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Watching my Partner get Destroyed 87 - Mega Event Road

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Offline LoveSexyJobbers

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Watching my Partner get Destroyed 87 - Mega Event Road
« on: October 04, 2014, 03:45:07 AM »
Hello all , it's Otto of course as we have reached our final night here in Manchester , England where tonight in our PPV , the UK fans will be getting pure SWF actin as tonight , Jule & Zule , German Muscle will defend the Tag Titles against Marianna & Michelle Martini while Polish Power will be defending the Women's Title against Nicola Ferrari , who has not fared well against Jule , Zule , & Monster Nakano , but has fared well in dark matches & speaking of dark matches , the ladies had the stage in dark matches earlier as Monster Nakno just annihalted 2 english cuties , Valerie Olarte defeated her opponent , & UK legend , Klondyke Kate , had the crowd on her side despite being the heel as like Monster Nakano in her match , Klondyke Kate made mincemeat out of our own Swedish Bombshells , ending it by slamming them on each other & with them in a " X position piled onto each other & with their shoulders down , the legend bonsai dropped onto both for the double pin .

Here comes the Martini cousins to a great reception , both Marianna & Michelle has fared well here in most of their matches , just not against Jule & Zule although Marianna was involved in the 1 upset victory over German Muscle , the only loss German Muscle has been dealt , but she paid dearly as revenge was sweet for Jule & Zule & although time has passed & both Marianna & Michelle have improved , they will still have their work cut out for them & they are showing their gained experience right now as they are half smiling while meeting the crowd while also keeping their eyes & ears open for a possible sneak attack from Jule & Zule who have been prone to getting an extra upper hand from time to time since like almost always , the match has no rules , but with them on alert , they are able to complete their fan visit & enter the ring with no sign of Jule & Zule who come out normally & walk to the ring , taunting those who boo them & acknowledging their fan club who are backing them for another dominant performance .

As Jule & Zule enter the ring , the Martini twosome are stretching , those long legs of theirs enticing all in the crowd & entices as it seems Jule & Zule as well who charge at the italian sexpots only to get drop toe held to the mat where Michelle & Marianna follow up with forearms to the back of the heads of Jule & Zule , nothing that could hurt them , but it looks like it was truly annoying & served to make Jule & Zule a bit more angry & as Jule & Zule slam their hands on the mat in frustration , Mariana & Michelle move away & egg the crowd on as they strut their legs for them with huge smiles , which as far as I am concerned , may not be so when this is over or even shortly , but Jule & Zule charge at the cousins again only to be drop toe held again to the mat & get hit by another follow up forearm smash to the backs of their heads & this time , Jule & Zule roll out of the ring even more angry to collect themselves .

Jule & Zule are engaged with members of the crowd who are not on their side as Marianna & Michelle don't feel like waiting & charge their way & do suicide dives out of the ring towards the turning twins , but there was 1 thing wrong with the plan , Jule & Zule happened to be able to see the jumbo tron on the stage showing Marianna & Michelle coming at them & Jule & Zule were able to sell their knowledge awesomely as they move out of the way at the last moment & the Mrtini ladies both crash & burn hard onto the floor where Jule & Zule without delay follow up by bodyslamming Marianna & Michelle front first back down against the hard floor & it seems like the Martini girls are aain in deep trouble as Jule & Zule yank them up & with Marianna & Michelle holding at thier mids , Jule & Zule make sure to make them hold them even tighter in pain as they suplex them front first down right onto the steel guardrail & then take the boots to thei mids as they land back down , stomping them about 12 times before yanking them up & tossing them back into the ring  & then following them in as it seems like they want to make quick work of the Martini's tonight .

Jule & Zule bring Marianna & Michelle up , place their heads between their powerful legs & go for what I think is going to be a pedigree since I know they can do that move , but before they can , the lights begin to flicker mysteriously & on the screen all of sudden comes a hot bodied woman , her indentity is concealed by a mask & she saves Marianna & Michelle as she begins to speak , letting all know that the Masked Goddess is coming to set it right & to stay tuned " & almost just as quickly as this happened , it comes to an end as the lights come back full power & the blank screen quickly reverts back to showing what is happening in the ring as Jule & Zule take a moment longer to take in the scenario they just saw in regards to the mystery woman , who I could swear is who I think it is , that mask not foooling me 1 bit , but Jule & Zule move back in on Marianna & Michelle who are both on their knees still holding their pained mids & as they go to give them whaat I believe is going to be prdigrees again , Marianna & Michelle out of nowhere , quickly reach up & roll both Jule & Zule up in small packages onto the mat & the ref is counting my confused girls , 1-2-2 3/4 , no 3 , wow , that was close to being an upset from 1 quick move from the Martinis . but Jule & Zule kicked out just in the nick of time & roll away & go onto their knees to eye Marianna & Michelle trying to get up .

Jule & Zule are alot fresher after being stunned almost during the rollup & easily ge tback to their feet as Marianna & Michelle try to regain focus as the quick pain they have taken along with the expended energy from the quick rollup have them getting up not as quickly but still having some cobwebs in their heads & no sooner do they rise , they are down again as Jule & Zule put them down with clotheslines , amazing how easy they make it loo , they just make every team they face look like complete jobbers , the Martini clan outside of Maria are all tough , but Jule & Zule have made them look like total patsies more often than not & things are not getting better for Marianna & Michelle as Jule & Zule move in & plant their knees into the young babes throats & choke them without a care & look disinterested , the mystery appearance of the mystery woman known as Maritza Martini , she's not fooling me folks , has already been forgotten by Jule & Zule & despite the fact they can't be dq's as they have chosen that option beng the champs & could do so as always , they break as the ref foolishly gives them the 5 count to break & arrogantly switch knees & plant them right back down across the throats of Marianna & Michelle again & this time , they let the ref count to 5 & relax until he realizes he can't do crap to help the Martini duo from their predictament & can only wait until Jule & Zule decide to do something else .

Jule & Zule when bored , did remove their knees & yanked the itialian hotties to their feet & irish whipped them off the ropes where on the return of the good girl duo , they were lifted up high while being toosed in the direction of the ropes where both Martini girls had their throats crush against the top rope & had them both turning holding at their throats somehow stading until they were hit by monstrous clotheslines again as Jule & Zule were in complete control & working on the necks of their opponents , a change since they usually work on the back & ribs due to their finisher combo of legend now , the German Stretch & German Bomb .

Jule & Zule yanked Marianna up together & irish whipped her off the ropes & on her return , Jule lifted her up high & began to fell to the mat with her as Zule jumped with them , putting her arm around Marianna's neck delivering a textbook 3D on her & after hitting the 3D on Marianna , they yanked Michelle to her feet , irish whipped her off the ropes where they gave her a 3D , Jule again doing the lifting while Zule carrying out the main execution of the move as Jule & Zule were showing future opponents that htye now had even more to worry about & wanting to make a further statement , they brought Marianna up again & irish whipped her again & gave her a 2nd 3D , Marianna somehow staying on her feet to take the move for a 2nd time , this time though , Zule did the lifting & Jule executing the move & then they moved onto Michelle who also somehow kept her feet as she got irish whipped & up she went by Zule as Jule again carried out the #D on her as aside from that small interuption from the so called mystery woman , aka , Maritza Martini , it has been all German Muscle in this match & in easy fashion at that , thought Marianna & Michelle would give some resistence tonight , but they have been totally helpless lie the rest .

Jule yanks up Marianna & Zule yanks up Michelle & shows more new stuff as they spin the babes around multiple times before trning the turns into a nasty neachbreakers & then switch babes & do it again & then they give the italian sexpots dual brainbusters , they switch victims & this time they hold them up for what seems like upcoming brainbusters again , but they walk towards seperate corners with their prey & when close enough , they do indeed give the hotties brainbusters again , leaving both alomost out of it on the mat as Jule & Zule go top rope & come diving down with heavy legdrops across the throats of Marianna & Michelle , then they stand & give them another legdrop , this time while they jump up & spin around  & then they switch sides , go top rope again , & again give Marianna & Michelle top rope legdrops & keep their legs across the crushed windpipes of the babes & reach down & grab a leg & hook it as the ref moves in between the covered italian babes & makes  the count  while turning his head back & forth quickly to check to see if either Marianna or Michelle was going to somehow kick out , but the precious good girls are out of it & 1-2-3 & this squash is over , the only good news for Marianna & Michelle is it seems like they are going to be spared the pain of experiencing the German Stretch & German Bomb tonight or are they , nope , lucky for them , Jule & Zule are content with their new offensive they displayed tonight as in a few weeks at the SWF's Mega Event , they will be facing a team known as The Power Stars , 2 beautiful & powerful women who are the queens of the underground wrestling world who could be threats to Jule & Zule & probably will be , but I have faith in my twin terrors & the Power Stars will find out what German Muscle is all about .


  Nicola Ferrari makes her way to the ring all smiles despite the fact that in high profile matches here the past year she ha snot fared well at all as stated earlier , but anytime a title has a chance to be won as this is a title match despite the fact that Polish Power is scheduled to defend it at the Mega Event , Nicola has been champ elsewhere & would love to pull what would be an upset & be the champ going into the Mega Event & she is beaming with confidence as yet again , high profile matches have not been good for here here the past year , but she greets her fans & makes her way into the ring to wait for the champ , doing a little stretching as she waits as go time nears in .

It's time for the champ to come out & as Polish Power takes a few steps towards the ring , the screen changes again & there is Maritza , aka the mystery woman again telling Polish Power that she is coming for her & wants her at the Mega Event & Polish Power just stares with seemingly no concern as a strong & powerful lady like herself is not threatened by anyone in the ring & why should she be afraid of Maritza who again I have every confidence is this mystery woman , she demolished her the last time they hooked up & destroyed her so bad that Maritza has been gone ever since .

The scren goes blank & then back to a live shot showing Nicola in the ring which reminds Posh Power she has a blonde barbie to punish waiting for her & makes her way towards the ring & just when she gets ringside , the screen changes again & there is that pain in the ass Maritza / Mystery Woman blabbing away again , making Polish Power turn to see what crapolla she has to say now & when she does turn , Nicola charges towards her & does a baseball slide right into her , striking Polish Power between her shoulder blades & with Polish Power not expecting it , she goes down to her knees as Nicola slides out to try to take advantage of mystery womans distraction .

Nicole yanks up the dazed powerhouse & whips her into the steel ringpost , Polish Power hitting back first as Nicola is amazingly on offense here & actually making a dent & this fast to boot , shocking at this as a fired up Nicola urges the fans to get behind her further & give her that extra energy boost & after soaking it in , Nicola charged at the dazed champ who was able to move out of the way at the last moment while at the same shoving Nicola forward , making the delectable blonde crash into the ring post instead of driving the champ into it & just that quickly , it seems the match tide has turned .

With Polish Power's iron body a bit more able to handle a crash with a ringpost , she is first to clear the cobwebs & moves in to follow up on her now advantage as she grabs Nicola by her shoulders , pulls her forward slightly , & then shoves her back into the ring post & then does it again, & then again before giving Nicola a big bodyslam on the thin mat covering the hard floor underneath , the champ back to almost 100% & takes a quick moment to taunt the pro Nicola crowd closest to her before yanking Nicola up & tossing her into the ring where it looks like Nicola's back is still smarting from the slam & post rams .

Polish Power enters the ring , yanks Nicola up & powerfully slams her to the mat , then yaks her up & slams her again , yanks her up & slams her a 3rd time then a 4th , then a 5th , then a 6th , a 7th , an 8th , a 9th , a 10th , 11th , 12th , 13 ,14 ,15 ,16,17 , 18 , 19 , 20 slams it makes now as Polish Power is body slamming Nicola into complete oblivion here , Nicola once again being annihalted by a top SWF woman heel , this time it is the champ doing the homors as Nicola's opening success seems like last week right to her instead of 3  or 4 minutes ago & Polish Power brings Nicola up yet again , here we go with bodyslam number 21 , no we don't , it's a running powerslam by the champ , then another back to the previous area , then a 3rd , then a 4th , then a 5th , each heavt impact putting Nicola further & further in lost this match ville .

Polish Power yanks the now hapless & defensless blonde to her feet again when the screen goes on again for that masked bitch who I hope gets what is coming to her annoying ass now & with Nicola almost out cold & not going anywhere , Polish Power again listens to what the masked mystery pest has to say but growd bored & just waved a hand in a way to suggest " forget you , I have other things to do " & turns her attention back towards the still pretty much motionless blonde , drags her limp body up , & grabs her by her wrists & ankles & sets her up for her finisher , The Polish Driver & BAM , Nicola's body shakes the ring as she takes the evil intented finisher & with Nicola's body bent awkwardly from the crash to the mat , Polish Power stomped a foot down onto Nicola's chest & yelled out " what do you think about this Maritza , you mystery woman you , that mask is fooling no one " & while saying what she said , the ref slammed his hand on the mat 3 times & after finishing what she said , Polish Power argued for the screen / mystery woman to come on back & it wasn't until the bell rang several times did Polish Power realize it was over , but she reached down , yanked Nicola up harshly & gave her another Polish Driver & left as soon as she let go of Nicola & left the ring , stopping at the top of the stage , eyeing the screen looking for the mystery woman to make one more appearance , but all that wa sshown was the ref tending to poor Nicola as the show went to a commercial break .
You never grow old until you stop being young


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Re: Watching my Partner get Destroyed 87 - Mega Event Road
« Reply #1 on: October 04, 2014, 03:42:48 PM »
Nice to read new stories from you again


Offline SunnyB

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Re: Watching my Partner get Destroyed 87 - Mega Event Road
« Reply #2 on: October 05, 2014, 05:04:24 PM »
Good to see you around posting again ...  ;) ;D
Proudly butch and living as a 'man'. In this catfight fantasy there are no losers, and in the end all should be winners!