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A sex fight in Prague

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Offline Maura

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A sex fight in Prague
« on: March 19, 2010, 09:23:57 PM »

Comments will be welcome


My girl friend and I were visiting the beautiful city of Prague, enjoying the views, the people, the food. One of the most beautiful cities in Europe.

After a full touring day, we were at the Hotel bar, enjoying a strong and well deserved drink. After a time, I realized across to our table a mature beautiful redhead woman alone in another table, great legs crossed, showing a lot of flesh and clearly trying to get my g/f attention. I was beginning to get a little upset when the waiter came and said: “That lady there invites you to another drink. Her name is Ms. Slezak, a regular customer”. My g/f, smiling, nodded in direction of the lady and signaled her to join us. I was not thrilled with the idea but I thought it was nice of her to invite a couple of foreigners. When she came and gave us her hand I could notice she had a fantastic figure and a very scented body, a feminine aroma mix of natural body smells and expensive perfume. It was arousing though I was not happy that all her attention was devoted to my g/f. Her body language was definitely on the way to arouse my g/f... her visible boobs centimeters from C’s face, her hand caressing her face when I exploded: “Stop that game, Ms. Slezak or whatever your name is. You are going too far”. Apparently innocent smile when she said: “Far about what, Maura? Oh, as I said my name is Martha”. “Well, C is my long time and loving g/f and we haven’t came here to leave a Czech elegant slut get under her panties”. Her smile got cold: “Are you calling me slut, bitch?”. “Yes I am, since you are acting like one. You inviting us to a drink doesn’t give you the right to flirt with my lover”. Our noses were millimeters from the other and I could smell her own arousal. I was fighting between the desire of beating her face and the lust of kissing her full lips. “There is a way to solve this little discrepancy, dear”, she almost spitted on my face. “If you are woman enough”, she added standing up. I stood up to and we confronted each other… nostrils flaring, eyes staring, nipples almost touching, animal smells… “I am a better woman than you, slut”, I hissed. “As I said, there is a way to prove it”, said the Czech. 

In that moment, C intervened: “Hey, darling, stop it. Listen Martha, I am in love with Maura and I don’t want problems. Le’s have our drink and enjoy the evening, ok?”. We didn’t pay any attention to her. We were already too hot and intent. “It is ok, darling, let me set things out with this slut who thinks being in her country gives her a right over us. Where do you suggest we discuss this matter and how, Martha?”, I said. “What about your room, woman to woman?”, Martha hissed. We were breathing into each other, perspiring already from the arousal, two females in heat and wanting to dominate the other.

We got into the elevator close to each other, eyes locked in hate and at the same time admiration and lust. In the room, C. served drinks from the mini bar. “Well, at least you will keep some rules, will you?”, asked a very nervous C. “Rules? Anything goes”, said the Czech. “I agree”, I said starting to undress. “Oh, my! You got really hot with each other”, groaned my g/f.

I admired the body of my opponent. She should be in her fifties but she had firm big boobs, flat belly and strong thighs, besides a glorious mound with a full red bush. She was looking also at my body, as fit as hers, with lusty admiration. In a moment we were bear hugging each other, tits smashed, nipples hard and rubbing, nails raking our backs and both moaning and groaning as we started biting our necks brutally. We were hurting each other but at the same time I could feel the smells of arousal and the wetness of our bushes. We were two sexy women fighting for dominance, physical and sexual. We fell rolling on the floor,  still biting, soon sweating, as our thighs rubbed our pussies. I screamed when I felt her teeth on my neck and I bit her neck too until I felt the taste of her blood. Our tits were pressing the other, swelling and trying to shrink the other’s nipples. Suddenly, our mouths red with blood closed in a ferocious kiss and bite, exchanging our saliva and blood taste. My thigh started rubbing hard her cxnt and she pressed her thigh on mine, our clits swollen, our bushes wet and tangled. We started simultaneously scratching our big tits, leaving redish marks and grunting of pain, but feeling at the same time the sexual arousal increasing.

We pushed the other apart, since we both had tears in our eyes of the tits mauling, and stood up looking at each other. It was then when I realized C. was naked, sitting on an armchair, legs open and fingering herself in pure lust… She looked at us, surprised we have stopped. But we hadn’t. We attacked each other again, claws ready, slamming our boobs together and grunting at the impact while our hands grabbed our asses an started scratching and raking again as we closed our mouths in another ferocious kiss. Martha’s tongue was deep in my mouth, trying to gag me, literally fucking my mouth, when I slid my hand to her bush and pulled. She stopped the kiss to scream when I pulled off a tuff of hairs from her mound. She tried to do the same in mine but I pushed a thigh between her legs and up her crotch and she screamed again. This time we fell on the bed, where our thighs rubbed our cxnts hard, as we continued clawing our nails on our butts, and started kissing again. I realized my arousal had reached its peak and nothing would stop my imminent orgasm. I thought “shit, I am losing”.  However, in the moment my cxnt started gushing and my body contracting, I feel Martha’s body spasm powerfully and her squirt mixed with mine exactly in the same second. The battle was still open.

We stood up again, looked at each other and asked C. for another drink. She was sweaty and smelly, she had cum and juices slid down her thighs. While serving is, she said: “I knew Maura was the hottest woman I ever met, but you seem to be close to her”. Martha drank from her glass and smiled: “I am hotter, sweetie, you will see at the end. Though I accept that your bitch is very sexy”.

We decided to fight only with the mouths in the next round. A battle of hot tongues. Embracing hard, inevitably rubbing our nipples, we kissed, our tongues like darts in each other’s mouths, sucking, salivating, moaning, tasting, trying to choke the other. Our nostrils flared with the sex and sweat smells. We coughed several times and after a lot of pushing and pulling she choked noisily and was almost throwing up when I pulled my tongue off her mouth and separated with a smile.

She was red of rage and the choke and spitted: “Pig, you were lucky, we will see what you can do against my bigger boobs”. She said that and stepped in, slamming her boobs on mine brutally. I was surprised and hurt, realizing she didn’t like to lose and she was coming with all. I slam mine back on hers, and she groaned too. We grabbed our hairs and started a brutal battle of tits, attacking the nipples, rubbing and slamming, grunting of pain and moaning of animal pleasure, aroused in spite of the pain. Our cxnts were juicy and smelly again, as our bodies were sweating copiously, especially armpits, tits and groin. We pulled our hairs, making tears appear in our eyes as we continue slamming and grinding our big boobs. Little by little I felt myself pushed to the wall, her slightly bigger boobs slamming harder. I tried to resist, but finally she locked me to the wall, pressing hard and kissed me with lips and tongue, then said: “See? I am better”. I pushed her back and hissed: “No, only your tits are harder. My mouth won yours and my cxnt is much better than yours, and that is what counts more”.

C. seemed to have cum again and she got up to refresh our drinks. We drank, challenging each other with our eyes, bodies just grazing, our nostrils filling with the other’s musky odor, the hate disappeared, leaving only the lust and the desire to fuck and win. C, kissed both in the mouth, whispered in my ear “luck” and went to her armchair with a dildo in her hand. Martha and I sat on the bed, crossed thighs and kissed deep. Then, remembering how she had done with her boobs, I slammed suddenly my hairy cxnt on hers. She screamed and grunted but slammed hers on mine and for a short time we started slamming pussies into each other. Then, as our clits protruded swollen and hard we started rubbing them, like swords, as we pressed and ground our fat cxnt lips, fucking expertly, as our bodies sweat again, our boobs rubbed slippery… We could hear C.’s groans as she masturbated, her eyes transfixed in our fucking pussies, but we were groaning also, our fuck fight so intense. We were both very smelly and juicy, oozing from our slits, eyes locked, no more animosity, only lust as we moved our hips expertly, slamming and rubbing alternatively, two hot pussies, two horny bitches fighting for maximum pleasure. I knew she was one of the sexiest women I met and thought how good it would be a long night of just fucking with her. But I wanted to make her cum, to tell her I was better, to somehow humiliate that proud beautiful bitch…

Little by little, second by second, she started backing down slightly, her grinding faster and less controlled. I pushed, ground harder, and she started to slide her butt on the  bed until she suddenly screamed, her body arched and she squirted strongly cum and pee on my belly. I continued fucking her until she got limp on her back, then I stopped and said “Now, who is the best cxnt?”. She was still gushing and panting when she finally whispered: “You won, bitch, yours is better”. Then I got on my knees, straddled her face, rubbed my hairy pussy and cum in a few minutes with her tongue deep inside.

Then I stood up on the bed, peed on her tits and body and said: “Well, you wanted my woman, you will have her”. I looked at C. who had cum at least another time and said. “Come here darling, give her your juices to taste as I lick her whorish cxnt”.

Martha was submitted. Superfluous to tell all that followed. It was a very sexual night.


Offline ladyboyTam

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Re: A sex fight in Prague
« Reply #1 on: March 20, 2010, 01:23:25 AM »
Good job Maura...thank you for taking the time to write and post. Your grammar seems poor, but your spelling is excellent. If you are not an English first person, you did an outstanding job of describing what occurred.
Thank you again.
And post again.


Offline martha

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Re: A sex fight in Prague
« Reply #2 on: March 21, 2010, 11:15:07 AM »
Hello Maura, thanks for writing this story, yes you are won, but after hard and rouch fight, congratulations


Offline Boche

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Re: A sex fight in Prague
« Reply #3 on: March 21, 2010, 09:21:40 PM »
Great story Maura, thank you very much and congratulatios.  was a hard to win fight.