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Repost: Blast from the past! by Masked Writer

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Repost: Blast from the past! by Masked Writer
« on: May 24, 2010, 09:36:27 AM »
Here’s an excellent story by Masked Writer from a couple of years ago that got lost with the crash of the board – hope you enjoy!



By the Masked Writer           
Kayla is sitting in her car, parked along the street in that cozy neighborhood, and stares at Jill who is reading, on a bench in the park. It is a warm but cloudy Sunday morning and there is not a soul around.   
        Jill is reading, as usual, sitting on one of the park’s benches. She has always been a real bookworm.   
        Kayla looks at the 30 year-old woman and remembers. It has been a shock when she saw her, a few weeks ago. It took her a while to make it through the bizarre deja-vu feeling she had while looking at her. That feeling came with a sensation of fear and pain. Something odd.   
So she started stalking the woman and try to remember where she had seen her.   
     As summer came and people started to dress more scantily, she saw Jill (she found out her name at the library where she worked) wearing shorts and camis and it came back to her, little by little.   
      She had met that woman once, but it was years ago, it went back to her childhood.   
And one-day, she remembered it all. She had put it in the back of her mind for years as something she would rather not remember but now it all came back with all the feelings of fear, pain and, worst of all, the humiliation.
     From that day, Kayla hardly had a good night sleep. Though she needed it, as a pro athlete.   
That was bad enough. What was worst was that she could not get it out of her mind that she had to get even.
And now is her chance. Jill is there, alone and there will be nobody around to help her.   
And things have changed. Kayla is not a skinny, long-legged 11-year-old anymore. Not by a long shot.
     She opens the car door and gets out of the vehicle.   
Kayla’s heart is beating like it wants to jump out of her chest.   
She struggle with the car’s lock as she close the door.
She feels the blood coming to her cheek and she can’t believe she will get that chance.
     When she gets her eyes off the car and looks at the bench again, Jill has left.   
      For a second, Kayla feels her stomach sinking. She looks frantically around and is relieved to see her prey quietly walking in the other direction, away from the bench and from her.   
Then she notices the drops of rain, falling, softly.
Can’t say it is raining yet but it is obviously coming and the sky is getting dark, covered with thick grey clouds.
So Jill is probably just going home, her house being just on the other side of the park.   
Kayla starts walking fast as she wants to catch up with her. Then she thinks Jill lives alone, so if she could get her hands on her inside the house, it would be even better. Nobody would know.
So she slow down her pace and just keeps a safe distance behind Jill.
She looks at the tall, slender silhouette, with her tight butts balancing as she walks and her long brow her falling on her shoulders and down her back. Jill doesn’t look so tall now. She is actually rather frail. 5’7 ft, 100 pounds top.  Slim and small-chested. Cute but frail.
Yet, Kayla feels that rage coming back as she remember how strong she had seemed that time.
Long ago, years ago. Yet, it feels like yesterday when she thinks about it and the feelings are as painful as they would if it had just happened five minutes ago. Kayla could almost cry.
        That bitch !
Kayla couldn’t believe everybody was telling her that Jill was the sweetest girl, so shy and soooo nice.
       She remembered something else.   
       It all happened 12 years ago. Then Kayla was a skinny 11 year-old. Jill was 18.
      It was another summer day and Kayla was having a holiday afternoon with a few friends her age, boys and girls. They were running around one of their family’s house enjoying the sun in their bathing suit and throwing water at each other.   
 She was holding the hose and throwing water at everybody, on the front lawn, the other girls and the boys were trying to dodge it, screaming.   
     Then Jill happened to pass by. At that time she was a brooding teen, wearing a short black skirt and a black T-shirt. Her face was pale and she had dyed her hair black. She looked like somebody from the Adams family.
        Rumors had it that her boyfriend had just dumped her but, at 11, Kayla wasn’t paying a lot of attention to these.   
      Then, by accident, she threw water at Jill. The teenager screamed and stepped aside. She stayed immobile for a second, as she realized her T-shirt had been copiously wetted. Then she shouted at Kayla :
-“Hey ! Can’t you look at what you doing ?”
     The rest is a bit of a blur in Kayla’s memory as she walks through the park with the rain beginning to wet her face. She remember having told Kayla to “watch where she was walkin!” Then a shouting match ensued and Kayla admits she might have been very rude and behave like a brat. She might even have nagged Jill about her boyfriend having dumped her recently.   
Anyway, what she said did piss Jill off. She was in a bad mood from the start and she certainly was not afraid of a 11 year-old girl.   
     As she thinks about it now, Kayla must admit she has been very stupid that time. But then, kids will be kids. And it doesn’t justify what Jill did :   
 First, she jumped at Kayla and snatch the hose.   
       Both girl struggled for it for a second but the much stronger 18 year-old Jill quickly took it from Kayla’s hand and threw it on the ground.   
Then she slapped Kayla. Not strong, it just stung her cheek. But Kayla had never been slapped in the face before and was shocked. Tears came to her eyes.   
She probably expected an apology but Kayla remembers she was now furious. The fact that she had been treated like this in front of her friends was more than she could take. Especially when she took a glance at them and saw that some of them were actually laughing at her.
She took the hose from the ground. She did not throw water at Jill, this time, though water was spilling in all directions as she grabbed the hose by the middle and used it as a whip.   
      She whipped Jill’s long, firm legs with it.
       Jill shouted with pain. Now she really was furious.
       Kayla walks in the park, still following Jill from a distance as the older woman crossed the street towards her house and she remembers that time, 12 years ago, when Jill walks towards her and she can still feel the fear of realizing that now, she was going to get it and wondering what Jill would do to her. And, deep down, the feeling that there was nothing she could do about it because she was no match for a grownup.   
     She remembers the fear and the humiliation when Jill simply snatched the hose from her hands, grabbed her skinny arms again and dragged her to the ground.   
Kayla was pleading meekly now :
-“No ! Nooo! Don’t hurt me ! I apologize !”
       But Jill was not listening. She simply had Kayla lying on her belly, straddled her and then spanked her.   
A spanking. That’s all it was really.   
But being spanked at 11 year-old, in front of her friends who were laughing !   
That was the unbearable.   
Even today, Kayla almost chokes with rage as she thinks of that day and remember the pain on her buttock but, worst of all, her friends laugh and the taught of her, lying down, powerless and crying under Jill’s weight.
She remembers pleading :
-“Don’t that ! I will tell my parents!” Which made her friends laugh even more.   
“I’ll tell my parents !” She can’t believe she said that. Tears stings in her eyes as she thinks of it.   
          Then Jill finally let her go. She simply said :
-“That’ ll teach you!” And went away as Kayla was hiding her face in her hands, crying.
     The rest of the day is a blur in Kayla’s memory. She shouted insults at her friends and ran home. She never told anybody what had happened.   
           For months she avoided both Jill and her own former friends.
She started to do sports. She even did some martial arts. Somehow it was related to the thought that nobody would be able to humiliate her again.
And she forgot the whole incident, eventually. Until a few weeks ago. Then she saw Jill and became obsessed with one thing : getting even. This stupid childhood incident is overwhelming her no matter how hard she tried to forget it and tell herself that it is no big deal.
Naughty - but oh, so NICE! :-)


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Re: Repost: Blast from the past! by Masked Writer
« Reply #1 on: May 24, 2010, 09:37:54 AM »
She is now a very fit, 23 year-old, 5 ft 9, 140 pounds heptathlete. As she sees Jill reaching for her keys in front of her house’s door, she quickly run across the street.  
Just as Jill opens the door, Kayla catches up with her and, before the librarian realizes what is happening, Kayla pushes her inside and follows her, closing the door behind.  
       Jill gasps in surprise and then turns her face toward Kayla.  
       Both women are standing, face to face, in the lobby.  
      Jill is having a hard time putting herself together.  A second ago, she was just worried about getting in her house without being soaked and now she has this girls in front of her.  
5’9, 140 pounds, 36A-25-33, brunette, dressed in blue shorts and a pink T-shirt .
-“Who are you ?” she finally asks.
     Kayla puts her hands on her hips.
-“Don’t you remember me ?” she asks.  
       Jill hesitates for a second as she try to connect the girl’s face with some kind of event she can remember. Then she says :
-“Actually, not really!”  
            Kayla’s cheeks become red as she says:
-“You don’t, don’t you ? Maybe you remember beating up an 11-year-old kid, once !”
         Jill is honestly trying to remember but she can’t.
-“Me ? I never beat up anybody ! “ She won’t talk about that fight she had in a beach resort not long ago. Beside : she’s the one who got beat up.
         But Kayla is insisting :  
-“Oh Yes, you did. You beat me up, once.”
        Now, Jill is lost. Not only can’t she remember but she looks at the girl’s powerful frame, at the bulging muscle under her tanned skin and she wonder how she could ever have beaten up somebody so obviously strong and fit.  
-“ You’ve got to be mistaken!” She doesn’t want to be rude, so she won’t say “crazy”.
-“Oh no I am not !” Kayla says. “ You must remember. It was a very hot summer day, 12 years ago and this girl threw water on you. And you beat her up!”
         Jill really try very hard to remember. She can remember an incident where she did spank a kid about throwing water at her. But certainly that skinny kid can't be that athletic woman she sees now. And certainly, if she was, she wouldn’t be holding a grudge about it now, 12 years later  ?
         Then she looks at Kayla’s face and yes she can see the kid’s features in that beautiful young woman.
-“ Oh! My god…” she mumbles. She realizes now that she is facing the kid she spanked 12 years ago. And this girls is obviously dead serious about it.
       Jill raises her hands and tries to plead reason.
-“O.K. I recognize you but, I mean, I was 18 and you were a kid ! I admit that I may have overdone it then and, if you are still sour about it, I apologize…”
      Then brutally, Kayla shoves Jill with both hands, sending her against the wall of the lobby. Jill’s book falls on the floor as her hand opens in surprise.
-“Apologize ? You think I am going to be satisfied with an apology ?”
-“Then what do you want ?” Jill asks. And she moves from the wall, only to be shoved back by Kayla.
-“I want revenge ! I want you to fight me, now ! Then we will see if you are as brave as you were with a kid !”
      Jill can’t believe her ears.
-“You’re crazy !” she said and she moves aside, getting trough the porch into the living room.
Jill’s living room is quite big, with two armchairs, a sofa and the floor is covered with a thick carpet.  
          Kayla follows her. She grabs one of Jill’s wrist and forces the librarian to face her.
-“You are not running away !” She says.
        Jill tries to free her wrist but Kayla is holding her firmly.
-“Let me go ! I am not going to fight you !”
       As Jill is struggling in vain to free her thin arm from Kayla’s iron grip, the athlete says with a grin :
-“I am not going to give you any other option!” And, with her free hand, she slaps Jill on the face.
        The blow sends Jill’s head spinning with her long hairs flying with a scream.
Jill stop moving for a second, rubbing her reddened cheek with her free hand, then she says :
-“Don’t hit me !”
-“I already did !” Kayla says and then she slaps again. This time, Jill succeeds more or less in protecting her face with her free arm. Then Jill strikes back : she kicks Kayla in the chin.  
It doesn’t really hurt but it sting enough that Kayla’s grip on Jill’s wrists loosen and Jill manages to free herself. She steps back and looks around her, searching a way out of this situation. Doing so, she loses sight of  her opponent.
       Then Kayla makes one step forward and throws a powerful left hook to Jill’s stomach, which proves to be rather soft.  
      Jill doubles over with a noisy sigh, her beautiful face contorted by pain. Before she can straighten up, Kayla hits her once more in the same spot, just below the navel. Jill grabs her gut with both hands and her legs fails her. She falls on the floor, face first and folds on herself. After a second, she tries to get up, pushing herself up with her hands, then Kayla kicks her on the forearms, sending her back down.  
       Jill rolls on the side. Through her tears-filled eyes, she can see Kayla, towering above her. She ears her saying :
-“ Well, I think we actually are fighting, ain’t we ? That is : if you want to fight back. But you might as well because, either way, I am going to beat you up !”  
     Then Kayla backs off at the other end of the living room and sit on the sofa.  
-“C’mon, I’ll let you get up !”  
        Jill sees no way out. Beside, she is not as afraid to fight as she used to be, now that she did it once, in that resort against that big woman Jessika.  
So she pulls herself together, trying to take her breath back as she slowly gets up. Obviously Kayla is very athletic but she is not as big as Jessika.  
Jill tries to convince herself she has a chance.  
Decided to fight, she gets back on her feet.
So does Kayla.  
Jill is 30, 5’7, 100 pounds. Slender and frail. Kayla is 23, 5’9, 140. Athletic. They now face each other, standing up with clenched fists.  
Jill goes for a punch from the right, which Kayla easily blocks before retaliating with a right that connects sharply with Jill’s upper left cheek.
     Jill’s long legs waivers as her head spins. Before she knows it, Kayla has punches her to the stomach, once again, this time just below the ribcage. The air is expelled from Jill’s long and the slender girl doubles over and steps back, holding her abs with both hands.  
“C’mon, you can do better than that !” Kayla teases her. “Remember how you spanked me ?”
      Jill pulls herself together and, suddenly, dashes at Kayla, trying to take her by surprise, arms extended in front of her with her hands held like claws. Kayla steps aside and, with a powerful moves of her powerful legs, mows Jill’s ankles, tripping her. Jill falls face first on the sofa and, before she can get up, Kayla kicks her right in her tight little ass. Jill screams, more insulted than hurt.  
      With agility, she then gets back on her feet and faces Kayla but, before she can raise her fists, Kayla hits to the face with a powerful back hands that sends her long hair flying once again and throws her back on the sofa.
      Then Kayla doubles over, snatches both Jill’s ankles and brutally pulls her down on the carpet, where she falls on her back, letting go a painful ooooof! As the air rushes from her long. A loud shock tells that her head also hits the floor.  
     She put her hands on her head and rolls aside, dizzy.
     Then she lies on her back, again, still holding her head with her hands. Which leaves her stomach exposed. Kayla comes near her, and, without hesitation, lift her right foot and brutally stomps Jill’s flat but soft tummy.  
      Jill squeaks and folds like a pretzel as waves of pain are sent through her slender body.
Jill doesn’t defend herself as Kayla proceeds to strip her, beginning by pulling off her shoes, and then tearing her cami from her. She brutally pulls off Jill’s bra, baring her small but firm breasts on her long torso. Jill is breathing hard and her ribs are showing. Her whole body is beaming with sweat. With difficulty, she raises herself on her knees as Kayla is holding her bra above her and laughing.  
       Then she slugs forward and  folds her arms around Kayla’s legs, apparently in a feeble attempt to trip her. Kayla’s bronze-like legs don’t move an inch.  
-“Still trying to fight back ? Well you have more guts than I thought ! Too bad you are such a weakling.”
         Then, Jill’s slender arm moves like a snake, swiftly reaching between Kayla’s legs, sneaking inside her shorts and, before the athlete can react, Jill’ finger have found the most sensitive spot in a woman’s anatomy. Then she squeezes.  
       Kayla screams and she doubles over, her knees bending under excruciating pain.  
She frantically tries to move away from Jill’s grip and quickly does but her whole athletic body is contorted with pain and she is blinded by the tears flowing in her eyes.  
     Then Jill Raises on her feet, still weakened by the pain from Kayla’s stomp, but determined to fight. As Kayla is still doubles over, Jill lift her knee and hit the muscular girl right under the chin.
        Kayla backs off, her head spinning, loses her balance and falls on the carpet, her butt hitting the floor and her back against an armchair.  
« Last Edit: May 24, 2010, 09:42:45 AM by Kayla »
Naughty - but oh, so NICE! :-)


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Re: Repost: Blast from the past! by Masked Writer
« Reply #2 on: May 24, 2010, 09:40:54 AM »
Then Jill takes a few second to recover, taking deep breaths that makes her beautiful small breast go up and down.   
      Kayla is holding her pussy, crying with pain but she is also slowly putting herself together.
         Having caught her breath, Jill walks towards her opponent and grabs a handful of Kayla’s brown hair, forcing her face up and starts punching wildly. Kayla protects her face as she can with her arms. Then she raises on her legs and kicks Jill in the stomach. Since she is so close, it is more a push than a real kick but the power of Kayla’s mighty leg muscles sends Jill flying trough the air. The slender girl falls flat on her back, winded once again.
       Fighting pain, both combatants pull themselves back on their feet, slowly, but Jill is obviously not just fighting pain, she is also fighting fatigue, as her forces her are forsaking her. Kayla is a bit tired too, but not nearly as much.
       Nevertheless, when they get up, both fighters gives up all pretense at finesse and just rushes at each other. That’s when Jill makes a major mistake : she tries to grapple with Kayla.
Both women circles each other with their arms in a mutual bear hug. But Jill, slim body is no match for Kayla’s powerful frame.   
      Kayla quickly outmuscle her opponent and squeezes the air out of her bare ribcage, flattening her small breast against hers. Jill frantically tries to escape as she gasps for air and she panics, slapping and punching uselessly Kayla’s solid shoulders and ribs. She then goes for the face and pulls Kayla’s hair, scratching her skin. The pain then forces Kayla to let go her bear hug and catch Jill’s wrists, which she twists mercilessly. Jill owls with pain while trying to breathe. Then Kayla hip tosses Jill, sending her on the floor with all the strength she can put in that move, which is plenty.
       Once again, Jill’s back hits the carpet, expelling the air from her lungs and she is left winded and dizzy.
       Then Kayla quickly straddles her and grabs both of her wrists, easily keeping them together with one hand.   
        Jill’s long legs kicks the void aimlessly as she tries to pull herself out but Kayla’s 140 pounds sitting on her chest and her own arms immobilized by her much stronger opponent’s iron grip makes the attempt futile.   
       Then Kayla uses her free hand to grab one of Jill’s small breast and twist it. Jill screams as her breasts get mauled by the angry athlete. After a few seconds of this, Kayla starts slapping Jill’s face, stronger and stronger. Jill’s resistance is diminishing and her legs stops kicking the air. Then Kayla grabs a handful of Jill’s hair and slam her head on the floor.
      Jill’s body becomes limp.
       Then Kayla slowly raises and sit on the sofa. She looks at her opponent, lying unconscious on the floor, left in only her shorts and barely breathing. Hairs messy, all covered in sweat and bruised all over. She is not cute right now. There is no doubt that she paid back for that beating 12 years ago. Yet she feels she should do something to really make it even.
 She wonders : just what is she gonna do next ?
What do you think, readers ?
The End
Naughty - but oh, so NICE! :-)


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Re: Repost: Blast from the past! by Masked Writer
« Reply #3 on: May 24, 2010, 01:24:51 PM »
I have this story. It's great. Like every story of the masked writer.


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Re: Repost: Blast from the past! by Masked Writer
« Reply #4 on: May 25, 2010, 09:04:51 AM »
Thanx for the replies, Krispin & Liverlad. :)

Yes, MW is a great writer of this genre, and I'll repost one or two more I've got saved of him, and if I don't have the one he did of Jessika vs Jill (mentioned above), I'm pretty sure Jess will have it & will check with her.

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Re: Repost: Blast from the past! by Masked Writer
« Reply #5 on: May 25, 2010, 11:17:54 AM »
Glad to hear, Dan!  ;)

P.S. Thought I'd add that the "germ" for this story was based on my real life athletic career, in so far as there was an older female who didn't like me when I just started & competed against her, and I was often "snubbed" by her, until I started beating her regularly; upon which she promptly retired!  ::) (But there was no catfighting ever between us ... LOL!  :D)
Naughty - but oh, so NICE! :-)


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Re: Repost: Blast from the past! by Masked Writer
« Reply #6 on: May 27, 2010, 09:22:05 AM »
Here the fantastic Jill vs Jessika story.

The Masked Writer’s challenge
A few months ago, The Masked Writer issued a challenge :
People would send me the description of women they would like to see in some sort of fem-fight. I would not the descriptions and specifications, and
then match the different women in stories. Six stories came out of it.
Here is one of them.
The Masked Writer’s challenge
Jill meets Jessika
By The Masked Writer
As she comes into the deserted beach volleyball ground, Jill feels her hairs raising all over her body. The place is surrounded by men, some with
drinks, some having brought pliable chairs. The lamp post around the place allows for a 30-feet wide circle of light. Further than that, darkness begins.
One can only see the neons of the hotels lining up on the beachfront.
When the tall, slender girl comes into the circle, the male audience starts to cheer. Jessika is already there, standing like some bronzed statue, less
than 15 feet away. Jill must admit she’s scared like she has never been in her life, but she is going to go for it just the same. She knows why she is
doing it. It all began when she got to this place….
That was one more of those hot, humid, sticky and sweaty tropical night in that second-rate island holiday resort. After only one full day in the same
hotel, Jill already felt bored to death. She left her work as a librarian and she has come here to forget about the way her boyfriend dropped her out in
the cold and have some fun, at last. She actually was having no fun at all, in spite of all those middle-aged men trying to make a move on her every
now and then and she was drinking a little more than she was accustomed to, in order to keep her ex out of her mind. As result she was edgy and
could easily be pissed off, which was usually not like her. On the contrary, she was known at home as a rather sweet, even-tampered, good-natured
At 30, she was probably the youngest client in the hotel. Anyway : certainly the youngest in the bar that night. And, with her good looks, she could
not help being noticed. Jill was a tall (5’7), very slender ( a little over 100 lbs) woman. She had short brown hairs and small breast that made her look
like a fashion model. She was wearing a short sleeveless dress that showed plenty of her slender but firm body.
She was standing at the bar, between a fat, bald, slightly drunk tourist in flashy shirt and Bermuda shorts and a tall woman wearing a pareo over a
one-piece black swimsuit.
Then the man offered a drink to Jill, which she refused as politely as she could.
- “What’s your problem, girl ? Are you a lesbian or what ?” The man bursts.
Jill sighed and tried to keep on smiling.
- “I just don’t want your drink. I know what you are trying to do, and I am not interested. Let’s say you are not my type.”
- “ You’re such a snotty little…” the man said, but then, the tall woman near Jill spoke to him, in a rather authoritarian tone.
- “Flake off ! Will you ? She said she is not interested.”
Jill’s fuse was exceptionally short that night. She faced the woman and said :
-“Stay out of it ! I don’t need a bodyguard, please.”
The woman said :
- “Hey, I am just trying to help you…”
- “And I said mind your own business !” Jill said.
That’s when the woman stood face to Jill.
- “Don’t talk to me like that.” She said.
Jill stood her ground and took her first good look at the woman.. She was a 48 yr.-old, auburn-hair, 165 pds, 5’11 amazon of a woman. Just like Jill,
she had one of those tourists name-tag suspended as a medal around her neck. Her name was Jessika.
Jill had never been a fighter and she could see that Jessika was quite a few inches taller than she, not to speak about bulk. She seemed to hesitate
about what to do for a second. But, was it the alcohol, the heat or the solitude, or all those things ? She decided to stand her ground.
She said : “I will speak as I wish!”
That’s when the barman interfered.
He stood between the two women and said :
- “Ladies, please ! I will have to ask you to leave the bar.”
Slowly, without letting her eyes away from Jessika, Jill left the place.
Jessika ordered another drink and said to the barman.
-“Lucky she left ! I would have crushed her.”
- “I don’t know,” a client said, nearby “she looks pretty fit.”
- “Are you crazy ? I weight at least 50 lbs more than she does ! And I have fought before… Actually, I would have enjoyed getting my hands on that
snotty little…”
- “Maybe,” said the man. “The drink’s on me. By the way, my name is M…”
Jessika smiled and let the man pay the drink. They started to talk…
The next day, Jill went to the resort’s tennis court. She had always played tennis regularly and kept in shape. It was a hot day and there was not a lot
of people willing to sweat it by hitting a ball so she started practicing her smashes by herself. That is when the man came on the court.
It was M… but she had hardly noticed him the night before. He offered her to play a few sets. She eagerly accepted and they started to play.
She actually won rather easily. Obviously, the guy was not a regular player and, what’s more, he seemed more interested in observing her than really
keeping is mind on the game.
Jill looked good in her short tennis dress and she made those sexy “Haaa!” when she hit the ball. The man could see that she was fit, had endurance
and she hit harder that one could expect from such a frail-looking girl. She moved on the court like a cat, covering a lot of ground with those long
white legs, not slowing down, her little breast hardly moving when she jumped to catch his smash.
After the game they chatted a bit while walking back to the hotel.
- “I was really scared for you, last night.” He said “I thought that big woman was going to hit you !”
- “I was not scared !” was the answer “I can handle myself.. In any case, had not the barman interfered, I would not have backed off.”
- “From what I know, that woman has fought other woman before…And she is a lot bigger than you.”
- “Well I am younger, I am pretty fit and I was really pissed off. I tell you, I would not back down. I don’t want to fight but if I had too, I would.”
Then they split, going to their respective rooms. The man had a big smile on his face.
A little bit later in the day, Jill went to the beach. She looked neat in her black bikini and she laid on her beach towel, trying to get a tan. She had
been there, eyes closed, perfectly still, for about 10 minutes, when she felt like a cloud had screened the sun. She opened her eyes and swore silently.
There was Jessika, towering above her, doing some stretching movements, scantily clad in a black and gold one-piece swimsuit.
- “Hey ! Could you move ? You are between me and the sun !”
Jessika looked down at Jill and laughed.
-“Why don’t you move, instead ?”
- “Well, I was here first!” was the answer. Jessika shrugged :
- “Well, nobody forces you to move ! You there, I am here…” She said, and without paying more attention to Jill, she turned her back and started her
exercises again.
Jill angrily got up and snatched Jessika’s arm.
-“Hey ! You who do you think you are ?”
Jessika looked at Jill’s hand on her biceps and said.
-“I am the woman who will kick your ass if you don’t let go my arm.”
Jill took her hand off the bigger woman’s arm but did not back off.
- “Watch it ! I did not come to this place to put on with the likes of you !”
This time, the older woman stopped stretching and faced Jill.
- “Oh ! What do you mean, “the likes of me” ?”
- I mean people who are pains in the ass !”
- Oh and what are you gonna do about it ?” asked Jessika. And then she shoved Jill, with one hand on the girl’s shoulder.
Jill backed by one step.
-“Don’t do that.” She said.
Jessika stepped forward and was now standing toe to toe with Jill.
She had to look down a bit to meet the younger woman’s eyes, and for anybody standing behind Jessika, Jill would have been invisible as her body
was so much bigger than hers.
Jessika had been a semi-pro athlete in the past and one could see that, even if she was not as fit as she used to be, she still was in pretty good shape
as there was not much flab her strong arms and legs. Some love handles around the waist but that was about it. Her 36-C made Jill look almost flat
by comparison.
-“Do what ?” Jessika asked as she shoved Jill again, but stronger. Jill backed by two steps and almost lost her balance.
-“I said don’t do that !” Jill hissed and she tried to shove back. Jessika hardly moved at all.
Jill stood there for a moment, with a frustrated expression on her face.
That is when the man named M… arrived. He stood between them and said, pushing them slowly apart. :
-“Don’t do that here ! The lifeguards would have both of you expelled from the place.”
Both girls hesitated for a moment, but eventually, he talked them out of a fight there.
Jessika walked away first. Then after a moment, Jill took her towel and did the same, going back to the hotel.
In the next few hours, incidents multiplied. At the swimming pool, where Jill went to take a dip, Jessika was there too and kept bumping into her
every now and then.
At the bar, the same night, Jill was having a coconut daiquiri at a table when someone bumped into her shoulder and spilled it all over her dress. She
got on her feet and looked : of course, it was Jessika.
Before anything could happen, M… was there again.
-“Ladies, I think you have a problem !”.
That, they certainly could agree on.
While a waiter was cleaning the mess, M… sat at the table and invited both women to do the same. The M… began to talk :
- “I could not help but notice that you have hard time keeping from jumping at each other’s throat, so, I thought, why not do it once and for all ?”
Jill was surprised, Jessika, definitely less so.
-“ Go on…” Jill said. Jessika smiled. She already knew what he was about to suggest.
And, as he talked, Jill knew she would do it. She still had all this aggressiveness stemming from the way her boyfriend had dumped her at home, she
really felt like beating the crap out of somebody and that big bitch would do just as well as anybody. She thought it would help her getting it all of her
system. Standing up to that woman, doing something she had never done, i.e. : fighting, in front of an audience, what’s more, would help her regain
some of her self-esteem, she thought.
Jessika accepted too, of course, but that’s mostly because she was always in for a scrap. She did not think that skinny girl would be any competition
but, being sort of a dominatrix, she thought that it would make it all the more fun. She would put on a show for the boys…
So, after that talk with M…, Jill had gone to her room, taken a nap and, at dinner time, eaten only a light meal with no alcohol, to make sure she was
in good shape. She hesitated about what to wear. After a moment, she decided for a white bikini. After all, she thought, it was hot and the less she
had on, the better it would be.
When the night fell, she left her room and went for the rendezvous place, the volleyball court, wearing a long shirt over her bikini, that she would
discard once there.
As she walked towards the place, she could see the circle of light and hear the laughter of the men who were already gathering, as the rumor of a
special attraction had spread like a bushfire in the tourists resort. She felt the sand under her feet was burning. Then she saw the high, solid silhouette
of Jessika, dressed in a black two-piece swimsuit with a bandeau top, at one end of the ground. That is when she felt the fear sinking in her chest. It
was like a cold solid grip holding her guts. The reality of it was striking her : she was really going to do it.
Here she is now, she stands inside the circle of light, feeling the sand between her toes. She looks around and sees the faces of the men, some
women are there too. They look at her, some of them mockingly, some women with a pinch of jealousy, some guys are just looking at her like she
was a piece of meat. She is embarrassed at all those men staring at her. She begins to think of the shame if she was going to lose and get humiliated
and beaten in front of all those people, she thinks of the laughs, the sneers and the bitching of the other women. She is thinking of running away but
fear paralyses her.
She sees the smile on M’s face, and a grin on Jessika’s.
Then Jill understands that she has been framed. Jessika wanted this to happen and so did M…
They are in it together. The big woman had nothing against her personally, it is just a way to get a fight and make a show for the men. She sees
Jessika flexing her muscle, warming up, with that contented look on her face. Jill feels a burst of anger and hatred. She thinks “Okay, that’s what she
wants, she is going to get it…” and the fear recedes as she takes her shirt off and throw it on the ground. Then she starts some warm up exercises
M… walks into the center of the light circle and proclaim :
-“Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to this special event !
In the corner at my right : at a weight of 165 pds, 5 foot 11, 48 yr.-old a former semi pro-athlete : the powerful Jessika ! In the corner at my left, at
109 pds, 5 foot 7, 30 years-old and regular tennis player… Jill !
The men cheers as both women finish their warm-up.
The two women walks towards the center until they are less than four feet away from one another. Then they stop for a moment. The contrast is stark
between them .
Jill is slender like a pro fashion model. She as a lean, juvenile body. She is well toned with nothing sagging but no muscle bulging anywhere. Flat
stomach, long legs, tight ass, small, firm breast, long, thin arms. Her ribs shows when she takes a deep breath. You can see her collar bone too.
On the other hand, Jessika looks more like a former pro wrestler. She is not as fit as she had been and has some love handles, little belly, big chest
and big butt with some soft flesh there too, but her legs and arms are obviously strong. Her thighs looks almost as big as Jill’s waist. She makes her
opponent look like a kid as she dominates her by her sheer size.
Jill stares at her, realizing how much bigger than herself she is. For a second, she wonders what she got herself into. She never fought. She had
thought on some strategies based on fights she had seen on movies and wrestling matches but she can’t seem to think of anything now that she has
this strong woman in front of her. The fear comes back for a moment…
Jessika smiles arrogantly and says :
- “Are you chickening out ?”
- “You wish I would !”
The audience cheers and howl. Both girls are staring at each other. Then, for a few second, it seems like time stands still. You hear only the sea
nearby, waves beating the beach, and the hot tropical wind in the palm trees.
The tension is too much for Jill, she decides to start the fight. With one hand she shoves Jessika. Who doesn’t move an inch. Then Jessika shoves
back, with one, powerful hand on Jill’s breastplate. The smaller girl steps back and fall on her behind. In one instant, she is back on her feet and rush
towards her opponent. She tackles her, burying her shoulder in Jessika’s ample waist and hugging her with both arms. Jessika steps back a few feet
and then, puts her arms around her opponent’s torso and, with a loud “Ha!” lift her. Jill winces as her feet leaves the ground and she feels herself
going head down.
Then Jessika simply throws her aside.
Jill falls in the sand with a mute sound. With agility, she gets up and faces her opponents again. Then she tries the usual moves of unskilled fighters :
she goes for the hair.
She makes a step towards Jessika, holding her arms high and trying to grab the bigger woman auburn hair. Jessika snatches both the girl’s wrists. Jill
screams as Jessika’s iron grip tightens on her frail wristbones. She tries to catch Jessika’s hair but the bigger woman has no difficulty keeping her
Then Jessika squeezes, tightening mercilessly her powerful grip on Jill’s frail wrists. Jill screams in pain and falls on her knees.
She might be ready to give up but Jessika wants to give a good show, so she loosens her grip for a second and then, literally lift Jill back on her feet.
Then she simply pushes her away.
Jill falls on her backside again. The men are laughing. If the light was better, one could see her cheeks becoming red. She is both embarrassed and
scared as she realizes how much stronger than her her opponent is.
Jill gets back on her feet and, for a moment, stays at a distance from Jessika, trying to figure out a way to bring her down. She doesn’t hear the
cheers and the comments of the men around, she just concentrates on the fight, the same way she does when she plays tennis. Both women circle
around each other for a few seconds. Then Jill dives forward and snatches Jessika’s left leg. Jessika tries to stop her but her much younger and
quicker opponent slips under her extended arms and hugs Jessika mighty thigh. Then Jill tries to trip Jessika by lifting her legs. She finds out that this
move is much easier in movies and on fakes wrestling matches than in real-life when you opponent outweighs you by 50 + pounds. She manages to
lift Jessika’s feet from the ground for a fraction of a second but then, the bigger woman simply puts all her weight on Jill’s back, forcing her
downwards. Then she catches her in a front headlock and brings her to the ground.
Jill panics as she finds herself flattened on the ground, with Jessika’s weight literally burying her in the sand. She can’t breathe, she feels the sand
coming in her bikini. She digs her hand in the sand and tries to push up both her and her opponent. She musters all the strength she can find in her
body and makes a titanic effort, to no avail.
Then, Jessika digs her knees firmly in the sand and lift Jill, turning her on her back. Before the younger woman knows it, she is lying down with
Jessika straddling her. Jessika catches Jill wrists and pins them down, while sitting on Jill’s stomach…
With an expression of painful effort on her beautiful face, Jill arches her body, trying to get out. She can’t raise her wrists from the ground, firmly held
as they are in Jessika’s iron grip.
Her body is beaming with sweat and her ribs looks like they are going to pierce her skin as she tries to breathe. She then tries to catch Jessika with
her legs as she as seen on TV but she can’t and her legs are kicking the air uselessly. All her fidgeting only tires her a little more. She becomes frantic
in her attempts as she feels powerless and realizes that she is completely outclassed. She can’t bear the humiliation. Jessika lift herself on her toe and
falls back on Jill’s stomach, chasing the air out of the girl’s lungs. Jill let go a “Han !” of pain and stop moving.
-“That’s it !” Jessika says before she crosses Jill’s wrists so that she can hold them both with one hand. Then, with her other hand, she grabs Jill’s
white bikini top and, with one quick move, tears it from her body, revealing the young woman’s small but perfect breast, shining whiter than of rest of
her body in the lamp post’s light. She then let go her grip and raises on her feet swinging the bikini top like a flag over her head and shouts to the
audience :
-“Who wants a trophy ?”
Some exclamation of disappointment comes from the audience as Jessika stands over Jill, one foot on each side of the younger woman’s torso. They
obviously would have liked a longer fight.
Nobody notices than Jill’s cheeks suddenly become red and the harrowed look on her is replaced by a grin of rage.
With a lightning-like move, she extends her right leg like a spring and, her foot connects exactly to the most sensitive point of a woman’s body, right
between her legs.
It was a chance on a million but it worked, Jessika’s face become white as snow as the pain reaches her brain. Cold sweat suddenly covers her body.
She doubles over, let go the bikini top, which falls on the sand like a leaf from a tree and then she puts instinctively both her hands on the hurting
spot. Her knees bends and she sinks down.
Jill rolls away and gets on her knees as Jessika is prostrating, her forehead touching the ground, with tears dropping from her eyes and making little
wet spots in the sand.
A silence of shock as fallen on the audience and everybody can hear Jill as she hisses :
-“This is not over, bitch !”. This gives the signal for a round of whooping from the men who sees that the show is not over.
Jill rises on her feet. Her body still aches from the effort she made seconds ago. She takes a good look at Jessika, who is still on her knees, as the
pain slowly recedes from her body.
Then, with cat-like agility, Jill jumps on Jessika’s back, straddling her, and starts punching her on the neck. Her punches are clumsy but she puts all
her heart in them.
Jessika tries to protect herself and rolls on her back, still hurting more from the low blow than from the punches. Then Jill grabs her bandeau top with
both hands and rolls it down to Jessika’s waist, revealing the big woman ample white breast.
Then Jessika reacts. She lifts one leg and put her feet in Jill’s stomach giving what is more a push than an actual kick. Nevertheless, it sends the girl
flying in the air and falling on her back a good 4 feet away.
The fall has winded Jill who has some difficulty getting back on her feet. She rolls on her side and begins getting up, helping herself with her hands.
She gets first on her knees and then takes some time to breathe. She is covered with patches of sand made sticky by the sweat on her body. She is
shaking, showing how tired she is.
On the other hand, Jessika is not much better for the moment. As she begins to get on her knees, waves of pain flow from her pussy and force her to
double over, grinning with tears rolling on her cheek. Sweat now covers her body also. She had not thought this skinny girl could give her any trouble
but now she has a doubt.
The audience is frantic, whooping and shouting, ecstatic at this unexpected turn of events.
Both women are now standing, both a little shaky on their legs. Jessika holds a slightly bent position, as she is still hurting from that kick. Jill, on the
other hand, looks exhausted. Big drops of sweat are making traces in the sand that covers her breast and shines at the end or nipples.
Jessika starts rolling her swimsuit top back in place. That is when Jill decides to attack.
She rushes towards Jessika, fist closed, telegraphing a punch from the right. The blow never reaches its target as the more experienced Jessika quickly
lift a knee that connect straight into Jill’s flat but soft stomach.
The slender girl doubles over and falls down with a painful sigh, folding like a pretzel on the sand.
Now Jessika takes the time to put her top back in place and stays there, taunting her opponent.
-“C’mon ! Get up ! Let me see if you know some other low blows…” she says.
Jill is in pain but bravely tries to get back on her feet. She painfully gets on all four, crawling, trying to take her breath back. All her body is shaking,
covered with patches of a muddy mixture of sand and sweat.
She raises a face distorted with pain towards her opponent. She hardly can see anything as her eyes are full of tears. Nevertheless, she rises on her
knees, then on one knee and, finally, with a last effort from her shaking legs, she stands up.
Through the pain a determined look is still on her face. She is not giving up.
With a deliberate slowness, Jessika lift her right arm and, suddenly, sends a frightful backhand slap to Jill’s face.
Jill tried to lift her fist to protect herself but she was not quick enough. Her heads jerks under the blow like it was going to be severed from her body.
She spins around like a desarticulated doll and falls, face first, in the sand.
For a second, it looks like it’s over as she lays immobile on the ground. But, then again, she moves. One can see her shoulder blades moving and she
digs her hands in the ground, trying to push herself up. It takes her seconds to make it on hands and knees. Her head is spinning and all her body is
With a series of slow, painstakingly difficult moves, she manages to rise on her knees, and then on her feet again. Her legs are shaking. Jessika
makes a step towards her and she backs off, raising her hands in a meek gesture. But there’s no stopping Jessika now. She has recovered from the
pain and she is just plain pissed off.
Jessika snatches Jill’s left arm and draws her against her own body, twisting the arm behind her opponent’s back. She holds her there, in a bear hug
doubled with a chickenwing. Jill screams under the pain. Then Jessika punches her in the stomach, once, twice, three times. Each blow draws a painful
hiccup from Jill. Then, Jessika, still holding the chickenwing with one hand, grabs Jill’s crotch with the other one. Jill screams and cries again. She
sends clumsy punches to Jessika’s torso but her blows are weak and it doesn’t seem to hurt the bigger woman.
-“Do you give ?” Jessika asks, as her fingers are clawing into Jill’s tender flesh.
Jill howls with pain and tries to scratch Jessika, then to grab her hairs. The bigger woman let go Jill’s crotch for a second, just enough to grab her free
arm, drag it behind her back and hold it there with the same hand that holds the chickenwing. Jill is now powerless, both arms immobilized in her back
by one of Jessika’s hand, which allows the older woman to start clawing her pussy again.
Jill cries, her legs are failing her as she is almost unconscious. She stays up only because Jessika is holding her.
Finally, there is no more fight in her. She nods and cries :
-“Okay I give!”
Then Jessika, still holding her claw on the crotch, and still holding both the girl’s arms behind her back, lift her from the ground and brutally
bodyslams her on the sand, where she lands with a mute sound. There she stays, folding on herself in a foetal position, bringing her hands on her
crotch. She has no energy left to resist when Jessika doubles over, grabs her bikini bottom and slips it down along her legs, leaving her naked.
The audience cheers as Jessika parades with the white piece of cloth. Then, the show being over, the group of men starts leaving for the hotel bar.
Jessika goes with them.
M… says behind long enough to take Jill’s shirt and give it to the beaten girl, still lying on the ground, so that she can cover herself. Then he goes with
the rest of the group.
Left alone with her pain and humiliation, Jill sluggishly gets up after many minutes and begins a long, painful walk towards the hotel and her room.
In the next days, she will attend to her wounds and rests. The aggressiveness and the stress she felt when she got here are gone for good. This fight
and the beating she got acted as a sort of therapy, in a twisted way.
For Jessika, it has been just another fight.
And M… He still is the same. For, he is none other than yours truly, The Masked Writer.
The End


Offline howardcosell

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Re: Repost: Blast from the past! by Masked Writer
« Reply #7 on: May 28, 2010, 01:14:54 AM »
where are y'all pulling the lost stories from? You must have all of them saved. There were tons of stories I'd done that I lost due to a virus on my computer; I have a new laptop and everything. Anyway, nice to see this on the board; everyone be safe.
"When people walk away from you... let them go. Your destiny is never tied to anyone who leaves you... and it doesn't mean they are bad people. It just means that their part in your story is over."


Offline Marie B.

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Re: Repost: Blast from the past! by Masked Writer
« Reply #8 on: November 27, 2010, 11:52:10 PM »

 She wonders : just what is she gonna do next ?
What do you think, readers ?

No way to tell, but if it's Kayla, I'm sure it will be something slutty.

Thanks for bringing us this terrific blast from the past from a fine writer.



Offline ardz

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Re: Repost: Blast from the past! by Masked Writer
« Reply #9 on: April 07, 2012, 05:37:26 AM »
additional twist : fat girl tickled tortured the slim woman till she almost loses her breath



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Re: Repost: Blast from the past! by Masked Writer
« Reply #10 on: April 09, 2012, 09:39:12 PM »
Awesome thanks for posting Kayla!


Offline ardz

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Re: Repost: Blast from the past! by Masked Writer
« Reply #11 on: May 25, 2012, 10:47:32 AM »
i suggest you add tickling torture to the story wherein the big woman pins ms slender woman then hold her arms over her head then wrap her fat legs over the girls thin legs then started tickling her all over her upper body.


Offline ardz

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Re: Repost: Blast from the past! by Masked Writer
« Reply #12 on: October 11, 2014, 05:19:03 AM »
 ;D  :)  ::)

“Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to this special event !
In the corner at my right : at a weight of 165 pds, 5 foot 10, 48 yr.-old a former semi pro-athlete : the powerful Jessika ! In the corner at my left, at 109 pds, 5 foot 7, 30 years-old and regular tennis player… Jill ! The men cheers as both women finish their warm-up.
The two women walks towards the center until they are less than four feet away from one another. Then they stop for a moment. The contrast is stark
between them .

Jill is slender like a pro fashion model. She as a lean, juvenile body. She is well toned with nothing sagging but no muscle bulging anywhere. Flat stomach, long legs, tight ass, small, firm breast, long, thin arms. Her ribs shows when she takes a deep breath. You can see her collar bone too.
On the other hand,
 Jessika looks more like a former pro wrestler. She is not as fit as she had been and has some love handles, little belly, big chest
and big butt with some soft flesh there too, but her legs and arms are obviously strong. Her thighs looks almost as big as Jill’s waist.
She makes her opponent look like a kid as she dominates her by her sheer size.

She makes a step towards Jessika, holding her arms high and trying to grab the bigger woman auburn hair. Jessika snatches both the girl’s wrists. Jill
screams as Jessika’s iron grip tightens on her frail wristbones. She tries to catch Jessika’s hair but the bigger woman has no difficulty keeping her
Then Jessika squeezes, tightening mercilessly her powerful grip on Jill’s frail wrists. Jill screams in pain and falls on her knees.
She might be ready to give up but Jessika wants to give a good show, so she loosens her grip for a second and then, literally lift Jill back on her feet.

. Then Jill dives forward and snatches Jessika’s left leg. Jessika tries to stop her but her much younger and
quicker opponent slips under her extended arms and hugs Jessika mighty thigh. Then Jill tries to trip Jessika by lifting her legs. She finds out that this

move is much easier in movies and on fakes wrestling matches than in real-life when you opponent outweighs you by 50 + pounds. She manages to
lift Jessika’s feet from the ground for a fraction of a second but then, the bigger woman simply puts all her weight on Jill’s back, forcing her
downwards. Then she catches her in a front headlock and brings her to the ground.
Jill panics as she finds herself flattened on the ground, with Jessika’s weight literally burying her in the sand. She can’t breathe, she feels the sand
coming in her bikini. She digs her hand in the sand and tries to push up both her and her opponent. She musters all the strength she can find in her
body and makes a titanic effort, to no avail.
Then, Jessika digs her knees firmly in the sand and lift Jill, turning her on her back. Before the younger woman knows it, she is lying down with
Jessika straddling her. Jessika catches Jill wrists and pins them down, while sitting on Jill’s stomach…
With an expression of painful effort on her beautiful face, Jill arches her body, trying to get out. She can’t raise her wrists from the ground, firmly held
as they are in Jessika’s iron grip.

-“That’s it !” Jessika says before she crosses Jill’s wrists so that she can hold them both with one hand. ther she lock them behind her head which stretch her up more
 Then, with her other hand, she grabs Jill’s white bikini top and, with one quick move, tears it from her body, revealing the young woman’s small but perfect breast, shining whiter than of rest of
her body in the lamp post’s light. she then tickle and fondled and teasing them

She then let go her grip and raises on her feet swinging the bikini top like a flag over her head and shouts to the
audience :
-“Who wants a trophy ?”
Some exclamation of disappointment comes from the audience as Jessika stands over Jill, one foot on each side of the younger woman’s torso. They
obviously would have liked a longer fight.
hock as fallen on the audience and everybody can hear Jill as she hisses :

Then, with cat-like agility, Jill jumps on Jessika’s back, straddling her, and starts punching her on the neck. Her punches are clumsy but she puts all
her heart in them.

Jessika snatches Jill’s left arm and draws her against her own body, twisting the arm behind her opponent’s back. She holds her there, in a bear hug
doubled with a chickenwing. Jill screams under the pain. Then Jessika the tickled her small breast and fondled her nipples alternative ly with her other hand
 on the crotch, and still holding both the girl’s arms behind her back, lift her from the ground and brutally
bodyslams her on the sand, where she lands with a mute sound. There she stays
crotch. She has no energy left to resist when Jessika doubles over, grabs her bikini bottom and slips it down along her legs, leaving her naked.