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Story: Naya's Blue Jeans

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Offline Raccoon

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Story: Naya's Blue Jeans
« on: August 05, 2014, 05:19:31 PM »
This is my first story on this board.

It is part of a looooong epic Survival of the Weakest story I've been writing for a year and a half now. This has actually nothing to do with the main story; it was inspired by a photo of Naya Rivera's butt in blue jeans (see attachments).

The story has six endings. The idea is that you start from the beginning and move onward as instructed. A red Ω means that the story ended. Remember that the first option you pick and the first ending you reach is what really happened.

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Naya's Blue Jeans
Naya Rivera had just parked her house-sized car on the parking lot. She was returning to the hotel after taking some time off from the tournament.

As it happened someone else was just walking to her car. "Holy shit!" the girl gasped when she saw Naya slip out of the car. The cause of her excitement was the Latina's jeans clad butt that looked amazing.

Go to 1. Arrow Through the Heart, or
Go to 8. Gleefully Spanking, or
Go to 4. Lifeguard on Duty

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1. Arrow Through the Heart
Katie Cassidy was stunned by the sight. She didn't know Naya personally, but she had amired the beauty for a while now and had hoped for an opportunity to meet her. Naya was the only reason she had bought tickets to he Survival of  the Weakest Tournament. The sight of Naya's exquisite bottom had completely scrambled her mind. Now all that was on her mind was that butt… and the question – should she spank it or kiss it? Perhaps she should do both.

Go to 6. Bag Action
Go to 5. Forgetfulness

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2. Victory!
Dianna knew Naya well; chances were that she wouldn't let Dianna spank her. "I better forget it," She glanced at Naya's butt again, "…no, I must!" She began moving towards Naya who was looking for something in the car. "I must take her by surprise…"

Dianna was close, only the other car was between them. She increased her speed and jumped. "NAYA!" she shouted sliding over the hood.

"Huh?" Naya turned around just in time to get a pair of sneakers into her chest. "UFF!" Naya fell down and Dianna landed on top of her. Dianna didn't want to hurt Naya, so she tried to restrain her. The two Glee girls struggled on the ground, neither getting the upper hand.

After a while, the sounds of struggle abated and the fight came to an end. The outcome was no surprise; it was the same as almost every fight between the girls. The brawl had ended in a passionate kiss.

"What do we have here?" a surprised voice called out.

Naya and Dianna looked up. "Shit!" they both gasped.

"It's the lovebirds," Ariana Grande said to Victoria Justice. "Oh my! Doesn't she look hot?" Ariana said licking her lips; her eyes were glued on Naya's butt. Victoria nodded. Dianna and Victoria exchanged glances and…attacked!

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Twenty minutes later Dianna and Naya were bound and gagged in Ariana's room. Naked. Victoria was now wearing Naya's new jeans… Naya's only consolation was that they looked incredibly sexy on Victoria! 

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3. Reflections
Just as she was to attack Naya turned around and punched Alexandra in the nose! "Trying to sneak up on me – with this many reflective surfaces?" Naya said as the Baywatch girl fell down on her back. "Stupid bitch!" she said to the stunned girl and just for measure kicked her between her legs. "Alexandra fucking Paul – didn't you learn anything when I beat you the last time? I did learn something…that you're a coward and a weakling!" Naya grabbed Alexandra's hair and pulled her up on her feet and propped her against the side of the car.

Alexandra's head was spinning, but she was enough aware to be amazed at the ease Naya was moving her around. When she could focus her eyes she was looking straight into Naya's beautiful face. She could feel the strength in Naya's arm that was keeping her against the car. She was starting to regret things…

"Next time, when a Baywatch girl attacks me, I hope it's someone else. Don't get me wrong you're cute and all, but you're just no match for me!" She fisted her hand and punched Alexandra's gut; once was enough. She let go and Alexandra slid down to the ground. "Yeah, I want to fight Carmen Electra or Pam Anderson, not a wimp like you!" Naya wasn't done yet; she pulled Alexandra up on her knees and placed her head between her thighs.

Alexandra whimpered; she tried to pry the legs apart, but Naya's legs were strong as steel. "Nighty nigh," Naya said and began squeezing. Within moments Alexandra passed out.

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Twenty minutes later, Alexandra was found on the parking lot. Completely naked and bound to lamppost. 

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4. Lifeguard on Duty
Alexandra Paul could not tear her eyes away from Naya's ass. "I gotta have those jeans!" she thought, her jaw almost touching the ground. "It's only fair…she took my sneakers," Alexandra recalled their encounter a month ago. She looked around – the parking lot was deserted. She grinned; "No one will know…" she thought and stealthily moved closer.

Go to 3. Reflections

Go to 9. Slam

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5. Forgetfulness
Katie didn't know what to do – on one hand even the thought was ridiculous, on the other hand…that ass was unfuckinbeliavable! Her mind was set. There was no time to lose; she looked around – the parking lot was empty. "I hope I'm not going to regret this…" Quickly, but stealthily, she ran towards Naya. She knew Naya's reputation as a strong fighter…but she was confident in her own martial arts skills she had had to learn for her role in Arrow. Besides, she couldn't resist the call of the ass!

Katie grabbed Naya's shoulder and turned her around, at the same time she threw a punch with her other hand. Her fist hit Naya's jaw – Naya stumbled back and Katie followed. Katie grabbed Naya's throat with her left and punched with her right. Then Katie screamed! Her hand had connected with Naya's abs…and it had felt like hitting a stone wall!

"Who the fuck are you?" Naya asked as she easily removed Katie's hand from her throat.

Katie held her hurt hand and backed away, "Sorry! A misunderstanding!" She tried to turn around, but Naya stopped her.

"Like I'm going to let you go after you hit me!" Naya laughed and pushed Katie against the car. She grabbed Katie's wrists and pinned her arms on her chest. "You're cute…" Katie struggled but quickly discovered that Naya truly was strong. "A misunderstanding you said… Like this?" Naya rammed her knee into Katie's stomach. "Or this? Or this? Or this?" She let go of Katie and let her fall down into a fetal position on the ground. With a final punch she knocked Katie unconscious.

Naya grabbed Katie and carried her on her shoulder into the hotel. No one asked or said anything – during the last few days the staff had seen much worse than this. Naya took Katie to her room where she tied and gagged her securely before hiding her into the closet… and forgot about her… 

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6. Bag Action
Katie was aware of Naya's reputation as a strong and tough girl so she needed something… "My bag?" she looked at her big handbag and got an idea. She quickly emptied her bag on the ground – lipstick, a brush and a myriad of other small items formed a small pile next to a car. Luckily Naya was rummaging for something in her car.

Katie tiptoes closer holding her now empty bag upside down in her hands. She got momentarily confused when Naya bent into the car, her perfect butt in all its glory thrusting towards her.

Naya straightened up, having found what she was looking for, only to get a large bag pulled over her head. Naya shrieked in surprise. Katie immediately yanked at the bags handles.  Surprised and blinded, Naya lost her balance and slammed against the side of the adjacent car. She fell down on her knees, stunned. Katie yanked another time and pulled Naya down on her back. With a series of quick punches to Naya's bag covered head knocked her unconscious.

"Yes!" She looked around making sure no one had seen the ambush – everything was cool.

Within seconds she was sitting inside Naya's car with Naya on her lap; Naya was still out cold. With trembling hands she caressed the butt. "Amazing!" Katie said amazed. She bent down rubbed her cheek against the butt before kssing it. She sighed contently. She took her brush, which she had recoverd after knocking out Naya. She grinned, "I got to do both." She slammed the brush against the firm butt.

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When Naya had regained consciousness she had found herself lying on the back seat of her own car…with a sore butt! All she could remember was that someone had attacked her… On the floor she had found a broken hairbrush.

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7. A Kiss is Just A Kiss
"Hello, Naya!" Dianna said and slapped Naya's butt with both of her hands.

"Oh, hi," Naya chirped and turned around only to find the blonde beauty standing less than an inch away from her.

Dianna smiled sweetly while her hands slid around Naya and grabbed her butt, "I couldn't help notice your new jeans…" she purred and caressed the Latina's derrièr. Their noses and lips touched as she spoke.

Naya giggled, "You like them?" She wrapped her arms around Dianna's neck and kissed her girlfriend.

"You look delicious in them!" Dianna's hands slid into Naya's back pockets. "I was thinking that I would loooove to spank you…"

Naya licked her lips, she was enjoying the touch of Dianna's gentle fingers. "You know what… I would loooove to be spanked by you…"

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Ten minutes later in Dianna's room, a bound and gagged Naya was screaming and crying as the paddle hit her butt again and again. This was not what she had wanted.

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8. Gleefully Spanking
"I… must… spank that ASS!" Dianna Agron thought. She knew Naya had gone through a lot during the tournamet, but…she just had to get her hands on that ass.

Go to 7. A Kiss is Just a Kiss
Go to 2. Victory!

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9. Slam
Just as Naya turned around, Alexandra was there! With a wild scream she grabbed the Latina's hair and slammed her head first into the adjacent car. Alexandra didn't let go of the hair, but began kneeing the stunned Latina. Alexandra's knee hit Naya repeatedly in the head and the torso; when she finally stopped Naya fell unconscious to the ground.

Alexandra breathed heavily and looked at her achievement with joy. "What a beauty," she thought, "Those jeans will look so good on me." She looked around and sighed with relief, the parking lot was still empty. She picked up Naya and entered the car. She closed the door and smiled.

A few moments later she walked towards her own car wearing a pair of too short jeans and a pair of Louboutin pumps that were too big for her. In her hand she had Naya's Hermes shoulder bag into which she had stuffed her own jeans and shoes. She was mighty pleased with herself.  Ω