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  • nothing as sexy as a good ol catfight
« on: February 08, 2014, 05:20:57 PM »


It had been a few week since Mom had whipped Jill for the second time. All the bite and scratch marks healed up in a week or so. The only lasting injury was the one to Jill’s ego. Jim wasn’t sure if his mom would want another catfight. He said she didn’t talk about the fight at all. She had been pretty confident she would win the second catfight. She had planed on shocking my mother, by fighting a nasty vicious catfight and whipping her good. She wasn’t prepared for my mother to fight vicious and nasty as well. Neither mom talked to the other women about their catfight. They all came around looking for details of the battle, but neither mother said much. So it was never a big topic around the neighborhood. Life was pretty much back to normal, both mothers avoided each other, and things had quieted down. Jim and I talked about and relived that afternoon hundreds of times. It had been one sexy, awesome catfight. Both mothers fought tooth and nail to the very end. It had been a very even catfight all the way through, right up to the moment Jill fainted from exhaustion. They both had given all they had, both moms had pulled hair and scratched and scrapped for all they was worth. We were both proud of the way each of our mothers had fought. It was a true catfight in every since of the word. All we could do was wait and hope for another catfight between our sexy mothers.
I was able to talk to my mother about the fight. She agreed it had been a great fight, and had enjoyed it very much. She said she loved the feeling of slapping Jill’s face and ripping out her hair. She said it stung and hurt as Jill did these things to her, but was worth it to see the look of pain and fear on Jill’s face. She said it was odd, but she did enjoy the feel of Jill’s body against hers and they rolled on the ground. It also felt odd knowing we were seeing both of them topless, but it felt so womanly catfighting another woman. Jill hadn’t even look over at her since the last catfight, so she wasn’t sure if there would be another. But if Jill might want another catfight, she would be ready and looking forward to it if she did. I told her that if there was another round that Jim and I had to be there again. I thought it was a good thing we was there the last time, as it about got out of hand. She agreed we should be there. We had seen the first two, and there wasn’t much left we hadn’t seen. I tried to ask her more about the catfights she had seen before, but she didn’t add anymore to what she had already told me. Jim and myself was dying to know what other ladies in the neighborhood had fought each other, and who had whipped who. But she wasn’t going to give any details, as she said it was a private matter between two ladies. Just as her catfight with Jill had been. She did say she wouldn’t be surprised if there wasn’t a good catfight or two coming up soon. That was the best news I could have heard.
I begged for more details, names, reason for the catfight, and anything else I could get out of her. All she would say is there was some tension between some of the ladies and it was getting a little heated. I ask her if either of the women might be her or Jill. She said neither her nor Jill was involved in anyway. It was some other women in the neighborhood, but still would give no name or details. I reminded her that she said she would let Jim and I watch if there were any catfights. She said if it did come down to a catfight. She would try to find a way for us to watch, but could not guarantee anything. A couple of the ladies had talked to her about this, but that was all she knew. Neither had said when or even if they were going to catfight it out. Both just mostly telling her about the issues they was having and wanting to talk to her about it. Both of the ladies knew she had fought Jill and felt comfortable talking with her about these matters. I asked her what it was that they wanted to know from her, it was their issues. She said both ladies seemed willing to catfight each other, but seemed unsure about it.
She said they came separately and was just asking her about her catfights, and how she felt about it. Both stated they were shocked that a lady as proper as she was, had been involved in catfights. They ask about catfighting and the best tactics to use when fighting another woman. They wondered if she thought catfighting might be a good way for them to settle their issues too. I nearly died, I told mom that I sure hoped she had told them they should catfight it out just as soon as possible. She laughed and told me to just hold on. She told them about her catfights, and answered their questions. They had talked about hair pulling and face slapping and scratching. She told them it all was effective and good ways to attack the other woman. While it was true, she had tangled with Jill twice. She told them she felt catfighting should be the last result. She did not advocate violence, but acknowledged there was times that was the only way to resolve the issues. She went on to tell them catfighting was a strange affair. She told them she too was a bit shocked, as they were. She admitted to being a pretty conservative lady, but for some odd reason she did enjoy her catfights. She told them how exciting it felt catfighting another woman. Though it does indeed hurt to have your face slapped, and your hair pulled out by the clumps. The feeling of joy to be able to return the deed of your rival. Over rode any pain you was feeling and turned it into pleasure and joy. She told them she was fortunate enough to win both her battles with Jill, so she couldn’t talk about losing. But she stated there was no feeling as good or as sexy. As the feeling of being victorious in a vicious catfight against another female rival. Both women had listened intently to her stories and views on her catfights.
I went over and passed this information on to Jim right away. We began to watch all the ladies in the neighborhood for signs of hard feelings, but couldn’t notice any. We began match all the ladies up, and who we would love to see catfight each other. We had dreamed up some awesome matches between the neighbor ladies, but it was a real catfight we wanted. We hoped that the ladies didn’t fight out their issues without letting my mother know it was going to happen. They hadn’t ask her to be present yet, just asking her for advise. We kept a sharp eye out for a hint of trouble between any of the neighbor ladies. Our biggest fear was they would fight out their issues in private, just as my mother and Jill had wanted to do. I kept asking my mom if she had heard anything about the ladies planning on settling their issues. She had seen both ladies, but neither had mentioned the issue further. I asked her if she thought they two ladies was going to settle things woman to woman, or if she felt the issues had passed. She said she doubted they had passed, but didn’t know if they was ready to settle things in a physical confrontation. When they had first come to discuss the matter with her. She felt a catfight was near and likely, but now didn’t know what they had planned.
Mother had given me some chores to do the next day. I had just started them when Jim came over to see if I wanted to go fishing. I told him I was unable to go. Just as Jim was riding off to the lake, my mother came out of the house. She told Jim to wait just a minute and I could go along too. I questioned her about my chores. She said it was fine, I could take care of them later. We had a very good day fishing and talking. We relived the catfight at the lake and remembering the first time our mothers tangled in our yards. We discussed how great it would be to see two neighbor ladies catfighting each other. Getting home just before dark. We was still outside talking about the successful day at the lake, and about the catfight we was hoping to see. Mother called me in to eat, and I told Jim I would see him later. I went in and washed you for dinner, and sit down to eat. Mother ask about our day at the lake. I told her what a good day it had been, and ask about her day. She said it had been a fine day, and had a couple of visitors over during the day. I asked who had come over to visit, she said just a couple neighbor ladies had stropped by to visit. I didn’t think much about it, she was friends with most of the neighbor ladies. They often stopped over to visit with her, as she did them. She calmly said she expected a catfight soon. My heart skipped a beat and wanted all the details. She said each of the ladies had come over and stated they felt a catfight was the only way to settle the issues. They took her advise and tried all other options, but still couldn’t resolve the riff between them. They felt to fight it out was their only choice
I was so excited and ask who was catfighting and when. She wouldn’t tell me who, in case they didn’t go through with it. She didn’t know when, but felt if it was going to happen, it would be soon. Both ladies expressed to her they was ready and willing to fight if it came down to it. I reminded her about Jim and I just having to be there to see it. I ask if she was going to be there when it happened, they hadn’t ask her but she felt they might. Knowing she wasn’t going to tell me who it was, I ask if I know either lady. She said that Jim and I knew both ladies, as they lived very near. I was so excited, I just needed to talk about this, so I kept asking questions. I ask if any of the other neighbor ladies knew about this, she didn’t know for sure, but didn’t think so. She didn’t think even their husbands knew they was about to catfight with each other, that is why it is so important to keep matters private. This meant before, and after if the catfight took place. She said it was very important to keep all of this just between the ladies, her and Jim and I. I agreed that we would do that and understood why.
I ran next door to tell Jim about all the new events. He was as excited as I was about the possibility of a neighbor mom catfight. All we could do was dream about who it was and why they needed to catfight each other. We could only hope they would rip each others clothes off. It would be so great to see some neighbor ladies fighting topless or nude. It all had our minds racing with possibilities. All we could do was wait and see if anything was going to happen, and hope they wanted my mother there to witness the fight. Still we kept an eye open for any hint of a catfight brewing, but no signs were showing. A couple days later as I was in the house, mother was on the phone, I really didn’t think much of it. I went on outside and saw Jim over in his yard. I went over to see what he had planned, he like myself wasn’t into much. His mother had left a list of chores to do, and had left for an afternoon of running errands. He had most everything finished, and I helped him complete the last few small task. We was just roaming around in our yards talking when my mother came out the back door. She ask what we was doing, and we told her nothing really. She ask us to stay close if we could she might needs us a little later. We assured her we wasn’t going anywhere and would be around the yards someplace. We walked around our yards talking about the catfight that might be coming up, we wondered who it was and dying to see if they was going to go through with it. A few minutes later mother came out the back door. She told Jim and I to go get our fishing stuff. I reminded her she just told us to stay near in case she needed help. She said if we wanted to see a catfight to do as she said. That all we needed to hear, as we went to get our stuff.
I ran and got mine and went over to help Jim gather his up. Mother said to get everything we normally would take. Jim said the ladies must be going to meet at the lake to catfight it out. We was both very very excited that it was going to happen. We got our stuff and got our bikes to head to the lake. As we started to ride off, my mother called us back. She said it was very important that it look like we really was going fishing, so no one would expect anything. She wanted it to look like we was going in case they might be checking. She told us to ride to the wood and sneak back up to the back yards like we did when her and Jill fought the first time. She said the women was going to come over and catfight in our back yard. She told them that she would send us to the lake to fish so no one would be around. She again said it was very important to act normal about this and to hide the bikes in the woods and sneak to the back yard. She told the ladies it would take a little while for her to get us going, for them to wait a bit before they came over. This would give us time to sneak back through the woods. She would try to meet us at the edge of the woods if we got there before the women did. We both thanked her for doing all of this and we slowly rode off like normal. As soon as we got out of sight we rode as hard as we could and hid our bikes in the woods and started toward our back yards.
Getting near the yard, we slowed down and kept quiet. As we got to the edge we seen my mother standing and she waved for us to come over to her. She said the ladies didn’t want anyone around so stay hid. It was them she had been on the phone with all morning, they finally decided to settle this woman to woman. We was dying to know who was cat fighting, but she said you will see soon enough. She wasn’t sure if they would go through with it, as now it was near both ladies seemed scared about it. She was going to take them all the way back to the corner we was at, telling them no one can see that area from anywhere. We again thanked her for doing all of this for us, she said it was no problem. She told us neither lady had seen or been in a catfight before, but we had figured that. They had ask her about hair pulling and scratching and how to catfight, so that was no surprise to us. Jim told her she should have told them the best way to win a catfight, was to rip the other woman’s clothes off. Mom got a chuckle out of that, and told us we was too much. She didn’t think it would get out of hand, but if it did. She would call us to help her break it up. She said she better go, and went up to the house to wait for the fighters to show up. We was so excited to finally see who was going to fight. We waited for hours it seemed, we had started to think one or both ladies had backed out. Finally we saw mother coming around the corner of the house, with two women following.
We both got down so to make sure they didn’t see us. As they got near we could finally see the two cat fighters, it was Kim and Amy. Jim and I just looked at each other and smiled. They was both younger than our mothers, mid 30’s we would guess. Both was very very pretty, and a little chubby. Neither was fat, just chucky. Both was really short, very pretty, short but very curvy legs, kind of wide but nice bottoms. Both had curly light brown hair down to just below their shoulders, but most of all, very very nice looking boobs. They had the kind of body that they wouldn’t wear a two piece swim suit. But they looked great in a one piece. Curves everywhere, but nothing sloppy and flabby. Very pretty faces, curvy great looking legs, nice bottoms and a killer set of boobs. We always figured before they got married and had children, both were total hotties. They was a bit heavy, but still carried themselves in a great manner. We always thought both was very hot, the kind of mom that young guys drool over . Not skinny little girls, but a full woman, they was very even in size so we figured this would be an awesome catfight. Not to mention the chance of seeing these awesome boobs hanging out. Jim said if these ladies tore each others clothes off, he would faint.
As they was getting closer, like our mother’s had, their inexperience showed. Both was dressed in skirts, heeled pumps with stockings, and pretty blouses. The same attire our inexperience mother wore for their first catfight. This was fine with us as they both looked great all dolled up, and ready to catfight each other. Just as she said, mom lead them right down to the corner we was hiding at. This put them very near us, so we was going to be able to see and hear it all. This is a pretty area, right at the edge of the woods, screened by all the shrubs. Mother likes to read back there, and has a small patio set there. Both of the ladies looked awesome, the pumps and stockings showed their awesome legs and their blouses showed their full boobs. Mother ask them if they wanted to have a seat and talk or just wanted to get started. Neither lady responded, both just slowly walked to the patio set and took a seat. Mother also took a seat and started to talk to the ladies. Neither had much to say in return, they just responded nervously yes or no. They never really addressed anything toward each other, just in return to my mothers questions. After awhile mother ask them if they was sure they wanted to settle matters by catfighting. Both responded they did, this was good to hear. We was beginning to think they was going to back out. She told them they could sit and talk about matters it if they wanted or could start fighting each other anytime they wanted. Neither lady said anything or made any move to get up. They just sit looking at each other all nervously, and acting unsure what they wanted to do.
After a few minutes of this, seeing neither lady seemed eager to start. Mother offered to go get something for them to drink if they wanted to try talking it out one more time. Both ladies nodded yes, Jim and I felt like running out and choking her for this. Here was two hot, full body sexy moms ready to catfight right in front of us and she was offering for them to talk it out. Mother went in the house and came out with a pitcher of iced tea. Neither lady spoke while she was gone, both just looked around at the yard. They seemed to make a point not to make eye contact with each other. Mother returned to the table and poured each lady a glass, both took a small sip and set the glass down. Mother ask them if they had made any progress in settling things, both women shook their head no. She ask them again what they wanted to do, but neither answered. This was worse then her and Jill’s first fight. At least they agreed to meet and settle things, it took them awhile to get started but at least they did. She again ask them if they was sure they wanted to catfight each other. Both slowly and nervously nodded yes. She again waited a couple more minutes, with nothing happening. She said ladies are we going to settle anything here today. She told them if they wasn’t sure they wanted to, they shouldn’t catfight. She said they could talk, have a catfight, or nothing. She was fine with it if they just wanted to go home and think about it some more, it was their matter to settle.
Both ladies just looked at her, she looked at them and said she thought they both really wanted to fight each other. But was just nervous about it being they had never fought before. Both ladies looked at her and nodded in agreement. She said well if your both sure that is what you want, you might as well get started. Both looked at each other, and again back to her. She stood up and told them they might as well get this going. She waited and they both slowly started to stand and stepped away from the table. They turned and started to walk out into the yard, mother stopped them and lead them back toward the corner again. She was awesome, she was keeping the action as close to us as she could. As they got back to the corner of the yard and faced each other. Mother called them back to the table, and told them this was a catfight, not a fashion show. She told them to remove all their jewelry, ear rings, watches, rings and bracelets, necklaces. Both ladies removed their items and went back to the corner. They both looked so hot, full bodies swaying was they walk to face each other woman to woman. Bodies shaking from nerves and excitement at the same time. Mother came over to give a last minute instructions. She told them when one of them was finished, just tell her and she would make sure the other woman stopped. She walked back to her seat as the two women went to face each other.
Both women walked up to each other and started to circle. They was slowly circling each other. Sometime so close there boobs was nearly touching, sometimes there was a step of space between them. Both had their hands down to their side, neither looking to attack. Both seemed to be waiting for the other to make the first move. They was worse then mom and Jill. They had a lady to instruct them and they still wasn’t fighting. Finally mother came back over and talked to them again. She again ask them if they was sure this is what they wanted and both agreed they did. Mom said ok, Amy do you want to fight Kim, Amy nodded she did. Mom ask Kim if she wanted to fight Amy, Kim nodded yes. Ok she said , your both grown women, go ahead and fight each other. She recommended they get their hands up to defend themselves. She told them all they need was for one of them to be woman enough to start things. She assured them if one of them would attack the other woman, she would fight her back. That would get things going, and their womanly instincts would kick in and they would know what to do.
Both women brought their hands up in front of them, not like cat fighting claws, but more flat open handed. They began to circle again. After several circles, no one had attacked. Mom said for one of them to reach up and grab the other woman’s hair, or to just slap her in the face. Both slowly start to reach for the other hair, but their hands met mid way. The instant their hands met. Their fingers snaked together and they clasp their hands together. They began to push and pull each other around. Not exactly what we was waiting on but at least a start. It was a nice sight to see, as they strained to over power each other. We could see the muscles in their legs strain and flex as they pushed. Their already sexy looking legs looked even better under these conditions. We noticed they was working their fingers frantically while their hands was claps together. We figured out they was trying to scratch the back of each others hands, but neither seemed to be having much success. Their test of strength went on for several minutes. They pushed and pulled each other around, but was very evenly matched. Neither lady could get control of the other. They was both pushing against each other and both suddenly pulled very hard trying to pull the other lady to the ground. This pulled their hands apart, and both fell back on her sexy full butt. Both sit there on the ground for a couple seconds, and then looked up at my mother. She told them not to look at her, get up and fight each other, they knew what they wanted to do. She was just there to over see the fight for safety reasons. Both ladies slowly got to her feet. They both took a moment to catch her breath, and straighten her hair. We thought this was funny, they was cat fighting, but took time to try to fix their hair.

The two women slowly started back toward each other. I’m not sure if by now my mother was getting bored or horny to see them catfight each other. She told them they showed up like it was a fashion show instead of a catfight and now they was taking time to fix their hair. She started egging them on. She told Kim to go rip some of that bitches hair out, and told Amy to go slap that sluts face. She kept telling to go fight that bitch, and go get that slut, and get her good. This seemed to be working, though neither lady had started fighting yet. It was getting to them, not sure if it was the encouragement or the dirty talking. But both was now getting worked up and breathing hard, it looked like both was now ready to go. Both women was standing still facing each other, less than a step apart, with their hands on their wide hips. Mom was walking a circle around them excitingly chanting catfight catfight catfight come on ladies catfight her catfight her. Both ladies had stepped up nose to nose, till their boobs was mashing together. Mother was right up by them, almost touching them. Egging them on saying, fight her, come on fight her, fight her, get her. Both ladies suddenly grabed each other by the hair and started yanking. Mother stepped away and went back to her chair. Both sexy moms was now really into it, they was jerking heads in all directions.
They was pulling hair like mad, and first one then the other started to slap. This was now a full blown catfight like we had wanted. Both ladies would squeal and whine with each slap. This was just what we had been waiting for. Both looked so sexy, in their skirts and pretty blouses and sexy stocking clad legs with pumps, fighting like wildcats. Their awesome boobs was swinging from side to side as they threw slaps back and forth. They closed the gap between them and their boobs mashed together and both went back to hair pulling now. Not sure which one started it, but both started kicking. Fortunately, as their pumps looked like they might do some damage to their sexy legs, neither was connecting with any direct kicks. Pulling hair like mad and trying to kick, they lost their balance and fell to the ground. This was a great sight, two curvy sexy moms rolling around fighting. They was both getting into it now, they was both fighting like wildcats. They was pulling hair, but we hadn’t noticed any being ripped out, they now took to scratching. I don’t think either like this, but both kept doing it, as the other woman was still scratching them. They wasn’t built for speed, and the ground fighting, while awesome, wasn’t a fast or furious affair. But that was fine with us, we was able to see all the action. They didn’t roll over and over at a time Most of the time one would be on top and they would roll a half turn, and the other would be on top. They would lay flat on top of each other, two curvy sexy bodies mashing together, boobs mashing out between them.
Their sexy legs, kicking and viciously fighting for control. They rolled over so neither was on top, both was one their side This gave them both a chance to really do some cat style fighting. Both was pulling hair and getting some really clean slaps in to each others faces. Both seemed happy by the punishment they was giving the other woman, but disliked the pain she was receiving. To get away from the punishment they was receiving they both rolled away from each other. Slowly getting to their feet, you could now tell both had been in a catfight. Their clothes and hair was a mess, and both panting and breathing hard. They both charged, crashing together, they grabbed each other for balance, so they didn’t fall again. Both grabbed what they could, which turned out to be each others clothing. Both was holding on for their life, as first one, then the other would start to fall, as they jerked and pulled each other around. After a couple moments both ladies was standing solid on her feet, but neither slowed down. They was jerking each other around, yanking at and ripping and tearing each other blouses to shreads.
Buttons was flying, and the sound of cloth ripping filled the air. They was really pulling, or the blouses was very thin. We didn’t care which it was, as both was nothing more than rags now, and barely covering anything. They kept right on catfighting, unbothered by the state of their blouses. They both seemed more interested in removing their rivals top, then worring about the damage theirs was receiving. With in a few short minutes, both was so ripped up. There wasn’t much left to get ahold of, forcing both women to return to the hair pulling tatic. They was both pulling hair with one hand, while still trying to rip of remove the others blouse. When the other woman got a good handful of hair and pulled down, they would bend over at the waist to try and lessen the pressure on her scalp. This was a truly beautiful sight, the blouses was so in tatters you could see their full cleavage pushing up in their sexy low cut bras. Both ladies had a fabulous set of boobs. Jim and I looked at each other, they had even worn sexy bras to the catfight. Sexy, very feminine, and very low cut, and very very lacy. We was being treated to an awesome sight, these were two very sexy moms. Not only was they inexperienced cat fighters, but you could tell both ladies was feminine, and prissy. They would whimper and gasp was their hair was pulled or they received a slap, but both was giving it all they had. They was doing their best to destroy the other woman, while they was receiving the same treatment from the other woman. What they lacked in experience and toughness they made up for in willingness. Willingness to fight on despite being scare and receiving slaps, scratches. Neither woman had been in this situation before, but both went on. As their womanly war went on, they broke apart and both took a step back
Both was taking a minute to catch her breath, and clear her head. Amy’s shreaded blouse was all bunched up and had her partly tangled up. Being of no use for covering her in any way, she removed it and tossed to out of the way. Kim seeing this looked over to mother, and she watched her nod yes, meaning she should do the same. Kim untangled herself from what was left of her blouse and tossed it away. She when started to nervously look around. Jim and I thought maybe someone had heard them and was coming. She turned back around to face Amy as she reached back and removed her bra and let it fall to her feet. I thought Jim and I was going to faint, my mother cheered her for her courage. Amy looked shocked, as she stared at Kim, but she made no move to remove her bra. Both woman just stood and stared at each other, neither making a move. Mother ask Amy if she was woman enough to meet Kim woman to woman bare breasted to settle this. Amy said she would meet the tramp any time, any place, and fight her any way she wanted her to. With that out of the way, Amy removed her bra and tossed it to Kim. We was both near fainting now, this was beautiful.
Though younger then our mothers, both had much bigger boobs. Our mothers boobs stuck pretty much straight out, but these were bigger and had some sag to them, just from the weight we guessed. They was awesome, and the nipples were out of this world, both ladies was a very dark redish brown. Hard as rocks from the excitement of the catfight, all four nipples was about as big around as out little finger, and nearly half as long as out finger. Neither of us had seen anything like these. They was much much bigger than any pictures we had seen, these was unreal. They was almost to the point of being weapons. Both ladies were standing with their hands on their hips, slightly leaning back. to make them look as big as possible, and to show as little sag as possible. Mother now seemed very excited now. She told them both she applauded their courage, but their young tender titties was about to get their first taste of real abuse. Both women seemed hesitant to resume the catfight bare breasted, though never in a catfight. I think both figured what was coming. Both ladies look so sexy, very pretty, and their awesome boobs hanging, sexy curvy legs. Both seemed to know they was a sexy little package, as they tried to out strut each other as the paced around. Both seemed scared, both I think both was dying to tear into the other woman bare breasted. Some how through all of this their pumps had stayed on. Mother ask them if they wanted to remove them, as this would be a good time to do so. Both said they was fine and would leave them on. That was fine with Jim and I, cat fighting with pumps on. Just made it seem more womanly. We couldn’t wait for these to ladies to meet woman to woman bare breasted.
Slowly they stared toward each other, both on edge and ready for the attack. This time when they got near each other, their hands went up. This time, they were curled like cat fighting claws. With out a word or signal both attacked at the very same time. Both grabbed the other by the boobs and went to work. They was squeezing and twisting and pulling. This was even better than mom and Jill’s boob fighting. Both their faces had a look of fear and pain showing, but neither lady showed any sign of pulling away. After a few minutes they seemed to figure out to dig their nails into each others tit flesh. This was really getting good, both ladies was mauling the other boobs with all she had. They was doing as much damage as they could to each other, we wasn’t sure how long these feminine ladies would go like this. This was starting to get rough, and both was looking shocked by that was happening. Their boobs was starting to show red marks and spots where they was trying to dig their nails in. Amy slipped and lost her grip on Kim’s boobs as she fell. As her hands slipped off, her nails raked down Kim’s boobs leaving some long scratch marks. Kim jumped back in shock and pain, this gave Amy a chance to get to her feet again. The two women now looked like wild animals looking at each other.
Kim stood rubbing her scratched boobs, while both caught their breath. They both looked toward each other and charged. They was slapping, ripping hair, scratching and grabbing boobs. It was an all out woman war now, both fighting for the win. Faces and boobs taking some very sharp slaps, backs and arms and legs getting some nasty scratches. Both ladies was fighting wildly, and ended up on the ground. This time they was fighting hard enough that they did roll over and over nonstop. There was fine strands of air in the air, this is the first time we had noticed any hair being removed for their heads. They was rolling over and over pulling hair out, scratching very viciously, and their legs fighting a war of their own for control of the lower half. They still somehow had kept their pumps on, and the heels was clicking and snapping as the crashed together fighting for control. This was now getting nasty, the hair was really starting to fly, and the scratching was vicious. Nothing was off limits now, they had even taken to boob scratching. Both ladies had long nails and was using them as best she could to defeat her rival. This went on for several minutes and both ladies was openly crying now, but still fought on. Neither was going to be the one to summit and loose this battle. But we knew we would soon have a winner as they couldn’t take this punishment for long. Rolling over and over ripping hair out, scratching viciously, legs tangled and heels locked together to hold each other legs. Suddenly both broke apart and rolled away from each other.
Both ladies just layed on their backs crying. We knew the last couple minutes had got nasty, but we was a little surprised by the amount of damage each had received. They both looked like a mess, hair a wreck, scratches all over, and their boobs all red and scratched up. Mother waited a couple minutes and walked over. Both of them finally sit up facing each other, still crying softly. She checked them both out and made sure they was ok. After a few minutes she told them it had been a very even catfight, and their was no winner. Both ladies still crying softly off and on, she ask them if they want to get up and fight it out to a finish. Neither said anything or made any more to get up. She gave them a bit to think about it and ask if they was both satisfied with the damage they had done to the other woman, or wanted to fight each other more. Both ladies shook their head no, meaning they had enough. Mother helped each of them up and they went and sit at the patio table, while mother went in and got each a shirt to wear home. After sitting and resting for a few minutes, both women seemed fine. Mother asked them if they could make it home or needed help, both said they was fine. They both got up and started for home, Jim and I waited till they was out of sight before we came out of the woods.
We was so excited by the catfight was could hardly stand it, we both thanked my mother for letting us watch. She just laughed and said it was her pleasure, and asked how we liked it. We told her it was awesome, we loved it, and ask her how she liked it. She said it was good, a nice woman fight. We walked over to the table and sit down, mother went in and got more tea as Jim and I talked about the catfight. It was an afternoon we wouldn’t soon forget, we was getting a few catfights under us now. Mother returned and we started talking to her about the catfight. I asked her if she thought it would have ended in a tie, or if she had a pick to win. She said she really had no idea how it would have ended, it had turned out to be a much better fight then she had expected. She had, had doubts wheather they would have even really fought. We told her we was stating to think they wasn’t till she told them to. Both ladies had told her they wanted to fight each other, so she said they might as well get it done. I ask her if she thought they might have changed their minds at first. She thought they would fight it out if they would just start, but she agreed getting them started wasn’t easy. I ask about when she was pushing them to fight each other, chanting catfight catfight and telling them to go fight the bitch, go get that slut, just pushing them to fight. She said that catfighting often makes women horny, and talking dirty makes them want to fight more. But two women still won’t fight if they aren’t ready, just like her and Jill when all the neighbor women was trying to get them to fight.
She didn’t like doing that, but she had talked to both and knew they really did want a piece of each other. It was just better to get it done and settled, it was a good time and a good place. I ask if she liked watching a good catfight or being one of the fighters the best. She laughed and said both was fun to her. Jim was surprised and ask if that was true, did she really enjoy watching the two other women catfighting. We liked to watch because we hadn’t seen any till a short time ago, and it is exciting for a guy knowing they might get to see some mom’s boobs and all. She laughed again and said it was different for another woman, but still exciting. We ask if they would tell the other women about their fight, that was up to them but she didn’t think they would, and it was very important we didn’t either. We assured her we wouldn’t tell anyone about it. We ask if she thought they would fight again, to catfight it to a finish, she didn’t know for sure but didn’t think they would. She felt they was both happy with the damage they had inflected on each other.
Jim told her she was so cool, she could hang out at the lake with us, and talk about catfights like we do. She laughed and said she was happy to answer our questions. We was full of excitement and questions, we could never get enough cat fighting talk. We told her how sexy and exciting it was for us to watch two sexy moms cat fighting each other. She said that just because they are moms doesn’t mean they don’t need to catfight sometimes. Just like guys, moms sometimes have issues they need to fight to settle. We would be surprised to know how often moms catfight each other. Some people think it is unlady like for two women to fight each other, so they keep it private. Just between the cat fighters and maybe a woman or two they invite to watch. We was all ears hearing this stuff, we couldn’t get enough mom cat fighting stuff. We laughed and said it had become like a hobby for us, she laughed too and said it wasn’t a bad one. We thought it was so sexy for two proper, polite, sexy moms to tear into each other catfighting tooth and nail. She told us to be patient and there might be another catfight brewing. We was all ears now, wanting more details. But like always she wouldn’t give us any. She told us to just stay calm, and we would all see what happens, and she walked to the house. We was left all excited talking, with our minds racing about another mother catfight


Offline Irada

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« Reply #1 on: February 09, 2014, 08:58:58 AM »
Pacer this story is powerful than two previous
you could give the excellent portrait of how two women who have never fought before can act during the fight.
waiting for your new story
fight like cats


Offline hunter1985

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« Reply #2 on: February 09, 2014, 04:40:57 PM »
wonderful one.... go on pacer



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« Reply #3 on: February 09, 2014, 08:50:18 PM »
Thanks for sharing these once again Pacer... These are lovely master pieces ... Excellent stories...
I read ur stories earlier also .. reading them again was no less pleasure...
Hope to read more from u ... and soon...


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« Reply #4 on: February 09, 2014, 11:24:16 PM »
Thank you everyone for your kind words