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My Sister Rachel vs Angela

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Offline snw

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Re: My Sister Rachel vs Angela
« Reply #15 on: March 26, 2014, 03:09:37 AM »
that last part was so good. I loved the way Racheal tried to fight back and the resistance was quickly and easily handled by Angela. What made it so good is Angela let her think she would make it a fight and she forcefully took control to as if to say really that's all you got? Glad to seesome others like the ideas. for some reason I like to see one girl draw out the fight and totally leave no doubt about every aspect between the 2 from muscle tone ,strength, breast size, and any contest they could compete physically between the 2. The small brief bit of offense that Rachael started made when Angela put a stop to it was really good. That's why I have ideas and you are the writer. Excellent and hope it continues soon. Thanks


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Re: My Sister Rachel vs Angela
« Reply #16 on: March 26, 2014, 06:42:12 AM »
I also think it would be hot if Angela ask Rachael what must your bf be thinking watching me kick your ass like this? I know you know he loves it. I know you know that cause he said he told you. He also told me you said if I kept running mouth you would kick my ass in front of him. Angela would tell her to ask him to come over here now!  Rachael would do so at which point Angela would ask him is she kicking my ass? Something else Angela might say is you know Rachael he also said you claim to have tits as big as mine and guess what in a sec we will find out. Guess who he said would win if we fought? Not you. He also ask me to not hurt you too bad although I really wanted to I told him it would depend on you as to how that would go. Here's the seal he still wasn't sure I was stronger than you but he knew you would be to wimpy to win a fight. So I won>t hurt you too bad if you will let us show him that I was stronger as well. At which point they would start the different contest and comparison during which she dominate and trash talk her throughout.sorry didn't mean to go on so much I get carried away but this is quickly becoming my favorite story so Thanks again


Offline Carissa B

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Re: My Sister Rachel vs Angela
« Reply #17 on: March 29, 2014, 05:19:53 AM »
The normally vibrant Rachel has an empty look in her eyes as she knows she is being totally dominated by some slutty dancer...Rachel struggles to try and kick Angela away as Angela is hell bent on tearing off her spandex shorts.  Angela is growling and tells Rachel that she is going to give her a face lift after she rips her shorts of and pound her face into a bloody pulp and she then says there is NOTHING you can do about vain she desperately kicks to try and keep Angela at bay...Angela takes a step back and delivers another brutal kick in between Rachel's legs...Rachel instantly stops struggling as she tries to catch her thing Rachel hears is RIP as Angela yanks the spandex from her body revealing toned muscular legs...Angela says what wrong RACHY...your muscles can't help you as she rubs her hands up Rachels thigh and then delivers a brutal axehandle blow to Rachels stomach....Rachel's eyes bulge from head as she feels like she is going to throw thin she sees is Angels fist slamming into her nose...with that RAchel fall unconcious....ANT IDEAS FOR WHATS NEXT?


Offline snw

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Re: My Sister Rachel vs Angela
« Reply #18 on: April 01, 2014, 05:38:09 AM »
Looking forward to the rest of this story. Hopefully soon, to good to not finish.


Offline snw

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Re: My Sister Rachel vs Angela
« Reply #19 on: April 04, 2014, 05:56:50 AM »
just thought I'd keep this in the view of the first page hoping this story gets completed.


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Re: My Sister Rachel vs Angela
« Reply #20 on: April 04, 2014, 07:53:12 AM »
Come on Rachel you can do this! (Nah you prob can't ;))


Offline Carissa B

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Re: My Sister Rachel vs Angela
« Reply #21 on: April 05, 2014, 08:57:35 AM »
The crowd is stunned as Rachels legs fell silent from her vain struggle as the punch to her nose violently jarred her head backwards into the ground...there she laid with her previously unseen (Rachel is a good christian girl) black panties hugging her inner thighs, arms contorted off both sides and a steady trickle of blood flowing from her nose...Angela stands up laughing....this is your hero?  She is a weak pathetic wimp...just because she ca play soccer and has muscles does not mean she can stand up to a real woman....she looks at her boyfriend and screams this would not gave to happen if you would have returned my this the only way I can get ur attention?  Mike is stunned (yet aroused)...

Angela stands behind the sprawled out Rachel and grabs her hair and proceeds to drag her toward the restroom...just then an older lady yells...leave my daughter alone, as Jane runs to rescue her 5-3 136, 50 years old Jane still looks good for her age...Angela looks at Jane and then lets go of Rachels hair and sends kick right to the side of Rachels face...Rachels head turns and offers no resistance but the red imprint is evident...Then Angela screams..." old bitch walk away before I strip you naked then kick your ass"....Jane has no choice but to stay, besides her momma bear instinct has kicked in seeing her daughter be woman handled by Angela....any thoughts to what happens next


Offline Carissa B

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Re: My Sister Rachel vs Angela
« Reply #22 on: April 09, 2014, 01:38:49 AM »
come on folks!  Someone help me out with part of the next chapter!


Offline Carissa B

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Re: My Sister Rachel vs Angela
« Reply #23 on: April 16, 2014, 07:14:45 AM »
I had some incredible help on the ending...!

Before Angela finishes off Rachel she is going to have to make quick work of Jane.
What a surprise when one or two of the girls from the girls soccer team helps Angela out with that. A star player like Rachel has a rival or two who unknown her,  hate her guts but since Rachel is so popular they play up to her so as to at least share a little in her glory even though they resent her .
 They help take down Jane and strip her, tying her up with material torn from her own clothes. Jane must sit naked and watch her
daughter be destroyed. They also help Angela finish stripping Rachel.

Angela tells Rachel when she is through with her she will destroy Rachel's womanhood, But before I do I must shut you the hell up she grabs the hair on Rachel's head and slams her face into the floor repeatedly breaking out Rachel's
front teeth and smashing her torn lips When Rachel is on the verge of passing completely out she shoves Rachel's balled up panties into her bloody mouth.

I'm going to ruin you Bitch !  She picks up a strip of Jane's torn dress and ties Rachel's hands behind her back and places one hand on Rachel's ass to hold her tight to the floor as she takes and bunches the fingers of her other hand together and works them into Rachel's Pussy once she has her hand completely up inside Rachel, Angela says I told you I'd destroy your womanhood as she curls her fingers
inside Rachel and rakes her nails in and out of Rachel's cxnt.

Even with Rachel's panties stuffed in her mouth everyone can Hear Rachel squealing and her body convulsing as Angela destroyed her sex.

Angela leaned down pulled Rachel to her knees and took her long sharply manicured finger nails and pinched off the head of Rachel's Clit.
blood runs down Rachel's thighs as she again lay flat on the floor and passes out.

Angela asks the two girls who helped her earlier to help her turn Rachel over.
She told them she wanted Rachel's Nipples too.
She pinched off both nipples and picked up the head  of Rachel's clit and approached Jane.

Here Bitch a little something to remember your daughter's womanhood by,
She tries to get Jane to open her mouth  Jane holds her mouth shut tight and tries turning her head away she sounds so pathetic as she tries not to sobs so as to open her mouth just the tiniest bit .
Angela grabs Jane's nose and pinches her nostrils closed causing Jane to involuntarily open her mouth open to breath.
Angela pops the meaty morsels into her mouth then put her hand against Jane's
neck and forced her jaw to close as Jane Swallows without control.


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Re: My Sister Rachel vs Angela
« Reply #24 on: April 18, 2014, 05:08:14 PM »
Now that  Angela has destroyed Rachel's Looks and her womanhood she will have to dispense with that Old
Battle Axe Jane.