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Megan Fox vs Scarlett Johansson

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Offline SaraJ

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Megan Fox vs Scarlett Johansson
« on: May 19, 2014, 12:16:09 AM »



Who is going to win and how? Any post-match humiliation ?


Offline JIMBO1962

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Re: Megan Fox vs Scarlett Johansson
« Reply #1 on: May 19, 2014, 03:59:09 AM »
Whoever wins is amazing to me lol but if Scarlett wins she should make smother Megan with her goods, and if Megan wins she should facesit Scarlett till she passes out.
Either way what a way to go
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Re: Megan Fox vs Scarlett Johansson
« Reply #2 on: May 19, 2014, 04:07:41 AM »
« Last Edit: May 19, 2014, 05:56:17 AM by JIMBO1962 »
It's easier to see the books upon the shelf          then it is to see yourself          George Harrison 1977


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Re: Megan Fox vs Scarlett Johansson
« Reply #3 on: May 19, 2014, 05:10:19 AM »
Here's the last half of one version of this fight:

The challenge
The fight

Megan gets a second wind as she feels Scarlett hopelessly struggle against her all-encompassing breasts. Not even Fox herself had envisioned using her tits to smother her blonde opponent out. Megan had opted to enter the match pantyless, as she figured sitting on the blonde's face was her only viable option to smother Johansson out.

But knocking the blonde out with the same move that Scarlett promised to use to smother her out brought a smugly satisfied smile to Fox's face as she cinched the hold even tighter, loving the short, quick breaths that the blonde was expelling.

"It's only a matter of moments before I sit on your face and face-fuck you in front of the whole world, ScarJo." Megan announced without a hint of emotion.

"Not like this... not to her" Scarlett thinks as she uses her last bit of strength to free her self from her sweaty, dank tomb. "I... I need a miracle" she thinks as she gathers for one last push. Unfortunately for Scarlett ...Megan doesn't believe in miracles.

Megan feels Scarlett yank her arms free from their trapped captivity underneath her knees, and grunts with exertion as she struggles to keep her breast smother locked in tight while the blonde pushes with all of her remaining strength against her own shoulders.

In her throes of seemingly inevitable unconsciousness, Scarlett somehow managed to push Megan's cleavage off of her face for a brief moment that allowed the blonde to suck in a lung-full of much needed oxygen. Fox responded by grabbing Johansson's wrist's and slamming them down to the canvas above the blonde's head. But being able to breathe again gave Scarlett a sliver of hope as Fox once again lowered her chest onto the blonde's face...

On the verge of passing out, Scarlett gathers all of her remaining strength for one last effort and somehow succeeds in freeing her arms from Megan's tight grip by wrenching them violently. Instantly, the blonde’s right hand grasped Megan’s long, flowing locks, just as her left hand latched on to her left breast. Megan squeals and grabs Scarlett’s left wrist to push the hand away from her tit, but it is too late. One swift, powerful sideways yank from both of Scarlett’s arms and the raven haired hellcat topples down to the floor on her right side, allowing the jug shocked blonde to finally draw life-giving oxygen into her aching lungs.

Gasping for air, Scarlett rolls over and scrambles away from her foe on her hands and knees, eventually getting to her feet and turning around to face her maniacal opponent. Megan too gets up, wincing as she gently massages her tit. Both women are breathing heavily while their bodies are drenched in sweat. They are both extremely tired at this point, but neither one seems willing to quit as they stand a few yards apart glaring at each other, their chests heaving rapidly up and down with their labored breathing. Fox catches her breath and purrs "You're going to regret not giving in Scarlett... that was your easy way out."

"You really thought those pathetic tits of yours could smother me out?" Scarlett says sarcastically, not wanting Megan to know just how close she was to passing out beneath them. Fox forgoes a verbal response and instead marches toward the still gasping blonde, deciding to let her hands do the talking. Megan reaches out for the blonde's hair but receives a kick to the gut before she can grab any. Scarlett proceeds to wrap her hands in the black hair of her doubled over opponent and whips her hard into the corner.

Keeping her word to flatten Fox's breasts with her own, Scarlett sidles up to the brunette tit to tit. With an evil grin, Johansson leans in and begins crushing Megan's breasts with her considerably larger pair. Fox whimpers as her tits are pancaked into her chest and engulfed by the blonde's. Loving every moment of this, Scarlett really bears down, scrubbing her breasts back and forth over Megan's, then releasing to watch Megan slump down before driving back and battering the brunette's crushed tits.

Precise, purposeful and malicious Scarlett pounds Megan at will, reducing the bitch's solid, strong body to a limp heap of quivering flesh. Face, belly, breasts – they all got hammered and hammered hard. Bleating in pain and protest, the battered Fox sinks to her knees, her legs finally giving way after a series of blows to her belly.

Scarlett has a smug little smile on her face now as she stands tall, looking down on her kneeling foe. Her bountiful boobs heaved majestically, proudly. She feels on top of the world. She is doing it. She is beating her arch-rival and they both know it.
Megan's sudden charge is as unexpected as it as explosive. Mad with frustration, unable to bear the thought of losing to Scarlett, Fox launches herself off the mat, putting all of her remaining energy into one mighty burst of strength from her legs. As she rose up, the top of her head strikes Scarlett in the stomach, doubling her up. Continuing her momentum, Megan wraps her arms around her opponent and pushes forward with an angry scream, forcing Scarlett backwards and slamming her into the opposite turnbuckle...shaking the ring. The impact dazes the blonde bombshell. Megan sees the most glorious sight she has ever seen... Two HUGE targets wide open... defenseless.

Scarlett hangs limp in the corner, the arms holding her upright are splayed out over the top rope as her head lolls back, the fight seemingly out of her. Licking her lips, Fox has revenge on her mind as she smashes her fists over and over into the blonde's defenseless mammaries, shaking Johansson's entire body with each blow. Scarlett groaned in pain and humiliation as her tits were destroyed by the merciless pounding that her hated rival was pouring onto her. Megan bared her teeth, her eyes laser-focused on the blonde's chest, smiling wickedly as she watched her fists sink into the soft tissue of Johansson's breasts, flattening the flesh into her own body.

After what seemed like an eternity for the blonde, Megan finally halts her devastating shelling and the once proud Scarlett Johansson slumps down to the middle turnbuckle, her hands cradling her wounded tits. Without even a hint of mercy, Fox grabbed the disheveled blonde's hair and whipped her onto her back in the middle of the ring.

Megan saunters to the battered blonde and lifts her to her feet. Fox drills a punch in Scarlett’s belly. Heroically Scarlett responds with one of her own, stunning Megan ..and then they come together. Their hands clasping each other, fingers intertwining, they stagger to the middle of the ring There, their tired legs refuse to support their weight any longer and they slowly sink to their knees, leaning into each other, their locked hands high above their heads, arms trembling with the strain. The crowd is on its feet...
The test of strength was short and decisive. Scarlett is a well built, powerful woman, but she has simply spent too much energy struggling to get out of the last damaging sequences Megan had put her in. In short, Megan has more strength left than her rival at this point, her lithe, toned body having somehow fared better through the grueling battle than the blonde's bigger, heavier frame. Slowly, relentlessly, Megan overwhelms Scarlett, bending the buxom blondes wrists, pushing into her, forcing her to lean backwards.

"It cant be...she....she's stronger than me" Scarlett realizes... Eyes wide in disbelief at what is transpiring, the pride she takes in her superbly developed, powerful body severely wounded, Scarlett screames in frustrated fury and goes all-out in a bid to regain the lost ground. Groaning tensely, baring her teeth, Scarlett strains in effort.

Panting, her heavy breathing hissing rapidly between her clenched teeth, Megan leans further into her foe, sliding her chest over Scarlett’s, putting weight behind her effort as well. Fox's jutting tits speared Scarlett’s battered boobs, thrusting deep into them and Scarlett groans again, this time more in despair and discomfort than anything else. Her prized assets, the main source of her pride being crushed by the opposing pair, the blonde lets out a loud wail of both shame and fury. Her face bears a look of pain, shock and horror, she attempts to rally, but it was no good. She’d never encountered a rack like this. Scarlett had the size, and the firmness on Megan but it didn't matter...No one had ever dared to go after Johanssons jugs before...until tonight.

Megan's calculated assault on her wold famous breasts had turned Scarletts biggest weapons into her weakness.
Squashed and pinned, Scarlett's boobs mushroom out helplessly beneath Fox's thrusting tits. Megan’s conquering jugs spear and bend Johanssons crushed pair, shoving them back deep into the flattened flesh of her breasts. Snarling, Megan pushes even harder, her obviously firmer tits crushing the blonde's overwhelmed orbs, flattening them against her chest, and as that happened, Scarlett suddenly lets out a wail and toppled over, unable to withstand the black haired bitch's charge.

Her body trembling, Megan sighs heavily with exhaustion but smiles in triumph as she feels the last vestiges of resistance drain out of the defeated blonde beneath her. Scarlett winces in pain as Fox uses her breasts to push herself up to a seated position on Johansson's sweaty, heaving belly. Megan pridefully thrust her arms high above her head in a victory pose as she soaked in the cheering crowd at her triumph over her blonde nemesis whose once proud, but now broken body lay beneath her in absolute defeat.

Turning her attention back to the mewling blonde before her, "So, KOs only, right ScarJo?" Megan asks with a knowing smirk. "What shall it be, should my conquering tits finish their job?" She asks as she slides her fingers into her perspiring cleavage. "Or should I sit on your face and drown you in my wetness?" Fox's hand continued down her body, over her toned midsection and then slips up under her dress. Her hand emerges a moment later, middle finger tipped with her shiny juices, which she slowly inserts into Johansson's mouth.

"So, what's it gonna be, love...?"

Lost in a sea of pain, every last ounce of strength having left her body, Scarlett stares blankly at the arena lights trying to make sense of what was happening to her. "It's over... she destroyed me...all these" Scarlett's worst nightmare is coming true. Megan is sill holding on to the blondes hair with her left hand and removes her finger from Scarlett's mouth. Fox releases her prey and the crushed blonde sprawls on her back, limp and spread-eagled.

"So, what's it gonna be, love...?"

Seeing her conqueror towering above her and unable to do anything to continue fighting or to defend herself against any attack, the helpless, battered Avenger knew there was only one thing left for her to do.... she was going to have to choose her final humiliation.

Scarlett's mind reels , Megan's crotch revolts her... but those breasts strike desperate fear into her racing heart. The idea of Megan's smaller tits destroying hers... the memory of those hot sweaty breasts devouring her face is all too much for Scarlett as she breaks down. Pride is long forggoten for Scarlett... tears stream freely as she begs "Please Megan not the tits... anything but your tits."

Having already broken the blonde's body, Megan is elated when she succeeds in breaking Scarlett Johansson's spirit as well. With an evil glint in her eyes and with Scarlett like putty in her hands, Fox decides to humble the blonde a bit more before she finally ends her suffering. Once again using Johansson's stomach for a seat, Megan looked into the blonde's frightened, tear-filled eyes and asked, "So tell me Scarlett, what's it like to have your ass kicked by a smaller, some would even say 'lesser' woman, in front of the whole world?" Scarlett began to sob, although she she tried her best to hide it. "Just think about it," Megan continued, "Right now there are millions and millions of people watching you cry at my feet. And now they get to see me do this..."

Keeping her word from earlier in the match, Megan proceeded in the slow stripping of Scarlett Johansson. Winking out at the redlining audience, Fox peeled the red material down... down... further... until the whole arena erupted in a sea of camera flashes as Scarlett's breasts were freed from their confines and wobbled about on her chest. Johansson was now openly sobbing as her once proud, but now battered breasts were on full display for the very appreciative audience. Scarlett tried to cover herself with her hands, but Fox slapped them away and gave the blonde a 'no no no' gesture with her finger, and being as broken as she was, Scarlett did as she was instructed. Moving on once Johansson's tits were fully exposed, Megan slid down the blonde's body until she was astride Scarlett's thick thighs. The crowd grew eerily quiet as Fox slipped her fingers under the elastic waistband of the blonde's tight fitting short shorts.

"Please, Megan, please no. Don't do this. Please! You've beaten me. You're better than me. Just please don't do this." Scarlett begged and pleaded with her raven-haired conqueror, but her pleas fell on deaf ears as Fox pulled the blonde's shorts and panties down her legs and off her feet in another sea of camera flashes. Rising up to her feet, Megan twirls the shorts and panties around her finger until they slipped off and floated down to the canvas near the blonde's sobbing face. Fox then took a bow for the crowd, but she glanced over at Scarlett and gave her a disapproving look as the blonde had closed her legs tight, denying the spectators the view that Megan wanted them to have.

"We can't have this now can we, my little bitch? Now spread 'em." Fox commands, and with a burst of sobs, Scarlett complies and spreads her legs wide, her most private area now on full display. "That's a good little bitch. Since you've been an obedient little slut, for the most part, I guess I'll mercifully end your suffering."

Scarlett was both relieved and horrified at the words she was hearing, but wanted desperately to crawl into the hole that was her unconsciousness and hide from the world, but the thought of reaching that place by way of Megan Fox's pussy was a thought that filled her with dread. She wasn't given long to contemplate her thoughts as victriss straddled vanquished and began to put the blonde away for good.

Facing Scarlett's feet, Megan lowers herself down onto the beaten blonde's face, wriggling a bit until she has Johansson's mouth and nose right where she wants them. Shivering slightly as the blonde's lower lip tickles her clit, Fox reaches forward and gathers up Scarlett's slack legs, tucking them away underneath each arm. While Fox's lower body was busy using Johansson's face as an unwilling sex toy, grinding back and forth, Megan's hands slid down the blonde's thighs until they reached her warm and wet center.

Scarlett's body quaked as Fox first entered her, and the blonde's humiliation increased 10 fold when she realized what the brunette bitch had planned for her. The only glimmer of hope she had left was suffocating in the pungent heat of Megan Fox's furious face-fuck. Unfortunately for Johansson, the brunette's face ride wasn't air tight, and Scarlett couldn't stop herself from taking involuntary breaths.

Megan was on top of the world as she worked her fingers in and out of the blonde, humiliating her arch-rival in front of everyone as they cheered her on was the most satisfying experience of her entire life; a close second being the sensation of Scarlett's nose as it plunged inside of her, bringing her closer and closer to orgasm. Johansson herself was close to climaxing as the raunchy, carnal woman on top of her drove her fingers deeper and deeper into the blonde, pushing all of the right buttons to get Scarlett off.

Badly beaten in body, mind and spirit, there was only one defeat left for Megan Fox to claim complete and utter victory over Scarlett Johansson, and she was about to dominate the blonde sexually to complete her grand slam. Scarlett tried desperately to stop herself from giving her conqueror the satisfaction of forcing her to orgasm, but it was a losing battle for the blonde as her legs began to tremble. A few moments later and Megan felt Johansson's scream of ecstasy reverberate into her own pussy, sending a shiver up her own spine. An instant after the blonde's silent scream, Scarlett's body erupted, her juices flowing out of her, trickling down her body before she deflated and went completely limp in absolute defeat.

Oh how Scarlett wished she were unconscious, she had never felt such shame and humiliation and she wished it was a dream, she wished she never accepted Megan's challenge. But wishing was useless in this reality as she was forced to endure ever more of Megan Fox's dribbling pussy, grinding back and forth, back and forth, as it threatened to devour her entire face before ever climaxing. But just then, Scarlett felt Megan's body twitch, signaling to the blonde that she was on the verge of orgasm and ultimately her own blissful unconsciousness.

Johansson's suspicions were confirmed as Megan exploded, dousing the helpless blonde's face in a cascade of of her pungent juices. Scarlett gagged and wretched as the foul liquid pooled in her mouth and nostrils and stung her eyes, but once the black haired bitch on top of her had climaxed, she ceased her back and forth motions and remained seated in one position, sealing off the blonde's airways.

Fox dropped Scarlett's legs as she placed her hands on the blonde's belly to support herself as she tried to recover from her earth-shaking orgasm. Megan let out a stifled giggle at the tickling sensation of the vacuum effect in her pussy as Johansson struggled to breathe. A few seconds later, Scarlett Johansson's demolished body gave one final shudder as she slipped into blissful unconsciousness. Fox remained seated for several more seconds until the camera flashes started to die down, realization dawning on her that she had just pleasured herself in front of the world, bringing some red to her cheeks.

Finally standing triumphantly above her defeated nemesis, Megan Fox posed for several minutes as the crowd flashed with cameras.


Offline gene smith

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Re: Megan Fox vs Scarlett Johansson
« Reply #4 on: May 19, 2014, 01:44:50 PM »
miss scarlett takes the win
« Last Edit: May 19, 2014, 01:45:53 PM by gene smith »
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Re: Megan Fox vs Scarlett Johansson
« Reply #5 on: May 19, 2014, 02:34:47 PM »
That's a tough one because I want both to win, haha! Voted for Megan though, she'll target Scarlett's boobs and after a hard fight proves to be the more athletic and stronger one of the two.
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Re: Megan Fox vs Scarlett Johansson
« Reply #6 on: May 19, 2014, 07:29:44 PM »
voted for Scarlett
« Last Edit: May 19, 2014, 07:30:34 PM by stoneyrasta »


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Re: Megan Fox vs Scarlett Johansson
« Reply #7 on: May 22, 2014, 12:49:29 AM »
This shouldn't be close!  Scarlett is way tougher and meaner than Megan, she would smother her for sure
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Re: Megan Fox vs Scarlett Johansson
« Reply #8 on: May 24, 2014, 06:43:05 PM »
this is a one side fight..megan destroy scarlett


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Re: Megan Fox vs Scarlett Johansson
« Reply #9 on: May 26, 2014, 07:05:21 AM »
Yea I would have liked Scarlet to win but oh well, I just dont find Megan Fox that attractive.