumi to lower herself onto the shaft, now pointing almost at a right angle to the ceiling. Suki expertly guided the first inch in eliciting a whimper of pleasure from Katsumi, then holding her hips pulled her down as she arched upwards, impaling  her deeply. Suki next pushed her further back, her feet now off the floor and on the daybed as she drove piston-like in and out of the Japanese now wailing with pleasure. After a minute Suki threaded her legs through Katsumi's, pinning her at each ankle and spread-eagling her arms.

The black cock was deep in Katsumi, her tight hole stretched and her prominent clitoris, already the focus of much friction, stood exposed to Suki’s expert right hand. Her middle and index fingers played expertly and soon Katsumi was spending again. Alexis knew Suki’s skill in this area well. She managed to tear her eyes away from Katsumi’s cxnt long enough to realize Suki was inviting her to join her to enjoy her defeated rival.

Suki taunted her, “Tiger-bitch, are you? Well I suppose you are catty and a bitch, but you’re really more kitten than big cat. I hope this kitty likes cream because she’s going to get shot full of it tonight!”  

At this comment, Alexis reached for her strap-on, but then paused. The exposed clitoris looked so inviting. She felt her own and dropped the strap-on. She then selected a blindfold, tossing it at Suki. “I am not sure this slut kitten should be allowed to look at the Goddess pleasuring herself. That is only for winners who honor her with an offering.”
Suki slipped the blindfold onto her captive.

Alexis had had enough of watching others fight and fuck today, especially her hated rival Karen who had publicly enjoyed a powerful orgasm. She wanted hers now!  Alexis selected the optimum angle, crouching at forty-five degrees; one foot between Katsumi’s spread legs with the other along her torso on the right side. Parting her labia, she moved gently, running the tip of Katsumi’s clitoris along the length of her own. Her juices coated the throbbing bud, and as she became more aroused, she could feel Katsumi’s heartbeat through the sensitive flesh.

The sensation brought out Alexis’ own “tiger-bitch.”  The delicate maneuver over, the frenzied clitoral grinding began, fetching groans and screams of ecstasy from Katsumi, as Alexis steadied herself on her chest. Alexis shouted at Suki to hold the bitch still as she reached her first climax. Suki obliged and thrust Katsumi up at Alexis so that their clits were in total contact. Both the goddess and her offering howled their orgasms. Only the physical effort required to hold both goddess and loser kept Suki from coming. However, she too was now ready for her winner’s reward.

Alexis withdrew from the daybed, pausing only to feel the wetness and to pinch her nipples that were now sensitive in her post-orgasmic state. She reached for the strap-on and fitted it to herself. Suki rolled Katsumi off her and offered Alexis the recumbent position on the daybed. Suki then maneuvered Katsumi onto the fresh shaft to face down at Alexis, though the loser remained blindfolded so could not gaze at the object of her desire. Alexis knew that Suki would have something interesting to offer to her.

Suki ran her hands along the length of her shaft. She twisted a breast looking down at the taut, tanned bottom. Alexis assumed Suki was going to take Katsumi anally, so she was surprised to feel the tip of Suki’s shaft nudging urgently at the bottom of her own cock. Suki was saying something to Katsumi in Japanese. Alexis felt Katsumi shift and moan as Suki pushed the shaft deeper into her, running along her own fake cock. Suki began to rock slightly, trying to ensure she was up to the hilt in Katsumi. Suki aligned her shaft with Alexis’ who had also pushed in deeper.

They were really stretching Katsumi’s tight pussy, though the loser seemed to relish her fate. They reached the desired depth. The sensors made the cocks twitch reflecting the tension that both women felt. Katsumi gave a long moan of lust, followed by a squealed request to fuck her hard!  Suki, with one foot on the red leather of the daybed and the other on the floor, duly grabbed a handful of hair and started to thrust in and out. Alexis at first found it hard to get a rhythm but after a minute, the two were working harmoniously, their poise and body strength enabling them to keep up a continuous scream of lust from Katsumi.

Alexis realized that Katsumi was really an incidental in this ménage a trois. She and Suki were making love through her. Both felt the twitching in their false cocks become more frequent, presaging the torrent of fake sperm, though there was nothing artificial about the orgasm that was welling. Alexis held Suki’s eye and the tempo increased. As her own spasms of pleasure increased, she could not help thinking about Karen in the arena, jetting come in her direction. Alexis felt certain that this had been intentional. It was actually this thought that pushed Alexis over the edge, and her howl of lust joined Katsumi's groan of pleasure.

Above both of them Suki was shouting at Katsumi that she was her “bukkake bitch” as she ploughed hard and deep. The artificial shafts twitched rapidly and then spurt after spurt followed. Alexis and Suki felt their cocks pushing and throbbing against each other. Alexis, at the bottom of the trio, thrilled as the artificial serum mixed with female juice ran out of the shrieking Katsumi, and trickled over her pussy and the cleft of her bottom. Such was the intensity of the pleasure that they had totally emptied their reservoirs. This was a real feat as the libidinous Natasha had them designed to last a whole night of lust!

Eventually Suki withdrew her strap-on and rolled Katsumi off Alexis. Katsumi lay on her back moaning, her hands still toying with her pussy. There was some light applause from Jayne, Birgit and Beatrice, standing in the shadows enjoying Suki’s victory fuck. Jayne apologized for intruding but said she believed she had forgotten a package for the party. She then handed a small felt bag to Suki who opened it and, smiling, took out a pair of scissors. Suki then bent over Katsumi, still blindfolded and panting.  Aware something was happening Katsumi looked up but could not see the scissors snip away the lock of hair Katsumi had dyed in homage to Alexis.

She did feel the slap that accompanied the gesture.
« Last Edit: January 20, 2014, 03:59:43 AM by europa »
Published female fight and sexfight author. Untamed Rivalry: Scenes from a Female Fight Club. (With sexfighter and fighter Alexis - see my profile.) Book in Kindle Store.


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Re: UNTAMED RIVALRY: Scenes from a Female Fight Club Chapter 6 Extract 01
« Reply #4 on: January 20, 2014, 08:21:14 AM »
Hhmmm, this is very hot - thanks for sharing! Good advertising also!  ;D ;)

Naughty - but oh, so NICE! :-)


Offline SunnyB

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Re: UNTAMED RIVALRY: Scenes from a Female Fight Club Chapter 6 Extract 01
« Reply #5 on: January 20, 2014, 02:04:56 PM »
WOOOOWWW!! The 2nd extract is extremely hot & sensual ... the sexfight battle between Suki & Katsumi reminds me of the Clitfight I'm currently engaged in myself via poll against Yvette ... Quivering HAWT!!  ;D :D

Love this line: <<“I’ll tire of fucking a limp, juiceless slut like you in a couple of hours.” >> May I steal it to use on some of my bitch opponents? LOL!  ::)

Hint: Saw that you also posted Extract 2 separately in its own topic/subject. Perhaps to alert readers that you've posted HERE in this topic where you've already posted Extract 1, suggest that you ask one of the moderators like nutmeg or peccavi to modify the Subject line so that it can delete Extract 1 in the heading and add to the heading something like Extract 2 added, to read "UNTAMED RIVALRY: Scenes from a Female Fight Club Chapter 6 Extract 02 added"
Proudly butch and living as a 'man'. In this catfight fantasy there are no losers, and in the end all should be winners!