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Harem Catfight

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Offline tangocash123

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Harem Catfight
« on: October 26, 2013, 08:27:50 PM »
Hello all,

This is my first post though I've been a visitor to this board for many years. I firstly wanted to say what a fantastic board this is and a big thank you to everyone whose posts, be they discussions or stories, I've been enjoying for sometime. 

The story below is one I commissioned by great J Coleman to write for me and it reflects two of my main catfight fantasies. The first being a man watching (and enjoying of course!) an intense, sensual, evenly matched catfight over him by two beautiful (preferably naked) women eager to fight over him and knowing that they are pleasuring him in the process.  The second is a woman finding out that her man is turned on by catfights and is then eager to explore this in great detail with him in order to pleasure him more in bed.

I hope you enjoy it (All characters are over 18 years old of course)

For my Prince
A Short Story by J. Coleman

Afif Al-Aziz was a young Prince who had recently inherited the throne of his small Arabian Kingdom after the abdication of his father. Nearly overwhelmed with the many duties that now befell him as ruler of his Kingdom, young Afif ended his first official day on the throne with a private visit from the harem elder; a buxom 29 year old named Melina who was to be his first.

Melina was well-schooled in matters of the flesh and had been one of the King's favorites since she entered the harem 11 years ago and the age of 18. With so many years of servicing the King and anyone the King directed her to service as payment for a deed or service to the throne; Melina had become quite adept at finding out very quickly what pleased and displeased a man.

The private pleasure chamber of the Prince's palace was in a tower in the east wing of the fortress and was accessible only by a well-guarded stone spiral staircase that wound up the inside walls of the circular tower. The chamber itself was large and ornate with a single waterbed along the rear wall. There was a wide open space from the foot of the mattress to the balcony doors across the room. Multi-colored sheet of silk hung like drapes from the walls and along the two sides of the large King-sized bed from the ceiling to the floor. The bed itself was covered with silks and cushions in various sizes, shapes, and colors. Torches and candles illuminated the pleasure chamber by night and the warm salty air of the Arabian Gulf blew through the open balcony doors; stirring the silken drapes and making the candles flicker.

Melina feigned surprise at sight of the Prince's manhood; widening her eyes and praising him on his length and girth to gain his favor. The proud young Prince was putty in the hands of the masterful Melina who soon had him wound around her finger as she had done with his father, the King, for so many years.

Their initial foreplay was short-lived as the eager young Prince's libido needed little stimulation to reach an erection. Melina took him into her; feigning pain and discomfort at his immense size even though his size was average at best. She cooed, moaned, panted, and begged for him to be merciful with her as he took her awkwardly and quickly; forcing her to pretend to have an earth shattering orgasm in the few seconds it took young Afif to ejaculate.
Naked, sweating, and panting; the Prince laid sated on the bed with Melina's naked body coiled around his in the afterglow while smoking opium from an ornate hookah with long braided hoses. She praised his skill, size, and stamina; swearing she'd never had another man make her feel as he just had. The Prince's ego swelled accordingly and he held his head high with pride as she continued to bolster his ego with cooing words of praise and hope that she might become his favorite.

Still basking in the afterglow for a long time; Melina decided to find out if the young Prince had any sexual secrets she and her girls might be able to use to pleasure him in a very private and personal way. She questioned him on those secret fantasies so many young men harbor in their darkest places; those secrets that could never leave the confines of the pleasure chamber or be spoken to any ears outside the harem proper.

      "What is it you ask of me?" the Prince said hesitantly; not sure her understood her question.
      "Pardon my ignorance, Effendim!" Melina said sullenly; lowering her eyes. "I wish only to find out what pleasures you personally in
       matters of the pillow so I can provide you with what gratifies you the most."
      "This is necessary for you?" Afif asked; still balking which told Melina there was something that he was reluctant to reveal.
      "Oh yes, Effendim!" Melina cooed brightly. "You now have a harem at your disposal and every girl in your harem would gladly die
       for you or do absolutely anything you wanted to gain your favor!"

Afif looked into her eyes and then finally spoke. "Yes, there is one thing," he said softly and hesitantly and then paused again; feeling the effects of the opiates in his body.

      "Please Effendim!" Melina urged. "Speak and it shall be done!"
      "I have found that female rivalry arouses me greatly," the Prince finally admitted.
Knowing immediately what the Prince was making reference to; Melina repositioned herself and whispered softly into his ear. "Catfight!". The Prince stirred uncomfortably upon hearing the word he had dared not to utter himself. His father had always told him how intuitive and sharp Melina was and now Afif knew this to be true.

Melina touched his manhood and as she had expected; it was stirring again at the mere utterance of the word catfight. She smiled as she began to stroke him gently to work him back into an erection.

      "Please Effendi!" Melina continued; using the more familiar term Effendi rather than the more formal Effendim. "Tell me what kind
       of catfights arouse you."
      "What?!" Afif asked, ashen at such a bold and inappropriate question.
      "Might it be two young nymphs locked in sweaty, primal, naked combat for the right to enter your bed?" Melina cooed sensuously
       while continuing to work his manhood deftly with her hand. "Or might the two young nymphs just be fighting over a matter of
       honor while fully clothed and fall into a pit of mud during their struggle?"
      "The former would be more appealing to me," Afif said; concentrating more on his growing erection than on Melina's interrogation.
      "Ah, I had such a catfight years ago!" Melina lied to stimulate the Prince and draw him out more.
      "You?!" he asked with surprise.
      "Yes Effendi and it was a very long . . . very vicious . . . very dirty battle indeed," Melina whispered; squeezing his now throbbing
       erection at each small pause of her sentence for effect.

      "Please, tell me the details!" Afif requested rather than ordered.
      "I had only been in the harem less than a year when another girl, newer than myself, tried to take my position in line for the King's
       favor. The harem mistress, not wanting to deal with such a trivial matter, told us to fight for the position in front of the King and
       he would decide who should win the more coveted position," Melina said; weaving her fantasy tale for the Prince.
      "So you fought your rival?!" Afif asked; riveted to her story.
      "Yes, Effendi, we fought in the Garden of El-Kamal," Melina continued. Clad in fine silken garb we began to pull each other's hair
       and rip off each other's clothing."
      "And then what happened?!" Afif prodded; indicating to Melina that the clothes ripping was not what he was interested in so she
       jumped ahead.
      "Once the clothing was gone, body parts that shouldn't be touched were viciously attacked," Melina gasped; giving his cock a hard
      squeeze and pull.
      "Both of you were doing this?!" Afif asked; unable to hide his excitement.
      "Oh yes, Effendi!" Melina quickly answered. "We mauled each other's bare breasts like this!"

As she spoke now, she sensuously grabbed her own breasts and squeezed them; parting her lips, moaning, and grimacing in supposed pain. "Even our most private parts were savagely assaulted . . . and penetrated!"

      "Penetrated?!" Afif gasped. "One woman to another . . . in a catfight?!"
      "Oh yes!" Melina replied instantly; now knowing what really turned him on. "The fight turned into a sexual battle with each of us
       trying to maim the very part of our bodies that would be used to sate the King himself!"
      "Was there biting?!" the Prince asked hopefully.
      "Yes Effendi, very much!" Melina added; wanting now to find out what other types of attack appealed sexually to the Prince. "ALL
       parts of our bodies were bitten, clawed, grabbed, and pinched! We would struggle into a position like this . . ."

Melina then got between the Prince's legs on the bed; put her mouth on his cock, and reach up to lightly rake her fingernails across his chest. She lightly and sensuously nipped the side of his cock and then began to suck on his inner thigh while fake-clawing his chest and writhing around on the bed between his legs. "Ungh . . . unnnnnnnhhhhh . . . oh . . . oh . . . ungh!" she added verbally for sound effects. "The fight was brutal . . . long . . . hot . . . sweaty . . . and very, very erotic!"

      "Did you both bite each other's private place at the same time?!" the Prince asked; even more excited now.
      "Oh yes, Effendi!" Melina quickly responded; maneuvering her body into a sixty-nine position with the Prince.

She lightly brushed her cxnt against his face while seductively nibbling and sucking on both of his inner thighs before taking his cock into her mouth and sucking it. "Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm . . . we were . . . like this . . . unnnnnnhhhhhh . . . for a very . . . long . . . unnnnnhhhhhhh . . . time!" "Each time she bit me I would squeal or shriek and she would do the same when I bit her!" Melina added, picking up the tempo of the story now as she moved around to take his manhood into her cxnt. "Then, I finally pinned her down like this!" Melina then straddled the Prince and slid his cock all the way into her moist cxnt. She began to writhe and gyrate while whipping her hair around and gently clawing his chest.

       "I mauled her breasts terribly and she screamed out in pain . . . then I clawed her face like this and she screamed more!" Melina
        then lightly pulled her fingernails across the Prince's face; being careful not to cause any pain or leave any marks."
      "Is . . . is this . . . how it ended?!" the Prince panted as he fucked Melina.
      "She began to sob and beg me to stop but I kept clawing her because I couldn't stop!" Melina said with impact. "I was . . . I
       was . . ."
      "You were what?!" the Prince urged when she paused.
      "I was . . . sexually aroused!" Melina said to seal the deal.
      "From fighting?!" the Prince asked; flabbergasted.
      "Oh yes, Effendi, most aroused from writhing, squirming, wriggling, biting, clawing, and doing things two women should never to
      do each other . . . things that should only be done between men and women! Mmmmmmmmm . . . oh . . . ooooooooooh!"

The Prince then tensed up and shot his second load into Melina as she continued to writhe and squirm on his softening penis to make the moment last as long as possible. Totally spent now; the Prince laid back to catch his breath as sweat dripped from his body and Melina's alike.

"With your permission, Effendim, I would be honored if you would allow me to arrange such a catfight for your entertainment!" Melina offered. "There are many girls in your harem that would love the opportunity to prove their undying love for you by fighting for you!" "Permission granted!" Afif said with an aloof air to his voice as if issuing a royal decree of some sort.

For the next several nights; Melina visited the Prince in the pleasure chamber to satisfy him while continuing to explore his carnal lust for catfighting. She learned as much as she could about his likes and dislikes while spending her days tutoring two of her younger harem sisters in the art of erotic female combat.

When she was satisfied her girls were ready; she told the Prince that two of her newer girls had developed a rivalry and have requested that they be allowed to settle their differences before the Prince in a naked catfight for his pleasure. The Prince allowed her to talk him into it as he hid his unbridled enthusiasm at the prospect of watching a naked catfight.

On the night of the fight; Melina brought the Prince to the pleasure chamber where many additional pillows had been placed on the bed for him to recline on to watch the fight. Three large thick carpets had been stacked atop each other between the foot of the bed and the balcony doors in the large open space to provide a padded fighting area for the combatants. Hundreds of candles illuminated the chamber; some on the floor and others on numerous stands of varying heights. Incense burned in braziers positioned around the tower along with chalices of burning scented oils in jasmine, musk, patchouli, and other exotic scents to create the perfect ambience.
The Prince stripped naked on Melina's request and took his place on the bed. She clapped her hands and the first girl appeared in a flowing silken gown. Her name was Mia and she was eighteen with full ripe breasts, long dark hair, and white skin than the Prince was used to from her eastern European lineage. Mia slowly lowered her gown to show the Prince her perfect body and Melina offered the girl for the Prince to inspect.

Afif slowly rose and stepped off the bed; circling the voluptuous young girl and touching her breasts and buttocks. "My Prince," Mia said softly while keeping her eyes fixed on the floor as she should. "A thousand thank yous for honoring me by allowing me to fight for you. I pray I should win while stimulating you to a magical place. Know that I love you and will do everything in my power to defeat my rival for you."

The Prince nodded silently; remaining regal and aloof as he stepped back onto the bed. Melina clapped again and the second girl named Adile stepped forward and peeled off her silken gown to show him her body. She was darker skinned and of Arab descent with the olive hue but her body was as perfectly proportioned as Mia's was with large, full, ripe breasts, a tiny waist, flaring hips, and long shapely legs.
Afif inspected and fondled Adile as he had Mia while she too professed her undying love for him and promised victory over the infidel, Mia, for him. Satisfied with Melina's choice of fighters; the Prince nodded to Melina and laid back on the bed. Melina, who had also now disrobed; curled up against the Prince and threw a leg over his already growing erection.

      "They will fight to the death if you so order it, Effendim!" Melina cooed.
      "Not to the death!" Afif declared. "Only until one can no longer continue!"

Melina clapped her hands and the two nubile young fighters screamed as they charged at one another to begin the fight. As soon as Mia's first foot touched the carpet, she rushed at Adile with arms flying but Adile was ready and a wild flurry of slaps were exchanged. Each girl blocked some but a few broke through and snacked into faces with resounding cracks; leaving red stinging hand prints in their wake. Each fighter was firing both barrels now as they each went for the quick knockout to sate their rage and rivalry while proving to the Prince she was the better woman.

"Infidel!" Adile shrieked, grabbing a fistful of Mia's hair to pull her face into the slaps she continued to throw with her other hand. "You don't deserve the great Prince!" Mia quickly fired right back, doing the same to Adile. Jerking one another around now by the hair, both girls continued to fire wild slaps back and forth. With no way to block the incoming strikes now, each one smacked into it's intended target until both fighters were staggering on wobbly knees from the heated exchange.

Finally choosing to end the furious exchange, Adile pried Mia's hand from her hair and gave the brunette a hard two-handed shove in the chest.

      "Can't . . . take it?!" Mia taunted.
      "I'll teach . . .you!" Adile panted and then lunged at Mia, attempting to tackle her.

Mia side-stepped the diving lunge and Adile went reeling past her, winding up face first on the carpet. Mia drove a hard kick into the girl's rib cage as she got to her hands and knees to get up, knocking her back down. "Unnnnnnnhhhhh!" Adile groaned as the kick struck her hard. She rolled the opposite way to get some distance between her and her opponent to give her the time to get back to her feet. "Bitch!" Adile hissed as she jumped to her feet and brushed the dark hair back out of her face.

With the initial anger now vented, the two inexperienced fighters crouched and began stalking each other, circling like predators and watching for any signs of an impending attack.

      "Come on . . . fight!" Adile taunted, baiting Mia to move in on her but her opponent wasn't taking the bait.
      "You see . . . my Prince . . . she cowers from me!" Mia quickly shot back.
      "Grrrrrrrrrrrr!" Adile growled in anger as she lunged forward and grabbed two handfuls of Mia's hair.

Screaming and shrieking loudly now; the two naked fighters began dragging one another around the carpet by the hair. They called each other vile names while continuing to profess their love for their Prince. "Do you see how they fight you, Effendim?!" Melina cooed in Afif's ear; gently stroking his now fully erect cock while he watched the raging battle with fixed eyes.

Still pulling each other's hair with one hand; each girl now began viciously grabbing and clawing at her opponent's breasts and face. Screams of pain reverberated around the tower now as the fight intensified. Their legs finally got entangled and they fell to the carpet; instantly snaking their legs together.
A fierce ground fight erupted now as both busty brawlers slapped, punched, grabbed, and clawed at each other's scantily clad bodies. They rolled one way and then back the other way in the heat of battle; each fighter brutally grabbing, squeezing, clawing, and even biting the other's bare breasts in a savage display of female ferocity. "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh!" Mia screamed first when Adile went for her bare breasts with both hands now. Mia retaliated and drew a similar scream from Adile and the tit fight was on. Bare breasts were mauled horribly as they rolled around on the carpet; squeezing, twisting, pulling, gouging, and clawing mercilessly until neither could stand it any longer and they broke apart.
Struggling to their hands and knees, the two fighters glared at each other between long locks of hair hanging down across their faces, partially obscuring each girl's face. Their chests heaved heavily now as they drew labored breaths, their bodies now requiring a lot more oxygen from the prolonged exertion of the intense fight. Large breasts, already bruised and swollen, dangled and swung back and forth beneath their torsos as they waited poised and ready on hands and knees.

Quickly moving together on their knees, each girl grabbed the other by the hair with one hand while throwing hard slaps with the other. Each girl now had her left hand in her opponent's hair and were slapping with their right; making it difficult to land a slap to the face or head because of the obstructing left arm in the way so they focused more on body blows. They brutally slapped and clawed each other's breasts, stomachs, and ribs as they twisted and contorted while jerking one another's heads back and forth by the hair.

      "Ungh . . . ungh!" Mia grunted and panted, throwing a harder punch to the underside of Adile's left breast that pushed the heavy tit
       up into her chin.
      "Unnnggggghhh!" Adile shot back, unloading a vicious punch to the point of Mia's pubic bone.
      "Unnnnnnnhhhhhhh," Mia groaned, stung by the hard punch.

Adile then released Mia's hair and grabbed her opponent's breasts with both hands; grabbing the outer slope of each breast and digging all ten claws into the bare, tender flesh. "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaagh!" Mia screamed out as Adile's claws savagely tore into her breasts. Wildly thrashing and wriggling in pain, Mia lashed out with a hard punch that slammed into Adile's unprotected face; knocking her backwards and breaking the grip on her breasts. Adile fell back into a sitting position and Mia was on her like a cat, tackling her flat onto her back.

Struggling on the carpet now on her back, Adile threw wild punches and slaps at Mia's face, head, and breasts while her dark-haired adversary did the same. Even though Mia was on top, the blows being exchanged were equally brutal from both fighters and neither really had the advantage at this point.

Now Mia went on the offensive; digging all ten claws into Adile's pretty face to literally scratch her eyes out. "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh!" Adile shrieked in agony as Mia clawed at her face. She wildly thrashed and bucked to try to throw her attacker off but Mia was locked in place now in a sort of straddle pin and Adile was in trouble.
Mia then leaned just a bit too far forward; allowing Adile to latch onto a handful of her hair. Adile pulled Mia down against her, clinging to the handful of hair with everything she had. From this position tightly against Adile, Mia could now only blindly claws at her adversary's face. She too was now virtually immobilized so Adile was not about to release Mia's hair, no matter what.

Grunting and panting heavily now, the fight was at a literal impasse as the two fighters struggled in this position for a very long time. Mia knew if she released the hold, Adile would turn the tables on her so she held fast. Adile knew as well that if she released Mia's hair, the brunette would quickly pull back and return to the horrific face clawing and would not be careless enough next time to allow Adile to grab her hair again so she too was trapped in her current position. "Ungh . . . ungh . . . ungh!" both fighters grunted and panted as they clung desperately to one another in their very tight, very erotic clinch.
With Adile lying on her back and Mia atop her; their large bare tits were pressed tightly together causing the breasts to bulge out to the sides beneath their arm pits. Each girl would occasionally pull one hand from her opponent's hair and grab a breast or claw at some body part; drawing a pained squeal from her opponent's lips before grabbing her hair once again. Moans, grunts, squeals, and heavy panting continued as the impasse dragged on with neither girl able to assert herself and gain control of the battle.
Melina now worked Afif's cock harder and faster as his face flushed and she knew he was moments from ejaculation. The air was still on this night and the hundreds of candles illuminating the pleasure chamber, the braziers, and the burning oil, added to the stifling heat which already had both fighters perspiring heavily along with Afif and Melina. Wet squirting sounds could now be heard between the fighters' grunts and squeals as they heavy wet breasts pulled apart and collided again.
Even though not much actual fighting was going on at that moment; the scene was still very sexually stimulating to the Prince who was mesmerized by the two naked girls' sweating, writhing young bodies locked in erotic combat with each other. "Look at what they do to each other Effendim!" Melina cooed. "Your sexual favor is of such importance to them, they try to maim one another to win for you!"

Mia then suddenly emitted a loud squeal and Afif shot his load all over Melina's hand and leg. But even after ejaculating; Afif's enthusiasm for the fight didn't wane in the least and his eyes stayed riveted on the two naked sweaty females writhing and screaming on the carpet only several feet from him.

Then the fighters rolled onto their side and each took two handfuls of the other's long hair; once again entwining their legs in a crotch to ankle embrace. They grunted and panted as they wriggled and squirmed about; slipping and sliding against each other's bare, sweat lathered bodies. Their mouths were agape as they breathed heavily; their large breasts heaving up and down with each breath.

Finally breaking apart; it looked for a moment as though they might be done and Afif's expression changed to one of dismay as he had hoped to see a much longer fight. But it was far from over as the girls sat back on their heels for only a moment to catch their breath before lunging forward again to continue the battle.

Hands and arms now flailed at a blistering pace with slaps being thrown backand forth wildly. Open hands made loud smacking sounds as bare sweaty flesh was slapped. Breasts, thighs, buttocks, backs, and any open surface was targeted by the blind barrages each young fighter was throwing in desperation to win the fight.

Bare breasts swung, jiggled, and bounced as their upper bodies twisted and contorted as they slapped and grabbed at one another; neither able to really take control of the evenly matched battle. The longer they fought, the sweatier they became and more erect their nipples became from the intense physical contact. Hard nipples now stabbed into tender breasts as their uppers bodies ground and rubbed together when they returned to a two-handed hair pulling struggle on their knees.

With their sweaty breasts now rubbing together; each girl finally pulled a hand from her opponent's hair and thrust it between her opponent's legs. "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh!" both girls screamed in pain as they began to maul each other's cxnts with stiffened fingers and sharp fingernails. Mia was then the first to really take the fight to the next level when she yanked Adile down to the side by the hair and then dove at her crotch face first. "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh!" Adile wailed and writhed as Mia snaked her bare legs around Adile's neck and sunk her teeth into her bare cxnt.

Adile quickly reciprocated and a full-blown cxnt biting fight erupted with each naked battler now locked in a perverse and decadent battle to see who could bit the other into defeat. They rolled back and forth; violently clawing each other's backs, buttocks, and thighs while tearing out pubic hairs with their teeth between horrific screams and shrieks of agony.

Even though it had only been a few moments since ejaculating;Afif's cock was already swelling again as he looked on, mesmerized by the sight of the two young sexy girls locked in such an incredibly erotic yet violent struggle for domination.
Melina responded instantly by taking his cock again in her hand and slowly working it to bring it back to a full erection while cooing a lewd, descriptive commentary into his ear to keep him in a heightened state of sexual arousal. "You see how much they adore you, Effendim?!" Melina then said; gently nibbling on his ear. "They do what no women would ever dare do to each other! Such is the level they are prepared to fight at for your pleasure and favor!"
      "I will . . . reward them . . . greatly!" Afif panted; pulling in a lungful of opium from the nearby free-standing hookah.
Mia and Adile were now so sweat lathered; it was becoming difficult to stay locked together. Their bodies kept sliding apart each time they struggled to attach themselves together to attack harder. Only by clamping their thighs around each other's necks could they finally stay locked together in their vicious tooth and nail cxnt fight.

Adile and Mia were now totally exhausted, bleeding from scratches and bites, bathed in perspiration, and fighting through intense pain as they battled on with neither willing to quit the horrific fight. Melina now positioned herself to give Afif oral gratification; knowing the fight was winding down now and the two fighters would noto be able to last much longer with the severe damage they were doing to each other. She wanted to make sure the Prince came at least one more time before it was over so she stepped up her efforts and went to work on his member with teeth and tongue to bring him quickly to another orgasm which she did with ease and effortless expertise.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh!" Adile then shrieked at one of Mia's vicious bites broke the skin of her tender inner thigh and drew a trickle of blood. Adile was now trying to pull away but Mia refused to let her; grabbing her ankles to hold her still as she continued to bite her rival's cxnt and inner thighs without mercy. "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh!" Adile continued to scream in agony; no longer attacking as she writhed and squirmed to try to escape the teeth of her attacker.

      "Ah, one tries to quit, Effendim!" Melina said to Afif. "Look, Mia holds her to punish her for your pleasure!"
      "Yes, and her rewards shall be plentiful!" Afif nodded; admiring the effort, strength, and tenacity of the young fighter.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh!" Adile screamed again; clawing at the carpet to pull herself away from the savage Mia who refused to allow her opponent to escape until she was too exhausted to attack her any longer. Adile finally managed to break free when Mia was no longer able to hang onto her sweaty ankles. Adile crawled forward on her belly and breasts but Mia struggled to her knees and dove on Adile's back before she could reach the end of the carpet. "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh!" Adile screamed as Mia grabbed two fistfuls of her long black hair and jerked her head backwards while straddling her and sitting on her back.

Mia now pulled hard with both hands; arching Adile's back and pulling her head backwards so far her bare sweaty breasts were lifted off the carpet and swung back and forth like two weighty pendulums. Adile screamed one more time and went limp; her eyes closing as she fell silent. Mia then released her opponent's hair and slid off her limp body onto the carpet as Afif and Melina both began to clap their hands in approval.
      "My . . . P-P-Prince . . . unnnnhhhhh . . . I pray . . . I . . . I have . . . proved . . . my . . . my love!" Mia painfully stammered
       between labored breaths; barely able to speak. After speaking; Mia passed out on the foot of the bed in exhaustion.

Melina clapped her hands together twice loudly and robed attendants instantly appeared as if from nowhere to removed the battered fighters from the pleasure chamber and tend to their wounds.

      "Effendim!" Melina then said with downcast eyes. "I hope you have been pleased!"
      "Very much!" Afif acknowledged. "Your girls performed beyond all expectations!"
      "Thank you, Effendim!" Melina cooed. "You are too kind!"
      "Will they be able to fight again?" Afif asked hopefully.
      "Ah, My Prince, I do not know," Melina shrugged. "But alas, I'm afraid such rivalries now flourish in abundance within your harem."
      "Indeed!" Afif said.
      "Yes, Effendim," Melina continued. "I'm afraid I must beg of you to allow others in your harem to resolve their rivalries in much the
       same way or I'm afraid chaos may prevail!"
      "Then it is my duty to the realm to mediate these differences that might bring harm to our kingdom," Afif said with all the majesty
        he could muster.
      "You are a wise and benevolent ruler, Effendim!" Melina smiled.

The End


Offline chrisstevens

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Re: Harem Catfight
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2013, 08:57:47 AM »
great story tangocash,very well written.


Offline cococo

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Re: Harem Catfight
« Reply #2 on: October 27, 2013, 12:15:37 PM »
very very great


Offline yazminn

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Re: Harem Catfight
« Reply #3 on: October 27, 2013, 11:31:55 PM »
Outstanding story, like you I have visited this post for years but never posted.  You need to keep posting that story was great, if you don't mind let me send you one I write so you can let me know how it is. Also I would love for you to use my wife in one of your stories, I can send you pics if you like, please let me know


Offline she got koed

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Re: Harem Catfight
« Reply #4 on: October 29, 2013, 03:53:16 AM »
Outstanding story great finish can't wait for the next fight
« Last Edit: October 29, 2013, 03:54:35 AM by she got koed »


Offline JT Edson

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Re: Harem Catfight
« Reply #5 on: November 30, 2013, 03:25:32 PM »
fantastic. I really enjoyed this story. I agree with the sexy FoxyAnne, it would be great if you could do a sequel to this story.


Offline Anna the Marine Chick

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Re: Harem Catfight
« Reply #6 on: January 27, 2014, 08:53:54 PM »
Amazing story!!! I love J Coleman stories!