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Waitress versus regular, chaps. 2-3

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Offline aag77

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Waitress versus regular, chaps. 2-3
« on: May 22, 2014, 12:17:21 AM »
The beginning of this story can be found here:,39988.0.html

Shortly after they'd left F realized that the two of them had been so caught up in raising their hackles and coming to the first blows, that she'd forgotten all about getting O's contact details. How were they gonna set this up? She dicided that as she knew that O would  almost certainly show up at the bar, on her usual Friday. So for once she asked for the day off. She wanted freedom of movement, without the risk of being tied down by work at crucial moments in the first full exchanges with her enemy.

Dressing took longer than usual, normally she would just have to find the best combination of the work uniform, and whatever individuality that allowed for – now was different, and she was consciously dressing for war, a clash of beauty . The first of a few – unless she could so thoroughly trounce that upstart, O, her, whatever her name was – so that ugly skank would throw up her hands immediately.

As she saw F arrive at the bar at a distance from the other direction, she spotted her in an instant even far away, O. Smirked, yes, she had expected that F would take the night off. Good. She had waited a week, and now hostilities would finally begin. Up till now it had all been window dressing, now they would really lock horns and the first real battlefield would be their shared hometurf. But even though F was the challenger, was not nearly as confident as she let on – especially when she saw what was facing her. *Collect yourself*, she thought *No one comes close – this bitch is just the closest yet.*
"Get well soon." O said, when they finally stood eye to eye in front of the entrance, while trying to look like they were doing anything but, "What's that supposed to mean?", "Well, you're obviously not here to work. You look like you're sick and just came to pick something you'd forgotten up."
"Right, I see by the looks of you, you clearly did not expect me."
They both lied.

After a seconds pause they both mouthed "So it begins, bitch!" as if on cue, and walked in together, with only the slightest of jostling.

"So what do you want to do, the barman?" O asked, as they got in, "Or maybe you want to volunteer a secret crush, I can take home with me.", "You're deluding yourself, sweetie." was the answer, "But not the barman. I know his girlfriend, and she's nice. Although we could probably easy unseat her, we don't want to turn it into a threeway. This duel is between you and me.", "Oh.", O teased "So you admit that I am a looker.", "There'd be no reason for my consciously defeating you if you were not. Otherwise, I wouldn't even notice you as I took all your boyfriends. Which I would anyway." F quipped, "Let's just sit down. We know what's going to happen."

And so they sat at the bar. After the first hour of wafting away a swarm of losers, as they were both easily accustomed to, and had they been friends they might have even compared techniques for that particular discipline – a guy finally came over. Eyes caught, a silent nod, Yes! This was what they had both eagerly been waiting for.

They both turned with what they were trying their best to be their best smile. Doing their utmost to overcome each other already at first impressions.

It was on!

The guy introduced himself as S. and soon they were all three involved in a lively conversation. 
F. and O. Tried their best to appear friendly with each other, so that WS. Would not suss out what was realy happening, though he probably did anyway, as they constantly tried to score points over each other and twisted and turned in their seats to appear in the best angle. Their friendliness was getting increasingly strained, as this was even the  first time each were engaged in a competition over a guy – at least that she was aware. It was usually just so easy to get what they wanted, that rivals barely registered. But this one did, oh yes, she did.
Even though they had spent weeks building up to this, only now did they truly feel that they were up against an opponent that was at the very least their equal in beauty. But the determination to win or rather make her rival lose grew inside both of them. So much did they feel that they were neck-and- neck over this guy, that did not even dare go to the bathroom.

S. however did appear to enjoy the spectacle before him, and which guy wouldn't? They also quickly offered up their numbers to him, yet, he did excuse himself to go the men's room, and the two combatans quickly turned on each other, eyes locked as if a fire was smouldering between them, hands burning to get into the hair they had already been in once."You better give up, skank", O. hissed, "You're just embarassing yourself trying to compete with me.", "You're just lucky we're at the bar, or your eyes would be running down your cheeks, bitch", "You want to stop this and go rumble, you just need to say the word, honey.","And let you escape this losing position? We agreed on the rules, we compete over guys, and you're losing. He likes me.", "You keep telling yourself that and hope you fall for it."

Just then S. could be seen returning, and they quickly flashed each other a fake smile, but then F. Suddenly seized the iniative, "I love this song," she said and pulled S. out on the dance floor, and immediately turned to her most sexy floor moves, with S. responding enthusiastically.
When they kissed, it was difficult to tell wherefrom the ecstasy in her arose. The guy was nice and cute, no problem there, but the main thing was that, she had won.

SHE HAD WON! SHE HAD REALLY WON! She had proven herself, against the best and had defeated that black-curled biths. Yes.

But she had counted her chickens way before they were hatched. As soon as F. Had pulled S. out to the dance floor O. had moved to a position where she could see them, watching them like a hawk. Yes, she would have to admit that it was the 12th round, and F. was leading on points, but there was still time to get the knock out punch in, and that's what she had to go for.

F. felt secure enough to offer S. to go and pick up drinks, and that was her mistake. O. immediately pounced, catching S. on the dancefloor, pulling him a bit to a side, and started dancing with him herself.  After just a few minutes she reached up and kissed him asking, "How was that?"
"What is it between you two girls? Some sort of competition?", S asked. "Well", O. answered, "As a matter of fact it is. So if you want me to rock your world tonight, we may as well go and get started. Otherwise, you can wait for little Miss Sunshine and her drinks." "If you put it like that...", said S., "I do put it like that", O responded.

The knock-out punch was thrown ... "OK", S agreed ...and had hit home.

As F returned with her drinks she did so just in time to see O drag S away by the hand, and O turning around blowing her a kiss and then flipping her the bird, as they walked away.

F's underlip started to quiver, she thought that she had won, yet for the first time in her life she had not. She had lost.
She felt cheated, but it did not matter – The defeat was clear and it was painful. O had drawn first blood, and getting a text a couple of hours later from S's phone saying:
"You better give up, tramp. O", did not help.

But they agreed on a war, not a one-time battle. Precisely to ensure a final and decisive defeat for the loser – and not a one-time event, dependent on one guy. F. was determined to fight on.


Offline aag77

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Re: Waitress versus regular, chaps. 2-3
« Reply #1 on: May 22, 2014, 12:18:54 AM »
(Decided by clicks on pictures in chapter 1 – at a cut off date)
F woke up the next day determined that this was not  the end of the contest – far from it. Besides that smarmy bitch O had cheated anyway. That was the only reason.

So a day or two later she sent O a message – "Let's meet at the beach."

The answer was not long in coming – "So you're not done, and now you even want to put your flabby body in a bikini, and put in on display next to mine? Are you masochistic? Where and when?"
They agreed on a time and a place the next day – and so 3 days after their first confrontation met for their second one. F determined to set the record straight, and O determined to underline her first win. They had after all agreed on a prolonged war,  and not just a one off contest, precisely to get a definitive conclusion of who would be defeating the other, and who would have to admit that her rival was more beautiful.
So they both arrived at the beach, at the same time and place, and as they set up their area, and stripped down to the bikinis, they both had to admit, despite their blustering that they were up against it – as indeed they would. Otherwise their duel was pointless.

And with that they both settled down on their towels, both looking like something to die for, and with O's confidence from her opening win, matched by F's dtermination to get her own back.

The usual procession of losers walked past and tried to chat them up, and were again wafted away prett quickly, though they did both take notice of who got the longest stares or the most attention. Nothing decisive, but still small victories and defeats even though none had come by, who they mutally agreed was worthy of going into battle for.
Suddenly somebody called out "O?!", O looked up at with a "T?!" ran up to a guy and hugged him, and he followed her down to her and F's little beach camp.

O reluctantly introduced F as 'a friend', and F on her sided noted the almost dog-like devotion, and thought to herself *Hello*. They exchanged pleasantries for s hort while before T asked if the ladies wanted a drink, because he'd happily go fetch them.

"So who's he?" F asked as he walked towards a beach bar, O forgot herself and where she was and with whom for a monent when she answered, "Oh, just a friend, you know, he's liked me for years.", "Hmmm.", "Oh no no no, F, not him!", "And why the hell not?","Because, you know how it is, he likes me and ...", "So?" F said, "That's exactly why he's perfect. It ends today. When I take him from you. And right in front of your eyes.", " wouldn't be fair."

After a minute F teased "Would you fight me for him?", "I'd fight you for no reason" O answered in complete earnesty. Even from a sitting position both girls had only just gotten the spring in their bodies to jump on each other, when T returned with the drinks, and the two enemies managed to stop themselves mid-jump so to speak.
What followed was a complete rout. O was caught completely on the wrong leg. How was she supposed to fight for her man, when she had just been strumming him along for years. She hardly even put up a fight, and when F did her pulling away trick again, this time into the water, she didn't try to follow.
She felt completely dazed, and when F and T came back hand in hand, and T excitedly talked about how F had told him about her keeping ferrets, and that now they were going over to her place so he could see them, she choked down a retort about how she probably had a beaver she wanted to show him as well.

When the inevitable text arrived later, from T's phone, saying "1-1. Bitch.", she didn't respond. She felt cheated, yes, but with honours even, she was focused on getting ready for the next bout.


Offline sinclairfan

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Re: Waitress versus regular, chaps. 2-3
« Reply #2 on: May 22, 2014, 12:00:18 PM »
Nothing beats a rematch.


Offline aag77

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Re: Waitress versus regular, chaps. 2-3
« Reply #3 on: May 22, 2014, 10:48:01 PM »
As I promised there'll be more to come, I promised a best of 5.

I still have to finish the rest, though the chapters are still open to fall either way. Though I guess based on what happened her 'clicks-on-pictures', was not the best decider, after all :-\

But  there's more to come, and they will fight.