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Extract from New Alexis Book: Comments Welcome

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Offline Ellis Kent

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Extract from New Alexis Book: Comments Welcome
« on: May 21, 2014, 03:32:22 AM »
Flight of Fancy

The small jet taxied on the runway of the private airport near to Hamburg. It could hold eight passengers but today there were only two, Claudia and Asoka. They were on their way to Natasha’s school for gladiatrices and a contest over two days for which Claudia had been training her eager pupil and lover. The violent arena stud-fight  in which Claudia had decisively beaten her rival in love Ellen had bound the two together.

As the plane took off into the gray December sky, Asoka was looking at pictures of her rival for the contest, a dark haired green-eyed woman in her mid-twenties, called Isang. There were so many similarities. Isang was half-Philippine and half American-Irish which gave her such vivid green eyes. Asoka was half-Indonesian and had grown up in Amsterdam. Isang, who was living in Shanghai, was both lover and protégé of a senior Japanese member of the Black Cat Club, Asia’s most exclusive, women-only fight club. Natasha was flying the four to meet on neutral ground to let the two tigresses match their cubs.

As the plane levelled out and the seat belt sign extinguished, Asoka moved to the share Claudia’s spacious seat, clearly designed for large male executives. They kissed passionately, both thrilling at the adventure they were on. Asoka, suddenly solemn said, “I so want to win, to honor you and your victory. I am still so excited thinking about that evening with you and Ellen fighting it out over me. I so want to bring you a victory to repay you!” 

Claudia kissed her full on the lips and replied, “That fight was the most exciting moment of my life, probably of Ellen’s too. You know we’d both fight over you again. Watching you put her stud harness on made me feel the most alive I have ever felt, the jealousy, the rivalry and the adrenalin. That fight was like a hit of heroin, we were both addicted – to you and to fighting it out for you. You know that.”

Asoka looked out at the clouds just below. “It’s true; no wonder we have such great sex when we have watched it. Every time I watch you thrust your stud against Ellen’s pussy I think about how you use your strap-on on me.” Claudia smiled knowingly, “No strap-on for you tonight, but you’ll get as much as you want from me when you win.”

Asoka continued, “When you are away, I often watch the video, I always come when you give her the coup de grace. She made the noise when you were cxnting her as she did when I was tonguing her to orgasm.” Her voice trailed away as she added, “I often wish you had taken me there in the arena in front of the crowd and her. The fight was public, why not the prize-giving?” Claudia shuddered with lust at the thought, and playfully slapped Asoka’s rump, purring, “What a sexy mind you have, that young slut Isang had better be white hot  or there will be no contest.”
As if on cue, the door from the cabin opened and a severe looking co-pilot, an employee of Natasha’s handed Claudia an envelope.  In Russian accented German she told her that the details of the competition were inside. Asoka returned to the seat facing Claudia, sat down and prepared to hear what dark fantasies the Oligarch’s daughter was about to unleash. The benefit of being so rich was that Natasha could make all her desires flesh…and blood.
For a while Claudia said nothing, then, widening her eyes and smiling she indicated that whatever she was reading was hot stuff and returned to the page.  Asoka grew impatient, finally snapping, “Tell me the rules of engagement!”

Enigmatically, Claudia smoothed the page and said, “We are in high company, Beatrice will be Mistress of Ceremonies and judge, and Ariel X will be guest of honor and part of the judging panel.” Asoka yelped at the mention of Ariel’s name, the lesbian porn star and fighting dynamo was one of her idols. She exhaled, sighing thoughtfully as she said under her breath, “The pressure is really on, as if I didn’t have enough wanting to win for you. She paused and added positively, “I am so going to juice and cream that cute bitch Isang, I can hear her begging me to stop now!”
Claudia continued, “When we land we will have a little time to freshen up and have dinner with Beatrice, Natasha and Ariel X.”

Asoka interjected, “Will Isang be there?”

“No, you won’t see her until the dressage. Coming from China I expect they will be here already. I expect you want to see what you sexy bitch mistress has organized for us, don’t you.” 

Claudia smiled as Asoka breathed in deeply, controlling her expectation. She handed Asoka the paper which read…

Morning: Tour of facilities
Afternoon: Preparations for Bitch Dressage - molding for the trophy necklace, fitting of tail and fighting collar, “scenting” ritual.
Evening: Bitch Dressage and Sexfight

Objectives: The aim of this session is for the two bitches to demonstrate their animal sexuality, physical poise and control. To win the judges’ “Best in Show” prize, each contestant must project her sexual aggression and prowess more convincingly than her opponent.

Phase I – Pre-contact

Each bitch will be displayed for inspection by the judging panel. Each mistress in turn will be asked a series of questions about her bitch and her skills and temperament. The judges may wish to probe each contestant to assess her physical form and spirit. The bitches are to remain silent throughout this phase.

Scenting the Quarry
The mistress gives her charge her rival’s scent trace.

Phase II - Contact

Presenting the Bitches
Each mistress will then lead her bitch to the fighting area. Here each bitch in turn, (Asoka first) will present herself to her rival. No touching is to be permitted. Each mistress in turn, will then untail her bitch (Isang first) and present her to her rival for a second time. Tongues, but not fingers, can now be used on the rival. Pussies must not be touched! The judges expect the mistresses to severely whip any infringement. Each section will be marked by the sounding on a bell. Any tonguing after the bell will be rewarded with a whipping the number of strokes to be assessed by the judges. No words may be exchanged.

Alpha Bitch/Beta Bitch
Beta bitch is to be brazenly submissive opening herself to the alpha bitch’s every command showing the alpha bitch she can take it. Pussies may now be fingered and licked. The judges will be looking for carnal prowess and style. How you make her come matters as much as how hard you make her come. Each bitch will play each role for ten minutes (Asoka will first alpha bitch). No words may be exchanged.

Phase III – Pre-sexfight Ritual

Primal Display
In preparation for the sexfight, the two bitches will be restrained on their leashes as they ritually verbally and physically taunt each other over their prowess.

The Unleashing
When the judges believe a suitable fight frenzy has been attained they will sound a bell. At this point mistresses will guide the contestants together for a ritual kiss and feel out. At the second bell they will remove the leash from the bitches fighting collars. The bitches will hold themselves back until a bell sounds to start the sexfight.

The mistresses will join the judges as spectators to watch their charges fuck-fight for one hour. On their arrival the bell will sound to start the fight. Judges will be looking for style, stamina and raw sexuality as well as number and power of orgasms. The judges will make their comments and scoring known before the decisive fight on day two.


Pre-fight Ritual – Declaration: Ready and Willing to Fight!
Each woman must declare herself ready to fight and to take the consequences of defeat in front the judges. If either woman feels herself outmatched as a result of the previous day’s encounter she may withdraw from fighting and both she and her mistress may submit to the winner’s demands. (If the winner by default feels the need to fight, then a similarly developed contestant will be selected from the harem. If she wins, then she may then proceed to taking her reward on her rival. If she loses, then the host and her guests or employees reserve the right to follow to the letter the rewards wished upon the losers.

Pre-fight Ritual – Declaration: Winner’s Prize
Each bitch will reveal the nature of the celebration she craves if she wins the fight on Day Two. The reward must include the mistresses, so that they share the reward or penalty of their trainee. (The rewards should not require medical assistance to the loser, though losers should expect to be rigorously used and abused.)

Fight – Rules of Engagement
Attire: Naked. Oiled. Tiger Gloves.
Fight stimulants: by consent of both parties only and in equal dosage.
Rules: No eye-gouging. No biting. No mercy.
Winner: By submission. By knockout. By judges’ decision.
In the case of a draw, the “Best Bitch in Show” wins.

Victrix Rut
Takes place in Natasha’s Private Fuck Chamber and continues until the victrix is totally sated or passes out.

Note: all events will be filmed and photographed for private use and pleasure. However, they may be shared with the participants’ fight clubs or broadcast more widely only with the consent of the participants.
The way Asoka’s teeth bit down on her lip revealed her heightened concentration as she drank in the details. She looked up radiant, saying, “It sounds so exciting, I really mean to Best Bitch in Show” adding, coyly “I have a few questions…scenting, molding for trophy necklace, tails…” Claudia smiling replied, “All will be revealed. I am glad there are some new rituals and fight club innovations to pique your salacious mind.
Published female fight and sexfight author. Untamed Rivalry: Scenes from a Female Fight Club. (With sexfighter and fighter Alexis - see my profile.) Book in Kindle Store.


Offline Toni_1

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Re: Extract from New Alexis Book: Comments Welcome
« Reply #1 on: May 21, 2014, 04:55:04 AM »
Hi Ellis,

As you know from our previous contact I am a great lover of the first book, and have been eagerly waiting for the second instalment since last December.

So, finally the waiting seems to be nearly over for your fans, and the president of the fan of course.

I love this titillating entrée and will be on the edge of my bed waiting for the full story.

I have saved much space on my kindle for it darling.

Kisses as always,


Offline Ellis Kent

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    • Untamed Rivalry ebook
Re: Extract from New Alexis Book: Comments Welcome
« Reply #2 on: May 21, 2014, 04:59:47 AM »
Lady Antonia - wonderful to hear from you...I am starting to write again after an absence! It is appalling that someone of my caliber has to work but I do...I have yet to write your chapter.

Published female fight and sexfight author. Untamed Rivalry: Scenes from a Female Fight Club. (With sexfighter and fighter Alexis - see my profile.) Book in Kindle Store.