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Below the Belt NOT MINE

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Below the Belt NOT MINE
« on: November 16, 2014, 10:31:36 AM »
Below the Belt
by DG

Marta gets thrown across the ring from a hip toss and she painfully lands
on her back. She gets up to her knees and glares daggers at her hated
arch rival, Lilia. Lilia runs in to deliver a dropkick but Marta side
step it and Lilia crashes to the mat. Marta drops an elbow onto Lilia's
back, and then puts her into a headlock. Lilia manages to struggle to her
feet and send a few elbow smashes to Marta's gut to break the hold, but
Marta halts the comeback with a swift knee smash to the jaw that stuns
the taller blond woman. Marta grabs Lilia's hair with one hand and her
wrist with another and attempts to Irish whip her opponent into the
turnbuckles, but Lilia reverses it and sends Marta's back crashing into
the corner of the ring. Lilia runs after her immediately and delivers a
HUGE running kick to the cxnt that makes Marta shrie k out in agony.
Marta grabs her crotch and drops to her knees. This is the first blow to
the crotch of the match, but it certainly won't be the last.

Joseph, a rich patron of the Underground Women's Wrestling League who is
watching this match and enjoying every second of it, advances his counter
to "1" - indicating that Lilia has just made $10 for that blow to Marta's

Marta and Lilia are two wrestlers who have hated each other for a long
time - they hated each other in their personal lives long before they
ever met in the wrestling ring. This is their third time they've fought
each other in the UWWL club; Lilia won the first time around and Marta
won their 2nd match. Marta has a high threshold for pain, and the ability
to withstand inhuman amounts of punishment and still come back to win.
Her strength as a wrestler is that she's very difficult to pin, and she
has never submitted. The problem though is that she spends a majority of
the time on the receiving end of punishment from vicious, merciless UWWL
wrestlers - especially her arch rival Lilia, who takes extreme joy in
punishing her - which is what she did the first time they met in the
ring. Marta held her own for a while, but eventually the match went out
to the concrete floor and Marta made a huge mistake when she tried to
jump on Lilia from the ring apron but hit the steel guard rail instead.
After that, Lilia took over and pounded Marta all over the club but she
just wouldn't stay down for the 3 count. Lilia finally put Marta away by
giving her four pile drivers in a row. In the 2nd meeting, Lilia spent
much of the match pounding away on Marta's tits, belly, and pussy but
again Marta wouldn't stay down. Eventually, Lilia threw Marta into the
ropes and lowered her head for a back body drop, but Marta grabbed her
and rolled her up in an inside cradle (also known as a "small package")
for a sudden, surprise pin. Lilia was furious after that match. The first
two matches and the rivalry between Marta and Lilia piqued the interest
of Joseph, one the of the UWWL's richest fans.

As the UWWL grew in popularity to the point in which it now has pay per
views and DVD sales, it started to become popular among local wealthy
businessmen who get off from seeing gorgeous half naked (or entirely
naked) women beat up and torture each other for money and other reasons,
like just plain old hatred. The UWWL title recently changed hands at the
league's highest rated pay per view event ever. Erica, the most dominant
champion in league history, was challenged to a rematch by Amy. Amy came
close to beating Erica before, but Amy's arch-rival Lauren interfered and
cost her the title. The rematch was a Hell in a Cell match, and both
wrestlers beat each other to a bloody pulp. Amy finally won the match and
the UWWL championship when she bodyslammed Erica through the trap door on
the top of the cell all the way to the mat b elow, and then leaped
through the trap door to deliver her finishing move - the most
devastating flying splash the fans have ever witnessed. Amy won her first
title defense against Becky from Angelfire (a former UWWL champion,
although she only held the belt for a week), and she is currently getting
ready to defend her title against Lauren at the next pay per view. in a
ladder match! The clause for that match is that the loser must endure the
"Wheel of Misfortune", in which they get strapped to a giant wheel and
the wheel will be spun three times. There are many kinds of torture
listed on the wheel, and the loser will suffer whatever kinds of torture
the wheel lands on. Regarding Erica, she was taken to the hospital after
the Hell in a Cell match with Amy. Things didn't get much better for her.
Erica's nemesis Kerstin was retired by Erica and forced to leave the
UWWL. It took Kerstin a long time to physically and psychologically
recover from that humiliating defeat and from the subsequent two weeks of
torment that Kerstin suffered due to the match stipulation. To make
matters worse, Kerstin's sister Robyn was also tormented for two weeks
after the fight. One of the UWWL's rich patrons (not Joseph) wanted to
see another rematch between Kerstin and Erica so badly that he decided to
arrange a private fight in the gym at his home. The fight took place in
an area with floor mats (no ropes), and there were weapons strewn about
that the fighters could use on each other. Kerstin was overjoyed by
another chance to get revenge, but for a while it looked like Erica was
going to destroy her yet again because Erica had her down in the corner
and was beating her with a club wrapped in barbed wire. Kerstin's rage
from all of the torture she received previously kicked in though and she
was able to kick Erica's legs out from under her in desperation. Kerstin
then grabbed a chain from the floor and smashed it into Erica's face, and
that was the turning point. Kerstin finally got her revenge by destroying
Erica (sending her to the hospital for quite a while). Kerstin had the
rich fan take pictures of herself with her foot on top of Erica's
battered body, so that she could show the pictures to Robyn.

Anyway, Joseph is one of these businessmen, and he has a fetish for
cxntbusting. In other words, Joseph finds nothing more arousing than
seeing a woman take blows to the crotch. Joseph knows that Marta can take
a great deal of punishment, so before tonight's grudge match between
Marta and Lilia he approached Lilia and made her an offer. He said that
he wants to see her pound Marta's cxnt into raw meat, so he told her that
he would giver her $10 for every time she hits Marta in the cxnt during
their match. That means if she hits her 100 times, she makes $1,000.
Lilia gladly agreed. She has been looking for opportunities to make that
money throughout the fight, and the opportunity finally presented itself.

Marta is 5'8" with long, straight, brown hair. She is wearing a blue
bikini with a v-cut bottom. Lilia is 5'10" with long, blond hair. She is
wearing a skimpy peach colored bikini. Lilia has the reputation of being
one of the meanest women in the league (which is really saying
something). Both women look absolutely gorgeous, and both of them have
blue eye shadow on. Now back to the action: When we last left the
combatants, Marta just took a huge running kick to the pussy in the
corner, and she was on her knees moaning in pain. Up until this point
Marta has been controlling the match, but it seems Lilia may have turned
the tide. Lilia pounces on Marta, smirking, like a shark that smells
chum. She gives her a knee smash to the face to return the favor for what
was done to her a few moments ago, and then she shoves Marta back so that
she's seated on the mat with her arms draped over the bottom rope behind
her. Lilia now plants her foot on Marta's throat and starts to choke
away. Marta gasps, as she can't breathe. Lilia then lifts up Marta's
ankles and decides to make some more money. She raises her right foot and
then drives a huge stomp right to Marta's crotch, as Marta yelps in pain.
Lilia stomps away several more times (as Joseph advances his counter - and then Lilia starts to grind her heel into Marta's
pussy, as she writhes on the mat in anguish.

Lilia now wants to humiliate her rival, so she reaches down and roughly
tears off Marta's blue bikini top, and then holds it over her head to
rile up the fans. Lilia now targets Marta's bare tits - stomping away at
them too. After several stomps, Lilia grinds her right heel into Marta's
right tit - just like how she just ground away at her cxnt. Next, Lilia
lifts Marta out of her precarious position in the corner, and stands her
up against the turnbuckles. She then drives a series of huge knee smashes
to Marta's pussy. Joseph advances his counter to 16. Lilia follows up the
knee smashes by dropping to her knees and sending a long series of
powerful punches into her muff, as Joseph advances his counter to 29.
Marta is beside herself with agony.

Lilia Irish whips Marta out of the corner, follows her across the ring as
Marta's back smashes into the turnbuckles in the opposite corner, and
then gives her a devastating running knee smash to the cxnt. Marta can't
take much more of this! Lilia starts to take her apart with a series of
punches to the belly and face. Lilia then gives Marta a snap mare to toss
her out of the corner. Marta lies on the mat, covered in sweat and
writhing in pain from the assault on her privates. Lilia pulls herself up
to the second rope, and prepares to fly off and drive an axe-handle blow
into Marta's tummy from off of the ropes, but Marta sticks her leg up and
catches Lilia squarely on the chin as she's in mid air!

Marta now looks to get revenge for all of the suffering she (and
specially her pussy) has endured at Lilia's hands. Lilia is reeling
against the ropes, holding her mouth - which has a slight trickle of
blood coming from it after the blow to the chin. Marta struggles to her
feet, slugs her in the gut, and stands her up against the ropes. Now
Marta unloads a series of knee smashes to the tummy, and finishes the
barrage with a huge kick to the cxnt. She taunts Lilia by saying, "Let's
see how you like it. BITCH!"

Next, Marta tosses Lilia into the ropes on the other side of the ring,
backs into the ropes behind her, and gets ready to execute a flying elbow
smash to Lilia's face. However, Lilia has endured much less punishment in
the match and is still fairly alert, so she senses this and is able to
duck out of the way of the flying elbow. Marta sails past Lilia an ends
up rolling out to the concrete floor! Lilia smirks, and gets ready to
take advantage of this turn of events by destroying her beautiful rival
once and for all.

Lilia slides outside of the ring like a snake slithering toward wounded
prey. Marta is on her knees, dazed, and Lilia gives her a swift kick to
the gut that flips her onto her back. Lilia lifts up Marta's legs and
earns $80 by giving her 8 stomps in a row to the crotch (Joseph advances
his counter to 38). Marta yelps after each hard, devastating stomp. Lilia
now scoops her up by the hair, puts Marta in a bear hug position, lifts
her in the air, and then DRIVES her cxnt across the steel railing
separating the fans from the ring area - OUCH! Marta's head leans back
and tears trickle from her closed eyes as she is in shock from the pain.
Lilia grabs Marta by the hair and drags her crotch along the railing for
a few feet before dragging her down to the concrete floor. Marta is on
all fo urs again, and this time Lilia gets a running start and hammers
Marta in the crotch from behind as Marta's eyes close and she wails in
pain. Lilia now scoops the dazed and agonized beauty up by the hair and
tosses her back into the ring, but she herself stays outside. Lilia gets
a hold of Marta's ankles and drags her over by the corner until her
crotch is poised menacingly against the edge of the ring post. Marta sees
what Lilia is about to do and shrieks "No! NO! NOOOOO!!!" but Marta's
pleas just make Lilia relish it more when she pulls with all her strength
and DRIVES Marta's already sore pussy into the ring post, making her into
a human wish bone. Marta howls in agony, and her cries reverberate
throughout the club as the fans go crazy. Lilia continues to pull and
slam Marta's beleaguered crotch against the ring post time and time

Lilia eventually tires of this punishment so she climbs into the ring and
decides to finish off her adversary. Marta is lying on the mat clutching
her crotch, and Lilia scoops her up by the hair again. Lilia puts Marta
in a bear hug, lifts her up, and perches her on the top turnbuckle. Lilia
then ascends to the top rope and puts Marta in a bear hug again. Lilia
leaps off the top rope with Marta in tow, spins in mid-air, extends her
right knee, and then DRIVES Marta's cxnt into her knee when they land on
the mat! Every fan in the club verbally reacts to the brutal move, and
Marta screams like a wild animal as tears run down her cheeks. Lilia
shoves Marta off her knee so that she falls flat onto her back, lifts up
Marta's ankles, and then proceeds to send stomp after devastating stomp
into Marta's poor pussy. Lilia stomps away, over and over again, until
Marta passes out from the agony. Joseph's counter advances to 103. Lilia
stands triumphantly over her unconscious foe and puts her toes into her
mouth for a humiliating pin position. The referee slaps the mat - one .
two . three. The bell rings to end the contest, but as the fans might
expect it's far from over. Lilia has only begun to earn money by
punishing Marta's crotch.

Lilia drags Marta to a corner such that her butt is facing the ring post.
Lilia lifts up Marta's ankles and binds them to the top ropes on either
side of the corner, so that her legs are spread. Lilia also binds Marta's
wrists to the bottom ropes. Finally, she reaches into her bikini bottom
and painfully tears out some pubic hair for good measure, subsequently
stuffing it into Marta's mouth to further her humiliation. Now, Marta is
all trussed up and helpless in preparation for an all out assault on her
crotch. Lilia takes out a kendo stick that she brought with her, stands
in the corner in front of Marta's wide open crotch, and begins to wail
away on her pussy - WHAP! . WHAP! . WHAP! . WHAP! Over and over until
Marta is a sobbing, begging mess. This goes on for a while, and then
Lilia punishes Marta's crotch in other ways - k nee smashes from the top
rope, stomps, punches - Lilia did pretty much anything that she could
possibly do to punish Marta's crotch. And the punishment went on . and on
. and on . and on. Lilia had to get out smelling salts a few times to
wake up Marta after passing out - Lilia enjoys punishing her more when
she can feel it to the fullest extent. Finally, after Joseph's counter
reaches 317 and Lilia earns $3,170 for annihilating Marta's cxnt, Lilia
unties Marta and leaves the ring.

It still wasn't over, though. Joseph enjoyed the match so much and was so
aroused by Lilia's performance that he approached her afterwards and said
that he would pay her $10,000 for a private show back at his place. Lilia
agreed with glee - with a huge grin on her face as she will get to
continue torturing her rival and get paid for it as well.

Joseph and Lilia grab Marta out of the medical area, bind her and gag
her, and take her back to Joseph's house. At Joseph's house, Marta gets
taken down to the basement and has her wrists bound over her head and her
ankles attached to shackles on a chain that can elevate them off the
ground and spread her legs wide. Lilia then spends several hours, with
some breaks in between, pounding away on Marta's crotch and tits with
blunt weapons, her fist, and her heel. Joseph sat back and enjoyed the
show, knowing that he really got his money's worth watching the absolute
pounding and torture of Marta's poor pussy.

The End

Author's note: This story was based on a suggestion by the beautiful
model from the following web site: