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FTW Fury, episode 1 (Pro Wrestling Federation RP)

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Offline Emily Layne

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Re: FTW Fury, episode 1 (Pro Wrestling Federation RP)
« Reply #30 on: July 23, 2014, 11:05:47 AM »
*When we return from commercial, we see a shot of an ambulance driving out of the arena.*

LvK: Is that carrying Anna Ruethli or the Mulkeys?

RP: Knowing the cheapskates running this company, probably all three.

LvK: Well while we're still awaiting an update on her condition...anyone's condition, we've got a big announcement for you folks.

RP: I'm gonna do it! The other two entrants in our Heavyweight Championship tournament will be- *Richard is still talking, but no sound can be heard. Larry tucks the cable he just pulled under his chair*

LvK: That's right, Richard. Emily Layne has been entered into the tournament. *Perle mouths 'I just said that'* Apparently a spot was originally supposed to go to Rowan Chance, but the Commissioner was unable to obtain Ms. Chance's agreement, so instead, the fourth and final spot is going to go to the winner of tonight's main event. And that is right now!


Offline The BIG E

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Re: FTW Fury, episode 1 (Pro Wrestling Federation RP)
« Reply #31 on: July 25, 2014, 02:53:37 AM »

The whole arenas lights suddenly switch off and just like before, static suddenly appears on the titan tron, cutting out a bit. But then, it suddenly goes dark.

RP: Oh God, what now?

LvK: We should really spend money to fix these lights.

RP: How can we? With our funds, we're lucky to even get free cola!

LvK: Lets just hope those don't get knocked over cause I ain't paying!

Then suddenly, "CAFO" by Animals as Leaders (and don't go judging this!) starts blaring through the arena, one of the lights suddenly shines down on someone.

Black Cap.

Black Trenchcoat.

Black Trousers.

Black Shoes.

RP: Oh boy!

LvK: Here he is! It's Erick, the Phantom!

RP: Have you been watching that movie again?

Turning around, my right hand reaches for the brim of my hat and I take it off. Revealing myself. As soon as I took it off, all the lights come back on. Looking round the arena to the massive cheers I am getting, giving me a great welcome.


Walking down the ramp, walking past the kids and grown ass men and women that want my autograph. Not deliberately ignoring them but I have business to attend to. I take my cap that I have on my hand, and throw it to the crowd. Coming up to the announcers table, shaking hands with Larry and Richard, greeting them as I then take off the trench coat to reveal my White T Shirt that shows off my crazy abs! Hearing a little wolf whistle here and there as I grab a chair and sit down besides Larry.

LvK: Here it is! Mr Valiant himself!

RP:Ladies and gentlemen, Eddie Valiant is here with us tonight! Welcome!

ME: Thank you so much. Never thought I'd be here.

LvK: Never thought you would throw your hat away!

ME: Eh, it's for the best. Besides, they are like £9 for one. I get 30 every month and sell them. And all the money goes to Azagthoth Insurance. Please donate. They are actually doing a great job.

Both Richard and Larry go silent and looks at me, completely stunned and looking at me weirdly.

ME: Hey! I have a dog myself, ok? Best be prepared for anything!

RP: I dont even....


Offline Michelle

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Re: FTW Fury, episode 1 (Pro Wrestling Federation RP)
« Reply #32 on: July 25, 2014, 12:43:31 PM »

The whole arenas lights suddenly switch off and just like before, static suddenly appears on the titan tron, cutting out a bit. But then, it suddenly goes dark.

RP: Oh God, what now?

LvK: We should really spend money to fix these lights.

RP: How can we? With our funds, we're lucky to even get free cola!

LvK: Lets just hope those don't get knocked over cause I ain't paying!

Then suddenly, "CAFO" by Animals as Leaders (and don't go judging this!) starts blaring through the arena, one of the lights suddenly shines down on someone.

Black Cap.

Black Trenchcoat.

Black Trousers.

Black Shoes.

RP: Oh boy!

LvK: Here he is! It's Erick, the Phantom!

RP: Have you been watching that movie again?

Turning around, my right hand reaches for the brim of my hat and I take it off. Revealing myself. As soon as I took it off, all the lights come back on. Looking round the arena to the massive cheers I am getting, giving me a great welcome.


Walking down the ramp, walking past the kids and grown ass men and women that want my autograph. Not deliberately ignoring them but I have business to attend to. I take my cap that I have on my hand, and throw it to the crowd. Coming up to the announcers table, shaking hands with Larry and Richard, greeting them as I then take off the trench coat to reveal my White T Shirt that shows off my crazy abs! Hearing a little wolf whistle here and there as I grab a chair and sit down besides Larry.

LvK: Here it is! Mr Valiant himself!

RP:Ladies and gentlemen, Eddie Valiant is here with us tonight! Welcome!

ME: Thank you so much. Never thought I'd be here.

LvK: Never thought you would throw your hat away!

ME: Eh, it's for the best. Besides, they are like £9 for one. I get 30 every month and sell them. And all the money goes to Azagthoth Insurance. Please donate. They are actually doing a great job.

Both Richard and Larry go silent and looks at me, completely stunned and looking at me weirdly.

ME: Hey! I have a dog myself, ok? Best be prepared for anything!

RP: I dont even....

Nice to see my good friend the Big E posting somewhere.....awesome :)
"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it" - George Santayana, 18th century Spanish philosopher

"We're the Sultans of Swing!!"

"Remember What The Door Mouse Said"


Offline Lindsay C

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Re: FTW Fury, episode 1 (Pro Wrestling Federation RP)
« Reply #33 on: July 25, 2014, 04:18:16 PM »
I'm sitting in my dressing room, getting ready for my match against Sadie as I watch Eddy make his way towards the announce table, then wait for Sadie get down to the ring. Hearing that music, then looking over at the small tv in my dressing room to see...“What the hell?!“ Gasping as that obviously photoshopped slideshow of me!!
I hear the knock at my door „Your turn soon, Lindsay“ I nod „Yeah, thanks...“ attention drifting off a bit as I see these hideous pictures of me. „You just wait, you little...“ I growl before getting to my feet, heading out of my dressing room and down the halls, waiting for Sadie's music to die out as I wait behind the curtains. Finally getting the GO signal as Fall Out Boy's “I Don't Care” blares through the speakers and the light in the arena starts changing between white, blue, red and yellow.

After a few seconds I make my way out from behind the curtains. I crouch a little with my walk, take a few hop steps before JUMPING up high and turning 180° with spread arms. Landing, facing away from the ring with  my arms spread and my head thrown back into my neck.

Announcer: And here's her opponent. From Columbus, Ohio. Standing 5 feet 11 inches tall, weighing in at 150 pounds, it's Lindsay “The Dragon” Campbell!

I'm wearing a neon-yellow Adidas sports bra underneath a dark blue bikini top along with a pair of dark blue Adidas lycra shorts, which, instead of the 3 stripes down the left hip (which they have in the same bright yellow tone as my 'bottom top'), there's a red Dragon climbing up the left side of the shorts. I'm also in yellow, mid-calf length wrestling boots, which are covered to the ankles by dark blue leg warmers from just above the knees down to over the ankles of the boots. Both my wrists are covered by a yellow wrist band, and to complete the look, I'm wearing a neon yellow headband, right below the hairline and buried underneath my hair from the ears around the back of my head.

Turning around to face the ring, jogging down towards it with my arms extended. I got a good wingspan, but still it's just not enough to high-five fans on each side. Taking a few steps to the left, then the right. Smiling and winking at the fans until I reach the ring. That's where I straighten up, glare into the ring at Sadie...and suddenly don't look all that happy anymore! “What the hell were you thinking with that slideshow?!” Reaching up for the middle rope, using my height to just like that pull my body up to the apron before climbing into the ring.

RP: Could this be ANY brighter? That yellow's hurting my eyes!

LvK: That's not necessarily a bad thing...

RP: But damn, those legs of hers are long. Did you see them? Hhmmmmmmmyummy!

LvK: Oh dear...

Big E: You have to deal with his unprofessionalism every day?

LvK: Oh yes, I do! Poor me, I know.

Big E: In my opinion, Sadie's the prettier one. Smaller, handier. And also it's not “Hmmmmyummy” but RAWR!

RP: ...

LvK: Not another one. Oh God, kill me now!
LvK: Damn it!

Angrily glaring at Sadie standing in her corner, pointing at her with my right hand before heading back to my corner. Once I look into the crowd I'm all smiles again, stepping on the middle rope with my right leg and throwing my left arm up in the air to get some more cheers from the sold out crowd before turning, bouncing on my toes and warming up for the match.


Offline Lindsay C

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Re: FTW Fury, episode 1 (Pro Wrestling Federation RP)
« Reply #34 on: July 25, 2014, 11:03:15 PM »
The start of this match came completely unexpected for me, and that gave the much smaller girl the chance to work me over. Giving the referee a short little look every now and then between the moves of my opponent, kinda like asking 'why did you let this happen?'. Eventually I just start throwing my elbow back and into her gut before being sent running across the ring. I hear footsteps behind me and narrow my eyes, whispering a little „Allright“ to myself as I speed up a bit to get some more distance before turning to hit the ropes back first. I see her flying in towards me and twist my body to the left a bit. My right shoulder lowered, tensing my entire body as I look to just drill my flying opponent with my entire body weight in mid-air.

RP: Holy sh*BEEP*

LvK: Lindsay turned her inside out with this impact. Sadie looks like she was run over by a truck!

Big E: Every move is a play with fire when your opponent's that much bigger than you. The Dragon seems to know how to use that advantage.

Letting out a little grunt myself as I smack against Sadie's upper chest with high speed and my entire weight behind it. Sending her already elevated body spinning through the air before she lands with a thud in the middle of the ring. Grimacing a bit and rubbing my shoulder before narrowing my eyes on my downed opponent. „Time to stop playing around“ I hiss as I step in and pull her up to her feet.

I'm having my hands slapped away from her once we stand and our eyes meet. Hearing her bark at me „You can't just push me around like that!!“ She still seems out of breath after taking my big shoulder block, but still decided to throw a little tantrum in the middle of the ring. „Prove it!“ I reply, grinning at her as she huffs angrily before running into the ropes. I lean forward as she comes running at me and...SMACK!

I let out a soft gasp but am only forced a small step back by her shoulder block. Hearing another angry huff from Sadie as she tries again and...SMACK! Same result. „What's the matter, sweety?“ I giggle and nod towards the ropes again. Sadie rushes back again, faster than before and comes running back. But this time I bend over a bit, placing my hands on her hips before straightening up. Lifting her up in the air almost in Dirty-Dancing like manier only to step aside and let her drop from at least 6' up in the air.

Seeing her arms wave as she drops, and then hearing her loud groan along with the crowd cheers as she hits the canvas hard. I throw my arms up and pirouette. „Thank you!“ I grin into the crowd, before seeing my poor opponent on her knees, arms wrapped around her chest and tummy. „Oh hi there!“ I say before running back into the ropes, then right at her before sliding forward feet first, extending my right arm and slamming it hard across her chest with a sliding Clothesline that takes her down on her back again.

LvK: Great offense by Lindsay here! Sadie doesn't know where she's at right now!

RP: Campbell's just lucky she's so big! She definitely has the advantage because of those...hmmmm....loooooooong legs!

LvK: She's going for the cover! One, two...

But Sadie kicks out. I look at the ref as I kneel next to her, holding up two of my fingers questioningly and getting a nod as reply from the ref. „Alright...“ And I quickly go to pull my opponent back up to her feet. Once standing, I start to bully her back towards the corner, keeping my bigger body pressed tightly against her for a few seconds until the ref comes and tells me to „Get out of the corner!“

I give him a sweet smile, nodding and saying „But of course!“ along with a little wink, and as I step back I quickly throw my right arm across Sadie's chest, right across the „Dragon Slayer“ writing across it with a Knife Edge Chop that makes the crowd go „WHOOOOOOOOOOOO!“

Hearing a cry from my opponent, followed by some curses and then a try to hit me with a forearm across the jaw. Fortunately I saw it coming and ducked under it before turning around, stepping towards her, and as she turns back to face me, I wrap my arms around her waist and lift her up into a tight Bear Hug. Squeezing that sexy little body of hers between my arms and body.

RP: Oh boy, how I'd love to be that close to any of those two girls!

LvK: Doesn't look like Sadie loves this. She'd love being out of it much more!

RP: If this was supposed to be a joke, I'm very sad for you.

Big E: Me too...

LvK: ...thanks guys.


Offline Lindsay C

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Re: FTW Fury, episode 1 (Pro Wrestling Federation RP)
« Reply #35 on: July 26, 2014, 05:10:07 PM »
My 110lbs opponent has taken control in this match. And she's done that in a pretty brutal, vicious and cheap way! My face has a few red bruises, also the scratch-marks are visible. My knee is aching after taking these hard impacts against the cold, unforgiving steel post. The choke left me breathless, and now I'm down, the ref taking care of me. On my back, the ref checking on me as I lay gasping and coughing on the canvas. Hearing the crowd boo, and I'm actually kinda surprised you're letting the ref take care of me, and giving me some time to breathe. „What's that bitch up to?“ I gasp, vision still a little blurry as I look around, and then I see it! A sexy wrestlerette flying my way!!

RP: She's gonna squash her!

LvK: Here she coooooomes!

As I see her airborne, I give the ref a little shove to get him out of the flying range, and right after that I roll to the opposite side. Rolling over once, twice until hearing that CRASH of my lightweight opponent smashing into the canvas. Hearing a little groan from the crowd, followed by some loud cheers.

Big E: Ouch! That landing didn't go too well.

RP: Oh no, poor Sadie! After that impact...she needs mouth to mouth! I'll handle that!

LvK: Hold it, buddy. Even though this is your only chance at a girl as pretty as Sadie Davis, we don't want to interrupt this Main Event, do we? These girls are giving us a great show!

I push up to my knees, shaking my head a bit, clearing my vision before getting to my feet. Seeing the ref back up as well, I give him a little nod before looking down at Sadie. Seeing her gasp for air as I narrow my eyes at the „Cheating little *BEEP*!“ My eyes filled with burning rage as I stomp over towards her and grab for her hair to roughly yank her up to her feet only to brutally DRILL my left knee up into her abs. My right one still a little tender from the impact with the steel post, so I drive my left one up into her a second time. Hearing the ref from my side „Lindsay, watch the hair!“ And I turn my head towards him, a smile across my lips again. „Okay! Thanks for the warning!“ giving him the cutest of looks my bruised face can come up with before my face turns to pure rage again when glaring at the bent over Sadie.

„I've had it with you! With your cheating, with your scratching, with your...EVERYTHING!“ I scream before stepping to her side. My right arm wraps around her waist and I quickly lift her up at my side. Carrying my opponent around a bit before dropping down to my left knee hard. Drilling her spine across my back for a backbreaker. With a loud grunt of effort I straighten up again before dropping once more with another backbreaker. Taking a few deep breaths before I straighten up again, take a few steps before hopping up, legs out in front of me as I drop down to my ass and slam her down back first to the canvas with a Sidewalk Slam that rattles the boards.

Pushing back up to my feet, shaking out my right leg a bit before throwing my arms out at my sides, roaring out loudly as the crowd cheers.

LvK: Wow, she's fired up!

RP: She's a nutcase! Sweet in the one, crazy in the next second!

Big E: She's embracing the hate. Using her anger as catalyst to create new strength.

LvK & RP: *silence as they just glare at Big E*

Sadie's arching on the canvas. That little body of hers squirming on the canvas as she moans in pain. „This is over!“ I yell, then bend over and reach under Sadie's arms to get her up to her feet. „You hear me, Miss Cheats-a-lot? This. Is. OVER!“ I growl  and take the chin of my swaying opponent with my left hand, leaning in closer, I open my mouth, lean closer and give her a long, loud hiss in the face, like a Dragon spitting fire. After that I back up a bit before throwing my right arm out. Hand goes to Sadie's forehead and I start to squeeze her skull with my hand in my Dragon Claw!

Hearing her scream out in pain as I lock in my trademark finisher. Crushing my poor victim's head with my Iron Claw. She waves her arms, tugs at my wrist, screams for a „Timeout!!“ Which is, of course, ignored by the referee because there's no such thing in pro wrestling! So she keeps flailing, and flailing until she 'accidentally' smacks the ref in the face. „Huh?“ I gasp and turn over to look at him. The poor guy's taking all sorts of abuse in this match and „AAAAAAOOOWWWWW!“ I cry out as the little girl uses the ref's distracted state to deliver a short kick between my legs.

With me bent over and moaning, the crowd booing, and the ref getting back to action, the smaller girl takes off into the ropes. Looking to use this chance as she comes running back in towards me and leaps for a Hurricanrana...only to be intercepted! Her legs over my shoulders, arms wrap around her waist. I stagger back a bit before re-gaining my footing again, and with Sadie panicking on my shoulders, I turn and run for the closest corner before just THROWING her down hard, back first into the corner turnbuckles with my Bucklebomb!

Big E: This Campbell girl is brutal! Poor Sadie gets tossed like a salad.

RP: She's crazy! Look!! She's obviously fingering herself here!!

LvK: Are you....WHAT?! She got kicked down there!!

RP: Really? Hm...well, great! That's just great! Thanks for destroying that fantasy!

One hand between my legs, still hurting after that low-blow I just took from Sadie, but luckily my rage helped me recover in time to toss the little girl around the ring and into the corner. The ropes are still shaking after that impact. The ref comes over, seeing me with my hand down there he asks if everything's alright. Giving him a little nod. „No worries“ Before turning back to Sadie who's struggling to get back to her feet in the corner. But a few steps towards her, the ref steps between us, holding me back.

„She's in the corner! Stay back, Campbell.“ „Grrrrr“ growling as I look over his shoulder, bumping my chest against him a few times, wanting to just rip that little girl apart. But the good girl in me wins again and I step back to the middle of the ring. Licking across my lips as I wait. I adjust my hairband, tuck my hair back behind my ears, out of my face as I wait for her to get up. Finally she does and staggers along the ropes. Looking at the ref for a moment as he tells us to „Wrestle!“ again, and as he does I'm underway.

Running across the ring towards Sadie who's stumbling along the ropes. Usually I do this with my opponent running as well, but this should do it against a girl in Sadie's current state (and weight). Charging towards her, I lower my right shoulder and push off my feet. Just launching myself towards her chest and shoulder. Putting my entire body into this move as I look to slam into the poor little girl with my Buckeye Bodycheck.


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Re: FTW Fury, episode 1 (Pro Wrestling Federation RP)
« Reply #36 on: July 27, 2014, 08:47:05 PM »
llWhispering to myself that “I got this, I got this” as I come rushing towards Sadie like a stampede! But as she ducks. “OHHHHHHH SHIT I DON'T!!” I cry out as I go flying through the air and collide with the table. And after that I don't even get to catch my bearings when that little girl comes flying into me and we topple over the announce table! In my dizzy, breathless state I just throw my arms at anything that moves.

LvK: Watch out! Don't let the Dragon claw you!

RP: Wanna swap places?

Their jaws just drop further as they see the sexy little Sadie start to smother me against her chest. My face buried between her covered breasts as I gasp for air and squirm weakly underneath her. The ref doesn't see anything as we're laying behind the table. He's just looking out with a lightly worried look on his face. Girls? Are you alright? ... Hello?

But I fight my way out! Starting to squirm harder, throwing some punches into Sadie until I'm having my face smashed in by a *BEEP*ing can of diet coke! Oh wait...nobody's saying this, right? So there's no censorship! So I can actually...let me re-write...AHEM
But I fight my way out! Starting to squirm harder, throwing some punches into Sadie until I'm having my face smashed in by a FUCKING can of diet coke! After that I'm not really sure what really happened.

As the ref's screaming at the two of us to get back into the ring, I'm starting to get my bearings back and feel myself in position to be force-fed concrete thanks to Sadie's “Schoolgirl Crush”. My eyes closed, trying to catch my breath as I feel her pull feet just barely leave the ground. I'm set down again and once more she tries, but....again the little girl can't lift me! The punishment she took and the weight difference not letting her get me up for her finisher.

LvK: She's looking to put Lindsay away, but she just can't get her up!

Big E: Sadie may have bitten off a bit more than she can chew here.

RP: Come on Sadie! You can do it! LOSE SOME WEIGHT, CAMPBELL!

“WHAT WAS THAT?!” I yell after hearing Rick's words, the announce table is just a few feet away from us after all. My eyes open and light up with rage, parts from the announcer's comment, but mostly from the embarrassing smother and the blows I took with that coke can! I bring my right arm out and THROW it back harshly. Drilling my elbow into her abs again and again. Feeling the grip loosen with each blow I put into Sadie's body.

Her arm slides from around my neck and head as I straighten up and hook her arm with mine before taking her up and over my hip with a big Hip Toss. Slamming her back first down into the concrete. The crowd's on their feet, cheering loudly as Sadie arches her back in agony before sitting up. I just throw my right leg forward, smacking it right across her back with a harsh punt-like kick that makes her scream and drop back down to the ground.

I take that kick as my first step towards the announcers' table, smacking my hands down on it and giving Rick a look that could kill (especially someone with heart issues). “Take. That. Back!” Staring into his eyes like a madwoman, breathing hard and my hair's half fallen over my face. The three are silent, and after a few seconds I see his eyes actually drift down towards my heaving chest. He's...staring into my cleavage?! I smack the table again “HEY!! UP HERE!! TAKE IT BACK!” His eyes shoot back up into mine, he nods a bit before stammering “Y...yes, Ma'am. I'm sorry Ma'am!” “Good boy!” I growl and then hear another sound I don't like

“TWO! ….. THREE!”

Damn it, the ref started the count out! I gotta finish this girl! I swipe my arms over the table again, clearing it off anything that could get in the way for what I'm planning to do to teach this little cheating brat a lesson!

“Come on! Get back in the ring!” I hear from the ref as I turn around, smiling up at him and giving him a little nod “One second!!”

RP (whispers): What a nutcase! Now I know why Ohio is the Buckeye State. Bunch of nuts!

Turned towards the ring, I see Sadie getting back up to her feet. “Oh no, Missy” I growl and once she stands I charge into her and throw my right leg up. Just PLANTING the sole of my boot right across her face with a Running Big Boot that turns her upside down, inside out, and any other way there is. She lands chest first on the floor, barely moving as I take a few deep breaths.

“FOUR! ….. FIVE!”

“Okay, okay! Slow down juuuuust a bit maybe?” I gasp at the ref as I look to get a moment to catch my breath before I turn again and grab for Sadie's hair. She hasn't moved since my boot knocked her head off her shoulders. But who can blame her for that? It's not easy to move when your pretty head is somewhere in the fifth row.

Dragging her up to her feet in front of me, my left hand goes through my hair, brushing it out of my face and back over my shoulders as I lean closer towards Sadie and whisper “Time for the punishment cheaters like you deserve”

And right after that whisper I place my right hand on her throat, squeezing it in a blatant choke as my left hand tosses her right arm over my shoulder before I grab for the side of her bikini bottoms.


I hear from the ring behind me as step closer and closer towards the announce table. “Time to go for a ride” I hiss at the motionless girl who's gagging in my grip as I set her up for my “Blue Flash” Chokeslam, intending to send the little girl crashing right through that table.


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Re: FTW Fury, episode 1 (Pro Wrestling Federation RP)
« Reply #37 on: July 28, 2014, 01:44:26 AM »
Watching the carnage unfold outside the ring as Sadie is taking a beating by Lindsay. I ain't joking when I said Sadie bitten more than she can chew! And after that boot right to the face....well let's say she ain't gonna chew for a while. 

The taller girl suddenly pulls Sadie up to her feet. After that boot that took her head off, she ain't moving a inch. The ref counting closer to 10, looking a little nervous as She is about to send Sadie to her grave

"Dammit! Sadie is in trouble! She ain't gonna survive after that! What could I do? What can I do?

What would Brian Botanio do!?!?"

Suddenly, Devil Me appears, sitting on my left shoulder. Apparently wearing a red bandana on his forehead, a White T-Shirt that reaches mid thigh level and some jeans, which are clearly balancing. Completed with some White Nike Air Forces.

DM: Hey! What the hell are you doing man? You gonna let that blonde ho ruin your chances of getting laid for once?

Then, Good Me appears on my right shoulder, different kind of clothing. White suit, shirt, tie and shoes #allwhiteeverything is apparently his thing.

GM: No! Don't go out of your way to help this silly little girl! Remember why you came here for. And it's certainly not to help that child.

DM: You for real?? When is the next time a girl like that is gonna come up to him for a good time? We've all seen his girl!

GM: That's besides the point! At least he has one!

DM: Think about this. Anything he wants. ANYTHING. And I definitely would not mind *BLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP*

GM: Oh come on! Have some decency!

DM: Hey! When somebody is gonna reward me like that, I would do anything! Go on Eddie! Tear dat *BLEEP* up!

While the two midgets have their conversation, Lindsay lifts Sadie up, walking towards the table and instantly, I have to think fast! 

"Woah, Woah, Woah guys! Watch out!" I say to Larry and Richard as she is about to slam her to the table. All three of us move and clear out of the way. I then suddenly have an idea.

"Wait! Not my water!" I shout out to Lindsay before reaching for the glass of water. Grabbing it with my right hand and taking it. Taking a step back, I turn my foot sideways so that it's on the right edge of the shoe. "It's ok, go on ahe-"

My speech is then cut short as I suddenly stumble, falling backwards. "*BLEEP!!*" Trying to make it look good before I 'accidentally' throw water at you, the fall masking my true intention, looking to get some of it at your face.


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Re: FTW Fury, episode 1 (Pro Wrestling Federation RP)
« Reply #38 on: July 29, 2014, 06:58:58 AM »
Well, that ain't right. Not at all!

The conclusion of Fury's main event between the gorgeous Dragon and that sexy lil' spitfire Sadie is playing out on the monitor in my dressing room, but no one's in the room to watch those concluding moments. The room's empty cause I just rushed outta there, looking none too pleased as I storm down the backstage corridors, ring crew workers and officials alike zipping frightfully outta my way!

I may look ready for a night out, having changed out of my silver ring gear into a leopard print minidress that hugs my shapely figure, black nylons and ankle-length boots. But the expression on my face suggests otherwise. After what I just saw celebrating is the LAST thing on my mind! That was one helluva fight that Lindsay should have won, but Sadie's blatant cheating ruined that. How could the ref NOT see what was happening? It blows my mind, Eddy CLEARLY was stopping Lindsay from re-entering the ring, and yet the ref continued counting?! The hell is that nonsense!? Well, I can't just sit back there and do nothing about this!

I surprise the crew members huddled around the gorilla position, my abrupt appearance causing them to stumble over themselves as I brush by them. One tries to ask me what I'm doing but I cut him off with a menacing glare as I move through the curtains, causing him to gulp loudly rather than finish his sentence. Like a bolt of silver I storm through the curtains, striding forward with my glaring eyes directed to the ring. My music hasn't even played and I arrive to no fanfare. It takes the fans a few moments to realize I even appeared at the top of the ramp, their boos and angered voices swiftly turning to surprised cheers as they spot me striding toward the ring. I slide in smoothly under the bottom rope and stomp toward the ref, who's still raising Sadie's arm in the air.

"Now hold on one goddamn minute!" I yell out angrily as I grab the ref's shoulder and spin him around. He spins wildly on his heels with a look of shock and confusion exploding across on his face, barely able to utter a response before I start yelling at him.

"This ain't right! That right there that just happened, that was no accident--he SPLASHED his drink right into Lindsay's face! Yes, he did it intentionally!  Ya can't honestly tell me ya didn't see what ALL OF US--" I wave my arm in the air in a wide arc, signalling the fans who roar in unison, "--just witnessed. He STOPPED Lindsay from getting into the ring. Yes! It was on purpose! Eddy interfered on the kid's behalf!"

I shoot a glance at Sadie, who's kneeling beside us and looking real banged up. The kid barely even acknowledged I've entered the ring, she's swaying on her knees glancing woozily out to ringside at a still shocked and enraged Lindsay.  I turn back to the ref and the fierce glare I shoot at him cuts off whatever reply he was preparing for me.

"He was helping her. Yes, HELPING her! Gawd, how in the world could ya NOT have seen that! Ya oughta reverse that call, cause that's just one big ol' stinkin' load of bull!"
« Last Edit: July 29, 2014, 07:03:48 AM by BustyTiffany35 »


Online Callista

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Re: FTW Fury, episode 1 (Pro Wrestling Federation RP)
« Reply #39 on: July 29, 2014, 07:26:37 AM »
LvK: Lindsay's getting in the ring...and Sadie's getting right out of there!

RP: What is that crazy woman doing? The match is over!

LvK: It shouldn't be, though....and here's someone else who agrees!

RP: What's SHE doing out here?

LvK: Tiffany and Lindsay both giving the ref an earful-

RP: -and me an eyeful!-

LvK: -over a decision they obviously disagree with.

RP: Tiffany has no reason to be out here right now. She doesn't even have a last name!

LvK: ...what possible relevance...never mind, folks, we're out of time here, but we can promise you more great action on the next broadcast of FTW Fury! Good night!

*fade to black screen with the FTW logo visible*


"Is your dog on fire?..."
« Last Edit: July 29, 2014, 07:27:07 AM by Callista »