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Story: Emma Watson vs. Victoria Justice

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Offline Interac

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Story: Emma Watson vs. Victoria Justice
« on: July 17, 2014, 07:22:10 PM »
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Emma Watson walked into Victoria Justice’s house and there was an arrow telling her what way to go.  She didn’t know why she was bothering with this fight.  She beat Nina Dobrev In an amazingly technical fight.  She got into a dirty disgusting fight with Miley Cyrus which she also won.  Now a fight with Victoria Justice was a bit of a step down

The arrows led her to Victoria’s bed room and she looked around there were numerous cameras to live stream the fight.  Victoria was seating on the bed and got up “Bout time”

“You truly want to fight me.”

Victoria got up she had on baggy sweat pants and a hoody.  She took off the hoody and was only with a bra on.  “Yeah I do.”

Emma shook her head, she took off her sweater and then her shirt underneath “Just remember you asked for this.”  She looked back up and was slapped in the face

“He he” Victoria laughed and Emma brought her hand up to her cheek the slap did sting.  

“You find this funny”  Emma went to slap Victoria but Vic blocked the slap moved in and shoulder threw Emma.

“Kind of yup”

Emma spun and was on her hands and knees pretended to stand up and instead grabbed Victoria’s ankles and lifted.    Emma tried to get atop a fallen Victoria Justice but Victoria kept kicking her back and pushed herself back until she had her back pressed against the bed

Emma still weary from the brawl with Miley Cyrus backed away and told Victoria to get up.  Victoria watched that fight and could see it I Emma’s eyes the fight had scarred her.  She got up and smiled “I’ve no interest in the dirt just in beating you.”

“Come and show me then.”

Victoria brought up her fists very nervous she heard when Emma stays technical she is a hard woman to fight.  Not in the class of the true elite fighters but right on the precipice.  Victoria threw a jab but that was knocked away and Emma ducked under a hook and pushed Victoria away.

“Want to see how it’s done.”

The punches Victoria threw reminded Emma of her fight with the severely outclassed and she was wondering if maybe this wasn’t just a waste of her time.  Another little girl who still thinks she is the hermoine they grew up with not Emma Watson the woman who conquered Nina Dobrev.

Emma feigned a couple jabs but got a major reaction from Victoria who nearly fell down trying to back away.  She had to hold in the laughter because she realized this was a fight she could end any moment she deemed fitting.  She didn’t know who was watching so what if it were women she thought of challenging next she had to really make a statement here.

As she closed the distance and looked at Victoria she thought of Nina, heck why wouldn’t she this little girl looked just like Nina it was like beating her rival again.  She hit a jab and bounced back and Victoria was near tears from that jab.  Maybe Nina was watching and needed to be reminded what she was capable of.

She fired off another jab and hauled it back she went to go for a hook after the jab.  Victoria actually ducked the hook and Emma’s side was wide open and got hit with three very hard punches to the ribs.  

Victoria stood up grabbed Emma by the back of the neck and did a spin so they completely switched positions.  She hit two knees to the same area she hit punches, let go and hit a straight kick that put Emma onto the bed.  

“Bet you thought I was an amateur” Victoria said and waited for Emma to seat up and when Emma did she slapped her back down.

Victoria grabbed Emma’s legs and threw them on the bed and then sat on Emma’s thighs and slapped her twice more.  She then grabbed at Emma’s shirt but Emma reached grabbed at her shirt and yanked down putting Victoria’s body off the foot of the bed.  Emma said while she spun to her hip “Want me to take you seriously, fine”

Victoria spun to her back and got her legs up to her chest and pushed Emma’s ribs, she then twisted and rolled her body until she was away from emma on her stomach.  She popped up and the two women were on their knees wrestling around on the bed trying to get behind the other.

It was fast and furious case of athleticism between both 90s born actresses and Victoria got ahold of one of Emma’s arms and dropped to her hip and flipped Emma off the bed.  

Emma Watson was on the ground frustrated it was like Victoria had her completely scouted.  She stood up expecting Victoria to be on her but she was still on the bed and threw a blanket at Emma.  Before Emma could throw the blanket off her arms got trapped and Victoria pushed her into a wall and started hitting punches to Emma’s stomach

Emma couldn’t see but sensed Victoria was close enough and threw her head forward and got Victoria in the ear.  That backed Victoria up and gave Emma the chance to escape from the blanket.  She went to say something to Victoria but got avalanched in the wall as Justice took a quick stride and jumped and splashed Emma.

Victoria was back on her feet and pressed her forearm against Emma’s chest and unbuttoned and unzipped Emma’s pants.  Emma was shocked and grabbed Victoria’s wrist which was at her chest and twisted Justices arm and was able to hammerlock her she gave that a yank then turned the arm again getting Victoria in front of her she hauled her forward and hit two lightning fast right handed forehanded backhanded slaps

She followed that up with a drop toehold and spun to get a front headlock on Victoria Justice.

Again she was quickly countered as Justice grabbed her wrists straightened one arm spun out then twirled onto Emma’s back gave her a couple slaps to the ears then spun back and got into a crouch grabbed at Emma’s shirt.  Victoria stood up and removed the shirt from Emma Watson.
Emma exploded up to her feet getting her shoulder into Victoria’s stomach head underneath the arm pit she lifted Justice up and ran with her and threw Victoria Justice into a wall.  “You lousy…”  She was losing her cool but Victoria had seemed one step ahead of her this entire fight.

She stood up straight firing off slaps while keeping her eyes close.  She opened her eyes and some had hit flush with Justice but Victoria was covering up.  Emma took a deep breath and hit a right to Victoria’s ribs then a left

Emma came up with a hook but Victoria kept her guard up blocked the punch and countered with a left slap and a right knee which got Emma in the ribs.  Emma gasped from the knee and Victoria grabbed the hugely popular actress turned her around on the wall and hit three hard punches to the stomach.

Emma groaned and tied up Victoria’s arms in a boxers clench “Who trained you for this” She said then they exchanged right knees to the left rib.

“Who trained you?” Emma said again this time it got a giggle so Emma stomped Victoria’s foot and that was something she wasn’t expecting.

Emma changed her tactic and hauled Victoria’s shirt over her head in a hockey fight move and hit two uppercuts unsure of where they connected then a elbow to Victoria’s shoulder.  Emma got her arms around Vic’s waist and lifted the brunette up onto her shoulder.  Victoria wiggled around and dropped to the floor

Shirt completely off Victoria could feel the air conditioning in the room on her bareskin and it excited her.  She was prepared for that move like she was prepared for so many of the moves.  Emma was still quicker then she thought she knew Emma was the stronger of the two.  But the speed Emma Watson possessed she had trouble with no matter how well prepared she was.  

Emma was so quick in fact she had turned and grabbed Victoria by the shoulders and pushed her hard into the wall.  “Nice escape Disney, now tell me who told you how to do it?”

“Same person who said” Victoria brought her back heel up and it got Emma between the legs.  Vic  spun around as Emma was stepping back.  She looked at Emma Watson who had her hands wedged between her thighs

She hit a clubbing forearm to Emma’s shoulders and then slammed her into a wall “If someone did train me what if they asked me to find out how many” Victoria hit two knees to Emma’s stomach and stood back.  Emma did fall forward face first into Victoria’s legs.  Victoria’s sweat pants easily came off and she didn’t fight it.

Victoria grabbed her sweat pants and stood behind Emma and got her pants around Emma’s throat then twisted them and started walking Emma towards the bed like a dog on a leash.  She got to the edge of the bed and kicked Emma twice in the ribs.  She then jumped up and came down hitting a double ax handle to Emma Watson’s spine putting her flat on the ground

She rubbed emma’s face into the ground then stood up and grabbed Emma by the panties and lifted her up as well.  Victoria jumped up on the bed on her knees with Emma’s head between her legs.  She reached for Emma’s tits and her phone gave a strange ring so she went and got her arms around Emma’s ribs and stood up on her bed lifting Emma up enough she then leaped off the bed and hit a body splat version of the piledriver.  It was similar to the Styles Clash or

This fight was just about over and Emma Watson was paying dearly for taking this fight so lightly.  As she was thrown on the bed again she got out “Who”

Victoria got on the bed and hit two knees between Emma’s legs “That’s for Lily Collins”

Victoria then got to the head of the bed and grabbed Emma by the hair and put her in a head scissors “Yeah Emma I was trained and she told me to finish you like this.”

Victorias phone had once again gone off and it was for a Facetime convo.  She squeezed Emma a little more “Let’s talk to my trainer shall we”

Victoria answered the face time and put it in front of Emma’s purpling face “That is how I viewed it all along you know when I said I’d beat you with a scissor.”

Emma opened her eyes and a fear greater almost as great as losing this fight took place she looked at Nina Dobrev.  “Why?”

“Because your ego is out of control and while I like you I know how to beat you.  I taught Victoria those lessons because she is what you used to be.  In three years she’ll be the best and you have to beat her now.  SQUEEZE”

Victoria squeezed and Emma started crying.  “Emma…. Emma…” Nina said “When you go back to England you can’t hide from what Victoria did to you.  This was broadcast to millions of people and the only ones who know it was me training Victoria SPECIFICALLY to beat you.”

Facetime chat was over and Victoria squeezed Emma’s head more “Tap out and I’ll let you leave.  Pass out and I’ll do stuff to you.”

Victoria didn’t know what stuff meant and Emma didn’t want to the American bitch to learn stuff on her so she tapped out.  Emma Watson could barely stand and was crawling out when Victoria gave her the clothes that were lost in the fight.

“I know some like souvenirs but I just wanted to beat you.”

Emma looked up and thanked Victoria.  She was in her car ten minutes later she lost, she was embarrassed that everyone knew.  She knew a rematch was in order with Nina Dobrev but she had to get some level of her reputation back.  So she texted someone “I’m going to fight in the Pit”

(Upcoming: Janet Montgomery vs. Aubrey Plaza; Camilla Belle vs. Emmy Rossum; WBACCF 12; Post fight WBACCF fight)
« Last Edit: July 17, 2014, 07:23:19 PM by Interac »


Offline sinclairfan

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Re: Story: Emma Watson vs. Victoria Justice
« Reply #1 on: July 17, 2014, 08:42:32 PM »
Meh.....not sure I like the set-up angle.


Offline ValGlorious

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Re: Story: Emma Watson vs. Victoria Justice
« Reply #2 on: July 17, 2014, 09:37:27 PM »
Nicely done.   :)


Offline Sandman13

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Re: Story: Emma Watson vs. Victoria Justice
« Reply #3 on: August 07, 2014, 04:32:47 PM »
I was pulling for Emma but it was a well-written story. Thanks!