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Oregon League/Celebrity Fight : Party Rawk vs The Drunk Gals

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Oregon League/Celebrity Fight : Party Rawk vs The Drunk Gals
« on: January 20, 2014, 02:57:34 AM »
Party Rawk vs The Drunk Gals


A little change in the rules as Party Rawk goes up against The Drunk Gals. The hostess actress who is sponsoring these tag team matches has decided that this right will be a tornado style tag team match. That is all four women will be allowed to fight at the same time. "I mean, why have a normal tag team style match when they will all jump in the fight at the same time. We don’t want to decide any fight by disqualification so we will allow them all to fight at the same time. There will be no disqualifications so anything goes. That is we will have extreme rules.”

“This match will take place on a nearby golf course.”

"The women will tee off on this par three hole. They will go to where their ball lands. That will be their starting position. From there they may go anywhere they choose. Ladies lets put on a good show. We expect fighting in the fairway, in the bunkers, in the small stream, on the green, and even in the woods. SO GO TO IT!"

Stormy Kae and Teri A. show up appropriately dressed for a gold course in jeans shorts and tee shirts:

Miley and Kei$ha also disdain more colorful outfits for sensible fighting and golfing outfits:

Drawing out of a hat team The Drunk Girls go first but the teams will alternate on the tee. Teri tees off and drives a nice shot. But it has a slight fade and goes into the stream.  “Rats, I hate to start by getting my shoes wet.”

Stormy is up next. She tries to overpower the ball. She hooks it into the bunker. “Damn it! Nothing worse than sand between your toes.”

Kei$ha steps up to the tee. She places the ball on a tee and looks down the fairway confidently. She is a tall strong woman and a good golfer. She hits a high shot with back spin. It hits at the back of the green and then the backspin causes it to roll back and stop a foot from the flag. “That's how you do it ladies!”

Miley is up last. She is also confident. She may not be as tall or as heavy as Kei$ha but she is well coordinated and has a smooth, classic swing. She swings easily but with good rhythm and form. She is determined to show she can hit the ball better than Kei$ha. She does indeed. It goes a little too far. It lands in the taller grass behind the hole and then rolls down the hill several meters from the green. “Guess I'm a little too strong for my own good,” she jokes. “Just wait until I use my muscles on you drunken bitches!”

The positions are set and the action is about to begin. Teri standing in the water; Stormy working her footing into the sand; Kei$ha proudly thrusting out her chest and standing on the green holding the flag; and Miley in the short rough behind the green.

What do you think will happen?
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Re: Oregon League/Celebrity Fight : Party Rawk vs The Drunk Gals
« Reply #1 on: January 23, 2014, 11:37:58 PM »
The women are at their starting positions: Miley in the rough behind the green; Kei$ha on the green next to the flag; Stormy Kae in the sand trap; and Teri A. in the small stream.

The biggest woman is the first to react. Kei$ha lets out a rebel yell “YAAAAAAAHOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!” as she yanks the flag out of the hole, lowers it and charges at Miley thrusting it forward like a spear.

Miley easily dodges to the side of the fast charging Kei$ha. She grabs the flag from the side and starts fighting Kei$ha for the flag. “Give me that damned pole you fucking bitch!” She manages to plant her feet and twist the pole causing the less coordinated Kei$ha falls to her knees still holding onto the flag pole.

“You want it you’ll have to take it from me, slut!” yells Kei$ha back. She gets to her feet. Now Kei$ha and Miley start struggling for the pole.

“Don’t I get a drop out of the water?” pleads Teri as she hates getting her shoes soaked. They are her good hiking boots.

While Teri is fussing with the judges Stormy springs into action. She scoops up a handful of sand in each hand. She runs to Teri. J as Teri hears Stormy running towards her. Stormy throws  the sand at Teri’s face just as Teri turns around to face her. Teri ducks but not quite in time. Some sand gets into her eyes. She drops immediately to the water to wash the sand out.

Stormy jumps on Teri’s back and starts pounding her on her back with her fists.  “You frail whore, I’m gonna beat your back black and blue!” She sits up on Teri’s ass so she has clear shots at Teri’s back, shoulders, and head.

“Get off me you cheater. Up to your dirty tricks right away. I wil so get you for this!” Teri cries out angrily although she is in no position to make good on her words right now.

Kei$ha is managing to pull Miley around, using her greater weight and strength. But Miley is fast and agile. She moves with Kei$ha’s tugging and manages to hold onto the pole. She inches her way closer and closer to Kei$ha.

Kei$ha lunges towards Miley in an attempt to bowl her over. Miley pulls on the flag pole at the same time. Kei$ha  losses her balance and starts stumbling. Miley sticks out her foot and Kei$ha does a face plant in the coarse grass in the rough.

Miley leaps to get on Kei$ha’s back. Kei$ha is ready for this. She rolls just in time and Miley lands on her stomach beside Kei$ha.

Kei$ha grabs Miley’s arm and rolls her onto her back. She throws her leg over Miley to straddle her stomach. Wrenching the pole out of the hands of the struggling Miley she places it across Miley’s throat. Kei$ha leans in, pressing the pole against Miley’s adam’s apple.

Meanwhile Stormy is working Teri over. She has Teri on hr stomach with her face in and out of the water. Stormy’s punches are hitting everywhere. She particularly likes to aim blows at Teri’s kidney’s. No one ever said Stormy was fought fairly, especially the Oregon ladies.

Teri tries to push up with her arms to topple Stormy off her.

Stormy delivers a forearm to the back of Teri’s neck to knock her back down.

Teri reaches back to try and grab Stormy’s hair.

Stormy grabs the arm. She twists it and bends it back behind Teri’s back. Then she shoves it up in a painful hammerlock.

“Ow… ow… let go… you’re braking my arm..” Teri screams in pain.

“Give up you weakling or I’ll break your arm. Your frail arms and body were never a match for me and you know it.”

I starts sobbing in pain and because of her helpless position. But she has heart and refuses to give up. Somehow she knows she will find a way out. Either that or maybe Kei$ha will come to her aid.

Kei$ha is in full control of Miley. Her weight is too great for Miley to try and bridge and get her off. Miley could try and bring her leg up to pull Kei$ha back but the pole crushing her windpipe is a more urgent concern. She grabs the pole on both sides of her head and uses her elbows against the ground for leverage to gain a little breathing space.

Kei$ha seems to be enjoying teasing Miley. She lets the pole rise and then presses her weight down on it to once again pin it against Miley’s throat. She is angry at the nasty things Miley has been saying about her in the press and wants to take that anger out on Miley. Instead of just choking her unconscious she keeps Miley struggling making her believe she has a chance of escaping.

Adding insult to injury Kei$ha takes on hand and slaps Miley back and forth across the face. She grabs Miley’s long hair and jerks on it furiously pulling some hair out and jerking Miley’s head about. That is jerking it as much as her pinned throat allows.

Miley tries to get at Kei$ha’s hair. But Kei$ha’s hair is tied back in a tight bun and Miley can’t get a good grip. Besides she has to keep concentrating on pushing back on the pole.

So far one member of each team seems to be dominating the member of the other team. Will this last? Will Kei$ha render Miley unconscious and then go after Story? Will Stormy force Teri to submit and then go after Kei$ha? Will Miley somehow escape and get the advantage on Kei$ha? Will Teri escape and get revenge on Stormy? Will Teri get so pissed off she resorts to the dirty tricks Stormy is known to use? (The Oregon ladies can provide insight here.)

Please comment so I can add another update soon. My intent is to add smaller but more frequent updates.
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Re: Oregon League/Celebrity Fight : Party Rawk vs The Drunk Gals
« Reply #2 on: January 27, 2014, 01:34:17 AM »
Kei$ha was sitting on Miley’s stomach slapping her face, pulling her hair, and trying to choke her. Miley was trying her hardest to fight back but she was in no position to do much damage to Kei$ha.

“I’m gonna finish you off and there isn’t a damned thing you can do about it,” bragged Kei$ha.

“Fuck you, you lard ass, you fucking cow.  No way am I finished!” said Miley although not too convincingly.  But she wasn’t finished. Her mind was whirling a mile a minute trying to figure out how to get out  from under the much heavier Kei$ha. Her had was down the hill. She tried bridging thinking that she could topple Kei$ha over her head and down the slope.

But Kei$ha just used her weight to lean back and stay in position.
“Maybe if I can get across the slope instead of hanging down it I can be more successful…” thought Miley to herself. She used her legs to walk her legs and bottom around until her body was across the hill. Then she pushed hard with her arm and leg on the higher side. The slope was steep enough so that she toppled Kei$ha to the side.

“Hey, what the fuck ….” Kei$ha stared to say but she was stopped mid-sentence as she went over. Trying to stop herself from rolling she let go of the flag pole and put her hands out. But the momentum was too great and the slope to steep to stop the rolling.

Kei$ha and Miley rolled down the hill with neither being able to maintain a top position. Eventually they came apart as they rolled. When they finally stopped they were on a flat area with Kei$ha having rolled a few turns more because o fher weight.

Both sprang up with their claws out.  Both yelling obscenities and insults at each other.


Teri had been fairing no better than her partner, Miley. She was face down in the shallow stream with Stormy squatting on her back. There was no big size difference here as Teri was a couple of inches taller than Stormy but a pound lighter. Stormy had gotten the advantage by using some of her dirty tricks the major one being throwing sand in Teri’s eyes.

Stormy was having all sorts of fun sitting on Teri’s back. She could yank Teri’s hair pretty much unabated. Teri would grab her wrists now and then but had no leverage to hold on as she was reaching up and behind her. She let go quickly when she felt Stormy moving to twist her arms up over her shoulder and back.

Stormy was sitting back on Teri’s sexy ass show she could deliver blow after blow to Teri’s back, kidneys and the back of her head. “Maybe I’ll drown you, you weak bitch…” hissed Stormy as she pushed Teri’s face down into the water with her hands on the back of Teri’s head. She scrubbed Teri’s face back and forth across the gravely bottom.  “Just giving your face a good scrubbing, help to clean out your pours and get rid of that acne. You can thank me later,” laughed Stormy. She leaned forward so she could whisper this taunting in Teri’s ear.

“You dirty fighting whore…” hissed Teri as she took advantage of Stormy’s leaning forward to gloat in her ear. She grabbed Stormy’s long Raven hair that hung over her shoulder. She pulled Stormy’s head to that side and used her long leg to push on the other side.

Stormy leaned flattening her body in an attempt to stay on. Both women rolled. Once they started rolling they rolled a full two and a half turns out of the water and onto the fairway beside the water hazard. Teri managed to turn with respect to Stormy so that when they stopped Stormy was on her left side and Teri supine, facing the sunny side.

Teri was out from under Stormy but no t out of danger. Stormy had opened her legs and then closed and locked them around Teri’s body. Stormy’s thighs gripped Teri’s buttock  and  pussy area.  That was the bad news. The good news was that the position was too low to crush Teri’s stomach and abs to force a submission.

Teri also had a thick lock of Stormy’s raven hair wrapped around her wrist and held tightly in her fingers. She was not going to let go. She jerked and yanked on the hair fiercely to get revenge on Stormy’s hair pulling.

“Yeeoowwww!!!   Let go of the damned hair” screamed Stormy. Teri had such a huge clump of hair that it was unlikely to pull out. But it inflicted pain on a large area of Stormy’s scalp. The pain from the vicious hairpulling kept Stormy from locking her thighs on Teri tightly.

Teri used the hair for leverage to twist her body within Stormy’s legs.  She maneuver her ass over and put Stormy  on her back as Teri turned enough to face Stormy. Stormy was now on her back with Teri on her knees leaning down on her between Stormy’s thighs.

Teri’s hairpulling was met by Stormy who wrapped her hand around Teri’s long, blonde pony tail. She pulled as hard as she could.

“Eek! Let go of my hair or I’ll pull your greasy hair right out of you scalp.” Loud cries and shrieks of pain emanated from both women with each new hard jerk or tug to the side. When they weren’t jerking on the hair they had a constant pull, never letting up or giving the scalps a rest.

The wrestling action slowed down as their attention turned to concentrating on inflicting as much punishment on the scalp. Also their heads were pretty much locked in place with the constant tugging on the hair.


Miley and Kei$ha took the opportunity to rest and get their breaths back. They were huffing and puffing. The breasts heaved and fell with the deep breathes. Their bellies protruded and were retracted with each breath. Kei$ha more ample belly accented this movement.

Kei$ha wanted to get right back into grappling with Miley and she started moving slowly towards Miley still panting heavily.

Miley didn’t want any part of grappling with Kei$ha. Her  bodyhad already been dominated and controlled by the heavier Kei$ha. She was willing to bet that Kei$ha had more than 30 pounds on her.  So Miley backed up step by step as Kei$ha tried to move. She backed up and circled.

“Come on and fight you chicken shit.” cursed Kei$ha at Miley. “Don’t be scared little girl. I won’t hurt you too badly.” The sinister look in Kei$ha’s eyes told Miley this was an outright lie.

Miley noticed that Kei$ha’s taunting was labored and her belly was still pulsating in and out. She walked backward a little faster causing Kei$ha to move  towards her more quickly in an attempt to close the distance between them.. Kei$ha was getting impatient and moved forward even fasted.

Suddenly Miley stopped and rushed forward surprising Kei$ha. She rammed a fist into Kei$ha’s pot belly and continued past her so Kei$ha couldn’t grab her. She couldn’t have time it better if she tired. Her fist plowed into a fully extended belly and then drove in deep. With both women moving forward the impact  caused Kei$ha to gasp out most of the air in her lungs. She stumbled forward trying to get a breath.

Miley continued past. Then turned around with her fists raised in a boxer’s stance. “Come on you fat cow. You wanna fight will who’s stalling now.” Miley was enjoying watching Kei$ha struggling to breath. Now it was her turn to move towards Kei$ha and not let her rest. Still she wanted to avoid a outright punch for punch fight as Kei$ha not only had the weight on her but also a longer reach.

Miley started dancing on the balls of her feet. “I fly like a butterfly and sting like a bee!” She stole that line from The Champ but it was a good one.  She danced and shadowed boxed.

Kei$ha moved in but slowly this time. She lumbered toward Miley with Miley dancing back and around her. Miley would dance in and throw some jabs and then dance back.

Kei$ha would throw harder punches at Miley. Miley landed more punches but occasionally Kei$ha got Miley’s rhythm and landed some good shots.

The fight between them had evened up. It was hard to tell who was getting the better of it and who the worst of it. Miley would move in and hit Kei$ha with several jabs or hooks. She concentrated on Kei$ha’s body; namely her belly which had already taken a huge hit and her breasts. She even played a game trying to time a punch to Kei$ha’s bouncing boobs when they bounced towards her.

Kei$ha was more patient with her punches. She landed few but those that did rocked Miley. She aimed more at Miley’s head and jaw catching her good on the chin a few times while Miley was too far away to reach her. One time Miley’s knees buckled and she back peddled quickly until she recoverd.

Miley working over Kei$ha belly was a good tactic because it never fully recoverd and Kei$ha was having more and more trouble breathing as the fight continued.


The fight between Teri and Stormy had degenerated into a contest of who could pull hair the hardest and inflict the most pain. The grappling consisted of them rolling back and forth as they found new ways to grip a lock of hair and give a horrendous yank. Firs tone would get on top for a few seconds and then the other one would. They were so equal in size that neither could dominate and hold the other one down. There seemed to be a tacit agreement between them about proving who could pull hair the hardest and pull out the most hair to force the other to submit. Yes, no longer where they gripping handfuls of hair but now selecting smaller locks so the scalp felt more pain and the hair came out in their hands.

The screaming was intense and loud as hair was coming out in chunks. Teri managed to stop shrieking long enough to say “Shut your fucing mouth, Jordeen, or your scalp is next. And I now you can’t take pain. You say one more thing about me getting my ass kicked by Stormy and I will come oer and pull out all your ugly hair after Stormy sobs her submission.”

“Don’t listen to her, Jordeen, this frail little bitch will crumble when I really get serious about ripping out her hair.” answered Stormy between shrieks and screams.

It wasn’t clear if a fight could be won by hairpulling alone but both Teri and Stormy seemed bent on proving it could.

As a team the fight had been fairly even with Kei$ha dominated Miley for her team and Stormy dominated Teri for her team. Both dominated women have made a comeback and now were fighting their rivals on fairly equal terms.  Has the momentum shifted so that the dominated woman will now dominate her previous torturer? Will the previous beating have taken too much out of the fighter so thay she once again falls victim to her tormentor?

Will Miley slowly work Kei$ha over until Kei$ha is worn out and completely exhausted? Will Kei$ha land that one good punch that puts Miley’s light out ? Or will something else happen?

Will either Miley and Stormy remove so much hair and cause such pain that her foe cant continue? If so, which one will quit? Will  they decide that they need to resort ot other measures to gain victory?

Keep voting and commenting.

My favorite beauty
Beauty and Class