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Tiffany Fights Vs Britney Summers

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Offline IRISH

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Tiffany Fights Vs Britney Summers
« on: April 15, 2014, 04:37:06 AM »
Tiffany Fights Vs. Britney Summers

Tiffany and Tommy had been dating for about a year now.  Their friends thought of them as the perfect couple with most referring to them as “T squared” because they were seldom apart from each other.  One night Tommy revealed to Tiffany his fantasy about two women fighting each other.  He mentioned that his ultimate fantasy would be to have two women fight with him as the prize.  Tiffany was not thrilled with his confession as it appeared to come out of the blue.  Thinking it was just a fantasy, and believing that nothing would ever come of it, Tiffany said “I would pound any bitch silly if she tried to take you away from me.”  That was all Tommy wanted to hear.

It was nearing 5 o’clock on Friday and Tiffany was psyched for the coming weekend.  Tommy had rented a secluded cabin on the lake where it would be just the two of them.  In about 15 minutes her lover would be picking her up as she quickly shut down her computer and started saying good bye to her friends.  They could tell by the glow of her face that she had big plans for the weekend.  Tommy seemed to be all she talked about to the other women.

Tommy picked up Tiffany and they jumped on the freeway headed to the lake.  Several times he began talking about the ultimate weekend that they had planned.  Tiffany agreed and happily talked about spending some quality time together.  It was like they were having two different conversations with each other.  He was talking about Tiffany fighting another woman for him and she was talking about playing house.  Both were so caught up in their own excitement, neither one of them picked up on the other’s plans.

As they pulled down the long, tree lined driveway, Tiffany reached across the seat and placed her hand on Tommy’s knee.  Glancing over she looked into his eyes.  She slowly slid her hand up his leg to his crotch and was very pleased to find her lover rock hard.  Broad smiles crossed both their faces.  Tommy was eager to get the weekend’s events started.  Tiffany figured that she would delay the start of the events so she could drag her lover into the bedroom by his belt.

Barley inside the door of the cabin Tiffany pulled Tommy tightly against her body and planted a deep passionate kiss on his lips.  She ground herself against him and let out an audible gasp.  She broke the kiss long enough to pull his shirt up and over his head.  Her shirt soon joined his on the floor.  Tommy was caught up in the moment and wrapped his arms around Tiffany, pulling their two bodies against each other. Her large breasts were barley contained by her bra and he loved the feel as their flesh met, her breast being tightly pressed against his bare chest.  “Your amazing baby!” he said as he reached behind her feeling for the clasp of her bra.  Effortlessly, his well-practiced fingers made short work of the supportive garment.  Tiffany stepped back just enough to allow the bra to slip off of her arms and down the front of her body. 

Tommy’s gaze dropped from Tiffany’s eyes to her beautiful breast.  Tiffany gently placed her hand on his chin and lifted until their eyes met.  A moment later and their bodies were pressed tightly together once again.  Tommy’s hand slid down Tiffany’s back until he ran it over her tight jeans.  He cupped his hand and gave her ass a playful squeeze. 

“Am I interrupting anything?” an angry female voice asked.  Tiffany’s arm shot across her chest in an attempt to cover her breast.  The look on her face changed rapidly from shock to embarrassment, to anger.  “Who the fuck is this!” she demanded.  She already knew the answer before she had asked the question.  She had seen the blonde’s picture in Tommy’s apartment when they had just first started dating.  It was his ex-girlfriend Britney, the bitch that had broken his heart.  And now, dressed in black lingerie and thigh high stocking, Britney appeared to challenge their relationship with her mere presence. 

Britney knew exactly why she was there.  She and Tommy had been high school sweet hearts and had dated for many years.  She had been tempted by another and left Tommy heart broken.  Almost immediately she knew that she had made a mistake.  By the time she wanted to rekindle her relationship with Tommy, Tiffany had caught him on the rebound and made him hers.  When she ran into him recently at the mall she could see that he still had feelings for her.  Today, at Tommy’s request, she was here to fulfill his fantasy and take back what she felt was rightfully hers.  By tonight she would own them both.

Tommy’s face flushed as this is not how it was supposed to go down.  This was supposed to be a coordinated meeting between these two lovely ladies to fulfill his fantasy.  He had gotten caught up in foreplay and he had forgotten that Britney would be waiting for them at the cabin.  “What the fuck is she doing here?” Tiffany demanded.  “I’m here to kick your ass and fuck his brains out!” Britney answered for Tommy.  With that the two women stepped forward with hatred in their eyes.  Tiffany wiggled out of her tight jeans to gain more mobility.  Now dressed in nothing but a satin pair of red panties, the brunette was ready to defend her turf.

Tommy just drifted off to the sidelines like he was becoming part of the furniture.  Sitting on the couch he undid the zipper of his pants.  His circulation was being cut off by his rapidly growing member.  The room he gained by loosening his pants offered a little relief.  He reached in to massage away the pain as the two beauties approached each other.  This was turning out better than he had ever imagined in any of his fantasies.  And there were quite a few where he pitted the hot brunette against the sexy blonde.  Now he was just going to sit back and enjoy the show.  “Shit!  I should have brought a camera!” 

Neither woman even realized he was still there as they pushed forward, immediately sinking their hands into each other’s hair.  Sharp tugs and pulls were met with responding grunts, groans, and yelps.  Each woman struggled for dominance as she planned to put her rival in her place.
It was clear that Tiffany jumped out to an early lead.  Britney struggled, but she was soon over powered by the angry brunette.  Tommy looked on as his girl pulled and twisted his ex’s head backwards by the hair.  Britney struggled valiantly, but it was clear that the brunette was owning the blonde.

Tears began to well up in Britney’s eyes as her hands left Tiffany’s dark mane and grabbed onto the brunette’s wrist.  Her scalp was burning as she tried to stop Tiffany’s advances.  When Tommy called her and ran the idea past her she leapt at the opportunity.  She really didn’t know Tiffany but she hated her just the same.  The thought of punishing the brunette, and embarrassing her in front of Tommy was all she could think about during the past week.  He would be her’s again and after she decimated the brunette Tommy would never even give the bitch a second thought.

But that was in her mind… in reality the brunette was forcing her back with vicious tugs of her hair.  She could feel her blonde locks leaving her head as Tiffany twisted and pulled, trying to rip the blonde hussy’s head from her shoulders.  Britney shrieked as Tiffany puller her head down and to the side only to meet an up thrusted knee. 

Britney saw stars as her eyes spun in her head.  Tiffany looked over at Tommy seeking to gain his approval.  He just looked on in astonishment.  He saw the two as being pretty evenly matched.  They were both 5’ 5” tall and real close to the same weight.  He couldn’t believe how easily Tiffany took control right out of the box.  All the blonde could do was cry out in pain as the brunette tortured her with ease.

Seeing the look of ecstasy in Tommy’s face, Tiffany decided to bring the battle closer to him for his enjoyment.  She knew that she had been set up, but here she was dominating his ex on command.  Sure she had lost some strands of hair that now littered the ground, but she took pride in knowing that there were a whole lot more blonde ones than brunette strands.  “He is going to love this!” she thought as she had dragged the blonde within reaching distance of her boyfriend by her hair.  “Are you enjoying yourself baby?” she asked him as she watched him working his hand inside his pants.  She already knew the answer by the look on his face.  And to be truthful… she was having a blast too destroying the bitch that was challenging their relationship. 

The confident brunette used the blonde’s hair to pull her into a side headlock.  Britney yelped as the brunette’s formable bicep crushed down across the side of her head.  Tiffany easily controlled Britney’s movements as she tugged her close to her Bo.  Maybe she was a little too confident when she reached out and placed her hand on his knee.  “Hey baby… Save some of that for me!” she teased as he continued to work his tool to full erection.  She began to slide her hand up his thigh. 

“Fuck!” the brunette yelp as she felt herself flying through the air.  The scrappy blonde, still trapped in a side headlock, snaked her arm around Tiffany’s waist.  Before the brunette knew what was happening, Britney had lifted her off of her feet and fell backwards with her foe tightly in her grasp.

Tiffany’s headlock completely came undone as she fell backwards.  She saw Tommy’s face showing a look of surprise as she fell away from him.  As hard as she tried she just couldn’t grab hold of anything as she was now looking up at the ceiling.  “What the fuck just happened?” she asked herself as she fell.

The brunette’s head crashed down hard onto the solid wooden floor of the cabin.  Tiffany was stunned as she felt Britney trying to pull herself free of the tangled limbs.  Tommy leaned forward to try and figure out what had just happened.  What he saw was his girlfriend flat on her back with her nemesis rolling out from under her.  After a very solid start, Tiffany found herself in trouble as the blonde mounted her, straddling her waist.

Just as Tiffany begins to realize the predicament that she was suddenly in, Britney’s right fist explodes against the left side of her jaw snapping her head to the side, what the fuck did she do wrong?  The scenarios started racing through her head.  She had this bitch dead to rights.  Right about then was when she felt another blow, this time to the right side of her face courtesy of Britney’s left fist.

The proud brunette was not just going to lie there and let the blonde light her up.  Tiffany planted her feet and began to buck as hard as she could.  The only thing she succeeded in was stopping the barrage of punches to her face.  Britney had abandoned her offence and now just struggled to stay on top of her foe, keeping her pinned to the ground.  With each unsuccessful thrust by Tiffany, the smile on Britney’s face grew broader and broader.

Riding the storm, the blonde looked over her shoulder to see if Tommy was enjoying the show that she was putting on.  Her knees grew week as she saw the sheer animal lust in his eyes.  “Yes!” she thought… “Kick this tramps ass and he will be all mine forever!”

Britney, distracted slightly, let out a yelp as Tiffany grabbed a fist full of her hair.  The brunette timed her next thrust with a powerful yank of the blonde’s hair.  “No!” Britney cried as she fell to the side.  Wasting no time at all, Tiffany rolled with her and wound up atop of Britney.  The smirk on the blonde’s face left with the first wicked backhanded slap. 

The brunette had regained the momentum of the fight as she battered Britney’s pretty face back and forth with sharp slaps.  The blonde’s eyes started to well up with tears.  Tiffany wasn’t sure if it was from pain or from the realization that the fight was slipping away from her.  Whatever the source of the tears, Tiffany loved the sight of them.

Tommy looked over at the tangled women at his feet.  The two women were facing away from him, brunette on top of the blonde, with Tiffany’s magnificent panty clad ass sticking up in the air.  Glancing back at Tommy, Tiffany swelled with pride.  Here she was kicking Tommy’s Ex’s ass, putting on a sexy show for his entertainment.  Not only did she want to beat her opponent, Tiffany wanted to completely embarrass her in front of Tommy.  She wanted to make it so that the blonde bitch would never show her face to either of them ever again.

With the image of her smiling boyfriend in her head, Tiffany turned her attention back to Britney.  Sliding up the trapped blonde, the sexy brunette dropped her very well endowed chest directly on a now very panicky victim’s face.  Starting the fight topless turned out to be an advantage for Tiffany.  Her large, naked, breast completely enveloped Britney’s face and cut off her air passages.

The trapped blonde struggled and bucked wildly trying to toss the brunette off of her so she gain her freedom and some much needed air.  Tommy was enjoying the rear end view of the fight.  Both women had knockout bodies.  But in her satin panties Tiffany’s ass was second to none.  He especially liked how the material seemed to ride up on her as a result of the struggles. 

Besides bucking wildly, the blonde was throwing fist after fist into the brunette’s back and sides.  Tiffany was feeling every blow and wasn’t sure how much more that she could take.  The only reason why she refused to give up her perch was the fact that she knew that the blonde was just mere moments away from passing out.

Tommy stood and walked around to the head of the battling babes.  Tiffany smiled at him as he knelt to look down into the deep cleavage that surrounded Britney’s head.  “Ughhhh!” she grunted as another punch slammed into her flank.  She put on a brave smile and told Tommy that in just another minute she was going to be fucking his brains out.

Having no success with punching and bucking, Britney sunk her nails into her rival’s bare back.  Tiffany let out a scream but refused to release the breast smother.  Britney raked her nails down Tiffany’s back leaving bloody furrows in the process.  When her fingers reached Tiffany’s panties, the blonde just pulled them down off of the brunette’s ass, and down the back of her legs.   

Tiffany shrieked as Britney dug her nails into the brunette’s sensitive flesh.  The attack below the belt resulted in Tiffany rocking backwards, breaking the seal on Britney’s face.  The blonde gulped in as mush air as she could as the brunette’s hand shot backwards, trying to shoo away the blonde’s probing fingers.

The brunette’s glistening, naked breast dangled just inches from Britney’s face.  With Tiffany now defending her rear end, the blonde changed targets to one that was much more inviting.  Britney slid her hands up and slashed her sharpened nails across the brunette’s large breast causing Tiffany to cry out in pain once again.  As fast as she possible could, Tiffany jumped up trying to gain some distance between her attacker and herself. 

The brunette didn’t get far as she wound up tripping over Britney’s legs.  The blonde propped herself up on her elbows as she continued to refill her lungs with air.  From this position she could keep an eye on the brunette and see when she was recovering.  A smile crossed her face when she saw the brunette bitch lying on her side in a near fetal position cradling her breast.  She looked over at Tommy and just nodded with a smile.  “What this!” she said as she pushed herself up and started walking over to the fallen brunette.

Britney approached Tiffany and dropped to her knees directly on the brunette’s lower back.  Tommy’s girlfriend let out a yelp as her body jackknifed backwards from the painful blow.  Reaching down the blonde grabbed hold of Tiffany’s panties, which were now gathered just above her knees.  Britney pulled them down and off of the brunette’s legs with absolutely now resistance from Tiffany. 

Britney now walked over to Tommy, who was now standing.  She gave him a playful shove sending him crashing back down into a chair.  “Here lover these are for you.” She said as she extended the panties and wiped them across his face, just under his nose.  Tommy couldn’t help but take a big whiff of the red satin.  The sent was kind of a combination of Tiffany’s perspiration from the battle and her musk because of the excitement she was experiencing when she had the blonde pinned down. 

“I want you to have these!” she told him.  “I want them to be a reminder of the day that I kicked that slut’s ass!  I want you to remember the day that I defeated her and claimed you as my prize.  This will be the last time that I ever let the bitch anywhere near you!” she boasted.  He looked over at Tiffany and saw that the brunette had just rolled over onto her belly but hadn’t gotten up yet.  Britney followed his gaze to her foe’s fallen body.  Turning her attention back to Tommy, she planted a deep kiss on his lips.  “I’ll be done soon lover.” She promised as she walked back over to Tiffany’s body.

The blonde reached down and grabbed two handfuls of the brunette’s hair.  With a powerful tug, Britney pulled Tiffany to a standing position.  She was a little wobbly on unsteady legs and stumbled back into Britney, almost knocking her over backwards.  “What it you clumsy bitch!” Britney complained as she fired her right fist into Tiffany’s injured lower back causing her to cry out in pain.

Tiffany had seen Britney over by Tommy flirting with him.  She just lay still, trying to regain as much of her strength as she could until the blonde attacked again.  When she was pulled to her feet by the hair she helped Britney by standing and minimizing the pain to her scalp.  The backwards tumble was planned as she hoped to knock the blonde off balance.  The fist to her kidney was not part of the plan, but thinking quickly, she bent forward at the waist planting her hands on the floor in front of her.


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Re: Tiffany Fights Vs Britney Summers
« Reply #1 on: April 15, 2014, 04:37:51 AM »
“Hey Tommy would you look at the way that this whore has her ass sticking up in the air?”  Britney called over her shoulder to him as he was once again involved in a little self-gratification.  “Don’t worry bitch!  I will fuck you in the ass in a little while.” She threatened as she stepped forward, placing her hands on the brunette’s hips.  That was exactly what Tiffany had hoped for, the blonde getting up close and personal with her.

Britney began to pull back on Tiffany’s hips as she tried to stand her up once again.  When the brunette reached between her legs and grabbed hold of both of the blonde’s ankles, Britney had no time to react.  Before she knew what was happening, Tiffany shoved her ass backwards into Britney’s belly as she pulled her feet out from under her.  The two women fell backwards towards Tommy with Tiffany landing on top of Britney.

“Ooooofff!” Britney grunted as all the air was driven from her body when Tiffany’s full body weight crashed down onto her belly.  Showing no mercy the brunette slid back dropping her ass down across the blonde’s lovely breast as hard as she could.  She repeated the move twice more as Britney cried out in pain.  Wanting to take as much fight out of the blonde that she could, Tiffany fired a half a dozen fist into the blonde’s belly.  When she sunk her nails into Britney’s weakened stomach muscle in a claw, the blonde’s screams could be heard clear across the lake.

“What the fuck was that?” IRISH asked as he and Karen leisurely paddled their canoe on the peaceful lake.  “It sounded like a wounded animal caught in a trap.” he continued.  She just let out a giggle.  He turned to see what was so funny and she just smiled and said “Oh, it’s a wounded animal alright.”  She had heard the sound many times in the past herself.  “Some bitch is probably getting her ass kicked.” She said correcting him.

Back in the cabin, Tiffany tugged on Britney’s panties until the delicate material fail, and tore from her body.   Tiffany slide forward and spun so she was now facing the blonde’s head, seated on her belly.  Grabbing hold of the sexy lingerie top with both hands, the brunette easily shredded it until just a small patch of clothing remained underneath the blonde.  “Well one thing’s for sure!” Tiffany told Tommy as she glanced over at her boyfriend… “You certainly are a breast man!” she said as she saw that Britney’s tits were as large as hers. 

Tiffany gave Britney’s breast a vicious slap, sending one smashing in to the other like two click clack balls of Newton’s cradle.  A slap from the other direction sent them shifting painfully to the other side of the blonde’s chest.  Not want to just lie there and take any further abuse, and with Tommy on the line, Britney reached up and sunk her nails into both of the brunette’s breast.  That was enough to stop the onslaught of Tommy’s current, but the former didn’t stop there.


Offline IRISH

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Re: Tiffany Fights Vs Britney Summers
« Reply #2 on: April 15, 2014, 04:39:02 AM »
As Tiffany cried out in pain, Britney kicked up with her legs, driving her both of her knees into the brunette’s injured back.  Using her breast as handles, Britney used them to roll Tiffany over on to her back.  Knowing that she had hurt her foe, Britney crawled up the brunette’s body until her large breasts were dangling over Tiffany’s heavy hangers.  The brunette cried out in pain as the blonde slammed her chest down onto her pride an joys. 

Tiffany had been right… Tommy was a breast man!  One thing that had attracted him to Tiffany was the brunette’s shape.  He was astonished as his former girlfriend continued slamming her chest down over and over again.  The once confident brunette was taking a beating that she had never imagined.  She felt that she was the superior woman and here she was flat on her back taking punishment to what she had thought was her biggest assets.  “How’s that feel?” the angry blonde demanded as she continued her attack. 

The brunette was speechless.  Then again so was Tommy.  He had thought that this would be a pretty close fight.  He actually thought that his girlfriend would batter his ex.  I mean he was fine with whoever won, the battle after all was for his benefit, and he was definitely getting his money’s worth!  The cost of the cabin rental was a small price to pay for this memory that was sure to last a lifetime. 

“Had enough?” the blonde asked as she continued to slam her chest down into the brunette’s.  Tiffany would not give her the satisfaction of an answer, no matter how much pain she was in.  “What’s the matter bitch?  Nothing to say?” Britney asked.  Between sobs, Tiffany was barely able to answer… “Fuck you!” 

“Have it your way bitch!” Britney said as she rolled off of Tiffany.  She slid behind the brunette and took a seat behind her.  Grabbing a handful of hair, she pulled the brunette’s head between her legs.  Slamming shut like a steel trap, Britney’s thighs began to crush Tiffany’s head.  The current girlfriend cried out and whimpered, but still would not give Tommy’s ex the satisfaction of surrender.  The blonde’s powerful legs continued to crush the brunette’s head, causing the simple act of breathing very difficult.

Tommy knew that the end was near and once again left the comfort of his chair.  He walked around the front of the two women and stopped directly in front of Tiffany.  When he made eye contact with her, her eyelids just slammed shut.  She was too embarrassed to even make eye contact with him.  She knew that this was his fantasy, and even though she was not completely ready for the battle, she knew the consequences if she lost.   Tommy’s gaze shifted to Britney who was just smiling from ear to ear.  She was pretty confident going into the fight.  She felt that she had a very strong chance at replacing Tiffany as Tommy’s number one… she was embarrassed at how she performed early on in the fight.  She was real close to tapping out as the brunette jumped out to an early lead.  But for her Tommy… she was ready to take a little punishment and dish out a whole lot more!

“What are you doing?” Karen asked as IRISH started to steer their canoe towards the cabin on the far side of the lake.  The very cabin that seemed to be the source of all of the action.  “I just want to see what is going on.” He reassured her.  She knew damn well what he was up too.  IRISH had a love for catfights and would travel to the four corners of the globe to watch one.  Paddling across the lake was just a walk in the park as far as he was concerned.

Not satisfied with the fact that she had not gained a submission yet, Britney opened her legs, dropping Tiffany’s head to the hard wooden floor.  Her eyes spun in her head due to the impact, but the brunette was just happy to suck in some fresh air.  Britney was frustrated that the tough brunette had not yet submitted to her.  She wanted there to be no doubt who won the fight so she would never see the brunette again.  Tommy would be all hers from here on out.

The blonde knew that she had injured Tiffany’s back pretty bad.  If she couldn’t crush a submission out of the brunette, she we have her screaming it!  Britney took a knee and dragged Tiffany’s barely moving body over to her.  Pulling her up by the hair, the blonde stretched the wounded brunette over her knee.  With one hand on Tiffany’s chin, and the other one on her thigh, Britney began to bend the brunette backwards over her knee.

“Aaaahhhh!!!!” Tiffany cried out at the top of her lungs.  “Come on Karen!  Help me paddle!” IRSIH pleaded as he struggled to make it to the action before it was over.  She just played with him, sticking her oar into the water, steering the boat off course.  He spun around to see what was happening to find his girl grinning ear to ear.  She loved to tease him whenever she could.

With all the pain that she had inflicted on her foe, Britney was still unable to force a submission out of her rival.  If she couldn’t get the brunette to scream out her submission, Britney came up with another way to make it very clear who owned who.  With a nasty shove, the blonde dumped the brunette off of her knee.  When Tiffany just lay there, face down with her hand stretched across her back, Britney knew the end was near.

Tommy was still completely zoned out as his brain tried to process all of the data that was rushing in.  The visual of the two beautiful women locked in combat.  The sound of the grunts, groans, and pained screams.  And the smell… not just of the perspiration from the two weary warriors, but also the smell of raw sexual tension in the room.  He was in pure sensory overload as he tried to etch into his memory every detail of the greatest day of his life.

Britney kicked Tiffany in the side rolling her over onto her back.  She just smiled at the glazed over look on Tommy’s face.  “Hey baby, watch this!”  When she had his attention, she lowered her body down onto Tiffany’s.  Her full weight crushed the exhausted brunette, her breasts flattening her foe’s battle damaged chest.  The blonde leaned in and whispered in the brunette’s ear… “You ready for this you stubborn bitch?” 

The defeated brunette still refused to call out her submission.  She almost wished that she had.  The blonde leaned into her, pressing her crotch against her rivals.  At first the pressure worried her, but when Britney began to grin herself against her, Tiffany’s eyes just opened up a floodgate of tears.   “Enough!  Enough!  Please stop!” Tiffany pleaded, but it was too late.  Britney was in a grove, eyes locked on Tommy’s face as she dominated his now former girlfriend.  She had defeated this bitch and now it was all about humiliation.

“Do you hear anything?” IRISH asked.  “No…” was Karen’s reply.  “Damn! I think we are too late!” as he paddled faster and faster towards the far shore.

Britney had grown tired of Tiffany’s pleas and clamped her hand across the brunette’s mouth.  No more sounds passed her lips but muffled sounds of pain and embarrassment.  The blonde continued to grind herself against the brunette until she came. 

The victorious blonde grabbed Tommy by his shirt and pushed him backwards, so that he was lying on the floor just inches from the defeated brunette.  She lowered her self down onto his engorged penis and started pumping up and down.  After just a couple of strokes the two lovers climaxed together.  Britney was completely spent and collapsed into Tommy’s arms, lying across his chest.  The very lucky man just witnessed one of the sexiest battles of the century first hand.  He just held his new girlfriend as tightly as he could.

“Give me a minute baby.” Britney said as she pushed herself up off of her lover.  She reached down and grabbed hold of Tiffany by the hair.  She then led the defeated brunette to the door and shoved her naked body out of the cabin.  She closed the door and headed back over to Tommy for the start of round two.  The greedy bastard just lied there thinking of any other former girlfriends that he had that he could invite to the cabin.

IRISH and Karen arrived just in time to witness a sobbing, naked brunette get into a car and speed away.  “Shit we missed it!” he complained.  “Don’t worry babe… we have our own cabin to go back too.” She assured him as she turned the canoe back to open water.

The end?